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We have often talked about individual beard styles and how to best care for and maintain your beard, as well as other important aspects related to it.

With the "Störtebekker Beard Style Guide", we want to present the topic of different beard types in a broader and clearer way.

The range of different beard styles and variations that exists today is seemingly endless—one could probably go on forever discussing it.

In this article, we start gently: with the absolute classics among beard shapes and some other very common types.

Which Beard Shape Suits Me?

Ultimately, you can only answer this question for yourself. Which beard styles suit you depends on what type you are, which beard style you like, and what you want to convey outwardly.

However, there are two criteria that even your lifestyle cannot bypass: your beard growth and your face shape.

For example, a captain's full beard will be difficult to achieve if you have very little facial hair growth.

And, of course, it also depends on your face which beard styles and shapes suit you.

Feel free to check out this article: Which beard suits me?

Regardless of which beard shape suits you, beard care is essential. In the shop, you will find numerous beard products for your beard.

The Perfect Beard: Understand Your Face Shape

Round, oval, square, or heart-shaped—each face shape has its own characteristics that can be highlighted or balanced by the right beard.

Understanding your face shape and choosing a suitable beard style is crucial to making the most of your appearance and leaving a well-groomed, stylish impression.

Beard Styles for a Long, Narrow Face Shape

If you have a longer, narrower face shape, we recommend the following beard styles:

#1 Mustache

The mustache is almost like a meme. More than any other beard style, the mustache is a case of either you love it or you hate it. In fact, no other look seems to provoke such opposing reactions as the mustache.

At the very least, it is not an exaggeration to say that you need courage for the mustache. Because it will definitely stand out - and that’s exactly what it’s supposed to do.

Expert Tip: By the way, you can also wear the mustache, especially extravagantly, twisted!

#2 ZZ

The ZZ beard is currently making a comeback, and you’ve probably seen it before. It’s an overlong full beard.

Its most famous wearers, besides Santa Claus, are probably the musicians from ZZ Top. In fact, this beard style is no longer just a beard but a true lifestyle!

Expert Tip: The ZZ beard does not make you older, only more stylish, masculine, and daring. However, you should have a healthy beard growth.

#3 Verdi

Since the end of the 2010s, the Verdi beard has been quite fashionable. It’s another full beard that requires a lot of styling.

The full beard itself is cut short and round and is topped off with a mustache.

If you want to grow a Verdi, you should allocate enough time for maintenance.

#4 Anchor Beard

The Anchor Beard actually gets its name from its appearance. Under the mouth, its shape resembles an anchor.

It is worn short and can be combined with many other beards, mainly mustaches. Thus, it suits many face shapes and has become a fashionable highlight.

#5 Viking Beard

The Viking Beard is the Nordic-masculine form of the full beard. A long beard on the chin is combined here with a long ducktail beard. Clear lines and edges tame the beard style in your face somewhat.

If you want to wear this type of beard particularly prominently, you can braid the beard in the chin area. The Vikings did this once before heading into battle to keep their beard magnificence out of their eyes while fighting.

Beard Styles for a Round Face Shape

If you have a more rounded face, we recommend these beard styles:

#1 Hollywoodian

Perhaps you’ve never heard of the Hollywoodian, but you’ve definitely seen it before.

In recent years, this impressive beard style, named after the cultural forge of California, has experienced a true renaissance. And rightly so.

When the beard is well done and suits you, it makes a tremendous impact.

#2 Ducktail Beard

Yes, there is a Ducktail Beard, also known as "Duck's Tail."

While its name might sound a bit comical, this is certainly not the case with its look. On the contrary.

The V-shape that gives the beard style its name gives the wearer an incredibly elegant and refined appearance - and that, while still retaining a substantial dose of masculinity.

#3 Full Beard

The full beard is undoubtedly the classic beard of all time. It has held its place across all eras and cultures of the world.

At times, it was a distinguishing symbol of certain classes like warriors or clergy, while at other times, it was the absolute norm - every man who took himself seriously wore it.

Today, the full beard enjoys tremendous popularity across all strata. Many associate it with the epitome of masculinity.

It undoubtedly gives the wearer an impressive, mature, and experienced look.

#4 Bandholz

The Bandholz is named after entrepreneur and beard enthusiast Eric Bandholz.

It is something like the perfected full beard, which you let grow over several months while continuously trimming it.

For this, the right beard comb and grooming tools are essential. We recommend our sets with beard brush and beard oil.

#5 Goatee

The Goatee, also known as Goat Beard, is one of the most distinctive beards.

It accentuates your chin and gives you more masculine, angular facial features.

  1. For this beard style, shave the cheeks completely.

  2. And let the beard grow only on the chin and possibly on the mouth area.

Expert Tip: Those who are bold can braid or twist the Goatee as well.

#6 Hipster Beard

It has its origins in New York, specifically in the trendy neighborhood of Williamsburg.

There, the beard established itself as a counter-trend to the neatly groomed and well-shaved businessmen.

Essentially, it is nothing more than a classic full beard, but with the Hipster Beard great importance is placed on precise trimming and styling.

A beard scissors can help you with this.

Beard Styles for a Square Face Shape

We also have a few tips for you guys:

#1 The 3-Day Beard

The 3-Day Beard is probably the most natural beard there is, besides the full beard.

Because you wear it when you - as the name suggests - simply do nothing for a few days.

At the same time, the 3-Day Beard has been experiencing an absolute surge in popularity for many years.

It looks incredibly modern and contemporary, as it keeps the face almost entirely in its shape while adding that irresistible touch. The ideal combination of youthful freshness and masculinity.

#2 Rap Industry Standard

It is often referred to as “the romantic beard” due to its very fine lines. We’ll leave that uncommented.

The beard is defined by a very thin mustache, which runs in similarly thin lines to the chin edge and ends in a very thin sideburn.

Good tools with sharp blades, like our high-quality razor, are essential for this.

#3 Sideburns

"Côté", or “side” in French, is what the French call this. Commonly referred to here as sideburns.

They have practically never gone out of style over the centuries, but now come in wider variations.

There is the more subtle variant, which is simply a rectangle towards the cheekbones, or the fuller version, which covers the entire cheek.

Style & Care - the beard products in the shop are your loyal companions.

#4 Soul Patch

The Soul Patch is a real matter of taste. Some find it intellectual, others find it embarrassing.

In any case, it is more a small beard rather than a full beard, as it only covers the small area below the lower lip.
Because it is so small, the Soul Patch is often combined with other beards like mustaches.

#5 Henriquatre

The Henriquatre is a true character beard. It runs completely around the mouth in neatly trimmed lines or patterns.

  • The cheek areas are completely shaved.

  • Between the chin beard and mustache area, there are only two very thin, clean lines.


Why Add Dimension to the Face?

Adding dimensions to your face can give your appearance character and express your personality.

What is the Most Popular Beard?

One-third of men prefer a beard with a short-trimmed facial hair. This includes mainly the three-day beard or beard styles like the mustache.


As always: Experiment yourself! You’ll only find out which beard style suits you best by trying out several options. Maybe one of the less conventional beard styles is just right for you.

Also check out this post:

Mehr lesen

Das Styling deiner Haare kann oft eine Herausforderung sein, insbesondere wenn du einen Look erzielen möchtest, der nicht nur den ganzen Tag hält, sondern auch gesund und gepflegt aussieht.

Genau hier kommt Pomade ins Spiel – ein unverzichtbares Stylingprodukt für Männer, das dir den perfekten Halt und Glanz bietet, egal ob für den Alltag oder besondere Anlässe. 

Doch wie wählst du die richtige Pomade? Der Schlüssel liegt in der Entscheidung zwischen wasser- und ölbasierten Pomaden. In diesem Artikel tauchen wir tief in die Welt der Pomaden ein und erklären die Unterschiede, Vor- und Nachteile der beiden Varianten, damit du die perfekte Wahl treffen kannst.

Pomade im Überblick – Ein Meisterwerk des Stylings

Pomade ist ein traditionsreiches Haarpflegeprodukt, das schon seit Jahrzehnten von Männern auf der ganzen Welt verwendet wird, um ihre Haare in Form zu bringen. Besonders beliebt sind Pomaden, da sie nicht nur für Glanz und Halt sorgen, sondern deinem Haar auch einen klassischen, gepflegten Look verleihen. 

Die Störtebekker Haarstyling-Pomade bietet dabei eine ausgezeichnete Lösung für alle, die eine Frisur wie frisch aus dem Barbershop wünschen. Egal ob du dich für die wasserbasierte oder die Öl basierten Variante entscheidest – du bekommst immer ein Produkt, das den höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht wird. 

Die Störtebekker Pomade wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Barbieren entwickelt und steht für meisterhaftes Styling und optimalen Halt. Doch welche der beiden Varianten passt besser zu deinen Bedürfnissen? Lass uns das im Detail betrachten.

Wasserbasierte Pomade – Flexibel und leicht auswaschbar

Die wasserbasierte Pomade von Störtebekker zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass sie beim Styling etwas aushärtet, aber dennoch flexibel bleibt. Diese Pomade ist ideal für diejenigen, die einen flexiblen Halt für den Alltag suchen und sich gleichzeitig einen mittleren bis hohen Glanz wünschen. 

🪒 Expertentipp: Sie lassen sich leicht auswaschen, was die Anwendung besonders praktisch und alltagstauglich macht.

Vorteile der wasserbasierten Pomade:

  • Leicht auswaschbar: Da sie auf Wasser basiert, lässt sie sich problemlos mit Shampoo oder sogar nur mit Wasser aus den Haaren entfernen.
  • Flexibler Halt: Die Pomade härtet zwar beim Trocknen aus, bleibt aber trotzdem formbar, was sie ideal für Umstylings im Laufe des Tages macht.
  • Perfekt für den Alltag: Die wasserbasierte Variante ist eine großartige Wahl, wenn du einen Look willst, der nicht allzu stark fixiert ist, aber dennoch den ganzen Tag hält.


  • Halt: 5–7 (je nach Menge, die verwendet wird)
  • Glanz: 5–8
Empfohlene Anwendung: Für klassisch gepflegte, aber nicht übermäßig strukturierte Looks. Ideal für kürzere bis mittellange Haare.

    Düfte der Störtebekker Pomaden:

    Die wasserbasierten Pomaden sind in verschiedenen Düften erhältlich, die deinem Styling eine zusätzliche individuelle Note verleihen. 

    Einige der beliebten Düfte sind:

    • Tortuga: Ein tiefer, würzig-frischer Duft, der Charakter und Stärke ausstrahlt.
    • Crusoe: Frisch und leicht süßlich, mit dynamischen Zitrus-Vanille-Noten.
    • Fresh Apple: Leicht und erfrischend, perfekt für einen belebenden Start in den Tag.
    • Sandelholz: Warm und elegant, für subtile Raffinesse, die lange anhält.

    Ölbasisierte Pomade – Starker Halt und flexibles Styling

    Die ölbasierten Pomaden bieten hingegen einen extra starken Halt, der besonders für aufwendige und strukturierte Frisuren ideal ist. Sie sind bekannt dafür, selbst widerspenstiges Haar in Form zu halten und bieten ein hochflexibles Styling, das den ganzen Tag über sitzt. 

    Der entscheidende Vorteil der ölbasierten Pomaden ist, dass sie nicht aushärten, was bedeutet, dass du deine Frisur den ganzen Tag über leicht nachbessern kannst, ohne Produkt nachlegen zu müssen.

    Vorteile der ölbasierten Pomade:

    • Extrem starker Halt: Ideal für anspruchsvolle Frisuren, die den ganzen Tag perfekt sitzen sollen.

    • Flexibles Styling: Da die Pomade nicht aushärtet, kannst du sie jederzeit neu formen und stylen.

    • Lang anhaltende Wirkung: Eine ölbasierten Pomade hält oft bis zu mehreren Tagen, ohne dass du sie erneut auftragen musst.


    • Halt: 8–10
    • Glanz: 6–10
    Empfohlene Anwendung: Perfekt für strukturierte, definierte Frisuren wie Slickbacks, Pompadours oder Tollen. Besonders geeignet für mittellanges bis langes Haar.

      Herausforderung: Auswaschbarkeit

      Einer der wenigen Nachteile der ölbasierten Pomade ist die erschwerte Auswaschbarkeit. Da sie auf Öl basiert, bleibt sie hartnäckiger im Haar und erfordert oft spezielle Shampoos oder mehrfache Waschgänge. Dies sollte jedoch kein Hindernis sein, wenn du den extra starken Halt und die Flexibilität im Styling schätzt.

      Tipps für die Anwendung von Pomaden – Das perfekte Styling

      Egal, ob du dich für die wasser- oder ölbasierten Pomade entscheidest, der Schlüssel zu einem makellosen Look liegt in der richtigen Anwendung. 

      Hier einige Tipps, um das Beste aus deiner Pomade herauszuholen:

      1. Menge anpassen: Beginne mit einer kleinen Menge und füge bei Bedarf mehr hinzu. Zu viel Pomade kann schnell fettig wirken, während zu wenig nicht genug Halt bietet.

      2. Auftragen auf leicht feuchtem Haar: Pomade lässt sich am besten verteilen, wenn dein Haar noch leicht feucht ist. So kannst du sicherstellen, dass sie gleichmäßig einzieht und ihre volle Wirkung entfaltet.

      3. Kämme für das perfekte Finish: Um deine Frisur optimal zu stylen, empfehlen sich hochwertige Kämme. Sie helfen dabei, das Haar gleichmäßig zu verteilen und verleihen deiner Frisur den letzten Schliff.

      Fazit – Pomade für jeden Stil

      Die Wahl zwischen einer wasser- oder ölbasierten Pomade hängt stark von deinen persönlichen Styling-Bedürfnissen ab. Möchtest du eine flexible und leicht auswaschbare Option, ist die wasserbasierte Pomade die richtige Wahl.

      Brauchst du jedoch maximalen Halt und flexibles Styling, solltest du zur ölbasierten Variante greifen. In jedem Fall bietet die Störtebekker Haarstyling-Pomade eine herausragende Lösung für perfekt gestyltes Haar, das wie frisch aus dem Barbershop aussieht.

      Dank der Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Barbieren garantiert Störtebekker nicht nur meisterhaftes Styling, sondern auch eine lang anhaltende und pflegende Wirkung für dein Haar – egal ob du einen klassischen oder modernen Look bevorzugst. Entdecke jetzt die Pomade, die zu dir passt, und erlebe Styling auf höchstem Niveau!

      Auch in diesen Beitrag solltest du dich reinklicken:

      Mehr lesen

      Die Nassrasur ist seit Jahrhunderten eine der effektivsten und gründlichsten Methoden, um unerwünschte Haare zu entfernen. Während der Rasierhobel traditionell vor allem bei Männern bekannt ist, entdecken immer mehr Frauen die Vorteile dieses klassischen Rasierwerkzeugs.

      Der Rasierhobel bietet nicht nur eine gründliche und sanfte Rasur, sondern ist auch eine umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Alternative zu herkömmlichen Einweg-Rasierern. 

      In diesem Artikel erklären wir, warum der Rasierhobel für Frauen eine ausgezeichnete Wahl ist und wie du ihn optimal in deine Pflegeroutine integrieren kannst.

      Warum sollten Frauen einen Rasierhobel verwenden?

      Die Rasur ist für viele Frauen ein regelmäßiges Pflegeritual. Doch während viele zu Einwegrasierern greifen, wird der Rasierhobel immer beliebter – und das aus gutem Grund. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Vorteile, warum du einen Rasierhobel wie den von Störtebekker in Betracht ziehen solltest:

      1. Gründliche und sanfte Rasur

      Der Rasierhobel ist für seine extrem gründliche Rasur bekannt. Die scharfe Klinge gleitet sanft über die Haut und entfernt die Haare direkt an der Oberfläche. Das Ergebnis ist eine 

      🪒 glatte und langanhaltende Rasur, 

      🪒 die weniger Irritationen verursacht. 

      Besonders für empfindliche Haut oder Körperpartien wie die Beine, Achseln oder die Bikinizone ist der Rasierhobel ideal, da er präziser arbeitet als viele Mehrklingenrasierer.

      2. Weniger Hautirritationen und Rasurbrand

      Viele herkömmliche Rasierer haben mehrere Klingen, die mehrmals über die gleiche Hautstelle gleiten. Dies kann zu 

      Beim Rasierhobel hingegen kommt nur eine Klinge zum Einsatz, was die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Hautreizungen erheblich verringert. Besonders für Frauen mit empfindlicher Haut ist das ein entscheidender Vorteil.

      3. Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit

      Ein großer Pluspunkt des Rasierhobels ist seine Umweltfreundlichkeit. Im Gegensatz zu Einwegrasierern, die nach wenigen Anwendungen im Müll landen, besteht der Rasierhobel aus langlebigen Materialien wie Metall. Die einzigen Komponenten, die regelmäßig ausgetauscht werden müssen, sind die Rasierklingen

      Diese sind im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Rasierköpfen nicht nur günstiger, sondern auch einfacher zu recyceln, da sie meist aus Edelstahl bestehen. Mit einem Rasierhobel entscheidest du dich also für eine nachhaltige und umweltschonende Alternative.

      4. Kostenersparnis

      Während die Anschaffung eines hochwertigen Rasierhobels wie dem von Störtebekker zunächst teurer erscheinen mag, amortisiert sich die Investition schnell.

      Die Rasierklingen sind wesentlich günstiger als Ersatzköpfe für herkömmliche Rasierer, und da sie oft länger halten, sparst du langfristig sowohl Geld als auch Verpackungsmüll.

      Der richtige Rasierhobel für Frauen – Was macht den Unterschied?

      Nicht jeder Rasierhobel ist gleich. Insbesondere bei der Wahl eines Rasierhobels für Frauen gibt es einige wichtige Aspekte zu beachten. Der Rasierhobel von Störtebekker wurde speziell entwickelt, um eine 

      • komfortable, 
      • sichere 
      • und gründliche Rasur zu ermöglichen. 

      Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Merkmale, die den Rasierhobel von Störtebekker auszeichnen:

      Ergonomisches Design

      Frauen rasieren oft größere Hautflächen wie Beine oder Arme. Daher ist es wichtig, dass der Rasierhobel gut in der Hand liegt und ein ergonomisches Design bietet, das eine präzise und angenehme Rasur ermöglicht.

      🪒 Expertenhinweis: Der Störtebekker Rasierhobel ist dafür optimal ausbalanciert und besitzt einen griffigen Griff, der auch in nassen Händen sicheren Halt bietet.

      Hochwertige Materialien

      Der Rasierhobel von Störtebekker besteht aus langlebigen und robusten Materialien wie Edelstahl und Messing. Diese sorgen nicht nur für eine lange Lebensdauer, sondern machen den Hobel auch widerstandsfähig gegenüber Feuchtigkeit – ideal für den Einsatz in der Dusche oder Badewanne.

      Leichte Handhabung

      Die Benutzung eines Rasierhobels mag auf den ersten Blick komplizierter erscheinen, doch mit ein wenig Übung wirst du schnell feststellen, dass er kinderleicht zu handhaben ist. 

      Der Störtebekker Rasierhobel ist so konstruiert, dass er sich leicht öffnen lässt, um die Klinge zu wechseln, und das Rasieren selbst wird dank des angenehmen Griffs und der scharfen Klinge zur mühelosen Routine.

      Anleitung: So rasierst du dich mit einem Rasierhobel

      Falls du noch nie einen Rasierhobel benutzt hast, mag die Umstellung von einem herkömmlichen Rasierer auf den Hobel zunächst ungewohnt sein. Doch mit den richtigen Schritten wird die Nassrasur zu einem sanften und angenehmen Erlebnis. 

      Hier eine einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung:

      1. Vorbereitung der Haut

      Eine gute Rasur beginnt mit der richtigen Vorbereitung. Feuchte deine Haut gründlich an – am besten funktioniert die Rasur, wenn die Haut warm ist, etwa nach einer Dusche oder einem Bad. Verwende anschließend ein Rasiergel, Rasierseife, einen Rasierschaum oder Rasiergel, um die Haare weich zu machen und die Klinge sanft über die Haut gleiten zu lassen.

      2. Die richtige Technik

      Halte den Rasierhobel in einem Winkel von etwa 30 Grad zur Haut. Drücke nicht zu fest auf – der Rasierhobel erledigt die Arbeit für dich! Gleite mit kurzen, sanften Zügen über die Haut und lass die Schwerkraft und die Schärfe der Klinge die Haare entfernen. Vermeide es, mehrfach über die gleiche Stelle zu rasieren, um Hautirritationen zu vermeiden.

      3. Klinge regelmäßig reinigen

      Spüle den Rasierhobel während der Rasur regelmäßig unter warmem Wasser ab, um Haarreste und Rasierschaum zu entfernen. So bleibt die Klinge scharf und effektiv.

      4. Nach der Rasur

      Nach der Rasur solltest du deine Haut gründlich abspülen und abtrocknen. Ein beruhigendes Aftershave-Balsam oder eine feuchtigkeitsspendende Lotion hilft, die Haut zu pflegen und sie nach der Rasur mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen.

      5. Klingenwechsel

      Wechsle die Klinge regelmäßig, um eine gründliche Rasur und ein angenehmes Hautgefühl zu gewährleisten. Wie oft du die Klinge wechseln solltest, hängt davon ab, wie häufig du dich rasierst und wie dick deine Haare sind. In der Regel ist ein Wechsel nach fünf bis zehn Rasuren ideal.

      Fazit: Nachhaltigkeit und Eleganz für deine Rasur

      Der Rasierhobel ist längst nicht mehr nur ein Werkzeug für Männer. Immer mehr Frauen entdecken die Vorteile dieses klassischen Rasierwerkzeugs für sich. Mit einem Rasierhobel wie dem von Störtebekker entscheidest du dich für eine umweltfreundliche, kostensparende und gründliche Rasur, die nicht nur deine Haut schont, sondern auch einen Hauch von Luxus in deine Pflegeroutine bringt. 

      Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer nachhaltigen und effektiven Alternative zu herkömmlichen Rasierern bist, ist der Rasierhobel eine hervorragende Wahl – für eine sanfte, glatte Haut und ein Rasiererlebnis, das in jeder Hinsicht überzeugt.

      Hier noch ein paar Beiträge für Dich, die sich mit dem Thema Rasur beschäftigen:

      Mehr lesen

      Störtebekker hat zusammen mit Alex, dem Barbier des beliebten Torretto Barbershops, eine außergewöhnlich erfolgreiche Social-Media-Serie geschaffen, die auf Plattformen wie TikTok und YouTube große Aufmerksamkeit erhält.

      Durch die Authentizität und Professionalität, die Alex in den Content einbringt, wird der Torretto Barbershop als trendige und zugleich kompetente Adresse für Bartpflege und Haarstyling inszeniert. 

      Seine charmante Art und das handwerkliche Geschick verleihen den Videos eine besondere Note und machen den Torretto Barbershop für Zuschauer zu einer Marke, die nicht nur Produkte, sondern auch Lifestyle und Persönlichkeit vermittelt.

      Kreativer Content im Torretto Barbershop auf TikTok und YouTube

      Mit einer gelungenen Mischung aus Information und Entertainment zeigt Alex im Torretto Barbershop in kurzen Clips, wie vielseitig die Arbeit eines Barbiers sein kann. 

      • Die Inhalte sind prägnant und bieten praktische Tipps rund um Bartpflege und Haarschnitte. 
      • Die Videos geben Einblicke in den Barbershop-Alltag und sprechen verschiedene Styling-Techniken an, die den modernen Mann ansprechen. 
      • Der Erfolg auf TikTok und YouTube ist ein Beweis dafür, dass der Torretto Barbershop es geschafft hat, ein breites Publikum für die Welt der Bartpflege zu begeistern und zugleich die Marke Störtebekker optimal zu platzieren.

      Ein authentisches Barbershop-Erlebnis für die Community

      Der Torretto Barbershop schafft mit dieser Serie nicht nur eine hohe Reichweite, sondern auch eine enge Bindung zur Community. Störtebekker und Alex präsentieren den Barbershop als Ort, an dem Bartpflege und Männlichkeit zelebriert werden. 

      Die Zuschauer erfahren, wie sie ihren Stil und ihre Persönlichkeit durch die richtige Bartpflege betonen können, und sind eingeladen, Teil der Barbershop-Kultur zu werden. 

      Diese Authentizität und Nahbarkeit sind entscheidend für den Erfolg der Social-Media-Serie und für die Entstehung einer treuen, aktiven Community rund um den Torretto Barbershop und die Marke Störtebekker.

      Störtebekker und der Torretto Barbershop als starke Markenbotschafter

      Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Alex und den Torretto Barbershop konnte Störtebekker seine Produkte direkt im Kontext eines authentischen Barbershop-Erlebnisses platzieren. Die Videos schaffen eine Verbindung zwischen hochwertigen Produkten und echter Handwerkskunst und vermitteln die Vorteile der Störtebekker-Pflegeprodukte. 

      Diese Kombination aus echtem Barbershop-Know-how und sorgfältig ausgewählter Produktplatzierung hat sich als unschätzbarer Vorteil im Wettbewerb erwiesen und zeigt, wie erfolgreich Social Media in der modernen Markenkommunikation eingesetzt werden kann.

      Mehr lesen

      When it comes to the perfect beard care equipment in your own bathroom, opinions often differ.

      While some are satisfied with just using a trimmer once a week to quickly go over their beard hairs, others prefer detailed work with scissors. But which is better? And what do I need for which type of beard?

      As always, it depends on the beard style and what you plan to do with it.

      combing beard

      Beard Trimmer in Detail

      The beard trimmer, as its name suggests, is designed to clean and evenly trim your beard to a specific length. A good trimmer is therefore highly adjustable and can be set precisely and stably to any millimeter height, allowing you to achieve every beard style from a three-day beard to gradually tapered beard transitions with short beard hairs, where contours and fine-tuning are important.

      With the right attachment, you can also shave smoothly with the beard trimmer.

      A good beard trimmer should be comfortable to hold and precise in trimming delicate edges.

      The Pros and Cons of a Beard Trimmer

      Of course, the beard trimmer is not the right tool for every beard style. Its advantages outweigh depending on the beard style you want on your face.


      • The beard hair can be precisely and uniformly trimmed to the same length. This is especially ideal for three-day beards and very short beards, as they look well-groomed and uniform, without varying lengths of stubble sticking out in all directions.
      • The trimmer is the ideal tool for defining contours or creating gradual transitions. You can use the trimmer to work fine connecting lines and create beard styles like anchor beards, Henriquatres, soul patches, or mutton chops.
      • For irregular beard growth, you can trim blending steps with the trimmer.
      • The trimmer is very flexible in use - whether you want a beard style or a smooth shave, it is your friend.


      • If the beard hair gets too long, the trimmer is no longer ideal. It carries the risk of tangling long hairs and making them curly.
      • When you shave completely with the trimmer, the result will never be as smooth as with a regular razor or razor blade.
      • Beard hairs longer than 15mm can get caught in the trimmer, which can cause pulling and discomfort.

      The Art of Beard Care with Scissors

      The beard scissors are a classic in beard care. Most men have a pair at home.

      However, you should ensure that it is always well-sharpened. Otherwise, it can cause split ends and frizzy beard hair when cutting. Also, make sure that the scissors fit comfortably and securely in your hand and are made of stainless steel—just like ours from Störtebekker. Only then do you have a tool for eternity.

      Because rust and safe hair cutting do not go well together. We also paid attention to a micro-serrated edge—this prevents the hair from slipping during cutting.

      The Pros and Cons of Beard Scissors

      Whether a beard scissors is the right tool for you also depends on your individual beard style.

      Generally, beard scissors make the most sense for full beards, longer beards, mustaches, etc. However, it can also be advantageous to have a pair at home for short beards, as there is always a stray hair that was missed during shaving or is particularly stubborn. This can be easily corrected with beard scissors.


      • The beard scissors are ideal for longer beard hair. The hair can be cut smoothly without curling or splitting afterward.
      • With beard scissors, you can easily correct any beard style after the fact, making them a correction tool for almost every beard wearer.
      • Beard scissors allow you to perform fine work. While the trimmer goes over the entire area, you can work with the scissors in a much more detailed manner.
      • A good pair of beard scissors can also be used for head hair, offering dual use.


      • Short beard styles are not really suitable for cutting with scissors.
      • You cannot draw lines or contours with the scissors.
      • The scissors are not adjustable. Therefore, how uniform the beard style becomes depends entirely on your skill.

      beard towel

      Beard Trimmer or Beard Scissors: Which is Better?

      What makes more sense for you, trimmer or scissors, depends entirely on the beard style you wear.

      The trimmer is ideal for shorter beard hairs, is practical, and cutting with it is quick.

      It gives you flexibility and allows you to create different beard styles or simply shave smoothly. Scissors, on the other hand, are suitable for longer beard hair from about 15 mm.

      With scissors, you can work in much more detail and also correct areas with short beard hair where you find a stray hair. Therefore, scissors should be a staple in every beard household.

      Dive deeper and discover more engaging content:

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      Another year is behind us. A year that was not easy for many of us. We live in challenging times, and the future is uncertain. From my surroundings, I notice that fears and insecurities are growing.

      Especially in these demanding times, when our stress levels can rise, it is proven to be important to take time for oneself, so-called Me-Time. Taking intentional time for yourself and relaxing helps to let the chaos around you settle and recharge your energy. For me, a visit to a top-notch barbershop or taking time at home for shaving and beard care helps every time. 😊

      In 2023, you continued to do this, and thus, we were able to successfully introduce new products and continue to grow despite the currently cautious consumer sentiment. A heartfelt thank you goes especially to you and all our valued Störtebekker customers who use, gift, and recommend our products!

      Another expression of our gratitude goes to all our employees and partners at Störtebekker, whose tireless efforts make the Störtebekker journey possible and enrich our daily work!
      Customers, team members, and partners: As a united Störtebekker crew, we will face 2024, undoubtedly a challenging year, with full motivation and determination to make it a successful year!

      What happened at Störtebekker in 2023?

      • We are becoming a men's care brand: This year, we added new products and scents to gradually expand our product range, such as the Made in Solingen beard scissors and Tortuga shaving soap. Additionally, we are evolving from a shaving and beard brand to a men’s care brand. We want to offer everything a man might need in the bathroom. Your introduction was our solid shampoo and day cream. More is in the making..

      • The team is growing: This year, we were able to gain great new team members, and we are looking for more. A team is only as strong as its members!

      • Collaboration with Barber Alex: For years, I have been going to Torreto Barbershop and its owner Alex. I am even more excited about the entertaining and educational videos we were able to create with Alex last year. Check out our social media channels on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

      • Great team event: Since we are a "remote" team with not all members based in Frankfurt, it is always a wonderful event when we come together for our Christmas party. This year, we went go-karting, where the above photo was also taken. Nothing beats personal exchange!

      How will the Störtebekker journey continue this year?

      • To become Europe's leading men's care brand: We started with a razor in 2017. This year, we will expand our product range beyond shaving and beard products to include all the care products a man might need in the bathroom, including new scents and variants. We want to become the leading online men's care brand in Europe!

      • Austria and Switzerland: Currently, our German-speaking neighboring countries are not very attractive for shopping with us. We will change that! Additionally, internationalization will continue, so we will soon be available in Benelux and the Nordic countries. Störtebekker goes Europe!

      • Torreto x Störtebekker: This year, we have built a strong partnership with Alex and his Torreto Barbershop. We want to strengthen this and jointly bring top-quality products to the market, incorporating his expertise as one of the best barbers in Europe.

      • Shaving, beard, and men's care tutorials: Good shaving and beard care is important and fun but can also be overwhelming at first. There are simply many products you may have never used before or you may wonder if you are applying them correctly. With a high-quality video series, we will create clarity for beginners and offer something for professionals as well.

      In this sense, I look forward to sailing through the new year with the Störtebekker crew and successfully mastering all the challenges and adventures that we undertake and that will cross our path! 💪🏼

      Best regards and thanks for your support
      Martin, Founder of Störtebekker

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      Hi! Welcome to Störtebekker, your virtual barbershop for the best beard care. Today, we’ll show you how to use solid shampoo correctly.

      You might be wondering, "Why should I use solid shampoo at all?" Well, it's not only an environmentally friendly and practical alternative to traditional liquid shampoo, but also an excellent way to provide the best care for your hair and beard.

      We know it can be a bit unusual when you first hold a shampoo bar in your hand.

      That’s why we’ve created this guide to show you step-by-step how to use solid shampoo and why it’s such a great choice.

      Solid Shampoo

      What are the benefits of using solid shampoo compared to liquid?

      Solid shampoo has some clear advantages over the liquid version. It’s good for our planet as it requires less packaging material and uses less water in production.

      Störtebekker’s solid shampoo is also free from artificial preservatives and silicones, which means you’re giving your hair and beard only the best.

      And if you love to travel, you’ll love solid shampoo: it can't leak and is carry-on friendly. Plus, it generally lasts much longer than liquid shampoo, so you can start your day with a good feeling and conquer the day.

      The benefits of solid shampoo summarized:

      • Eco-friendly: Less packaging and less water consumption
      • Healthy for your hair and beard: Free from artificial preservatives and silicones
      • Perfect for travel: Can't leak and is suitable for hand luggage
      • Long-lasting: Generally lasts longer than liquid shampoo

      How to use solid shampoo?

      Solid shampoo is a fantastic alternative to traditional liquid shampoos. It’s super practical and easy to use! If you’ve never used a solid shampoo before, you might be wondering how to apply a shampoo bar correctly.

      Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

      1. Wet your hair: Step into the shower and thoroughly wet your hair with warm water.
      2. Lather up: Take the solid shampoo and rub it between your wet hands to create lather, or rub it directly onto your hair. Two to three strokes over wet hair are enough to produce a rich lather.
      3. Massage your scalp: Set the shampoo aside and take a moment to gently but thoroughly massage your scalp with your fingers.
      4. Rinse: When you feel that your hair is clean, rinse the shampoo out with plenty of warm water. Make sure no product remains on your scalp or in your hair.
      5. Conditioning / Styling: After rinsing, you can apply your favorite conditioner or dry and style your hair! You’ll step out of the shower with happy and healthy hair, and the best part is that you haven’t used any unnecessary plastic.
      6. Storage: Don’t forget to store your solid shampoo in a dry, well-draining place after use.
      Using Solid Shampoo

      How often should solid shampoo be used?

      The frequency of using solid shampoo depends on your individual hair type and personal preferences. In general, solid shampoo can be used as often as liquid shampoo. For most people, this means shampooing their hair about every two to three days.

      However, if you have very dry hair, you might want to wash less frequently, while with oily hair you might want to wash daily. As always, listen to your body and do what feels best for you.

      How should I store solid shampoo after use?

      Properly storing your solid shampoo is an important step to ensure its longevity. After use, you should store your solid shampoo in a dry place where it can drain and dry well.

      A soap dish with holes to let excess water drain is perfect for storing your solid shampoo.

      You can also leave a loofah slice in the shower and place your solid shampoo on it.

      Another tip for storing solid shampoo is a sisal pouch. You can hang the pouch on a hook in the shower so that excess water can drain and the shampoo can dry. This way, you’ll enjoy your solid shampoo for a long time.

      At Störtebeker, you can also find a suitable sisal pouch. It is made of 100% natural fibers and offers an eco-friendly and beautiful storage solution for your solid shampoo.


      Switching to solid shampoo is a simple and effective way to improve your hair care routine. With proper use and storage, a shampoo bar quickly becomes an indispensable companion in your bathroom and even on the go. This way, you not only start your day with a good feeling but also do something good for yourself and our planet.


      Can I use solid shampoo for colored hair?

      Yes, you can use solid shampoo for colored hair. Many solid shampoos are free from harsh chemicals and sulfates that can strip color. However, it’s always a good idea to check the ingredients and choose a product specifically formulated for colored hair to protect and maintain the color.

      How long does a bar of solid shampoo last?

      The lifespan of a bar of solid shampoo can vary greatly depending on the size of the bar, the frequency of use, and how well it is dried after use. On average, a bar of solid shampoo can last about 50 to 80 washes, making it a very cost-effective option.

      Can I use solid shampoo for my beard?

      Yes, solid shampoo can also be used for beard care. It cleans and conditions the beard just as well as the hair on your head. Some solid shampoos even contain special ingredients that are particularly beneficial for beard care, such as essential oils that soften the beard and leave a pleasant scent.

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      Skin and facial care are no longer just for women.

      The modern man knows that his skin also needs attention and care. Facial care products for men have therefore become a part of everyday life.

      But what should be considered in men's facial care? With the right products and targeted application, you can optimally support your skin and promote its regeneration.

      In this article, we will discuss the specifics of facial care for men and provide valuable tips and tricks on what to consider in men's facial treatments.

      Beard Shaving Facial Care Man

      Do Men Need Facial Care?

      Is it sufficient to wash the face with some cold water to look fresh and lively?

      This type of men's facial care might have been relevant a few years ago.

      Nowadays, facial care for men (fortunately!) looks different and the skincare routine for men has significantly evolved.

      Today it is clear: Men's skin also needs care.

      Daily, men's skin is exposed to typical environmental factors. These include cold, sun, and also dirt. The result? Dry skin. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, you risk sunburn on your face.

      Men also experience blemished skin more quickly due to higher sebum production. Blemished skin in men is not uncommon. Facial care for men is therefore especially important for blemished skin.

      Ultimately, blemished facial skin is a sign of inadequate or incorrect care.

      It is important to understand that men's and women's skin have different needs and therefore cannot use the same products. Whether it’s facial care for men over 40 or general skincare products: There is a wide range of products specifically developed for men. And there’s a good reason for that.

      Men's skin is primarily regulated by the hormone testosterone.

      Men's skin is also about 15 to 20 percent thicker than women's skin, contains more collagen fibers, and is generally tougher and firmer.

      Are you looking for products for your facial care? In our Störtebekker online shop, you will find high-quality facial care products.

      These are specially tailored to the needs of male skin, particularly freshly shaved men's skin.

      Which Facial Care for Which Skin Type?

      The texture of the skin varies from person to person. Factors such as age, moisture and fat content, skin color, perspiration tendency, and sensitivity influence the skin type.

      Therefore, it is important to choose care products that are tailored to the individual skin type. Facial care for men with dry skin, for example, differs from care for men with oily skin.

      • Normal Skin: Do you rarely have problems with your facial skin? In this case, a regular cleansing with a facial toner is likely sufficient.

        Supplement your care routine after cleansing with a moisturizing face cream. Make sure that the moisturizer also provides UV protection, especially in summer.
      • Oily Skin: With strong sebum production, the skin tends to look oily and shiny. This can lead to skin blemishes such as pimples or blackheads. In this case, products for blemished skin are recommended. Cleansing gel or cleansing foam can be particularly helpful here.
      • Combination Skin: With combination skin, the T-zone - consisting of the forehead, nose, and chin - is often oily, while the cheek and eye areas are drier. Here, a cleansing foam can also be useful. It is important to care for the different areas of your face according to their needs.

      Shaving Beard Facial Care Man

      Facial Care Routine for Men: A Guide

      Facial care should be a regular part of the daily personal care for men. Your skin, especially your face, needs regular care to stay healthy and resilient against impurities.

      Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how you can design your facial care routine:

      1. Step 1: Cleansing - Before applying any care product to your face, it is important to cleanse it thoroughly.

        Your skin is exposed to various environmental stresses daily, so you should cleanse your face at least twice a day with a cleansing gel and lukewarm water.

        Washing the face for men is particularly important before shaving, as shaving can cause small cuts on the skin. Washing your face before shaving removes sebum, dead skin cells, and impurities that could otherwise enter the wounds.

      2. Step 2: Moisturizing - After cleansing, it’s time to moisturize your skin. Use a moisturizing product that is suited to your skin type.

        The exact application may vary depending on the product, so always follow the manufacturer's instructions.

      3. Step 3: Face Cream - Next comes the face cream .

        Usually, a pea-sized amount is sufficient to cover your entire face.

        The cream helps seal in moisture and protects your skin from environmental influences.

      4. Step 4: Eye Care - If you have problems with eye wrinkles or dark circles, you should apply a special eye cream as the final step.

        These products are specifically designed to care for and protect the delicate skin around your eyes.

      The Best Products for Men's Facial Care

      It is crucial that men use skincare products specifically developed for them and do not rely on their partners' products.

      Men's facial skin needs a gentle cleanser, a balancing toner, and a light cream, gel, or fluid.

      Ideally, products with skin-identical ingredients should be chosen. These complement the natural cell environment and support skin regeneration. Specifically, cholesterol and ceramides are noteworthy.

      Cholesterol is an essential component of cell membranes, while ceramides are found in the stratum corneum and protect the skin from moisture loss. Both also support cell and skin structure.


      There are also special face serums for men. These ampoules are specifically designed for men's skin needs and rejuvenate tired skin. This special active ingredient concentrate is also available as a weekly treatment.

      Face Creams

      Face creams offer, among other things, UV protection and can have an anti-aging effect thanks to the included hyaluronic acid. However, they are not only recommended for men over 50: face creams provide moisture to the skin and can also help against skin redness.


      Exfoliants help other skincare products to be better absorbed by the facial skin. As part of facial care, you can also use a face mask that nurtures your skin beyond basic care.

      Eye Cream

      If you suffer from dark circles, an eye cream can help. Make sure it is an anti-aging eye cream. The hyaluronic acid in this cream can help you effectively address dark circles.

      Tips for Facial Care

      You should not underestimate facial care. By using skincare products that are tailored to your skin, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in your skin’s appearance.

      • Tip 1: Adjusting Skincare Products to the Season
        In summer, it is advisable to use products with UV protection to protect your skin from harmful sun exposure. In winter, however, the skin is stressed by cold and dry indoor air.

        Therefore, it is important to use products that provide sufficient moisture to your skin.

      • Tip 2: Exercise for Improved Skin Appearance

        Regular physical activity improves blood circulation and thus the nutrient and oxygen supply to the skin.

        This helps in breaking down free radicals more effectively. Sweating also opens up the pores, allowing trapped sebum to drain.

      • Tip 3: Avoid Nicotine and Alcohol

        Alcohol and nicotine negatively affect your skin’s appearance and can accelerate the skin’s aging process.

        Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is crucial for maintaining healthy skin in the long term.

      • Tip 4: Adequate Hydration

        Adequate hydration is crucial for improving your skin’s appearance.

        When your body is well-hydrated, the moisture content of your skin increases, which can help minimize fine lines.

      • Tip 5: Consult a Dermatologist for Persistent Skin Issues

        If skin changes occur or skincare products do not provide the desired results, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist. A dermatologist can examine skin changes and provide valuable advice on your skin and facial care.


      The article emphasizes the growing importance of facial care for men and highlights that male skin requires specific care.

      Exposure to environmental factors necessitates an appropriate skincare routine, ranging from cleansing to moisturizing. Individual skin types require tailored products to achieve optimal results.

      The use of specially developed skincare products and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are crucial for long-term healthy skin.


      Why is facial care important for men?

      Men's skin is exposed to environmental stresses such as cold, sun, and dirt, which can lead to dryness, sunburn, and blemished skin.

      Men's skin has specific needs that should be supported through targeted care.

      Which skincare products are suitable for men?

      Men should use skincare products specifically developed for their skin needs.

      Cleansing gel, moisturizer, face cream, and possibly specialized products such as serums and eye creams can be used depending on individual skin type and needs.

      Deepen your understanding by reading more of our content.

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      What does the perfect men's shower look like?

      Are there tips and tricks for men on how to shower properly? Yes, indeed, mistakes can occur even while showering, which can negatively affect hair and skin.

      In this article, you will learn what the optimal shower routine for men looks like. We also cover the length of the shower and frequency.

      Beard Shaving

      8 Shower Tips for Men

      The body care for men can indeed be time-consuming. It's no longer just about shaving, but also about skin care.

      Additionally, a few tips and tricks should be considered when stepping into the shower. Because imperfect skin in men can also result from mistakes in body care.

      1. Choose the Right Hair Care Products

      Whether dry, thinning, or curly hair, the product is crucial. Curl care for men is especially recommended for light to strong curls.

      Curl shampoos differ from those needed for straight or oily hair. For this reason, one should use products for hair care that match their hair type.

      Products for dry, thinning or curly hair differ from those for straight or oily hair.

      It makes sense. Therefore, you should use hair care products that match your hair type.

      Those with oily hair should use a shampoo for oily scalps, and also adjust their washing routine accordingly.

      If you want more volume, it makes sense to use a lighter shampoo that doesn't weigh down the hair.

      Ideally, you should use a mild shampoo that is specifically tailored to the needs of your hair type.

      Men with oily hair should use a clarifying shampoo to effectively remove dirt and excess oil. For dry hair, a moisturizing shampoo is helpful.

      There are also solid shampoos that are plastic-free and more environmentally friendly. Due to their small size, they are ideal for travel. The solid shampoo is moistened, then lathered in the hands and massaged into the hair. Afterward, the shampoo is thoroughly rinsed out.

      Have you already checked out our online shop and discovered our new solid shampoo?

      It is not only environmentally friendly and practical for on-the-go, but also perfectly suited to the needs of your hair.

      Whether you prefer a liquid or solid shampoo depends on your individual preferences and needs. You can also try different products to find the perfect shampoo for you.

      2. A Water Filter for Naturally Shiny Hair

      A water filter can have a positive impact on the appearance of our hair. Tap water often contains impurities such as calcium and minerals that can deposit on our hair. This can cause the hair to look dull, dry, or brittle.

      A water filter helps reduce or remove these impurities, so the water we use to wash our hair is cleaner and purer.

      By using filtered water, the hair is cleaned more gently and can regain its natural shine. The filtering process can also help maintain the moisture balance of the scalp and reduce irritation, leading to healthier and shinier hair overall.

      Shaving Beard

      3. Use a Conditioner

      Shampoo opens the cuticle layer of the hair to allow for thorough cleansing. It removes sebum, dead skin cells, and residue from styling products, as well as deposits such as nicotine and exhaust fumes.

      While shampoo cleanses the hair, it can also dry it out or make it dull and unruly. Therefore, it's important to use a conditioner.

      The hair conditioner closes the raised cuticle layer, making the hair

      • Shinier,
      • Softer
      • and more resistant to environmental influences.

      The conditioner should be left in the hair for a few minutes to nourish and soften the strands. After a few minutes, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed.

      4. Pat Wet Hair Dry Instead of Rubbing

      Wet hair appears longer because the water makes the hair heavier. The water absorbs into the hair and breaks the hydrogen bonds in the hair. This makes the hair more pliable, but also more prone to breakage and damage. Therefore, it's important not to brush the hair when it's completely wet, as this can stress the hair in its delicate state. It is recommended to use a wide-toothed comb.

      Additionally, wet hair should never be rubbed with a towel. Especially terry towels have a rough surface that can damage the hair's structure. This can, in the worst case, lead to

      • Tangled,
      • Frizzy
      • or damaged hair.

      It is better to pat the remaining moisture away with an old T-shirt or a suitable microfiber towel.

      5. Adjust Water Temperature

      Showering too long can have negative effects - your skin can dry out. If you use water that is too hot, there is also the risk of disturbing the skin flora. Hot water destroys your skin's protective layer.

      Ideally, you should use lukewarm water. This means the temperature of your water should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. The minimum temperature should be 25 degrees Celsius. Lukewarm water cleanses the skin perfectly by opening the skin pores without drying out or irritating the skin.

      6. Less is More

      As mentioned earlier, it is advisable not to spend too much time in the shower. The ideal shower time is between 5 and 15 minutes. Since prolonged showers can dry out the skin, a shorter shower experience effectively helps maintain your skin's moisture balance. It is also water-saving, which benefits not only your wallet but also the environment.

      7. Clean the Face Last

      The facial cleansing for men is best done after showering.

      Because facial skin is one of the most sensitive areas of the body, it should be cleaned at the end of the showering process. The lukewarm water opens the pores.

      This allows impurities to be thoroughly washed away. If the face is cleaned for too long, it can disrupt the skin flora. Therefore, it is advisable to clean the face only at the end.

      Facial and beard washing should be done at the end of the showering process for men. The facial skin is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. The lukewarm water opens the pores so that impurities can be thoroughly washed away.

      If the face is cleaned for too long, it can attack the skin flora. Therefore, it is advisable to clean the face only at the end of the shower.

      Expert Tip: End your shower with a short burst of cold water to close the skin pores and stimulate circulation. This will give you a rosy and fresh complexion.

      8. Apply Skincare Products Right After Showering

      Men's facial care includes moisturizing lotions and serums that can lock in and retain moisture in the skin. Products with hyaluronic acid can also provide a plumping effect on the skin.

      It is important to apply these products directly after showering to still slightly damp skin. This allows the ingredients of the products to be absorbed better.

      These Mistakes Should Men Avoid While Showering

      A well-thought-out shower routine can help avoid common mistakes when showering. The more routine you are in the shower, the fewer "classic" shower mistakes you will make.

      But what are these mistakes, and what effects do they have on skin and hair?

      You'll find out now! Here are some of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them:

      Mistake Number 1: The Temperature is Too Hot

      A too high water temperature can dry out the skin and destroy its natural protective layer. Therefore, the water should be lukewarm, not hotter than 35 degrees Celsius. Avoid particularly hot, long showers as they can harm your skin.

      Mistake Number 2: Washing Hair Too Often

      A common mistake when showering is washing hair daily. Many people believe they need to shampoo their hair every day to keep it clean and fresh. However, frequent hair washing can actually be harmful. Regular use of shampoo can strip the natural oils from the scalp and lead to dry and brittle hair.

      It can also disturb the sensitive balance of the scalp and trigger excess sebum production, leading to greasy hair. Instead, try washing your hair only every few days to maintain natural oils and keep the hair healthy.

      If needed, you can also use dry shampoo or other hair care products to refresh your hair between washes.

      Mistake Number 3: Using Too Much Shower Gel

      You don't need to lather your entire body. Water alone is sufficient to clean most areas of your body.

      Soap should primarily be used on relevant areas, such as the underarm area, to remove sweat residues.

      A hazelnut-sized amount of shower gel is usually enough to clean the upper body. By rinsing off from the upper body, the entire body is cleaned with the shower gel.

      Mistake Number 4: Washing from Back to Front

      The intimate area should be washed from front to back. This prevents bacteria from the anal region from entering the front intimate area.

      The intimate area should also be thoroughly cleaned to remove odors, sweat, and bacteria. The skin is sensitive and should be cleaned gently. Ideally, a mild and pH-neutral intimate wash gel is used.

      Mistake Number 5: Showering Too Long

      Prolonged shower sessions can dry out the skin. Therefore, you should spend only a few minutes in the shower. Under 15 minutes is usually sufficient to complete the showering process.


      The right shower routine for men is more than just cleansing - it's an opportunity to care for and protect your skin and hair.

      Choose hair care products that suit your hair type, and consider using water filters to achieve naturally shiny hair. Use conditioners to keep hair smooth, and gently pat wet hair dry.

      Pay attention to water temperature and shower duration to prevent skin problems. Cleanse your face at the end of your shower and apply moisturizing products to slightly damp skin.

      Avoid common mistakes such as hot water, excessive hair washing, and incorrect cleaning methods to establish a healthy shower routine.


      How does water temperature affect my skin when showering?

      The water temperature when showering plays an important role in skin health.

      Water that is too hot can dry out the skin and destroy its natural protective layer. The ideal temperature is lukewarm water, which opens the skin pores without drying them out.

      Why should I clean my face only at the end of the shower?

      The facial skin is sensitive and reacts to temperature changes.

      Lukewarm water during the shower opens the pores, allowing for a thorough cleanse. Cleaning the face at the end helps to keep the delicate skin flora intact and avoid irritation.

      A short burst of cold water at the end can close the skin pores and improve circulation.

      Be sure to read on:
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      Soap residue and limescale can affect the appearance of your bathroom and are often stubborn foes when it comes to cleanliness. Especially on tiles and in the shower, they can accumulate and be difficult to remove.

      But don’t worry, there are effective methods to remove stubborn soap residue from tiles and make your shower shine again.

      In this guide, we provide you with tips and tricks on how to remove soap residue and transform your bathroom into a radiant and inviting space.

      Dishwasher Tablets for Removing Soap Residue

      A effective method for removing soap residue is the use of dishwasher tablets.

      Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use this method:

      1. Fill an empty spray bottle with water and add a dishwasher tablet.

      2. Wait until it has completely dissolved, then spray the affected areas.

      3. Let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes before removing the soap residue with a damp sponge.

      4. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.

      This method is particularly effective for stubborn soap residues and can be used on most surfaces.

      Pumice Stone for Soap Residue

      For particularly stubborn soap residue, a pumice stone may be the solution. However, make sure to lightly moisten both the surface to be cleaned and the stone beforehand. When removing soap residue, always work in small areas to avoid damage.

      Expert Tip: After using the pumice stone, thoroughly rinse the tiles with water and dry them with a cotton cloth.

      Vinegar as a Home Remedy for Soap Residue

      Vinegar is a proven home remedy for removing soap residue.

      Here is a step-by-step guide to help you:

      1. Mix equal parts of vinegar and dish soap in a bowl and then apply the mixture to the soap residue with a sponge.

      2. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then scrub the soap residue off.

      3. Rinse with clear water. On glass surfaces, you can follow up with a glass cleaner if needed.

      Clean Tiles with a Cleaning Sponge

      A special cleaning sponge can also help remove soap residue. Moisten the sponge and rub it over the affected areas.

      With some pressure and circular motions, most soap residue can be removed. Rinse the tiles thoroughly afterwards and dry them with a clean cloth.

      Citric Acid and Dish Soap

      A mixture of citric acid and dish soap can also be helpful for removing soap residue.

      Mix some citric acid and dish soap in a small bowl. Apply the solution generously to the dirty areas in the sink and shower. Let the soap residue soak briefly to make it easier to remove.

      Then use a damp sponge to clean the surfaces with the foaming mixture from the soap residue. Rinse the remaining cleaning agent thoroughly with clear water.

      Steam Cleaner as a Secret Weapon Against Limescale and Soap Residue

      A steam cleaner can be an effective method for removing soap residue. The hot steam dissolves the soap residue, making it easy to remove.

      After using the steam cleaner, tiles should be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

      Expert Tip: If you don't own a steam cleaner, you can rent a device at a hardware store or drugstore.

      How Can I Prevent Soap Residue?

      • Regular Rinsing: Rinse all surfaces with cold water after showering or bathing. This removes soap residue immediately before it can settle.

      • Wiping Surfaces: Use a shower squeegee to wipe the surfaces after showering or bathing. This prevents soap residue from settling and drying.

      • Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the bathroom helps avoid soap residue. The more often you clean, the less time soap residue has to settle.

      • Using Soap-Free Cleaners: There are special soap-free cleaners that leave less residue. These can be a good option if you frequently struggle with soap residue.

      • Regular Replacement of Cleaning Tools: Old sponges or brushes can hold soap residue and redistribute it with each use. By regularly replacing these tools, you can reduce the buildup of soap residue.

      With these tips, you can ensure that you use soap without residue in the sink and shower. This will keep your bathroom cleaner and more inviting for longer.


      Removing soap residue and limescale can be a hassle, but with the right tips and tricks, your bathroom will shine again. Whether you use dishwasher tablets, pumice stone, vinegar or a steam cleaner, the most important thing is to find a method that works for you.

      And don’t forget to take preventive measures to minimize the formation of soap residue from the start. For fresh barbershop moments in your own home.

      If you've ever wondered whether liquid or bar soap is better,

      you can find plenty of information in our guide on: Liquid Soap or Bar Soap: Which is Better?


      Why does soap make the sink look dull?

      Soap can make the sink look dull because it leaves behind residues that settle on the surface.

      These residues, often referred to as soap scum, consist of minerals from the water and the ingredients of the soap. When they dry together, they can leave a dull, often chalky film on the sink.

      How do you remove soap scum?

      Soap scum is a substance that forms when the fatty acids in the soap react with the minerals in hard water. It can settle as a slippery film on surfaces and is often difficult to remove.

      To remove soap scum, you can use vinegar or citric acid, as these acids can dissolve the mineral deposits. Apply the acid to the affected area, let it sit, and then rinse it thoroughly.

      Super interesting - Read more:

      Mehr lesen

      A bald head - a symbol of masculinity and strength, but also a statement of confidence and freedom. Just like a well-groomed beard, a shiny bald head requires attention and care.

      Whether you're polishing your bald head to emphasize your style or have adjusted to natural hair loss, it doesn’t matter.

      Caring for your bald head is an important aspect that should not be neglected. In this guide, we will show you how to care for your bald head to keep it in the best condition.

      We provide a step-by-step guide and five professional tips to make your bald head care comfortable and effective.

      Why is bald head care so important?

      Having a bald head doesn’t mean you can neglect the care of your scalp. On the contrary! A bald head requires even special care.

      The skin on your head is just as sensitive as the skin on your face and can be quickly affected by environmental factors like sun, wind, and cold.

      Therefore, it is important to protect and care for your scalp. A well-cared-for bald head not only looks better but also feels better and helps you feel confident and comfortable in your skin.

      How do I best care for my bald head?

      The right bald head care can be a challenge, especially if you are new to the world of baldness.

      But don’t worry, we have put together a simple step-by-step guide to help you keep your bald head in top shape:

      • Preparation: Before you start caring for your bald head, make sure that your scalp is clean and free of dirt and oil. A thorough cleaning with a mild shampoo or facial cleanser is the first step to a well-groomed bald head.
      • Rasieren: Wenn Du Deine Glatze rasierst, verwende einen Rasierer mit austauschbaren Rasierklingen. Fahre mit dem Rasierer langsam aber dafür sanft mit wenig Druck in Richtung Kopfmitte. Beginne an der Stirn und führe den Rasierer nach hinten, dann von den Seiten und vom Nacken nach oben.

        Für ein optimales Rasurergebnis empfehlen wir die Verwendung einer hochwertigen Rasierseife. Sie bereitet die Haut optimal auf die Rasur vor und sorgt für eine sanfte, gründliche Rasur.
      • Feuchtigkeitspflege: Nach der Rasur ist es wichtig, die Kopfhaut mit einer Feuchtigkeitscreme zu pflegen. Da Haare die Kopfhaut vor Umwelteinflüssen wie trockener Luft oder Sonnenstrahlung schützen, musst Du diese Aufgabe übernehmen, wenn Du eine Glatze hast.
        Eine tägliche Feuchtigkeitspflege hilft, die Widerstandskraft Deiner Haut zu stärken.
      • UV-Schutz für die Glatze gegen Sonnenbrand: Eine Glatze ist besonders anfällig für Sonnenbrand, da die Kopfhaut direkt der Sonne ausgesetzt ist. Daher ist es wichtig, immer einen Sonnenschutz mit hohem Lichtschutzfaktor zu verwenden, wenn Du draußen bist.

        Du solltest auch daran denken, eine Kopfbedeckung zu tragen, wenn Du längere Zeit in der Sonne verbringst, um Deine Kopfhaut zusätzlich zu schützen.
      • Regelmäßige Kontrolle: Es ist wichtig, Deine Kopfhaut regelmäßig auf mögliche Hautveränderungen zu untersuchen. Ein Dermatologe kann dabei helfen, mögliche Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen.
      Mit diesen Schritten kannst Du sicherstellen, dass Deine Glatze immer gut gepflegt aussieht und sich auch so anfühlt. Denke daran, dass die Pflege Deiner Glatze genauso wichtig ist wie die Pflege Deiner Haut und Deines Bartes.

      Mit der richtigen Pflege kannst Du Deine Glatze stolz tragen und Dein Selbstbewusstsein stärken.

      5 Tipps für die Pflege deiner Glatze

      Eine glänzende, gut gepflegte Glatze kann ein echtes Statement sein.

      Aber wie bei jeder Hautpflege, gibt es auch bei der Glatzenpflege einige Dinge zu beachten.
      Hier sind fünf Tipps, die Dir helfen, Deine Glatze in Topform zu halten und gängige Probleme zu vermeiden.

      1. Trockene Kopfhaut pflegen: Trockene Kopfhaut kann besonders bei einer Glatze unangenehm sein. Wenn Du bemerkst, dass Deine Kopfhaut trocken ist und juckt, solltest Du eine Feuchtigkeitscreme oder ein spezielles Produkt für trockene Kopfhaut verwenden.

        Achte darauf, dass das Produkt nicht zu fettig ist und schnell einzieht, um ein glänzendes Aussehen zu vermeiden. Bei einer Glatze mit trockener Kopfhaut kann auch eine sanfte Massage mit feuchtigkeitsspendendem Öl helfen.
      2. Fettige Kopfhaut pflegen: Eine fettige Kopfhaut kann bei einer Glatze zu einem glänzenden Aussehen führen, das viele Menschen als unangenehm empfinden.

        Um eine fettige Kopfhaut bei einer Glatze zu pflegen, solltest Du ein mildes Shampoo oder einen speziellen Reiniger verwenden, der überschüssiges Öl entfernt, ohne die Kopfhaut auszutrocknen. 
        Es kann auch hilfreich sein, die Kopfhaut regelmäßig mit einem sanften Peeling zu reinigen, um verstopfte Poren zu vermeiden.
      3. Schuppen auf der Glatze behandeln: Schuppen können auf einer Glatze besonders auffällig sein. Wenn Du bemerkst, dass Du Schuppen hast, solltest Du ein spezielles Shampoo oder eine Behandlung verwenden, die speziell zur Bekämpfung von Schuppen entwickelt wurde.

        Es kann auch hilfreich sein, die Kopfhaut regelmäßig zu massieren, um die Durchblutung zu fördern und die Gesundheit der Kopfhaut zu verbessern.
      4. Regelmäßiges Glatzen-Peeling gegen verstopfte Poren: Eine regelmäßige Peeling-Routine kann dazu beitragen, verstopfte Poren auf der Kopfhaut zu vermeiden und die Haut glatt und gesund zu halten.

        Du kannst ein sanftes Gesichtspeeling verwenden oder ein spezielles Peeling für die Kopfhaut. Achte darauf, das Peeling sanft in kreisenden Bewegungen aufzutragen und es gründlich abzuspülen, um alle Peeling-Partikel zu entfernen.
      5. Die richtige Ernährung pflegt die Haut: Eine gesunde Ernährung spielt eine wichtige Rolle für die Gesundheit Deiner Haut.

        Versuche, eine ausgewogene Ernährung mit viel frischem Obst und Gemüse, Vollkornprodukten und gesunden Fetten zu essen. Diese Lebensmittel liefern wichtige Nährstoffe, die Deine Haut und auch Deine Kopfhaut gesund und strahlend aussehen lassen.

      Welche Produkte eignen sich zur Glatzenpflege?

      Sie sind der erste Schritt zu einer gut gepflegten Glatze.

      • Mildes Shampoo oder Gesichtsreiniger: Diese Produkte helfen, die Kopfhaut sauber und frei von Schmutz und Öl zu halten.
      • Rasierer mit austauschbaren Klingen: Ein guter Rasierer ist unerlässlich für die Pflege einer Glatze. Er sollte leicht zu handhaben sein und über austauschbare Rasierklingen verfügen, wie zum Beispiel unser Rasierhobel oder unser Rasiermesser, um immer ein optimales Rasurergebnis zu erzielen.
      • Rasierseife: Eine hochwertige Rasierseife wie die von Störtebeker bereitet die Haut optimal auf die Rasur vor und sorgt für eine sanfte, gründliche Rasur.
      • Feuchtigkeitscreme: Nach der Rasur ist es wichtig, die Kopfhaut mit einer Feuchtigkeitscreme zu pflegen.

        Sie hilft, die Widerstandskraft der Haut zu stärken und hält die Kopfhaut geschmeidig.
      • Sonnenschutzcreme mit hohem Lichtschutzfaktor: Wie oben erwähnt, ist eine Glatze besonders anfällig für Sonnenbrand. Daher ist es wichtig, die Kopfhaut mit einer Sonnencreme zu schützen, die einen hohen Lichtschutzfaktor bietet.
      • Spezielle Glatzenpflegeprodukte: Es gibt auch spezielle Produkte zur Glatzenpflege auf dem Markt, die auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse kahlköpfiger Menschen abgestimmt sind. 

        Sie können helfen, die Kopfhaut gesund zu halten und das Aussehen der Glatze zu verbessern.

      Wie oft sollte ich meine Glatze pflegen?

      Die Häufigkeit der Glatzenpflege hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, darunter Dein Hauttyp und Deine persönlichen Vorlieben. Im Allgemeinen ist es jedoch eine gute Idee, Deine Glatze täglich zu pflegen. Eine tägliche Reinigung mit einem milden Shampoo oder Gesichtsreiniger hilft, die Kopfhaut sauber und gesund zu halten.

      Wenn Du Deine Glatze rasierst, solltest Du dies je nach Haarwuchs alle ein bis drei Tage tun. 

      Die Verwendung einer Feuchtigkeitscreme nach der Rasur kann dazu beitragen, die Haut weich und geschmeidig zu halten. Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, Deine Kopfhaut täglich mit einer Sonnencreme zu schützen, insbesondere wenn Du viel Zeit im Freien verbringst.

      Schließlich solltest Du Deine Kopfhaut regelmäßig auf mögliche Hautveränderungen untersuchen. 
      Bei Bedenken oder Unklarheiten ist es immer eine gute Idee, einen Dermatologen zu konsultieren.


      Die Pflege einer Glatze mag auf den ersten Blick kompliziert erscheinen, aber mit den richtigen Produkten und einer passenden Pflegeroutine kann sie zu einem einfachen Teil Deines Tages werden.

      Denke daran, dass eine gut gepflegte Glatze nicht nur gut aussieht, sondern auch ein Zeichen von Selbstbewusstsein und Stil sein kann.

      Egal, ob Du Dich selbst für eine Glatze entschieden hast oder ob die Natur diese Entscheidung für Dich getroffen hat, trage Deine Glatze mit Stolz und sorge gut für sie. Denn eine Glatze ist mehr als nur eine Frisur - sie ist immer im Trend und kann sogar zu Deinem Markenzeichen werden.


      Ist eine Glatze im Trend?

      Ja, die Glatze ist definitiv im Trend. In den letzten Jahren haben viele prominente Persönlichkeiten, darunter Schauspieler, Sportler und Musiker, die Glatze als Zeichen von Stil und Selbstbewusstsein übernommen. Darüber hinaus wird die Glatze oft mit Männlichkeit und Stärke assoziiert, was sie zu einer attraktiven Option für viele Männer macht.

      Steht jedem eine Glatze?

      Ob eine Glatze gut aussieht oder nicht, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, darunter die Kopfform und das persönliche Stilempfinden. Einige Menschen finden, dass eine Glatze ihr Gesicht betont und ihre besten Merkmale hervorhebt, während andere es vorziehen, Haare zu haben. Insbesondere bei ovalen Gesichtsformen wird oft bemerkt, dass eine Glatze besonders vorteilhaft wirkt.

      Letztendlich bleibt es jedoch eine persönliche Entscheidung und eine Frage des eigenen Geschmacks, ob einem eine Glatze gefällt oder nicht.

      Das könnte dich auch interessieren:

      Mehr lesen

      Unclear skin in men is not related to age. Of course, teenage boys may experience their biggest skin problems during adolescence.

      However, there is no guarantee that acne will disappear in men during adulthood.

      • Do you suffer from acne?

      • Have the “what to do about oily skin in men” tips not been effective so far?

      • Or do you need tips on how men can achieve clear skin?

      Then you are in the right place! The following article deals with skincare routines for men. The goal?

      To maintain radiant and clear skin or to finally leave problematic skin behind.

      Facial care for men with blemished skin

      Signs of Blemished Skin in Men

      Another new pimple, another new blackhead—blemished skin can lead to pimples on the forehead or even on the scalp in men. Blackheads are also a common issue.

      It is important to note that acne affects not only teenagers but also adult men and can be distressing. Spot treatment for blackheads on the nose is often not enough. It is more necessary to thoroughly eliminate skin impurities.

      Typical signs of blemished skin are:

      • Blackheads: Comedones, or blackheads, are blockages. They arise from the hardened buildup of lipids and keratin cells.
      • Blackheads are pinpoint and black and look like dirt. The blocked pore, where skin cells, sebum, and various dirt particles have collected, darkens due to exposure to oxygen.

      • Pimples: A pimple is a small collection of pus or pus-filled lesion caused by inflammation. They are often sensitive to pressure and cause discomfort.

      • Expert Tip: Although it can be tempting to squeeze pimples, this should be avoided. Squeezing pimples can worsen inflammation and even lead to scarring.

      • Papules: These raised skin thickenings result from a disturbance in skin cell production. They appear as round to oval nodules that lie above the skin surface. Papules can be red, but their consistency and color can vary widely.

      • Dry Skin: Dry skin can also be a sign of blemished skin. An impaired fluid balance leads to skin dehydration, causing the upper skin layer to begin flaking. In such cases, using moisturizing products is strongly recommended.

      • Oily Skin: When the facial skin shines, it indicates oily skin. This can also be a sign of blemished skin and has the drawback of further promoting skin impurities. Increased sebum production can cause the pores to clog more quickly.

      How Does Blemished Skin Develop?

      Even though this article primarily focuses on how to treat blemished skin, it is important to understand how blemished skin develops. There are many factors that can have a negative impact on your skin condition.

      Unhealthy Diet

      Consuming excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates (found in white bread, pasta, or even white rice) and sugar causes blood sugar levels to spike.

      This can cause an imbalance in gut bacteria and promote inflammation in the body. When the stomach is acidic and the intestines are overloaded, skin problems such as pimples and redness can occur. These are often a sign that you should reconsider your diet.

      Sugar plays a particularly important role here. In the body, sugar is metabolized into glucose, leading to a rise in insulin levels. Although this provides energy to cells, this process can cause inflammatory reactions in the body. Sugar not only increases oxidative stress but also burdens the gut.

      An imbalanced gut flora can then lead to hormonal disturbances, skin impurities, and acne. Since the body cannot efficiently process all types of sugar, a process known as glycation can occur, where tissue fibers become "sugared."

      This reduces skin elasticity and can lead to wrinkles.

      The following foods should be reduced if you have blemished skin problems:

      • Fatty Foods: Avoid excessive consumption of greasy foods such as fast food, fried foods, and saturated fats. These can stimulate sebum production and increase the risk of skin impurities.
      • Sugary Foods: Reduce the intake of sugary foods such as candies, soft drinks, cakes, and pastries. High sugar consumption can promote inflammation in the body, which can also affect the skin.
      • Dairy Products: Some studies suggest that consuming dairy products may be linked to acne development. If you have problems with blemished skin, you should reduce your intake of milk, cheese, and yogurt and observe if your skin improves.
      • Foods with a High Glycemic Index: Avoid foods that cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, such as refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, sweetened cereals). These foods can promote inflammation and worsen skin problems.

      Foods like oatmeal, whole grains, and corn can have a positive effect on skin condition because they contain zinc, which regulates sebum production.

      Vitamin A, found in spinach, liver, and eggs, is also essential for healthy skin. Additionally, Vitamin B7, found in spinach, legumes, and mushrooms, supports sebaceous gland function.

      Everyday Stress

      Stress can also worsen skin condition. Increased levels of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol can lead to stress-related pimples.

      These hormones stimulate sebum production, which can result in clogged pores. Therefore, stress can be a trigger for recurring blackheads and pimples.

      Hormonal Changes

      Although hormonal acne is less common in men, it can still occur. The symptoms of hormonal acne in men are often more severe than in women, due to the nature of male skin (oilier and larger-pored) and facial hair.

      Hormonal acne in men is caused by an increased production of androgens, the male sex hormones.

      Alcohol and Nicotine

      Alcohol and nicotine have significant negative effects on the skin. Alcohol depletes the body of water, leading to dry skin. Wrinkles around the nose and mouth are inevitable.

      The skin can appear loose and dull, as the body's detoxifying cells are damaged. Additionally, alcohol can increase sebum production, meaning blackheads and clogged pores may become more frequent. Whether it is

      • beer,
      • wine,
      • or spirits makes no difference.

      Any type of alcohol has negative effects on the skin and the body.

      Cigarettes contain substances that not only narrow blood vessels but also cause collagen fibers to break down more quickly. This leads to dry, dull, and pale skin.

      Smokers are also prone to premature wrinkling, as nicotine inhibits the uptake of oxygen by red blood cells. Because collagen is also necessary for skin elasticity, its breakdown leads to an increased formation of wrinkles.

      Tips for a Skincare Routine for Men with Blemished Skin

      Ultimately, the goal is to prevent blemished skin in the future. For a care routine that addresses these problems, we offer the following tips:

      1. Gentle Cleansing

      Choose a mild cleansing gel or foam for your daily routine to remove impurities without drying out your skin.

      Ensure that your cleanser does not contain any alcohol, as this can dry out the skin and lead to an increase in sebum production, worsening skin conditions.

      2. Exfoliate Regularly

      Exfoliation is important to remove dead skin cells and prevent clogged pores. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub once or twice a week to achieve a smoother skin texture.

      Expert Tip: Avoid using harsh scrubs or exfoliants with large particles, as these can irritate the skin and worsen blemishes.

      3. Hydrate the Skin

      Even if you have oily skin, hydration is crucial. Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer that won’t clog pores but will provide adequate moisture.

      4. Use Targeted Treatments

      Consider incorporating products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to target specific blemishes and reduce inflammation. These ingredients help to clear clogged pores and reduce acne.

      5. Sun Protection

      Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by using a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher daily. Sunscreen helps to prevent skin damage and premature aging.

      6. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

      Incorporate a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep into your routine to support overall skin health.

      Reducing stress, avoiding smoking, and moderating alcohol intake can also have positive effects on your skin condition.


      With the right skincare routine and lifestyle adjustments, blemished skin can be managed effectively. By understanding the causes and following these tips, you can achieve clearer, healthier skin and feel more confident.

      Mehr lesen

      Would it be unfair to the world of men to say that for a long time body care was a purely female issue?

      In recent years, men have also been focusing on body care and are interested in various body care products for men.

      The following article discusses proper body hygiene for men. It also provides tips on men's grooming.

      man face care

      Why is Body Care So Important?

      Body care and men. Does that even go together? For years, the number of those who are intensively engaged in body care for men has been increasing.

      Active searches for face cleansing for men or making an appointment for a pedicure are common.

      Of course, men have always had a certain hygiene routine. But the number of body care products for men and consumers is higher than ever before.

      Body care includes

      • skin care,
      • hair care,
      • nail care,
      • and dental care.

      It’s important to avoid unpleasant body odors. This is done with deodorants and perfumes, using toothpaste to keep your teeth clean and healthy, and making sure to leave a generally well-groomed impression. This starts with a nice haircut and ends with well-trimmed fingernails.

      In fact, incorrect or even excessive care can have negative effects. For this reason, it's important to question yourself from time to time.

      1. Is the daily body care routine for men, as you perform it, ideal?
      2. Are you overdoing it with body care?

      3. Should you be doing more for your body?

      4. What does the proper shower routine for men look like?

      We’ll share some tips and tricks with you and also point out potential mistakes.

      Tips for Body Care from Head to Toe

      Body care starts at the head, that is, with the hair, and ends at the feet, so to speak, with your toenails. Your entire body needs to be taken care of.

      Hair Care for Men

      When washing your hair, it’s important to use a mild shampoo that is specifically tailored to the needs of your hair type.

      • For men with oily hair, a clarifying shampoo is suitable, which effectively removes excess oil and dirt.

      • For dry or damaged hair, a moisturizing shampoo is recommended, which provides moisture and care to the hair.

      • Men with curly hair should use special products for men’s curls.

      An alternative to conventional liquid shampoo is solid shampoo. Solid shampoos have the advantage of being plastic-free and thus more environmentally friendly. Additionally, due to their compact size, they are ideal for travel or on the go.

      Application is simple:

      1. Moisten the solid shampoo,

      2. lather it in your hands

      3. and gently massage the lather into your hair.

      4. Then rinse it thoroughly.

      Solid shampoo offers a good cleaning effect and also cares for the hair. It usually contains natural ingredients such as essential oils or herbal extracts that can gently clean the hair and provide moisture.

      Furthermore, solid shampoos tend to leave fewer residues than liquid shampoos, which can make the hair more manageable and easier to comb.

      Choosing the right shampoo, whether liquid or solid, depends on individual needs and preferences. It’s advisable to try different products to find the ideal shampoo for your hair and make hair washing an enjoyable and effective grooming ritual.

      Beard Care

      Whether you wear a chin beard, have a full beard, or are growing a mustache: Use beard oil to keep your beard soft and smooth. You can also style your beard with beard wax. Make sure your beard is regularly trimmed with the beard scissors.

      Beard shampoos, beard soap, & beard care can be found in our online shop! We offer a wide variety of high-quality products!

      Cleaning Your Ears

      The healthy ear cleans itself. However, the skin of the outer ear, which is quite sensitive, needs to be cleaned. That means, when cleaning the outer ear and the skin behind the ear, ideally use only water or a clean cloth.

      Do not use cotton swabs to remove earwax from the ear canal. You push the earwax further in and worsen the situation. If you have problems with earwax, there are special oils that can loosen the wax.

      Dental Care

      Brush your teeth twice a day. Also use dental floss to clean between your teeth. Drink water throughout the day to wash away harmful or staining foods from your teeth.

      Especially if you consume a lot of coffee and tea, smoke, or drink red wine, you might also need to brush your teeth a third time during the day. Dental care not only keeps your teeth clean but also healthy.

      Well-Groomed Men’s Hands

      Well-groomed men’s hands leave a positive impression and show that you pay attention to yourself and your appearance. Therefore, it’s worth investing a few minutes a day in hand care.

      To avoid dry skin and rough patches, it’s advisable to regularly moisturize your hands with a moisturizing hand cream. It should be rich and absorb quickly, so your hands do not feel greasy or sticky.

      Expert tip: Especially during the cold winter months or with frequent contact with water, regular hand care is essential.

      In addition, nails should not be neglected. It is recommended to regularly trim and file nails to maintain a neat appearance. Cuticle should be gently pushed back and treated with a cuticle remover if needed.

      Intimate Area Care

      Intimate area care is an important part of personal hygiene and health. It’s important to clean the intimate area regularly and thoroughly to

      • minimize bacteria,
      • sweat,
      • and odors.

      However, you should use a gentle and mild cleansing approach to avoid irritating the sensitive skin.

      Using a mild, pH-neutral intimate wash gel or a gentle, unscented soap is recommended. It is important to clean the intimate area from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria from the anal area.

      After cleaning, the intimate area should be thoroughly dried as moisture can be an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.

      Choosing the right clothing is also an important aspect of intimate care. It’s recommended to wear breathable cotton underwear to minimize moisture and heat in the intimate area.

      A regular shave or trim in the intimate area can also be part of body care. It is important to use a sharp blade and a gentle shaving technique to avoid skin irritation.

      Body care also includes checking the penis and examining the testicles. If you notice any changes, such as swelling, you should consult a urologist.


      Pedicure includes various steps such as

      • Trimming the nails,
      • Removing calluses,
      • And caring for the cuticles.

      Regular pedicures can help prevent foot problems such as ingrown nails, calluses, or cracked skin.

      For a professional pedicure, men can either visit a nail salon or foot care clinic, or alternatively, perform their own pedicure at home.

      For this, you only need a few tools such as

      • A nail clipper,
      • A file,
      • And a callus remover. Check out our nail set.

      Regular foot care is especially important as feet are heavily used and often neglected. In addition to pedicures, men can also use special foot care products such as creams or lotions to keep their feet moisturized and prevent dry skin.

      What Hygiene Products Does a Man Need for Body Care?

      For personal hygiene, a man can use various products. What hygiene items do you have in your bathroom? We’ve compiled a list of the most important hygiene products:

      Product 1: Deodorants

      Deodorant provides a fresh boost. It can also prevent unpleasant body odor. Especially during the summer months, when sweating a lot, deodorant is recommended.

      Product 2: Beard Shampoo

      If you have a beard, it needs to be washed. Use a beard shampoo. This shampoo, specially formulated for the beard, cleans your facial hair and provides it with sufficient moisture.

      Product 3: Beard Oil

      To keep your beard soft and smooth, you need beard oil. The beard oil also adds shine and provides moisture to the skin beneath the beard.

      Product 4: Wash Gel

      Essential for daily care. With a good wash gel, you can remove sebum and dirt from your face. Water alone is not sufficient. Acne-prone skin in men is unfortunately not uncommon.

      Product 5: After Shave

      After shaving, after shave balm provides disinfection. Using after shave can also help prevent razor bumps or razor burn.

      Product 6: Day and Night Cream

      Use day cream to protect your skin from UV radiation and support its moisture balance. Use a night cream to support the skin during nightly regeneration. Since there are many different creams, you should first consider your skin type.


      Men’s body care is just as important as it is for women. It’s not just about feeling good; health aspects must not be overlooked. After all, your body is a temple and should not become a ruin.


      Should men use lotion?

      Definitely! Dirt, sun, and wind hit a man’s skin daily. This can result in dry skin spots on the face; it can also lead to sunburn in summer and blemishes.

      What are the consequences of poor body care in men?

      Poor body care can lead to infections. Fungal infections, broken teeth, an unclean skin appearance, and unpleasant body odor are consequences of poor body care in men.

      Deepen your understanding by reading more of our content.

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      Daily facial cleansing should be a matter of course.

      But what should you pay attention to when it comes to men's facial cleansing? The following article deals both with men's facial cleansing and with various care products.

      Additionally, you will find a few helpful tips and tricks focused on facial cleansing for men and learn what you should avoid during facial cleansing.

      men's facial care

      Why is Facial Cleansing So Important?

      The foundation of men's body care should be facial cleansing. Only through regular facial cleansing can subsequent skincare products achieve their full effect.

      Day after day, dust, dirt, and sweat accumulate on the facial skin. Even during the night, you sweat unconsciously and touch your face, spreading bacteria and dust on the skin.

      Due to the natural activity of male sebaceous glands, men's skin tends to be somewhat oilier. If 

      • dirt, 
      • dust, 
      • and sebum remain on the skin, pores can clog and pimples can form.

      It is recommended that men cleanse their facial skin twice daily: In the morning, you prepare the skin for the day, and in the evening, you remove dust and dirt.

      1. In the morning, facial cleansing for men can be done with lukewarm water in the shower to remove sebum and dead skin cells.

      2. In the evening, you can also pamper the facial skin with care products

      As the skin regenerates during the night, it is advisable to support it with appropriate products.

      Men who use a lot of sunscreen in the summer should even cleanse their facial skin twice in the evening. First, you can use an oil-based product, and then cleanse the face with a water-based cleanser.

      How Do I Wash My Face?

      What should proper face washing for men look like?

      Since there are many different skin cleansing and care products, first consider your skin type:

      • Do you have dry skin? A moisturizing facial cleanser that does not dry out the skin is important. Mild cleansing milk or creamy cleansing lotions are recommended.
      • For sensitive skin, it is advisable to use alcohol-free products with pH-neutral formulas.
      • For oily skin, a mild exfoliating cleanser is helpful. A facial cleansing gel or foam with mattifying properties can also be useful to reduce shine.
      • If you have a combination skin, it is advisable to use a mild cleansing foam. A facial cleansing gel or foam with mattifying properties can also be helpful to reduce shine.
      • For normal skin, you can use mild cleansing gels as they provide the perfect support to keep the skin’s moisture and oil balance in check.

      In the following paragraph, we will tell you what to pay attention to when washing your face.

      Step 1: Choose a Cleansing Product

      Facial Cleansing for Men - Step 1

      First, choose a cleansing product that suits your skin type.

      Step 2: Moisturize Your Face

      Facial Cleansing for Men - Step 2

      Moisten your face.

      Step 3: Moisten Your Hands & Lather the Cleansing Product

      Facial Cleansing for Men - Step 3

      Moisten your palms and lather a small amount of the cleansing product.

      Step 4: Lather Your Face

      Facial Cleansing for Men - Step 4

      Now you can apply the lathered facial cleanser to your face.

      Step 5: Rinse Your Face with Clear Water

      Facial Cleansing for Men - Step 5

      Rinse your face with clear water.

      Step 6: Pat Your Skin Dry

      Facial Cleansing for Men - Step 6

      Pat your skin dry with a towel.

      Any remaining dirt can now be removed with a facial toner.

      For this, use a cotton pad. Simply moisten the cotton pad with the toner and then swipe it over your skin.

      A skin peel helps with clogged pores and pimples and should be done once or twice a week.

      What Products Can Men Use to Wash Their Face?

      There are various products for men's facial cleansing. But which products are recommended?

      Before making a choice, you should also consider your skin type. Are you struggling with blemished skin, is your skin dry, or would you categorize your skin as "combination skin"?

      Due to increased sebum production, blemished skin is unfortunately common among men.

      • Dry skin feels tight, is flaky, and can sometimes itch. It also feels rough and may look patchy.

      • Oily skin appears shiny due to the oily film covering the nose, forehead, and chin.

      • Combination skin is characterized by oily or greasy skin in the T-zone (the forehead, nose, and chin) and dry skin on the cheeks.

      Looking for shampoos & beard care products? You will definitely find the right products on our site!

      Facial Cleansing Oil

      Facial cleansing oil is especially gentle.

      Therefore, it is recommended for men with irritated and/or dry skin. However, it also helps with blemished skin.

      Facial cleansing oil is used just like facial toner. A small amount is applied to damp skin and gently massaged in. Afterwards, rinse the skin with clear water.

      Facial Cleansing Gel

      Which cleansing gel is best for which type of men's skin? The cleansing gel is primarily recommended for men with oily skin.

      It is also recommended if you are dealing with impurities and pimples.

      The cleansing gel is applied to damp skin and massaged in until it lathers. Afterwards, rinse the gel with lukewarm water.

      Cleansing Milk for Dry Skin

      If you have dry skin, use cleansing milk. It is also recommended for sensitive skin that often experiences local redness.

      The cleansing milk can be applied morning and evening to the facial skin. Through gentle circular motions, the cleansing milk begins to lather. The cleansing milk is then rinsed off with lukewarm water.

      Cleansing Foam

      Cleansing foam can be used for all skin types. It is also commonly used for combination skin.

      Massage the cleansing foam into your skin with circular motions. Then, rinse the foam thoroughly with lukewarm water.

      After you have patted your face dry, you can apply your chosen skincare product.

      Washing Your Face, But Correctly: 5 Common Mistakes in Facial Cleansing

      We've already discussed how to properly wash your face. Now, let's point out some common mistakes.

      1. Using Inappropriate Cleansing Products

      As you know from our text, there are different skin types. Therefore, use cleansing products that match your skin type. If your skin feels

      • Dry, 
      • Tight, 
      • or red, these are the first signs that the product is not suitable for your skin. 

      In this case, it's advisable to use a gentler product.

      2. Using Soap Destroys Your Skin's Protective Barrier

      Soap should never be used for facial cleansing. Soaps have a very high pH, ranging from 9.0 to 10.0. Our skin's pH is between 4.8 and 5.5. Using soap can damage the skin in the long term, leading to 

      • Pimples, 
      • Redness, 
      • and an uneven skin texture.

      3. Water That Is Too Hot

      Hot water dries out the skin and destroys its natural protection. The skin starts producing more oil than usual. Make sure the water is lukewarm.

      4. Over-Washing

      Wash your face in the morning and evening. Excessive washing not only removes bacteria that help keep your skin healthy but also damages the barrier function of your facial skin.

      5. Not Starting with Shaving

      Shaving creates micro-injuries. If the skin is not cleansed before shaving, dirt and sweat particles are introduced into these injuries. This leads to unnecessary skin irritation and shaving pimples, which can then result in skin blemishes.

      How Often Should Men Wash Their Faces?

      Ideally, you should wash your face twice a day: in the morning after you get up and in the evening before you go to bed. Of course, during the summer months, when you sweat a lot, you can also cleanse your face during the day.


      Indeed, mistakes can occur when washing your face. This starts with choosing the wrong cleansing product and ends with using water that is too hot. It is important to support the facial skin.

      Therefore, after washing your face, you should use appropriate skincare products. This helps the skin during its nightly regeneration.


      Which Facial Cleansing is Suitable for Oily Skin?

      If you have oily skin, you should use an antibacterial cleansing gel. You can also opt for a mild cleansing scrub.

      Skincare for Men Over 40: What Is Best?

      From the age of 40, you should use products with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and provides excellent cell protection. Additionally, it is advisable to use eye cream with caffeine. This provides a de-puffing effect and promises a quick freshness boost.

      Should You Wash Your Face with Cold or Warm Water?

      Cold water removes oil and dirt less thoroughly than lukewarm water. You should also avoid water that is too hot. Hot water not only dries out the skin but also destroys its natural protection.

      Mehr lesen

      Help, my beard always looks unkempt: What can I do? Beards are totally in trend.

      However, if facial hair looks unkempt, it ruins the overall appearance of the man. If the beard is unkempt, there are only two options in the end: grooming or shaving.

      Because if the beard looks like a mess, it gives a bad impression.

      If you want to wear a beard, you have to take care of it.

      If the beard still looks unkempt, you are probably following the wrong strategy.

      In fact, wrong grooming products can make the beard look unkempt. In the following text, you will find some helpful tips and tricks to keep your beard looking well-groomed.

      Key Points at a Glance

      • A wild beard growth makes the beard look unkempt. Trim the protruding beard hairs and try to achieve an even length. Trimmers and beard scissors can help with this.

      • Your beard hairs are sticking out? With beard oil and beard balm, the beard hair becomes softer and can be styled into the desired shape.

      • Regular beard grooming ensures that the beard becomes smooth and looks well-groomed.

      When Does a Beard Look Unkempt? 5 Signs

      Are you letting your beard grow and hoping it will shape itself? Unfortunately, that won’t happen. An uneven length, single sticking-out beard hairs, or gaps in the beard make the beard look unkempt.

      If you decide to grow a beard, you need to groom it as well. No matter if it is a full beard, a chin beard, or a mustache, every type of beard needs grooming.

      In our online shop, you will find various beard care products, including pure beard oils or anti-itch sets.

      1. Misshapen Beard Style: Mistakes When Trimming

      Beard grooming means it must be shaped properly. You can use a beard scissor, but also use a trimmer. When trimming, make sure not to cut too much. Set the attachment a bit longer instead.

      Expert Tip: If you are unhappy with the length, you can always make adjustments. Before trimming, comb the beard so that all the hairs are in the same direction.

      2. Dandruff in the Beard

      Dandruff in the beard makes the beard look unkempt. It also indicates that you are grooming the beard incorrectly. Try using a mild beard shampoo and comb the beard regularly.

      Combing with a beard comb or a beard brush promotes circulation and removes beard dandruff. Using a beard shampoo can reduce or stop dandruff production.

      3. Sticking-Out Beard Hairs

      You need to brush your beard regularly. This helps you shape the beard hairs into the desired form. Sticking-out beard hairs can be trimmed with a sharp beard scissor. You can also treat your beard with beard oil. The beard oil makes your beard hair softer.

      With beard wax, you can also style stubborn and sticking-out beard hairs in the right direction if you don't want to cut them.

      4. Dry and Frizzy Beard Hair

      If your beard hair is dry or frizzy, use a beard oil. Beard oil will make your beard smoother and allow it to be moved in the desired direction. Also, beard shampoo for dry beard hair can help make the beard look well-groomed again.

      5. Uneven Beard Growth

      If you have uneven beard growth, it is advisable to orient yourself to the slow-growing beard hairs.

      Trim the longer-growing beard hairs so that they are always even with the existing beard hairs. Over time, your beard will become denser and more even.

      If you notice that your beard growth is very slow, you can promote beard growth with a few tips and tricks. Focus primarily on your

      • diet,
      • try to exercise,
      • avoid alcohol,
      • and ensure a good vitamin D3 level.

      beard man comb

      4 Tips and Tricks for an Unkempt Beard

      Want a well-groomed beard? With the following tips and tricks, your unkempt beard can become a well-groomed beard that not only attracts women but also makes other men envious:

      • Comb Your Beard: Ideally, use a beard brush and comb your beard several times a day. This promotes circulation among other benefits.

      • Use Beard Oil or Beard Wax: By using beard oil and beard wax, your beard hair will not only become softer but can also be styled in the desired direction.

      • Use a Beard Shampoo: Mild beard shampoo helps with beard dandruff; if you have a dry beard, make sure to use a moisturizing beard shampoo.

      • Use a trimmer or the beard scissors for the right length.


      A well-groomed beard requires regular care and attention to convey a positive overall image of the wearer. Trimming the beard hairs, using beard oil and beard balm, and regularly applying beard shampoo are essential steps to avoid an unkempt beard.

      Additionally, one should be mindful of issues such as dandruff, sticking-out beard hairs, dry or frizzy beard hair, and uneven beard growth to take appropriate measures.

      With the right care and targeted measures, an unkempt beard can become an attractive and appealing beard that draws admiring looks.


      Is it normal for a beard to look unkempt at first?

      It takes time for a beard to become full. At the beginning, it may look unkempt. Always ensure that your beard is trimmed or that sticking-out hairs are trimmed with the beard scissors.

      Provide your beard with enough moisture by using the appropriate beard shampoo and comb it regularly to promote circulation.

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      Do you have severe skin redness after shaving? Are pimples repeatedly appearing? These could be the first signs of an allergic reaction. You might now be wondering which ingredients in the shaving foam could be responsible for these symptoms.

      Because you can't be allergic to shaving itself, but rather to ingredients contained in the respective shaving products. You will find out what symptoms can occur and how to react in the following article.


      • It is not possible to be allergic to shaving itself

      • Skin reactions can occur due to improper shaving (against the grain, with a dull blade)

      • You may have an allergic reaction to certain ingredients and fragrances

      • To determine which ingredients you are allergic to, an allergy test should be conducted

      • Use products with natural ingredients more frequently

      Can You Be Allergic to Shaving?

      At this point, it should be clarified: It is not possible to be allergic to shaving itself. If you struggle with skin redness, frequently get pimples after shaving, or deal with itchy areas that appear after shaving the

      • intimate area,
      • upper body
      • or armpits, you may be allergic to an ingredient.

      The ingredient might be in the shaving foam but can also be found in aftershave or in gels and creams.

      Fragrances in shaving foam that trigger allergic reactions

      The following ingredients can trigger allergic reactions:

      • Butylhydroxytoluene
      • Chemical additives like foaming agents
      • Fragrances like HICC, Atranol, and Chloratranol

      Especially Butylhydroxytoluene - BHT - should be avoided. The EU Commission’s “Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety” has classified this ingredient as “very concerning.”

      This substance is considered very sensitizing and irritating. Therefore, it is especially advisable to avoid this ingredient if you are generally an allergy sufferer. Even if you have not had allergies so far, it is wise to avoid the substance as it can trigger pseudoallergies.

      Information on Pseudoallergy: In the case of a pseudoallergy or a so-called pseudoallergic reaction, symptoms occur that suggest an allergy.

      However, there are no IgE antibodies that confirm the presence of an allergy. If the antibody test is negative, but reactions occur that would suggest an allergy, this is a pseudoallergy.

      Fragrances lead to allergic reactions while shaving

      Fragrances, including

      • HICC,
      • Atranol
      • and Chloratranol, can trigger allergic reactions.

      Fragrances will no longer be used, as Hydroxyisohexyl-3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde (commercial name Lyral) as well as Atranol and Chloratranol are newly regulated by law.

      • As of August 23, 2019, it is prohibited to bring cosmetic products containing these compounds to the market.
      • A sales ban for all products will then apply from August 23, 2021.

      But just because some fragrances have been banned, it is still advisable to always check the ingredients.

      Allergy Symptoms After Shaving

      If you are allergic to an ingredient, the following allergic symptoms may occur after shaving:

      • Pimples and pustules
      • Skin eczema
      • Small blisters may appear on the shaved skin areas
      • Severe skin redness
      • Itching
      • Swelling of the nasal mucosa
      • Mucous membrane irritations in the nose and mouth
      • Discomfort
      • Headaches

      If such symptoms consistently occur after shaving, you should get an allergy test. If you want to be certain whether you are allergic to one or more ingredients, your trusted doctor will be able to help.

      Once you know which ingredients you are allergic to, you can look for products that do not contain those ingredients.

      If your beard itches, it can also be a symptom of an allergic reaction. Even personal care products might contain fragrances that can trigger an allergic reaction.

      What Causes an Allergic Reaction After Shaving?

      It could be ingredients in the shaving foam, but also in the after shave balm or in creams. It is important to find out which ingredients you might be allergic to.

      Because a wrong shave can cause razor burn, it is also possible that you are not allergic to certain ingredients at all.

      A wrong shave can also lead to skin redness and pimples. How to shave your beard properly, we have summarized in this post.

      Allergic Reaction After Shaving: What to Do?

      Firstly, you need to cool the affected skin areas. Cold compresses are suitable for this purpose. However, quark is also a popular home remedy to relieve the symptoms.

      Are you a severe allergy sufferer? Do you always struggle with extreme skin reactions after shaving? Perhaps your doctor has already prescribed corticosteroid creams and ointments. These products only relieve or suppress the symptoms but do not cure the allergy.

      Antihistamines can alleviate symptoms but do not combat the cause of the allergy.

      The rash after shaving can also be caused by a wrong shave. You should always shave in the direction of hair growth. Pay attention to high-quality accessories and prepare your face for shaving. Additionally, it is important to care for your face after shaving.

      Finding the right products and razors in the shaving jungle can be a challenge. That's why we make it as easy as possible for you. Take the quiz and find the products that are right for you.

      What Allergy-Friendly Alternatives to Shaving Foam Are There?

      There are some alternatives for allergy sufferers. If you use shaving foam and are allergic to an ingredient, you can use shaving foam specifically designed for allergy sufferers. This shaving foam is free from irritating or allergy-triggering ingredients.

      Expert Tip: Allergy-friendly products almost exclusively contain natural ingredients and usually no fragrances.

      Skin-Friendly Shaving Soap

      Shaving soap is particularly recommended. Shaving soap contains no chemical or artificial additives for foam formation. It only contains natural ingredients. It creates an excellent lather, making your beard hair soft.

      Are you still looking for a suitable shaving soap for your shave? In our shop, we offer various shaving soaps!

      Compatible Shaving Cream

      There is also shaving cream that is free from artificial ingredients. Shaving cream can also be an alternative to shaving foam.


      Since different ingredients can cause allergic reactions, it is important to find out through an allergy test which ingredients your body reacts to. With a skin-friendly shaving soap, you can start shaving anytime without the fear of an allergic reaction.

      Make sure to use shaving products, such as shaving soap, that contain natural ingredients. This way, you do not subject your skin to additional stress.


      Do I need to see a doctor for an allergic reaction after shaving?

      The symptoms and the severity of the complaints are crucial. If only skin redness or pimples occur, it is not necessary to see a doctor. If there is a severe allergic reaction that significantly affects your overall well-being, a visit to the doctor may be advisable.

      If an allergy is known, appropriate medications can also be used to address the symptoms.

      How long does it take for an allergic reaction after shaving to subside?

      After a few hours, all symptoms should disappear. If the symptoms are mild, they might be gone within a few minutes. The intensity and duration of the symptoms also depend on the severity of the allergy.

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      Are you about to do your first shave?

      Do you perhaps have sons to whom you want to teach shaving? But what age is ideal for starting to shave? At what age should you start teaching the younger generation to shave? In fact, there is no standard answer to the question of when you can start shaving.

      The following article will help you find suitable answers when it comes to the first shave.

      Shaving man razor

      Summary of Key Points

      • There is no minimum age for the first shave

      • The first shaving attempts should be done with a manual razor

      • Take your time and don’t rush the shave

      • Small cuts can be immediately treated with a styptic pencil

      At what age should one start shaving?

      You look in the mirror and notice the first beard hairs? The first beard hairs, which will not be more than a fuzz, grow on your upper lip. Next, you'll get sideburns.

      In the next step, hair will grow on your cheeks. Finally, you'll have beard growth on your chin and neck.

      But not only does your beard grow. Also, your

      • Underarm,
      • Chest,
      • and pubic hair grows.

      Your leg and arm hair also becomes coarser and darker. Your body is changing, and you are slowly ready for your first shave. Now it’s time to get the right shaving and beard products. Take the quiz and we will assist you with the product selection.

      There is no set age at which one can start shaving. There is also no information on when one should start shaving. The fact is: If you have beard growth and feel ready to pick up a razor, then the time is right.

      Expert Tip: The first shave for boys typically happens between ages 14 and 17. This was found in a 2018 Gillette survey.

      Of course, there is also a comparison among boys: those who enter puberty will want to start shaving, especially if their friends already have a razor. However, don’t let yourself be pressured.

      Especially if you don’t yet have strong beard growth. Beard growth is individual. There can also be differences among adults.

      What is a good first razor for boys?

      A suitable razor for beginners is a manual razor. Since teenage skin is sensitive, always use a sharp blade to avoid skin irritation. Razor bumps can be reduced with proper skincare.

      Even with a manual razor, razor bumps can occur.

      Initially, minor injuries are not uncommon. You need practice when shaving. If you cut yourself while shaving, use a styptic pencil. This will stop the bleeding and allow you to quickly address the cut.

      On our site, you’ll find not only shaving accessories but also the right razor for your first shave!

      Guide for the Right Shave

      Shaving properly with manual shaving is not so easy at the beginning. Take the time you need. If you’re under time pressure, the risk of cuts increases. The more often you use the razor, the more proficient you will become.

      Step 1: Wash your face

      When to start shaving - Step 1

      Wash your face with warm water first. Clean, damp, and soft facial hair is easier to shave. This means you’ll need less pressure with the razor blade.

      Step 2. Prepare the skin

      When to start shaving - Step 2

      You can use shaving foam, shaving soap, or shaving cream for the shave. Lather your beard well. Don’t skimp on the shaving cream; apply it everywhere you want to shave.

      Let the foam of the cream sit for a few minutes to soften the beard hair. Of course, you can also use shaving soap.

      Step 3. The shave

      When to start shaving - Step 3

      Ensure that you shave with the grain initially. Shaving against the grain can cause severe skin irritation.

      Move the razor with gentle strokes over your face. Apply minimal pressure. Your skin is still sensitive. Start with the cheeks and then move to the neck.

      Finally, you should shave the chin. This is because chin hairs are particularly strong. The longer the foam softens the hair, the easier it will be to shave the chin.

      Step 4. After the shave

      When to start shaving - Step 4

      When you’re finished with the shave, remove the remaining foam and wash your face. Clean the razor and use a lotion with soothing ingredients. Skincare products with aloe vera are especially recommended.

      You can also find beard and shaving guide on our site!


      At what age should one start shaving?

      There is no set age for starting shaving. Once you have the first signs of beard growth and feel ready to pick up a razor, it’s the right time for your first shave.

      What is the best razor for boys starting to shave?

      A manual razor is recommended for beginners. Since teenage skin is sensitive, you should use a sharp blade to avoid skin irritation. Razor bumps can be reduced with proper skincare.

      Mehr lesen

      If you are flying, you need to consider various regulations, such as what you can bring in your hand luggage. Is the razor allowed in hand luggage? In the following article, we explore whether you can take a razor in your hand luggage onto the plane.

      Key Points Summarized

      • Check before departure if your airline has specific rules for hand luggage contents
      • Razor blades and razors that are not enclosed are not allowed
      • Ensure your electric razor is charged and functional
      • Items you cannot take on board must be disposed of at the security check

      Wet Razors in Hand Luggage: Yes or No?

      Have you ever flown? If so, you know that at the security check, the airport staff are particularly strict. Hand luggage is thoroughly screened during the security check.

      If the security staff find a suspicious item, you will have to unpack your hand luggage. If you are not allowed to take the item on board, you must dispose of it on-site.

      Is the wet razor an item that cannot be taken on board? No. Almost all wet razors are allowed in hand luggage. However, which ones you cannot take is explained a bit further down.

      Razor in hand luggage airplane

      Which Wet Razors Are Allowed in Hand Luggage

      Do you want to shave properly during a business trip or vacation and plan to carry a disposable razor in your hand luggage because you haven't booked large baggage? This is generally possible. However, there are differences between airlines.

      Carrying a razor in hand luggage with Ryanair is allowed. Even razor blades in hand luggage are permitted with Ryanair, but only if they have a plastic frame. If the razor blades do not have a plastic frame, you must carry them in your checked baggage.

      A similar rule applies with Lufthansa. Here too, the razor blade must have a plastic frame. Thus, you can also store your razor in hand luggage with Lufthansa.

      You can take the razor in hand luggage with Eurowings. If you fly with Eurowings, razor blades are prohibited in hand luggage. You can take razors and handles but must remove the razor blades beforehand.

      While there may be differences between airlines, generally

      • wet razors and
      • disposable razors with embedded blades

      are allowed for wet shaving in hand luggage.

      Hey :) Do you actually have the right razor? If not, feel free to take part in our quiz.

      Which Wet Razors Are Prohibited?

      If the disposable razor does not have an embedded blade, it cannot be taken in hand luggage. Classic razor blades, like those in safety razors, are also not allowed. Additionally, no straight razors can be taken in hand luggage.

      Prohibited are

      • Straight razors
      • Classic razor blades

      These shaving tools must be transported in checked baggage. If you do not have checked baggage, you must ensure to take a razor that is allowed on the journey.

      Looking for a special razor or beard care accessory? Then we recommend our range!

      Can I Take an Electric Razor in Hand Luggage?

      Is it possible to take an electric razor in hand luggage? In fact, the electric razor can be easily taken in hand luggage.

      Allowed are

      • Shavers for beard and hair
      • Women’s electric razors in hand luggage
      • Dry shavers
      • Epilators
      • Trimmers

      If you take the shaver in hand luggage, make sure it is fully charged. The security staff may test the device’s functionality.

      If the shaver is empty and cannot be tested, the electric razor may be prohibited in hand luggage. Batteries and power banks can also be taken in hand luggage.

      Expert Tip: This applies not only to electric razors on planes but to all electronic devices. The reason is that possibly tampered devices cannot board the plane.

      Other Beard Care Products for Hand Luggage

      Whether you want to shave or care for your bald head: Besides the razor, there are other care products that can be transported in hand luggage. The following text explains which ones and provides tips and tricks on what to pay attention to when carrying them in hand luggage.

      Shaving Foam

      You are allowed to take your shaving foam. However, the container must not exceed 100 ml. This also applies to shaving gels.

      Shaving Brush

      A shaving brush or a shaving brush set can be easily transported in hand luggage. There is no reason why the shaving brush should not be taken in hand luggage.

      After Shave

      For after shave, the 100 ml limit applies as well. If the after shave packaging exceeds this volume, it will be refused for hand luggage.


      Before you fly, you should gather information on whether you can bring your razor in hand luggage. Although almost no razors are prohibited, there are still straight razors and non-embedded razor blades that cannot be carried in hand luggage. Since there may also be differences between airlines, you are on the safe side if you contact the airline directly in advance.


      Is it allowed to shave on the plane?

      If you have a disposable razor in hand luggage, you are allowed to use it. Ultimately, any item in your hand luggage can be used during the flight. Due to the fact that the lavatories are cramped, it is not advisable to shave during the flight. The alternative: You can use the lavatories at the airport.

      What should I do with a razor that I cannot transport in hand luggage?

      If it is a razor that cannot be taken in hand luggage, such as a straight razor, you can pack it in your checked baggage. Transport in checked baggage is possible and not prohibited.

      What happens if you have a prohibited razor in your hand luggage at the airport security check?

      Since you cannot take it on board and your baggage has already been checked in by that time, you will have to dispose of it. Generally, you will need to dispose of your razor on-site. For a knife or safety razor, you might also only need to dispose of the blades.

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      Störtebekker is not just your personal barber for home, taking care of beard grooming & co - body shaving is also a concern for us. That’s why we’re focusing on leg shaving in this guide.

      • You might be wondering how to shave your legs properly?
      • Or how often a leg shave should ideally be done?

      Don’t worry, we have the answers. This way, you’ll easily become an expert in smooth and gentle shaving.

      So, let’s swing the safety razor together. Because a safety razor is not only effective, but also gentle on your skin and provides a long-lasting, smooth result. Discover how to achieve a perfect leg shave with this traditional tool.

      Shaving Legs Safety Razor

      How do I shave my legs with a safety razor?

      Shaving legs with a safety razor is an art that can be perfected with a bit of practice and the right techniques.

      Here is a simple step-by-step guide to help you get the most out of your safety razor:

      1. Preparation: Start with clean, wet legs. A warm shower can help to soften the hairs and open the pores.

      2. Applying shaving soap: Use a good shaving soap and apply it to your legs with a shaving brush in circular motions. This helps to lift the hairs and create a smooth surface for shaving.

      3. Shaving: Gently move the safety razor over your skin. It is very important to go gently and without pressure. Gravity should do the work. Always shave in the direction of hair growth to avoid skin irritation and ingrown hairs.

      4. After shaving: Rinse your legs thoroughly and dry them with a clean shaving towel. Finish with a moisturizing care product to soothe the skin and lock in moisture.

      Ready for a smooth and gentle shave with a safety razor?
      Discover our diverse collection of safety razors from Störtebekker.

      They are available in several beautiful color options and product variations. How about, for example, a Gold Safety Razor, or our popular Safety Razor Set? - with matching

      Shaving brush

      The set is also a great gift and looks really good on the bathroom shelf.

      For those who love real wood, our high-quality Solingen shaving razor with leather case and walnut handle could be the right choice.

      How do I care for my legs after shaving with a safety razor?

      Post-shave care is just as important as the shave itself. It helps to soothe the skin and lock in moisture. Here are some products you might consider:

      • Aftershave balm: An aftershave balm can help to soothe the skin and reduce irritation. It moisturizes the skin and leaves a pleasant feeling.

      • Moisturizer: A good moisturizer can hydrate and care for the skin after shaving. It provides the skin with essential nutrients and keeps it soft and smooth.

      • Body oil: A body oil can offer an additional layer of moisture and help to keep the skin soft and smooth. It can also help to soothe the skin and reduce irritation.
      Aftershave balm post-shave care

        How often should I shave my legs?

        The frequency of leg shaving depends on your individual hair growth and your preferences. Some people prefer to shave their legs every day, while others do it only once a week or even less often.

        It is important to listen to your skin and not overload it.

        If you notice that your skin is irritated or dry after shaving, it might be helpful to take a break from shaving for a few days.

        It is also a good idea to regularly moisturize your skin with hydrating products.

        Tips for shaving legs with a safety razor

        • Preparation is key: Good preparation can make a difference. A warm bath or shower before shaving can help soften the hair and open the pores.
        • Use a good shaving soap: A good shaving soap can help lift the hair and create a smooth surface for shaving.
          It can also help protect the skin and reduce irritation.

          The Störtebekker shaving soaps are available in many different varieties and offer the perfect complement to the safety razor. How about trying the spicy Tortuga shaving soap or the Aloe Vera shaving soap?

        • No pressure: Let gravity do the work. Gently pass the safety razor over the skin and avoid applying pressure.
        • Shave in the direction of hair growth: This can help avoid skin irritation and ingrown hairs. This way, your skin is spared, and you’ll also have fewer razor bumps, razor burn, or tightness after shaving.
        • Post-shave care: Don’t forget to care for your skin after shaving. A good moisturizer or aftershave balm can help soothe the skin and lock in moisture.


        We hope these tips and especially the safety razor help you get the most out of your leg shaving and make it an enjoyable routine.

        Always remember that both the right technique during shaving and careful post-shave care are crucial. At Störtebekker, we are committed to providing you with not only high-quality products but also valuable tips.


        Help, my legs itch after shaving: What should I do?

        Itching after shaving can be caused by dry skin or a reaction to the shaving itself.
        Try using a moisturizing lotion or an aftershave balm to soothe the skin and provide ample moisture. If the itching persists, it might be helpful to switch shaving products or consult a dermatologist.

        What can I do to keep my legs smooth for longer?

        To keep your legs smooth for longer, it is important to use the right shaving technique and properly care for the skin. Use a sharp safety razor and shave in the direction of hair growth. Regular exfoliation can also help avoid ingrown hairs and keep the skin smooth for longer.

        Proper preparation for shaving also greatly influences a beautiful and long-lasting result. In our guide on preparing skin for shaving, you’ll find plenty of additional tips that can also be applied to leg shaving.

        Here are more articles:

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        It is one of THE timeless classics: The 3-day beard. The beard style that is said to give a wild, independent, and daring effect suits almost every man. It works for any face shape and age.

        three-day beard razor

        How long is a 3-day beard actually?

        Although the name implies a 3-day beard length, this should not be taken too literally. How long a 3-day beard takes to grow depends entirely on the individual man and his hair growth. And on when the condition of a 3-day beard is considered fulfilled: A classic 3-day beard is between 0.5 and 4 mm long. The exact length is up to you personally. Perhaps you are more of a 5-day beard type.

        Who suits a 3-day beard?

        The 3-day beard suits absolutely every man. Whether you have light or dark hair doesn't matter, and neither does the density of your hair growth. Even small gaps in beard growth are wonderfully forgiven by this beard style, as you can cover them with the 3-day beard.

        Only if you have too many or large gaps in your beard growth should you opt for a less extensive beard style.

        Regarding length: The darker your hair color, the quicker the impression of a good 3-day beard is created. If you have very light blonde hair, you'll need to let it grow a bit longer before those around you recognize the 3-day beard.

        Here are 3 reasons why you should wear a beard.

        Want to know more? Then click through the beard styles reading box:

        What 3-day beard styles are there?

        The 3-day beard can be worn in different variations

        • As a short version with 0.5 mm (still considered more of a beard shadow)
        • As a classic 3-day beard with a length of about 1.5 mm
        • As a slightly “wilder” 3-day beard with a length of around 2.5 to 3.5 mm
        • As a long version of 4 to 5 mm - here it’s more like a 6-day beard

        How to find your style for Beard Styles and Shapes is explained here.

        However, it's important to keep the contours clean and smooth for all 3-day beard styles. Otherwise, it quickly looks unkempt and scruffy. Only cleanly trimmed contours transform wild-growing beard stubble into a look.

        For more posts on beard styles, check here.

        3-Day Beard Care: How to Do It Right

        Simply letting it grow is unfortunately not enough to get a truly nice 3-day beard. Here is the 3-Day Beard Care guide for you:

        1. Of course, you first need to let your beard grow to the desired length - without stubble, there is no 3-day beard

        2. Regularly use a beard trimmer, razor, or safety razor to define the contours. Only this way will your beard get the necessary and even structure to avoid looking like wild growth

        3. Regular care: even beard stubble needs care, otherwise, it becomes brittle and the skin underneath looks dry. Wash the 3-day beard with beard shampoo and then treat skin and hair with beard oil. This moisturizes your skin and makes the beard stubble soft and shiny.

        For even more care of your beard, feel free to check out our beard products in the shop. No itching, always well-groomed, and no frizzy hair.

        man shaving beard three-day beard

        Trimming the 3-Day Beard Correctly - Here's How

        For the 3-day beard, as mentioned, the contours are crucial. Otherwise, the stubble quickly looks like you’re just too lazy to shave. The contours on the neck or the neckline are particularly important.

        It gives the hairstyle a clear edge. Place two fingers over your Adam's apple - trim everything below.

        On the cheeks, you have a bit more leeway in terms of contours for the 3-day beard. It’s less about shaving and more about trimming contours. Depending on how you set the trimmer, you can achieve both straight contours and flowing transitions.

        Caring for the 3-Day Beard - What You Should Consider

        When caring for your 3-day beard, you should consider two things:

        1. Always use a beard shampoo, even if the 3-day beard might not yet be a “real” beard. This is because beard shampoo affects not only your beard hairs but especially the skin underneath.

          Regular shampoos or shower gels dry out the skin, making it more prone to redness and irritation. Beard shampoo is conditioning and compatible with the skin’s pH level.

        2. Always use an after-shave care product - our Störtebekker After Shave Balm is a good choice.

          However, you can find more beard products in the shop. It’s not only about making the beard stubble feel smooth but also about caring for your skin. The high-quality oils in our product absorb well into the skin, calm and nourish it.

          Additionally, your beard stubble will become softer, preventing itchiness and redness.

        Frequently Asked Questions about the 3-Day Beard

        The 3-day beard raises a number of questions. Here’s the Q&A session.

        How can I make the 3-day beard softer?

        Many 3-day beards have the problem of being stubbly, hard, and rough. This irritates the skin underneath. Our top recommendation for the 3-day beard is beard oil. It nourishes the skin and makes the hair noticeably softer.

        Just a few drops are enough, which you rub in your hands and then apply to the skin and hair.

        What hairstyles go well with a 3-day beard?

        There are many hairstyles that go well with a 3-day beard. One option is short haircuts like the Buzz Cut or Crew Cut.

        These cuts emphasize the beard and create a cool overall look. A side part or an undercut also pairs well with a 3-day beard. Ultimately, it’s about feeling comfortable.

        How often should I trim the 3-day beard?

        If your 3-day beard exceeds the desired length, it’s time to trim it. How often depends solely on how fast your beard grows. Most men trim their 3-day beard every 2-4 days.

        Can I dye the 3-day beard?

        Your 3-day beard is gray? We would still advise against dyeing. The result can look unnatural with such short beard hairs. Moreover, the hair grows back every few days, so gray hairs will show through again soon.

        Is a 3-day beard attractive?

        A 3-day beard is considered attractive in the women's world. Its slightly rugged, wild charm makes you look very masculine. Various surveys confirm that women find men with 3-day beards more attractive than those without a beard.

        More posts on the topic of beard styles can be found here.


        The 3-day beard is not without reason one of the all-time classics of beard styles. Compared to other beards, it is easy to maintain, and its effect is all the stronger. It makes faces look instantly more masculine.

        How do you wear your 3-day beard?

        Do you know these beard styles?

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        Have you always had strong and dense beard growth, but now experiencing hair loss in your beard?

        This article can help! Hair loss in the beard can have many causes. Beard hairs can fall out if you're dealing with stress or poor nutrition.

        Often, small changes can help you stop beard hair loss. You don't have to accept beard loss!

        hair loss beard

        What Causes Round Hair Loss in the Beard?

        When round hair loss appears in the beard, it is referred to as Alopecia Barbae. This can have various causes.

        Such beard hair loss can be due to a hereditary condition. However, the "holes" in the beard can also be a malfunction of the immune system.

        Your own hair follicles are perceived as foreign objects by your body and attacked. This is why the holes in the beard remain completely bald. No stubble grows back in these areas.

        Other Causes of Hair Loss in the Beard

        When beard hairs fall out, various triggers can be involved. We have summarized the most common factors for you below.

        Inappropriate Care Products: Shower gel or regular hair shampoo can promote beard hair loss. Such products strip your hair of its natural oils, which is detrimental to your beard.

        Your beard hairs need moisture. Therefore, use a special beard shampoo and add moisture in the form of beard oil after your shower. This will keep your beard soft. Additionally, proper beard care prevents hair breakage.

        Everyday Stress: Emotional and physical stress can affect your body. The result: beard hair loss. Try to reduce stress in your daily life.

        Find a relaxing hobby. This could be meditation or exercise. Even reading books can have a relaxing effect.

        Hormone Deficiency: A hormonal imbalance can also cause beard hair loss. Perhaps a testosterone deficiency is responsible for your beard hairs thinning out and you getting gaps in your beard?

        A possible testosterone deficiency is diagnosed by a doctor. Depending on the testosterone levels, there are various treatment approaches. Primarily, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables, as well as testosterone supplements, help increase testosterone levels.

        Genetically Conditioned Beard Loss: Beard loss can be genetically conditioned. If your father or grandfather had issues with beard growth and complained about beard loss, the cause is likely genetic predisposition.

        Poor Diet: Do you mainly eat frozen products, pizza, and meat? A lack of vitamins and nutrients can negatively impact your beard. Make sure to eat a balanced diet.

        Errors in Beard Care: Tugging, pulling, rubbing, and twisting – your beard does not like any of that. If the hair follicles are irritated, hair breakage can occur. Blunt razor blades can also cause tearing. Therefore, always shave with a sharp razor blade.

        What to Do About Beard Hair Loss?

        You don't have to accept beard hair loss. There are various methods to stop beard hair loss and stimulate beard growth.

        Promote Circulation

        One way to address beard hair loss is to promote circulation. Circulation can be stimulated through regular brushing with a beard brush or through peeling.

        beard brush

        Dietary Changes

        Vitamins that you get from fruits and vegetables are particularly important. Also, proteins, ideally from lean meat, help to stop beard hair loss. Say goodbye to unhealthy frozen foods and fast food! Your beard (and your body) will thank you!

        A lack of essential nutrients, such as zinc or biotin, can also contribute to beard hair loss. A deficiency in vitamin D or iron can also be a cause of hair loss in the beard.

        This means that, besides dietary changes, it may also be advisable to take dietary supplements.

        Expert Tip: Providing the body with enough nutrients naturally has a positive impact on beard growth.

        Reduce Stress

        Easier said than done: Reducing stress means that you help not only your beard but also yourself. How can you reduce stress? You need to find a balance.

        This could be exercise or a completely new hobby. Maybe photography or reading books? Sometimes it also helps to delegate certain tasks?

        Beard Hair Transplant

        If hair on the head can be transplanted, beard hair can also be transplanted. If you have weak beard growth and want to increase beard density or if you have hereditary beard hair loss, a beard transplant can help.

        1. During the procedure, hair follicles are harvested from another part of the body, usually from the back of the head.

        2. The follicles are examined and prepared in a nutrient solution.

        3. Then the hair follicles are implanted into the beardless areas. This can be on the upper lip, chin, or cheeks.

        4. After the hair follicles are transplanted, the new hair goes through a regeneration phase.

        5. After a few months, you can look forward to full beard growth.

        The hair appearance after a beard transplant looks natural. This means you can't see where the hair follicles were transplanted.

        How Can I Prevent Beard Hair Loss?

        Beard hair loss can be prevented. Often, it’s just small things that help you maintain a dense beard.

        • Pay attention to your diet! Nutrients, such as zinc, biotin, proteins, vitamin D, and iron reduce beard hair loss

        • Reduce stress! Find a balance and try to manage stress

        • Get enough sleep! Your body needs sleep and rest. This also helps your beard

        • Use care products! Your beard needs care. Make sure to use the right products. Special beard care products, beard oils, as well as pomades and beard shampoos provide moisture to your beard


        There are many reasons why beard hair loss can occur. However, preventive measures can be taken to prevent noticeable hair loss from happening.

        The right diet, proper beard care, and stress reduction have positive effects.

        If you are already struggling with beard hair loss, you can work with testosterone products, improve your diet, or opt for a beard hair transplant.

        With makeup products, such as eyeliner, hair dyes, and beard thickening products, gaps can be concealed.


        How many beard hairs do you lose per day?

        You lose between 20 and 50 beard hairs per day. This is normal and part of the hair renewal process. Beard hair loss is referred to when there are noticeable gaps in the beard.

        How can I conceal beard hair loss?

        You can dye the beard. Coloring creates a visual density. Additionally, the beard hair becomes slightly thicker with the color. If you dye the beard dark, it will also appear fuller. The darker your hair, the fuller it appears.

        With an eyeliner, you can also visually thicken the beard. This means you can use conventional makeup. However, concealing with eyeliner should be practiced.

        There are also beard thickening products. The keratin fiber-based powder is worked into the beard and blends with the natural hair. This creates a natural look. During a shower or beard cleaning, the fibers are rinsed out.

        How long does it take for the beard to grow back after hair loss?

        Depending on personal beard growth, it can take eight to twelve months for the hair to regrow after hair loss. There is also a possibility that the hair may not regrow after hair loss.

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        Shaving with acne can be a challenge. Especially with severe acne, shaving the face can be difficult. If you suffer from acne, stay with us.

        We have included a few tips and tricks in the following text to help you shave your face smoothly despite acne.

        We address the questions of whether it is better to shave with a dry razor when dealing with acne and which aftershave product is suitable.

        We also explore whether shaving the face helps with acne.

        Bald Man Beard Skin Care

        Can I shave with acne or not?

        It should be noted that while primarily adolescents are affected by acne, adults can also have to deal with acne. It doesn't matter how old you are. The tips and tricks you get here can be applied in any situation.

        Teenagers who are getting their first beard growth and are also struggling with acne often wonder if they can even shave their beard with acne. Ultimately, shaving can cause skin irritation.

        A ingrown beard hair, razor bumps that occur alongside acne, and cuts are all strains on your skin.

        Even though shaving with acne is challenging, it is possible. Make sure that the pus-filled parts of your pimples are not removed with the razor.

        The bacteria that were in the pores can be spread across the entire face.

        If you have a cut or a pimple that opened while shaving, then post-shave skincare is especially important. We will discuss post-shave care further down in the text.

        What we can already advise you? Be cautious!

        You can shave, but do not apply too much pressure with the razor. The greater the pressure, the higher the risk of opening a pimple or suffering a cut.

        Cuts with acne are not uncommon

        Is shaving good for acne?

        For men and their hormonal balance, having oily skin may be a good sign. When androgens, which are sex hormones, are released in greater amounts, the skin's oil production increases. However, this has the downside that the pores can become clogged, the oil does not drain, and blackheads can form. If the oil does not exit the pore, inflamed pimples may appear.

        The skin needs to be cared for with acne. Even if the skin is oily, it lacks moisture. Therefore, the facial skin should be treated with moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, or allantoin.

        Can shaving sometimes help with acne? Searching online for experiences, some people report that their acne improved after shaving.

        If you remove the pus-filled part of the pimples with the razor, the bacteria that were in the pores can spread across the entire face. This means that the number of inflamed pores increases, and more pimples may appear. Therefore, make sure to avoid cuts and try not to open pimples with the razor.

        There is no evidence that acne improves after shaving. However, shaving acts like a peel for the upper skin layer. If you use caring products after shaving, the ingredients can penetrate faster and target the inflammation.

        But not only your skin needs care. If you have a beard, beard care products from Störtebekker are ideal to keep your beard soft and well-groomed!

        How do I shave with acne?

        Wet or dry shave with acne? The following section covers both shaving techniques and provides a few tricks. On one hand, how to shave gently with acne, and on the other hand, how to prepare and care for your skin after shaving.

        The Preparation

        First, focus on the choice of the right shaving gel or suitable shaving soap. Ensure that the product contains as few ingredients as possible. Fragrances or products derived from petroleum should be avoided due to potential skin irritation.

        Ideally, the chosen product contains allantoin. Allantoin moisturizes and improves moisture regulation. Additionally, this ingredient acts as a dermal keratolytic. This means that dead skin cells on the surface are removed, and the growth of epithelial cells in the deeper skin layers is stimulated. This process helps renew the upper skin layer.

        Let the shaving soap or gel sit for several minutes to soften the beard hair so you need less pressure with the razor during shaving. Shave before showering. Water will make your skin swell, making shaving with acne more difficult.

        Use a clean razor for wet shaving or a clean razor head if you are planning a dry shave. Ideally, you should have cleaned the razor or razor head with a disinfectant liquid after the last shave.

        The Shaving

        If you suffer from acne, start the shave on your neck and continue on your cheeks. The beard hairs here are softer than on your chin or above your lip. The longer the shaving gel or soap sits, the softer your beard hairs will be.

        Shave in the direction of hair growth and never against the grain. Shaving against the grain risks skin irritation, which may require treatment for shaving rash.

        Ensure you apply minimal pressure. Therefore, it is important to use a sharp razor blade.

        If you do not want to shave with a wet razor and plan to use a dry razor, note that a dry shave may seem gentler on the skin at first glance. However, if you apply too much pressure, you can also open pimples and worsen skin problems.

        Shaving with acne

        The Right Care

        Whether wet or dry shaving: After shaving, you need to care for your skin and clean your shaving tools. Clean the razor blade and the razor head of the shaver and treat them with a disinfectant liquid. This can kill any bacteria if you have opened a pimple while shaving.

        Use skin-soothing lotions. Ideally, use ointments and creams containing aloe vera.

        If you find a product labeled “non-comedogenic,” it means the manufacturer states that the product does not contain ingredients that cause blackheads. "Comedogenic" derives from "comedo," which is the technical term for blackheads.

        Expert Tip: Just because a product is labeled “non-comedogenic” does not mean it helps with acne. To treat acne, you need products with antibacterial agents. The “non-comedogenic” product does not necessarily have to have antibacterial effects.

        Should you shave with acne using a dry or wet razor?

        Wet shaving is superior to dry shaving in terms of thoroughness. However, wet shaving has the disadvantage of irritating the skin more. There is also the risk of worsening the condition. If a pimple is cut open, the bacteria in the pore can spread, leading to new pimples.

        Dry shaving is gentler on the skin, but it is still advisable to use wet shaving. It has a similar peeling effect. Since the upper skin layers are removed, the ingredients in care products penetrate more quickly and reach the inflamed areas more effectively.

        Although personal preference plays an important role, the benefits of wet shaving for acne usually outweigh those of dry shaving. Ultimately, wet shaving achieves a peeling effect that is absent with dry shaving.

        Which aftershave is recommended for acne?

        The aftershave product should be as natural as possible. The skin has been stressed by shaving and should now be calmed. Fragrances can have the opposite effect.

        Alcohol is not a problem. Alcohol, usually found in the form of ethanol, has a disinfecting effect. The alcohol in aftershave causes the burning sensation after application.

        Ensure that your aftershave contains not only alcohol but also astringent. Ingredients with astringent properties help the skin reduce inflammation as they cause it to contract more quickly. Plant-based astringents, such as witch hazel and sage, also have a positive effect on the skin and reduce inflammation.


        Shaving with acne may be challenging. With a few tips and tricks, such as the right shaving technique, it is possible to shave with acne. With some measures, you can also reduce the risk of developing new pimples after shaving. It is important that the shaving tools are clean and that the skin is properly cared for after shaving.


        Can shaving cause pimples?

        There are shaving pimples that are not related to acne. These are small inflammations also caused by bacteria.

        Minor skin injuries, ingrown beard hairs, or overly aggressive skincare after shaving, such as with products containing synthetic substances, can lead to shaving pimples.

        Which razor is best for impure skin?

        A sharp razor blade is important as it requires less pressure during shaving. An electric shaver for dry shaving is an alternative, but dry shaving lacks the so-called “peeling effect.”

        It is important that the tools are clean and disinfected to avoid transferring bacteria.

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        Der Bart, den Du trägst, gehört gepflegt. Das heißt, Du musst auch nachrasieren. So etwa die Bartkonturen am Hals. Aber wie sollte man den Bart am Hals rasieren? Im nachfolgenden Artikel verraten wir Dir ein paar Tipps und Tricks, damit Du den Bart am Hals richtig rasierst. Dazu gehört auch, die richtige Bartkontur am Hals zu ziehen.

        Sollte ich meinen Bart am Hals rasieren oder nicht?

        Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass der Bart am Hals wild und nicht gleichmäßig wächst, ist er regelmäßig in Form zu bringen. So verhinderst Du, dass der Bart ungepflegt wirkt.

        Du kannst etwa einen Vollbart tragen, aber dennoch keinen Bart am Hals haben. Du kannst auch den Bart am Hals trimmen. Das heißt, der Bart am Hals ist kürzer als Dein Bart im Gesicht. Der Übergang sollte entlang der Halskonturlinie stattfinden. Ist der Bart am Hals getrimmt, so erscheint er gepflegt. 

        Der Vollbart erscheint auch gepflegter, wenn Du den Bart am Hals rasiert hast. Es ist daher sehr wohl ratsam, wenn Du Deinen Bart am Hals rasierst oder zumindest trimmst.

        Wie weit rasiert man den Bart am Hals?

        Wie weit sollte also der Bart am Hals rasiert werden? Eine Frage, die durchaus ihre Berechtigung hat! Wichtig ist, dass die Haut auf die Rasur vorbereitet wird. Dabei geht es zunächst um die Frage, sollte man ein Rasiergel oder Schaum verwenden? Für unsere Rasur am Hals entscheiden wir uns für die Rasierseife.

        Was wir für die Rasur am Hals noch benötigen? Einen Spiegel und einen Rasierer. Ob Du einen Nassrasierer verwendest oder mit einem elektrischen Rasierer arbeitest, das bleibt Dir überlassen.

        Wir müssen uns zunächst eine Linie vorstellen, die hinter unserem Ohr anfängt und bis zum Kiefer geht. Das heißt, die Linie endet dort, wo der Hals auf die Kieferunterseite trifft, also das Kinn endet und der Hals beginnt. Die imaginäre Linie, die sich etwas über Deinem Adamsapfel befindet, stellt die Halslinie dar.

        Es gibt noch eine weitere Methode, um die Bart Halslinie zu finden: Neige den Kopf etwas nach unten, so entsteht eine natürliche Falte - das ist die Bartlinie für Deinen Hals, die nun Deine Orientierungslinie ist.

        Suchst Du noch das passende Rasierzubehör? Da können wir Dir helfen:

        Wie rasiere ich meinen Bart am Hals?

        Das Rasieren um den Mund und das Rasieren der Wangen stellt in der Regel keine Schwierigkeit dar. Etwas herausfordernder wird es aufgrund der Kurven und Kanten, wenn Kinn und Hals rasiert werden sollen. Wie schon erwähnt, ist es wichtig, dass Du im Vorfeld die Halslinie findest.

        Haut auf Rasur vorbereiten

        Die Haut muss auf die Rasur vorbereitet werden. Wasche Dein Gesicht, damit sich die Poren öffnen. Danach verwendest Du das Rasiergel oder den Schaum Deiner Rasierseife. 

        Lasse das Gel oder den Schaum einwirken, damit Dein Barthaar weicher wird. So kann Dein Bart ohne stärkere Druckausübung mit dem Rasierer rasiert werden.

        Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 1

        Wähle Nassrasierer oder elektrischen Rasierer

        Die Frage, sollte man den Hals mit einem Nassrasierer oder mit einem elektrischen Rasierer rasieren, hängt von Deiner Präferenz ab. 

        Möchtest Du den Bart am Hals nur trimmen, so musst Du einen Aufsatz verwenden oder mit einer Bartschere arbeiten. 

        Anmerkung: Für die Trockenrasur spielt Punkt 1 unserer Anleitung keine Rolle!

        Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 2

        Halskontur finden & rasieren

        Finde die Halskontur, um den Bart zu rasieren. Wie bereits oben erwähnt, gibt es hier zwei Methoden, um die Halslinie zu finden: 

        Du kannst eine imaginäre Linie ziehen, die von Deinen Ohren bis zum Kiefer geht, kannst aber auch den Kopf leicht senken, sodass eine natürliche Falte erzeugt wird.

        Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 3

        Von außen nach innen rasieren

        Hebe beim Rasieren den Kopf seitlich an. So bekommst Du einen guten Blick auf die Halspartie, die Du nun rasieren willst. Starte nicht direkt an der Konturlinie, sondern arbeite dich von außen nach innen. 

        So verhinderst Du, dass versehentlich eine Ecke in die Kontur rasiert wird.

        Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 4

        In Wuchsrichtung rasieren

        Das gegen den Strich rasieren solltest Du vermeiden! Rasierst Du nicht mit der Wuchsrichtung, so belastest Du Deine Haut. Es kommt zu Hautirritationen. Zudem steigt auch die Gefahr, wenn gegen den Strich rasiert wird, dass Rasierverletzungen entstehen. 

        Der Vollständigkeit halber ist anzumerken, dass das Rasieren gegen den Strich aber auch ein paar Vorteile mit sich bringt: Durch die tiefere Schnittwirkung wird die Haut glatter, es bleiben weniger Stoppel und das Ergebnis wirkt optisch schöner.

        Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 5

        Bart- & Hautpflege Produkte anwenden

        Nach der Rasur geht es darum, die Haut sowie den Bart, wenn Du einen trägst, zu pflegen. Verwende für Deinen Bart Bartöl oder Pomade, damit er geschmeidig bleibt. Für Deine Haut empfehlen wir Lotionen mit beruhigenden Inhaltsstoffen. 

        So etwa Lotionen und Salben mit Aloe Vera. Das hilft auch, um einen Ausschlag nach der Rasur vorzubeugen bzw. zu lindern.

        Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 6

        5 Tipps für die Rasur am Hals

        Tipp 1: Sehr warmes Wasser verwenden

        Wasche Dein Gesicht mit sehr warmen Wasser, damit die Poren geöffnet werden. Lasse den Schaum der Rasierseife auch länger einwirken, damit die Barthaare weicher werden.

        Tipp 2: Kopf senken, um die Halskontur zu finden

        Du musst keine imaginäre Linie von den Ohren bis zum Kinn ziehen, sondern kannst auch den Kopf leicht nach senken. Die Hautfalte, die dann entsteht, ist Deine Halskontur, die die Orientierung zur Rasur vorgibt.

        Tipp 3: Nicht gegen den Strich rasieren

        Um Hautirritationen zu vermeiden, solltest Du nicht gegen den Strich rasieren. Rasiere  immer mit der Wuchsrichtung.

        Tipp 4: Nachschneiden für das perfekte Ergebnis

        Damit Dein Bart gepflegt erscheint, solltest Du Deine Konturen nachschneiden. Wie oft Du die Konturen nachrasieren musst, hängt von Deinem Bartwachstum ab. 

        Tipp 5: Haut und Bart nach der Rasur mit passenden Pflegeprodukten pflegen

        Nach jeder Rasur musst Du die Haut und Deinen Bart pflegen. Verwende dafür Lotionen mit hautberuhigenden Inhaltsstoffen (Aloe Vera) und Pomade und/oder Bartöl.

        Wie oft muss ich meinen Halsbart rasieren?

        Die Antwort auf die Frage hängt davon ab, wie stark Dein Bartwachstum ist. Hast Du einen starken Bartwuchs und möchtest, dass der Halsbart gepflegt aussieht, so ist es ratsam, alle zwei bis drei Tage zum Trimmer zu greifen. Wenn Du glatte und rasierte Haut bevorzugst, musst Du jeden Tag zum Rasierer greifen.


        Wenn Du den Bart am Hals rasieren willst, solltest Du beachten, dass die Haut am Hals empfindlicher als jene in Deinem Gesicht ist. Vermeiden Verletzungen, indem Du mit der Wuchsrichtung rasierst. Verwende qualitativ hochwertige Rasierer und nutze Pflegeprodukte, um Rasierpickel oder einen Ausschlag zu vermeiden. 


        In welche Richtung rasiere ich am Hals?

        Rasiere mit der Wuchsrichtung. Die Haut am Hals ist sehr empfindlich. Rasierst Du gegen die Wuchsrichtung, so kann es zu Hautirritationen kommen. Wenn Du mit der Wuchsrichtung rasierst, kannst Du etwaige Hautirritationen vermeiden.

        Wie vermeide ich Pickel beim Rasieren am Hals?

        Bereite die Haut auf die Rasur vor. Wasche Dein Gesicht am besten sehr warm und verwende Rasiergel oder Rasierseife. So werden die Haare weicher. Danach nutze einen Rasierer mit scharfem Messer und übe keinen zu starken Druck aus. 

        Durch leichte Verletzungen oder wenn Du gegen den Strich, also die Wuchsrichtung, rasierst, entstehen Pickel. Verwende nach der Rasur immer Lotionen, die hautberuhigende Inhaltsstoffe enthalten.

        Finde heraus, was wir noch zu bieten haben, und lies weiter!

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        Sideburns are a type of facial hair that starts at your hairline in front of your ears and extends in a strip down to almost your chin. There are various ways to shave your sideburns, from classic straight to defined shapes; the possibilities are endless.

        Well-groomed sideburns accentuate your jawline and cheekbones. It's important to use a sharp razor to define your sideburns without applying too much pressure on your skin.

        With a wet razor, beard trimmer, or beard scissors, you can cut the sideburns and trim them yourself.

        beard scissors

        Should I shave my sideburns: Yes or no?

        Do you want a full sideburn or just a subtle shadow? It's important to shave the beard so that it suits you and your appearance. No hairstyle automatically dictates that the sideburns must go.

        However, sideburns can appear out of place. Therefore, evaluate the sideburns in combination with your hairstyle and seek feedback from your partner or friends.

        If you or your friends conclude that the sideburns don't suit you, then you should shave them. If you don't want to, you can choose a different type of sideburn.

        First, consider your hairstyle. How long is your hair? For a good visual balance, the sideburns should match your main hair.

        • If you have short hair or a medium-length hairstyle, then narrow sideburns are recommended. Ensure that the width of your sideburns is less than 3 cm.
        • If your main hair is longer, you can wear wider sideburns.

        It is advisable to orient yourself to your existing beard when you plan to trim your sideburns. It is important that the sideburn hair is shorter than the beard hair.

        Sideburns that are between 0.4 and 2.5 mm long look perfect with a 3-day beard that is between 0.5 and 4 mm long.

        The shorter your face is, the longer the sideburns can be. Long and thin sideburns have the advantage of visually elongating your face. A round face can look slimmer with longer and thinner sideburns.

        Do you want to shave sideburns but don't have the right tools? With razors and beard sets from Störtebekker, you can shape your sideburns.

        What should I pay attention to when shaving my sideburns?

        Planning to shave sideburns? First, think about what sideburn style suits you.

        • Round face: Choose a sideburn style that makes your face appear longer. A long sideburn style extending to the jawline can help visually elongate the face.
        • Oval face: Almost any sideburn style suits an oval face. Experiment with different lengths and widths to see what fits you best.
        • Square face: A sideburn style with rounded edges can balance the hard lines of a square face. A wider sideburn can also help soften the face.
        • Heart-shaped face: A slim, short sideburn style can help divert attention from the broad forehead to the chin. Avoid sideburns that are too wide or long.
        • Long face: A broad sideburn beard can help make the face appear wider. Avoid sideburns that are too long, making the face appear even longer.

        Short sideburns are elegant. If you don't have a beard, you should cut the sideburns short. You can also finish the sideburns at an angle or let them flare out wide. For short sideburns, ensure they end above the earlobe.

        Shave your sideburns like a pro

        For angled sideburns, keep them wide at the top and ensure they narrow downward. Regular trimming is important to maintain the shape.

        The so-called mutton chops are classic sideburns. To give you an idea: It's the sideburns that Wolverine wears. Here, your cheekbones are emphasized. The bushy sideburn extends from the hairline to your mouth corners and becomes wider at the bottom.

        Expert tip: Use the razor every three to five days to keep the sideburns in shape.

        Shaving sideburn beard: Here's how

        Do you want to shave your sideburns with a wet razor or a trimmer set to level 0? Here's how.

        Prepare Skin for Shaving

        To begin, you need to prepare your skin for shaving. Let the shaving cream or shaving soap sit for a while so that your beard becomes softer.

        Moisten your face with warm water, which opens the pores and softens the beard. Then apply the shaving foam. The shaving foam should work on the skin for at least 5 minutes.

        Cut Contours

        To give your sideburns the optimal width and to cut precise contours, style the edges of the sideburns with shaving cream. Then start shaving from top to bottom. Use a beard comb to keep the beard straight and uniform.

        Beard comb

        Wash Off Foam, Comb Sideburns

        After finishing the shave, wash off the remaining foam with water and comb your sideburns. A beard brush helps with any finishing touches.

        The Sideburn Index Finger Test

        The index finger test helps you determine if the sideburns are even. Place your index finger at the bottom of each sideburn. Your fingers should be at the same height. If not, you can adjust the sideburns until they match.

        Repeat the process as often as necessary until both sideburns are the same length. Do you need help? Get shaving sets from Störtebekker.

        Care Tips for Your Sideburn Beard

        Regular trimming is the key to a well-groomed appearance. Use a beard trimmer or beard scissors to regularly shorten the hair to the desired length. The hair should be dry so that you can cut the hair accurately.

        Beard scissors

        Wash your sideburns regularly to remove dirt, excess oils, and residues. Use a mild beard shampoo to clean the sideburns. After washing, dry the sideburns thoroughly and apply a beard oil or a moisturizer to keep the hair soft and supple.

        Combing or brushing your sideburns daily ensures that the hair stays neat and untangled. Use a beard comb or a beard brush to shape the hair and remove loose hairs.

        For a complete care routine, you can buy beard sets that include beard scissors, beard trimmers, and beard combs.

        Mehr lesen

        When you are at the drugstore, you will be surprised by the many different types of soap available. But which soap is recommended for hand washing? Is liquid soap really more hygienic than a bar of soap? How long can you use a bar of soap?

        Both types of soap have their advantages and disadvantages. Consider our article before making a decision in the store. Additionally, you should also pay attention to the topic of consumption. The environmental impact should not be ignored.

        Summary of Key Points

        • Soap does not kill bacteria but rather removes germs and dirt from the skin's surface. Water alone does not have the same effect as water combined with soap. It does not matter whether you use liquid soap or a bar of soap.

        • Clean the soap dish. The soap dish is often neglected and can become a breeding ground for germs.

        • Liquid soap generates more plastic waste than bar soap: Bar soaps are typically packaged in a cardboard box or wrapped in paper, while liquid soap is sold in plastic packaging.

        Liquid Soap vs Bar Soap: The Pros and Cons

        The COVID-19 pandemic has led us to pay more attention to hand washing. Perhaps you have compared the various skin cleaning products in the drugstore - such as soaps.

        As you know, there are bar soaps and liquid soaps. But do you know the pros and cons of each type of soap? You will find out the pros and cons in this article.

        Using shaving soap: First wash hands with liquid soap or bar soap


        Which is more economical, liquid soap or bar soap?

        Generally, bar soap is more economical than liquid soap because it is typically more concentrated and contains less water. Bar soap also produces more lather, which covers the skin better and provides a more thorough cleaning.

        However, this can also depend on the quality and type of soap, as there are some liquid soaps that are very concentrated and require only a small amount to produce sufficient lather for cleaning.

        Another advantage: Bar soap cannot be over-dosed. This means that bar soap is significantly more economical than liquid soap. Ultimately, the choice between bar soap and liquid soap depends on personal preferences and needs.

        Is liquid soap more hygienic than bar soap?

        Apart from the question of which soap is more hygienic, it should be noted that both types of soap remove germs and dirt from the skin but do not kill bacteria.

        Studies - such as one from the Journal of Environmental Pathology Toxicology and Oncology - have confirmed that there are significantly more germs and bacteria on a bar of soap compared to liquid soap. This means liquid soap is more hygienic than a bar of soap in a soap dish.

        Ultimately, this is not surprising. Liquid soap is dispensed from a container, so direct skin contact is excluded. It should be noted that bacteria and germs on a bar of soap do not survive for long in the unfavorable environment. There is also no transfer of bacteria and germs during hand washing because they are directly removed by the friction.

        For your home bathroom, a bar of soap in a soap dish is sufficient. In a public restroom, liquid soap might be more suitable as many different people use the soap.

        What can you do to ensure that the soap and the soap dish do not become a breeding ground for germs?

        • Rinse the soap with water after use.
        • Use a soap dish with ridges or holes so that the soap can dry well.
        • You should clean the soap dish at regular intervals because it can become dirty over time and thus become a breeding ground for germs.

        Which soap is more sustainable?

        Bar soaps generally contain fewer chemical additives than liquid soaps and are therefore gentler on the skin and more environmentally friendly.

        With liquid soap in dispensers or refill bags, significantly more plastic packaging is used. Investigations by Öko-Test have shown that some liquid soaps contain harmful microplastics.

        Bar natural soap is available in unpackaged stores or packaging-free in drugstores. Some stores offer soap in environmentally friendly cartons.

        And while we're on the topic of soap: Do you know our Störtebekker shaving soap? If not, click on the link in the image :)

        Is liquid soap easier to dose than bar soap?

        Once you press the dispenser, a certain amount of liquid soap is dispensed. Studies have shown that people tend to press the dispenser multiple times. This means that more liquid soap is generally used than needed.

        Studies have shown that a single pump dispenses significantly more soap than is needed for hand washing. Nevertheless, and you can observe this yourself in public places, more than one pump is often used.


        For hand washing, you should always use some form of soap. In public spaces, liquid soap is generally available - mainly for hygiene reasons. In your own bathroom, a bar of soap in a soap dish is sufficient.

        As long as you ensure that the soap is rinsed with water after hand washing, you need not worry about germs or bacteria. Additionally, you help the environment by choosing a bar of soap over liquid soap.


        Can liquid soap be used instead of shower gel?

        Yes, liquid soap can also be used as an alternative to shower gel. Both have similar cleaning properties and often contain similar ingredients such as surfactants and moisturizers. However, liquid soap is generally less concentrated than shower gel and can therefore be used up more quickly.

        Additionally, liquid soap may tend to strip the skin of oils more than shower gel, as shower gel typically contains more moisturizing ingredients. For sensitive skin, liquid soap may lead to dryness.

        It is advisable to limit the use of liquid soap as a shower gel substitute to a short period or opt for a particularly moisturizing variant.

        Is bar soap as suitable for sensitive skin as liquid soap?

        Bar soap can be as suitable for sensitive skin as liquid soap. However, it depends on the type of soap. A bar soap containing natural ingredients such as aloe vera or shea butter can be especially gentle on sensitive skin and help to moisturize it.

        However, it is important to note that some bar soaps may also contain potentially irritating ingredients such as fragrances or artificial colorants.

        It is also important to note that soap, in general, may not be suitable for every skin type, especially if the skin is already prone to dryness or irritation. In this case, it may be better to use a specially formulated cleansing lotion or a mild shower gel specifically designed for sensitive skin.

        It is always a good idea to check the ingredients on the packaging and consult a dermatologist if you have concerns.

        Can liquid soap go bad?

        Liquid soap has an expiration date. Generally, it is shelf-stable for twelve months when unopened. If the liquid soap has an unpleasant odor or does not lather, you should dispose of it.

        Bar soaps last significantly shorter, depending on their ingredients (flower pieces, essential oils, etc.), sometimes just a year. The fewer ingredients in the soap, the longer it can last.

        Keep reading - it's still interesting:

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        When it comes to beard styles, the so-called 5 o'clock shadow is increasingly talked about. While the beard shadow used to be considered daring and unkempt, tolerated only during vacations, the 5 o'clock shadow is becoming more and more acceptable and even understood as its own beard style.

        And if you wear a beard, you've surely already encountered the 5 o'clock shadow.

        bald head

        What is the Beard Shadow?

        The 5 o'clock shadow has a long history and actually dates back to the 5 o'clock tea, which was long customary in Britain, even for men. When they met for their daily Afternoon Tea at that time, the first hair shadows seemed to appear on the faces of some men.

        The 5 o'clock shadow is therefore a shadowy initial beard growth that shows through after some time on shaved skin.

        In that sense: If you wear a beard, you have inevitably also encountered the beard shadow. Because – how do I get a beard? Exactly: By simply letting it grow in the beginning!

        What is the difference between beard shadow and a 3-day beard?

        Unlike a 3-day beard, where clearly grown stubble is visible, the beard shadow is really just a shadowy appearance of beard hairs. The skin itself still feels relatively smooth and you can't feel the beard hairs yet. This also presents a problem: getting rid of the beard shadow.

        Expert tip: Especially men with dark hair and strong beard growth quickly develop a beard shadow. For some men, only daily and very thorough shaving helps to avoid the beard shadow.

        Others need to deliberately grow out the beard shadow. Since this is becoming increasingly fashionable and is worn by many designers and celebrities, we want to provide a brief guide.

        The guide is great. But do you have the right “tools” for it? Check out all shaving products that the Störtebekker shop has to offer. Perhaps you're missing a tool or two to get your beard shadow under control.

        How do I get a beard shadow?

        While in the past, men would have pulled their (beard) hair out because the beard shadow was seen as a bothersome byproduct of not very regular and precise shaving, today more and more men are wondering how to deliberately create a 5 o'clock shadow on their face.

        As with any beard style, growing out the beard hairs is the first step for the 5 o'clock shadow.

        Step 1:

        First, let your beard grow completely. Depending on how quickly your hair grows, it may take a day or two or even longer for the first signs to appear.

        Beard shadow tips - Step 1

        Step 2:

        Once you have visible beard stubble, it's time to grab the trimmer. Trim the stubble, which naturally grows at different rates and lengths, to the same length.

        Start with a longer trimming level and work your way down to the desired length or shortness.

        Beard shadow tips - Step 2

        Step 3:

        Now it's time to define: Trim the area on the neck shorter than the rest, as it will be shaved smooth with the razor afterward. The optimal length for the stubble remaining on the face is 1 mm.

        Beard shadow tips - Step 3

        Step 4:

        Shave the neck area smooth – use the usual procedure of wet shaving with shaving foam or shaving soap and a shaving brush. Also, check out our Störtebekker shaving Routine :)

        Beard shadow tips - Step 4

        Step 5:

        Now you can finish up with your usual aftercare. Aftershave, care cream, or balm – we have great products for this in the Störtebekker shop, so feel free to take a look!

        Beard shadow tips - Step 5

        Who suits the beard shadow?

        The beard shadow looks particularly good on men with oval faces and dark hair. For oval or rectangular faces, we would rather advise against it.

        Similarly for very light hair, as a few light blonde or red beard stubbles do not form a real shadow. You should have fuller beard growth and darker hair for this.


        The 5 o'clock shadow is now well-established as a distinct beard style, yet it is not really time-consuming or laborious and is relatively easy to achieve. It is also well-suited for a busy schedule or if you are the more laid-back type.

        Have you already tried this style? How did you find it?


        Is the beard shadow modern?

        The beard shadow is currently quite trendy. It is now so fashionable that you can even wear it to the office and with a suit.

        What hairstyle pairs best with a beard shadow?

        All types of hairstyles go well with a beard shadow – but to avoid a messy and unkempt appearance, they should be well-styled. Therefore, a wild, long mane or a frizzy mess is less suitable.

        How can you remove a beard shadow?

        If you want to remove your beard shadow, only a particularly smooth, thorough shave will help. For rapidly growing and dark hair, even then a slight shadow may remain.

        In that case, treatment with IPL or laser technology helps. Professional cosmetic studios and dermatologists offer this.

        It's still interesting – keep reading:

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        Split ends in the beard are a problem. Your beard becomes dull and looks unkempt. Split ends in the beard also spread if you don't stop them. But why do split ends in the beard occur at all?

        To treat split ends, you need to recognize them. In our article, we'll also tell you how to prevent split ends. Perhaps you are not even aware that with some of your beard care practices, you might actually be contributing to split ends in your beard.

        bearded man

        How do I recognize split ends in my beard?

        If the beard hair is broken at the tip, it is split ends. The split can then continue to move upwards, making the beard look increasingly dull and unkempt. Initially, the beard looks unkempt, and over time it becomes rougher.

        It is important that you recognize split ends in the beard. If you don't tackle split ends, they will spread throughout your entire beard.

        Causes of Split Ends in Beards

        Your beard hairs have split ends – again! To avoid split ends in your beard, you need to understand the causes of how split ends occur in the beard.

        Unhealthy Diet

        An unhealthy lifestyle can promote split ends in the beard. Excessive alcohol consumption and unhealthy foods are a classic combination that can cause split ends in the beard. In particular, a lack of

        • Proteins,
        • Vitamins
        • and minerals can contribute to struggling with split ends in the beard.

        Expert Tip: A balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and sufficient protein can help keep the beard healthy and prevent split ends.

        Hair Dryer or Straightener

        You can dry your beard, but make sure to set the right temperature. Also, keep some distance between the dryer and the beard. When it comes to straighteners, it's a different story: The high temperatures of a straightener can dry out and make the hair brittle, which can lead to split ends in the beard.

        It is therefore advisable not to dry or straighten the beard too often and to use lower temperatures. How you can straighten your beard is explained in this post.

        Everyday Stress

        Stress in daily life can also lead to split ends in the beard. When we are stressed, our body produces more stress hormones like cortisol, which can negatively affect the health of the skin and hair.

        Therefore, try to find a balance to the stressful job as much as possible. A good balance is, for example, exercise.

        • Running,
        • Strength training
        • or team sports are ideal for not only staying fit but also reducing stress.

        Frequent Dyeing

        Do you want to dye your beard? Frequent dyeing of the beard or beard hairs can be another cause of split ends. Through chemical treatments such as

        • Dyeing,
        • Bleaching
        • or Toning, the hair is heavily stressed and can lose its elasticity.

        The hair structure gets damaged and the beard hairs can become more prone to split ends. Especially aggressive chemicals like ammonia, peroxides, or sulfates can severely dry out the hair and promote split ends.

        man bald beard shave

        Silicones in Shampoo

        Silicones are synthetic polymers found in many hair products such as

        • Shampoos,
        • Conditioners
        • and styling products.

        They are known for making the hair look soft, smooth, and shiny. However, they can also cause the hair to become more brittle and lead to split ends in the beard.

        Silicones form a layer on the hair surface that seals the hair and gives it a smooth appearance. However, this layer can also prevent moisture from penetrating the hair, which causes the hair to become dry and brittle. When the beard is dry and brittle, it tends to break and develop split ends.

        Dull Trimmer

        You should regularly replace the blades of your beard trimmer. Dull or dirty blades can contribute to the development of split ends during the trimming process.

        If you continuously struggle with split ends, you should stop using the beard trimmer altogether. The alternative for trimming the beard: beard scissors. With beard scissors, you can easily trim the beard ends.

        Measures Against Split Ends in the Beard

        When split ends are present for the first time, you can only stop split ends in the beard by cutting the beard hair. A portion of the beard affected by split ends needs to be trimmed. If you need to cut your beard, be sure to use beard scissors. Beard scissors provide clean cuts and are gentle on weakened beard hair.

        Once you have trimmed your beard, you have stopped split ends. But now it's important to prevent split ends in the beard.

        Preventing Split Ends in the Beard: Here’s How

        Treating split ends is important and necessary, but it’s much more important to prevent split ends. With a few tips and tricks, you can ensure that beard split ends are a thing of the past and don’t occur anymore.

        Moisturizing Care

        Ensure sufficient moisture supply. Your beard and skin need moisture. Especially after shaving, you should care for your face and beard with beard balm or beard pomade. And regular beard care, including washing, brushing, and oiling, can help prevent beard split ends.

        Use Beard Shampoo or Soap

        It is important not to use regular shampoo for your beard. There are special beard shampoos. These products are specially tailored to the needs of beard hair and often contain mild and natural ingredients such as oils or extracts that provide moisture and care for the beard.

        Balanced Diet

        Proteins are very important, but they alone are not enough. In particular, a lack of proteins, vitamins, and minerals can lead to brittle, weak hair that is more prone to split ends. Particularly important are

        • B-vitamins,
        • Vitamin C and E,
        • Zinc and iron.

        These are responsible for healthy hair growth and adequate nourishment of hair follicles.

        Avoid Excessive Heat

        When drying your beard, make sure the temperature is not set too high. You should also keep a bit more distance between the dryer and the beard hair.

        It is advisable not to use a straightener at all or, if you do use it, to use heat protection beforehand and ensure that the hair is completely dry and free of any residual moisture.


        It is important to know not only how to treat split ends in the beard but also how to prevent them. With the right care and a protein-rich diet, you can already contribute to keeping your beard looking nice and well-groomed. If split ends do occur in the beard, you must intervene with beard scissors and trim the beard.


        Why Do Beard Hairs Break?

        Beard hairs break for various reasons. One of the most common reasons is using low-quality shaving tools or using inappropriate techniques while shaving. It is important to always use sharp shaving tools and to handle the razor gently over the skin to avoid breaking beard hairs.

        Another factor that can contribute to beard hairs breaking is using aggressive products that are not specifically designed for the beard.

        Make sure to use products that are specifically suitable for beards and are not too heavy or sticky. Regularly combing and brushing the beard can also help minimize the breakage of beard hairs by removing tangles and knots that can stress the beard hairs.

        At What Length Do Split Ends Occur in the Beard?

        The longer the beard hair, the higher the risk of split ends occurring. In a healthy beard, hair can typically reach a length of 15-20 cm before it starts to develop split ends.

        However, it is important to note that every beard is different and that split ends can also occur with shorter hair if it is excessively stressed or not adequately cared for.

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        Are you unhappy with your beard growth? With a few tips and tricks, you can speed up beard growth. Focus primarily on beard care, then on your diet, and be patient. It takes several months, depending on the type of beard you want to grow, for it to become thick.

        In the following text, you will not only learn what you need to do to make your beard grow faster but also what to avoid so that your beard growth is not hindered.

        beard comb man

        Summary of the Key Points

        • If your beard is not growing as you envision, you can speed up beard growth with a few tips and tricks. Even some home remedies can be helpful in achieving a fast-growing and dense beard.

        • Diet, care, and stress impact your beard. Therefore, make sure to maintain daily facial cleansing and include sufficient proteins in your diet.

        • Do not underestimate the time it takes for your beard to become thick—so be patient and understand that it takes months for a beard to become full.

        • There are many ways to wear a beard; choose a beard style that grows quickly and densely. If you have strong beard growth on your chin, consider a goatee or a chin beard. If you have dense growth on your upper lip, you can also wear a mustache.

        How fast does beard hair actually grow?

        In most men, beard hair grows at a rate of 0.3 to 0.4 millimeters per day. It can therefore take some time for initial stubble to develop into a substantial full beard.

        How can a beard grow faster?

        Is it possible to accelerate beard growth? Indeed, the beard can grow faster. There are also a few promising beard growth products that are said to make the beard grow quickly.

        But you need to be careful: Not all products offered online are truly effective. There are also a few tips and tricks beyond various beard growth products that can help you achieve faster beard growth.

        How to Grow a Beard Faster? Tips for Faster Beard Growth

        If you've ever wondered how to make your beard grow faster, you've probably looked it up on the internet.

        There are indeed some tips and tricks, as well as home remedies, to stimulate beard growth.

        1. The Right Diet for Faster Beard Growth

        In fact, you can make your beard grow faster by paying attention to your diet. Your meals should be rich in protein. This means eating primarily

        • Poultry,
        • Fish,
        • Eggs, and legumes.

        But it's not just proteins that help your beard; vitamins and minerals are also important. Particularly effective are Vitamin C and B vitamins, biotin, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

        Expert Tip: Your diet has a significant impact on your beard. It is indeed possible to accelerate beard growth with a healthy and balanced diet. To prevent nutrient deficiencies and stimulate beard growth, some men turn to zinc and similar hair supplements.

        2. Regular Care for Faster Beard Growth

        Beards need care. Classic beard care products help keep the beard soft and also make it look well-groomed. However, beard care is not the only thing that's important; skin care is also crucial for beard growth.

        How can a beard grow faster? The face should be washed with lukewarm water in the morning. After that, you can apply a mild cream.

        In the evening, you should also wash your face with warm water and apply cream. You can also use exfoliants—giving your face a scrub once or twice a week stimulates the skin and encourages beard growth.

        Additionally, you can use beard oil to prevent the existing hair from becoming split or dull, and to keep the beard healthy.

        beard man full beard

        3. Stay Patient

        If you're looking for tips and tricks on how to grow your beard faster, you should also be aware that a full beard requires some time.

        It can take up to 16 weeks for the last areas of gaps in the beard to close. A truly full beard may take up to six months to fully develop.

        4. Reduce Stress and Exercise

        Stress is a negative factor that not only slows down beard growth but can also affect hair growth on your head. Therefore, try to reduce stress in your daily life and take it easy.

        Plenty of sleep and a high testosterone level have a positive impact on promoting beard growth. Testosterone is produced through

        • Exercise,
        • Sunbathing,
        • and sex - three factors that also typically provide relaxation.

        Are There Home Remedies for Faster Beard Growth?

        A popular home remedy is castor oil. Although there are no scientific studies to support this, there are many positive testimonials.

        However, castor oil does not accelerate beard growth, but rather makes the hair appear fuller quickly, giving the beard a denser look.

        The beard hair remains soft with castor oil. Additionally, castor oil contains many essential

        • Fatty acids,
        • Proteins,
        • and vitamins to strengthen the hair follicles.

        A myth that needs to be dispelled here: Can you make your beard grow faster with toothpaste? No. Those with no beard growth on their cheeks will not see improvement with toothpaste.

        Even though the effectiveness of castor oil in relation to beard growth is not scientifically confirmed, castor oil should always be preferred over toothpaste.

        What Should I Avoid to Make My Beard Grow Faster?

        To make your beard grow faster, you should - as mentioned before - pay attention to your diet and skin care. Neglecting facial care will not contribute to faster beard growth. Stress is also a factor that can negatively impact beard growth.

        What Can You Do if Your Beard Isn’t Growing?

        • A Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats can strengthen hair follicles and promote beard growth.

        • Enough Sleep: Adequate sleep is important for your body to regenerate and recover. A well-rested body can positively affect beard growth.

        • Stress Reduction: Chronic stress can impair hair growth. Try to reduce stress by using techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises.

        • Exercise: Exercise can help improve circulation and metabolism, which can positively impact beard growth.

        • Regular Facial Massage: Regular facial massages can promote blood circulation in the face and thus stimulate beard growth.

        • Beard Care with Natural Oils: Certain oils like jojoba oil, argan oil, and castor oil can promote beard growth and make the beard softer and shinier.

        • Use of Beard Care Products: Specialized beard care products such as beard oils, beard waxes, and beard shampoos can promote beard growth and keep the beard healthy.

        • Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol consumption can impair beard growth by reducing blood circulation in the body.

        • Use of Vitamins and Supplements: Certain vitamins such as biotin, vitamin D, and zinc can support beard growth and prevent hair loss.

        • Be Patient: Beard growth is a slow process, and it can take several months for a beard to grow fully. Be patient and consistently apply the above tips to achieve the best results.


        There are many factors that influence beard growth. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the topic of beard growth and check if you are making any mistakes that could hinder it.

        In the end, you do have an influence on beard growth and can either accelerate it with appropriate actions or achieve the opposite.


        How fast does a beard grow in 2 weeks?

        The growth rate of the beard varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as age, hormone levels, genetics, and overall health. On average, the beard grows about 0.3 to 0.6 mm per day, which is approximately 1.25 cm per month.

        However, it is important to note that beard growth does not occur at the same speed for everyone and there are individual differences. Some men may have a full beard within a few weeks, while others may take months or even years for their beard to grow fully.

        How long does it take for the beard to be 10 cm long?

        To grow a beard to 10 centimeters, you need patience. Typically, if your beard grows quickly, you will reach this length in about 8 months. But not every beard can reach 10 cm, as growth is influenced by various factors such as genetic predisposition, hormones, diet, and health.

        Some men can grow a long and thick beard, while others may only have a thin or sparse beard due to their genes.

        It remains interesting - keep reading :)

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        You can show that you care about grooming and appearance with your braided beard. If you have only been using a beard band to tie up your beard because you haven't found a suitable beard braiding guide, we are here to help you now.

        In the following article, you will definitely find some ideas on how you can style your beard. We also provide you with a few tips and tricks to ensure your first attempts succeed right away.

        Summary of the Key Points

        • You can either tie up your beard or opt for a braided hairstyle. With a certain beard length, various options are available to you.

        • With a braiding guide, you can braid a French braid or, if you have practice, a fishtail braid.

        • Remember to groom the full beard before you start braiding. A freshly washed and blow-dried beard is easier to shape.

        • Beard braids are trendy and perfect for any man who wants to stand out from the crowd. It shows that you care about your beard. A braided beard indicates that it is well-groomed.

        man beard comb

        How long does my beard need to be to braid it?

        Which beard braid should you choose? Do you want to braid a Viking beard or are you interested in a goat beard braid? Perhaps you plan to follow a specific beard braiding guide because you want to try something completely new?

        Since the beard needs to be of a certain length to braid it, you will need to be a bit patient. Depending on your personal beard growth and beard care, it can take months to years before you have a long and thick beard that you can braid.

        • If you want smaller beard braids, your beard should be at least 7 cm long.

        • For a medium beard braid, your beard should be about 10 cm long.

        • If you plan a large beard braid, it's advisable if the beard length is at least 15 cm.

        You can show that you care about grooming and appearance with your braided beard. If you have only been using a beard band to tie up your beard because you haven't found a suitable beard braiding guide, we are here to help you now.

        In the following article, you will definitely find some ideas on how you can style your beard. We also provide you with a few tips and tricks to ensure your first attempts succeed right away.

        Summary of the Key Points

        • You can either tie up your beard or opt for a braided hairstyle. With a certain beard length, various options are available to you.

        • With a braiding guide, you can braid a French braid or, if you have practice, a fishtail braid.

        • Remember to groom the full beard before you start braiding. A freshly washed and blow-dried beard is easier to shape.

        • Beard braids are trendy and perfect for any man who wants to stand out from the crowd. It shows that you care about your beard. A braided beard indicates that it is well-groomed.

        man beard comb

        How long does my beard need to be to braid it?

        Which beard braid should you choose? Do you want to braid a Viking beard or are you interested in a goat beard braid? Perhaps you plan to follow a specific beard braiding guide because you want to try something completely new?

        Since the beard needs to be of a certain length to braid it, you will need to be a bit patient. Depending on your personal beard growth and beard care, it can take months to years before you have a long and thick beard that you can braid.

        • If you want smaller beard braids, your beard should be at least 7 cm long.

        • For a medium beard braid, your beard should be about 10 cm long.

        • If you plan a large beard braid, it's advisable if the beard length is at least 15 cm.
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        A shaving brush goes through a lot with us. We let it soak up shaving foam every day and then use it on our beard hairs. Just as we regularly clean razors and other items in our shaving set, we should also clean the shaving brush.

        We show you what to consider when caring for the shaving brush and how to dry it properly in this article.

        Why should you clean your shaving brush?

        Maintaining the shaving brush is essential. After all, it comes into contact with shaving foam and your skin.

        If you don't take proper care of the shaving brush, it not only means that its lifespan is significantly shortened and it gradually gets damaged, but also that shaving will become quite unhygienic for you over time.

        A dirty shaving brush can also develop unpleasant odors that can transfer to the skin and beard.

        Prevention of Bacteria and Infections

        After shaving, the brush becomes a collection point for

        • Soap residues,
        • Skin flakes,
        • Beard hairs,
        • and thus also for dirt and bacteria.

        If you deny your shaving brush the proper care, bacteria will multiply in the brush bristles. This is not only unhygienic but can also lead to infections and inflammations on the skin.

        Especially when bacteria enter deeper through small skin injuries. The remaining dirt in the brush bristles can also clog your pores and cause skin impurities.

        Extending the Lifespan of the Brush

        Unrinsed soap residues damage the sensitive brush bristles and can destroy the fiber structure: The shaving brush loses hairs and becomes brittle and fragile more quickly.

        Improving Shaving Quality

        A brush whose bristles are severely compromised only partially fulfills its purpose of thoroughly and evenly lathering the skin and making the beard hairs soft and supple for shaving.

        In other words: The quality of the shave ultimately suffers when the shaving brush is neglected in its care.

        How to Clean a Shaving Brush?

        The big and justified question is: How do I clean a shaving brush? We show you how to do it best.

        Step 1:

        Hold the shaving brush under lukewarm water after use. To do this, hold the bristles and handle horizontally under the stream and turn and shake the brush until all foam residues are removed.

        Shaving brush cleaning step 1

        Step 2:

        If residues are stubbornly stuck in the bristles, place the brush in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes and then repeat the rinsing procedure under the lukewarm water stream.

        Shaving brush cleaning step 2

        Step 3:

        Now carefully remove the water from the bristles by shaking the brush over the sink with a loose wrist.

        Do not be tempted to rub, squeeze, or towel-dry the brush. This will make the bristles brittle and fragile.

        Shaving brush cleaning step 3

        Step 4:

        Then hang or place the brush in a well-ventilated area to dry. The appropriate brush holders, which are also available for purchase in the Störtebekker shop, are ideal for this purpose.

        Never be tempted to rub the brush dry with a towel or use a hairdryer. This damages the fiber structure of the bristles and can cause damage.

        Shaving brush cleaning step 4


        Occasionally, the shaving brush needs a more thorough cleaning. We have some valuable information for you below.

        How Often Should You Clean a Shaving Brush?

        The cleaning procedure described above should be applied after each use. It doesn't take much of your time but significantly extends the lifespan of the shaving brush and makes the shave overall more hygienic and clean.

        What Cleaning Agents Are Suitable?

        Even though washing with warm water, traces of shaving soap, shaving oil, or shaving gel can accumulate in the brush over time, you should occasionally give it a more thorough cleaning.

        1. For this, you can put pH-neutral soap or beard shampoo into a small bowl with lukewarm water

        2. And let the brush soak in it for about half an hour.

        3. After the cleaning agent has had time to work, rinse the brush with lukewarm water as described above.

        4. We also recommend adding a splash of apple cider vinegar to the cleaning process. This helps prevent bacteria and bad odors from settling in the brush bristles.

        Never use harsh cleaning agents on the brush, as they can damage the fine structure of the bristles.

        Also, avoid using shower gels or similar products, as they may contain silicones or other softening agents that can harm the brush.

        Expert Tip: Specialty cleaning agents for shaving brushes are also available in specialized stores, which are particularly useful for cleaning badger hair shaving brushes.

        How to Dry a Shaving Brush After Cleaning?

        The brush should be air-dried only. Rubbing, toweling, or blow-drying damages the bristles and is therefore not recommended.

        Do not simply place the wet brush on any bathroom shelf but hang or place it so that enough air can reach the bristles, preventing the brush from becoming moldy or musty.

        It is also important to have a well ventilated room. A steamy bathroom is not ideal - open a window or turn on the fan to help the shaving brush dry properly.

        Shaving brush cleaning


        The shaving brush is your best buddy when it comes to shaving preparation. Treat it with care and take it seriously as an essential tool for a thorough shave. Additionally, our recommendation: Pay attention to good quality when purchasing. Your beard will thank you.

        FAQ Shaving Brush Cleaning

        How do I store my shaving brush after cleaning?

        Store the shaving brush in a bathroom cabinet after cleaning and drying (important: always only after drying!) where it is protected from dust, dirt, and moisture. Ideally, place the brush in a suitable shaving brush holder.

        Why does my shaving brush shed hairs?

        Over time and with use, it is normal for the shaving brush to shed hairs. Synthetic brushes tend to be somewhat more durable than those with animal hairs. However, like all tools, you will need to replace the brush after some time.

        How can I prevent my shaving brush from smelling after cleaning?

        Bad odors arise if the brush has not been thoroughly cleaned or if it cannot dry properly in a too damp environment. Therefore, clean the brush thoroughly and let it air-dry in a truly well-ventilated room.

        In acute cases, a cleaning with a splash of vinegar water is recommended. The vinegar acts as an odor neutralizer.

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        Beard care and well-groomed styling are important, and all beard wearers agree on that. While some swear by beard oil, others are convinced of the benefits of beard wax.

        Which product makes more sense for whom is actually dependent on beard structure and beard style. We will show you the differences and when you should choose which product.

        Man Beard Care Beard

        What is Beard Oil?

        Beard oil is sold in bottles and is a mixture of different oils with various nourishing properties. So when you buy beard oil, you are essentially getting a cocktail of various positive beard care ingredients.

        1. The oil is applied sparingly (always use only a few drops),

        2. rubbed between the hands and warmed up

        3. and then massaged into the beard hair and the underlying skin.

        It nourishes not only the hair but also the facial skin, and protects it from drying out and irritation.

        What Ingredients Are Found in Beard Oil?

        The ingredients of beard oil are quickly explained. It is usually a pure natural product with exclusively natural ingredients.

        1. Carrier oils such as jojoba oil, almond oil, argan oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil. They provide moisture, soothe and nourish the skin, and ensure that both the skin and beard hair remain smooth and do not become brittle.

        2. Essential oils such as peppermint oil, clove, vanilla, or citrus oils. They primarily serve to give the beard oil a pleasant scent, but they also have other important properties.

          Many essential oils, for example, have disinfecting or anti-inflammatory effects and can prevent redness, irritation, skin fungi, or skin inflammations.

        Who Is Beard Oil Suitable For?

        Beard oil is suitable for everyone with a beard, including those with 3-day beards. Especially for shorter, stubbly beards, beard oil is often beneficial as the coarse, prickly beard stubble can dry out and irritate the skin.

        Beard oil soothes the skin and makes it smooth again. In general, you should be aware that beard oil makes your beard hair softer and gives it shine. If you want to shape your beard, beard oil is not the right product for you.

        It is suitable for all rough, stubbly beards, for brittle beard hair, and whenever you want your hair to look smoother and more groomed. But even if you style your beard, beard oil is useful.

        Consider it a beard product for care, which helps you keep your skin and beard hair healthy. Feel free to check out the Störtebekker Shop, where we have a high-quality beard oil that we personally swear by.

        What Is Beard Wax?

        Beard wax is a solid product, usually available in jars.

        1. You take a tiny amount with your finger

        2. and rub it between your hands until its texture becomes liquid from the body heat.

        3. Then you apply it to your beard, where it hardens again and helps shape and style your beard.

        Due to its solid consistency, beard wax remains in the hair and absorbs less into the skin.

        What Ingredients Are Found in Beard Wax?

        The ingredients of beard wax are also very straightforward. The product typically contains no artificial or chemical ingredients and is based on a traditional manufacturing process.

        1. Carrier oils such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, or shea butter. For beard wax, saturated plant-based carrier oils are used, which do not become rancid quickly when stored at room temperature.

          These carrier oils serve as nourishing components that provide moisture and nutrients to the beard hair, keeping it healthy and looking good.

        2. Waxes, beeswax, resins, or gum arabic. These components provide hold. You can style and shape your beard.

        3. Essential oils - they give the beard wax a pleasant scent and, thanks to their active ingredients, also provide antibacterial or antifungal care.

        Who Is Beard Wax Suitable For?

        Beard wax is for everyone who wants to add style and shape to their beard—whether it be long full beards or Viking beards, or for any beard style that needs a firming component—mustache, goatee, or Henriquatre.

        Expert Tip: If all you want is for your beard to be well-groomed, soft, and shiny, you don't need beard wax.


        Beard oil is an absolute all-rounder for all beard types and, alongside beard shampoo and shaving soap, is a basic product for beard care. Beard wax is used for styling, and you only need it when your beard requires more firmness and hold.

        When and how do you like to use beard wax? We are curious.

        FAQ: Beard Oil or Beard Wax

        Can beard oil and beard wax be used at the same time?

        Beard oil and beard wax can be used simultaneously—the former is for care (which is equally important for every beard wearer!), and the latter is for styling. Many men use both.

        How often should beard oil and beard wax be used?

        Both products are intended for daily use. We would also recommend this for beard oil. Beard and facial skin are exposed to many stresses daily (climate, environment, your fingers playing in the beard, etc.)—they therefore also need a daily dose of care.

        How can beard wax or oil be washed out?

        Beard oil and beard wax can be easily washed out with warm water and a little beard shampoo. You can find a high-quality beard shampoo in our online shop. Make sure not to use regular hair shampoo, as it does not have the suitable pH level for your beard hair.

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        Rash after shaving not only looks unattractive but can also cause incredible itching. There are some tips and tricks to make the bumps disappear quickly - a visit to the doctor is usually not necessary. You can almost always prevent razor burn if you make sure to use a sharp blade and shave with the grain.

        Skin irritation after shaving is not unusual. Redness after shaving can not only be treated well but also prevented with a few tips and tricks. If your skin itches after shaving, you can help yourself with various remedies.

        If red spots appear after shaving, it is important to clarify whether they are razor burn or a rash after shaving.

        Shaving before and after

        How does a rash after shaving manifest?

        In fact, itching can occur after shaving, and it is also possible for a rash to appear. However, there is a clear difference between razor burn and a rash after shaving.

        After shaving, various symptoms may appear, which you can alleviate with different tips and tricks. The most common symptoms include:

        • burning
        • skin redness
        • red pimples after shaving
        • itching
        • rash

        We have already written a very informative post on the topic of itching after shaving - check it out: Help, my beard itches and stings » First aid from the barber

        It is important to note that the symptoms or rash from shaving usually disappear within a few hours, and sometimes after one to three days.

        Severe and chronic cases are possible. This can lead to pseudofolliculitis barbae. The symptoms of this condition are:

        • skin inflammation with pustules and papules
        • ingrown hairs
        • possible hyperpigmentation
        • abscess formation
        • secondary infection

        What is the difference between razor burn and a rash?

        Razor burn and shaving pimples are often described as the same issue. However, both occur for different reasons. Razor burn, which is simply a skin rash, can cause red skin patches, itchy rashes, or even sensitivity.

        The classic razor burn is directly caused by the razor blade used. When the razor blade cuts into the skin during shaving and damages the skin, it leads to red skin irritations that subsequently cause itching.

        Shaving pimples occur when ingrown hairs are caused by shaving against the hair growth. The hair grows under the skin's surface, leading to red skin bumps that resemble pimples. Therefore, one should shave the beard correctly, even if you are in a hurry. This can help prevent unsightly and itchy shaving pimples.

        Possible triggers for a rash after shaving

        There are a few triggers that can lead to a rash appearing after shaving, which should then be treated.

        The shave

        It’s about the type of shave. If you shave against the grain because this way the shave is completed faster, you risk skin irritation and also shaving pimples.

        A dull blade

        A razor that has been used multiple times has a dull blade. For this reason, you should regularly replace the razor blade. A sharp blade ensures a better shave.

        cost comparison razor

        Sensitive skin

        If you have sensitive skin, you need to be especially careful. Skin care is particularly important here to prevent any rashes. Ultimately, you need to take special care of the irritated skin after shaving.

        Treating a rash after shaving: Tips and tricks

        It is worth noting that a rash after shaving heals on its own. However, symptoms can be alleviated and the healing process accelerated.

        Tip for skin irritations: Place a warm, damp towel on the affected area for a few minutes. Beard products for care, such as lotions, also help to stop any potential itching.

        Tips for shaving pimples: Place a warm towel on the affected area for a few minutes. This may help the hairs penetrate the skin better.

        Expert tip: The skin needs to be moisturized. After shaving, apply cream to the face to not only alleviate any symptoms but also to potentially prevent rashes.

        When should you see a doctor?

        If you notice regular inflammation of the hair follicles, you should definitely make an appointment with a doctor. If razor burn does not go away on its own and develops into a chronic inflammation, it could lead to scarring. Additionally, severe inflammatory areas may occur.

        In this case, a dermatologist can help. They will examine you and assist with the care of the affected skin areas. Visiting a doctor can prevent severe cases or permanent skin damage.

        Tips for preventing rash after shaving

        It is possible to treat the symptoms and accelerate the healing process. With a few tips and tricks, you can also prevent a rash after shaving.

        Shower before shaving

        A warm shower before shaving ensures clean skin. The warm water makes the beard softer and opens the pores.

        Use a clean towel

        It is important to use a clean towel after shaving. This prevents any contaminants from affecting the skin.

        Use enough shaving foam: Don’t skimp on shaving foam, but cover the beard with it and let it sit for a bit. This softens the beard hair and makes it easier to shave.

        Shave with the grain

        If you shave against the grain, you risk shaving pimples. Always shave with the grain to prevent hairs from bending and growing in.

        Use only sharp and clean blades

        A dull blade can cause a rash. This is because you press harder and push the blade under the skin.

        Shave the cheeks first

        The hair on the neck and chin is stronger than that on the cheeks. By starting with shaving the cheeks, you give the rest of the beard more time to soften with the shaving foam or soap.


        In the end, it’s just a few tips and tricks on how to avoid razor burn or shaving pimples. If a rash does occur, you can easily treat it. Only if symptoms indicate a severe condition should you consult a dermatologist.


        How long does it take for a rash after shaving to heal?

        A mild redness disappears after about two to three hours. A properly developed skin rash can remain visible for two to three days.

        Can you cover up shaving rash?

        A concealer and/or makeup can cover up shaving rash. Additionally, there are creams with a green tint that neutralize redness. A lotion with aloe also helps speed up the healing process.

        Is the rash contagious?

        No. The redness is not contagious.

        Continue to the posts:

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        For a beard wearer, apart from shaving, there is nothing more important than proper beard care. It is essential for both the ideal look of the beard and its health.

        The abundance of beard care products and information on optimal beard hair care can be extremely overwhelming - especially for beginners. 

        With our comprehensive Störtebekker beard care guide, we want to help you bring order to chaos. Because beard care is actually far from being rocket science. And even the repertoire of truly necessary beard care products and their sequence is actually quite manageable.

        Below, we explain the beard care tips you need to optimally care for your facial hair. Of course, you can also combine beard care with shaving or shaping the beard.

        This article focuses solely on beard care. For our Beard Styles guide, click here.

        The 3 Cornerstones of Beard Care

        1. Shape

        I use a beard brush daily to untangle my beard and massage my facial skin. In addition to the pure "combing effect," beard brushes also have the property of freeing your beard from unwanted companions, such as dead skin flakes.

        To keep my beard in shape, I use a beard trimmer once or twice a week. For the contours, I have included the razor in my routine, as it is particularly good for achieving clear edges.

        Expert tip: From a certain beard length, you should switch to a beard comb.

        2. Cleaning

        To enjoy your facial hair in the long term, it is important to wash it regularly. Since beard hair has a different texture than your scalp hair, you should refrain from using regular hair shampoo.

        Specially developed beard shampoos and soaps help you clean your beard and maintain it sustainably. I use beard shampoo two to three times a week and wash my beard with warm water on the remaining days. You should avoid excessive care for the sake of your beard's well-being.

        In this sense: Do you know our shaving soaps? 4 great scents make your shave an experience. You can buy our shaving soap online here!

        3. Care

        For beard care, it is not only necessary to clean it regularly, but also to care for it intensively. By using a beard oil, you supply your beard hair with important nutrients and moisture.

        In addition to beard oil, I use beard balm to keep my beard soft and supple. The beard balm ensures a natural hold of your beard and at the same time cares for your facial hair.

        My personal tip: Choose beard oil and beard balm with a subtle fragrance. I recommend the beard care products from Störtebeker. Their scent will neither interfere with your favorite perfume nor with your partner's.

        Our Beard Care Summary: The Most Important Tips for Healthy Beard Hair

        • Wash your beard regularly and with special beard shampoos.
        • Afterwards, you should make sure to dry your beard well with a cold air dryer.
        • Apply beard oil to your beard hair in circular motions.
        • Use a beard brush or comb to brush your beard.
        • Finally, you can use a beard balm to style your facial hair.

        So now you have a step-by-step guide on how to properly care for your beard. Please remember: You should get professional advice from a barber shop or similar business for special requests or hair problems.

        If you need further tips or information about beard care, you can always contact our customer service. We are happy to help you with the perfect beard care!

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        Many men are not very meticulous about facial cleansing. A bit of warm water, a little cleansing gel, and done. However, it makes perfect sense to pay much more attention to cleansing and to consider exfoliating before shaving. Exfoliating before shaving has several benefits for both the beard and the skin underneath.

        We want to show you how beard exfoliation works and how you can benefit from it.

        man beard exfoliation

        What are the benefits of beard exfoliation?

        A healthy, full beard growth is only possible if the skin underneath is also healthy. Our skin layer renews itself approximately every 30 days. Old skin particles are shed in the form of flakes.

        Depending on skin type, as well as lifestyle and environmental influences, these skin flakes are not always shed evenly. Especially when a dense beard covers the skin, it may be that a normal cleansing gel or beard shampoo cannot remove the skin flakes.

        The skin itches or becomes inflamed as a result, or forms pimples and oily impurities. The risk of ingrown beard hairs is significantly higher. The skin itself becomes

        • less well-circulated
        • and appears paler
        • and weaker.

        This weakens beard growth and makes it more difficult for the nourishing components from beard oil to be absorbed.

        If you exfoliate your skin regularly, you can avoid this. The skin is optimally cleansed, freed from dead flakes, and circulated, laying the foundation for healthy, dense beard growth, and the risk of impurities and inflammation is minimized.

        The Key Ingredients of a Beard Exfoliant

        When buying a beard exfoliant, you should pay close attention to the ingredients. They should be of natural origin. Many products contain artificial abrasive particles that can cause allergies and are harmful to skin and hair.

        The following ingredients are important and effective in a high-quality beard exfoliant:

        • Activated charcoal: It binds dirt and cleanses hair and skin intensively yet gently.

        • A natural scrub, such as volcanic stone, that rubs off the flakes and removes them from the skin

        • Anti-inflammatory agents like spirulina to protect the skin from free radicals during cleansing and to prevent inflammation.

        • Nourishing components like quinoa that strengthen the resilience of beard hair and provide good nutrients to skin and hair.

        man beard facial cleansing

        Beard Exfoliation: How It’s Done

        To exfoliate your beard effectively, you don’t need to worry too much. It is important to exfoliate both the beard and the skin underneath regularly - we recommend two to three times a week. Here’s how:

        1. Wash your face with warm water - the easiest way is in the shower.

        2. Take a hazelnut-sized amount of exfoliant and first distribute it in your (clean) hands.

        3. Then apply the exfoliant evenly to your beard and massage it in with circular motions so that it also reaches the underlying skin.

        4. Rinse the exfoliant thoroughly with warm water.

        5. Now apply a moisturizer - a cream, lotion, or beard oil.

        Should a Beard Exfoliant Be Used Before or After Shaving?

        The question of “exfoliate before or after shaving” should not arise: exfoliation always takes place before, never after shaving. It serves as preparation for shaving. The cleaned skin is then optimally prepared for shaving.

        To calm the skin after exfoliation, you can use beard oil as an intermediate step. Exfoliating after shaving is not a good idea - it will further irritate the already sensitive skin and promote irritation.

        How Often Should I Use a Beard Exfoliant?

        Two to three times a week you should use the beard exfoliant. You exfoliate the skin instead of cleaning it as usual with beard shampoo.

        Can You Make a Beard Exfoliant Yourself?

        A beard exfoliant can also be made at home. There are various guides and recipes available online. However, keep in mind that the shelf life is very limited, and you may end up irritating the skin too much - for example, if you do not adhere precisely to the recipe and use too many exfoliant particles.

        Expert Tip: We would recommend purchasing a high-quality exfoliant product.

        How Long Does It Take for the Beard Exfoliant to Show Results?

        Your skin will feel fresh and relaxed immediately after the first exfoliation. It gains more firmness and is well-circulated, which usually also has a positive effect on your beard hair.


        Beard exfoliation has not yet fully established itself in men’s grooming routines. However, regular exfoliation significantly contributes to maintaining healthy skin and beard hair. Once integrated into your grooming routine, you’ll soon find that you don’t want to be without this product, guaranteed!

        Are you already exfoliating? If so, what are your experiences?


        What are the alternatives to beard exfoliation?

        Instead of regular beard exfoliation, you can use coffee grounds as a natural alternative. Simply use the cold coffee grounds in the same way as the exfoliant. The gritty texture of the coffee grounds provides the exfoliating effect, and the caffeine in them additionally promotes blood circulation in your skin.

        Is Beard Exfoliation Suitable for Men with Sensitive Skin?

        Beard exfoliation is suitable for men with sensitive skin if you choose a high-quality product with natural ingredients. When purchasing, make sure to select a mild exfoliant with a somewhat less intense exfoliating effect.

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        While many men are quite routine with aftershave care and the benefits of beard oil are becoming more widely known, many are unsure about products like beard balm or pomade. Do I really need it? If so, for what?

        We want to explain to you what to use and what benefits you get from using beard balm or beard pomade.

        man massaging beard with glasses

        What is Beard Balm?

        With beard balm, the name says it all. The product is a balm for the beard and facial skin and works in a nurturing and moisturizing way. It provides skin and hair with moisture and nutrients. It consists of

        • High-quality fats like cocoa butter, shea butter,

        • Additionally, carrier oils like coconut oil or almond oil,

        • From essential oils

        • And from petroleum jelly or wax, which provides the creamy consistency.

        Beard balm primarily serves beard care, but it also has a slightly styling component and can help bring wild, unruly beard hairs back into shape.


        • Beard balm conditions the beard and makes it look healthy and shiny.

        • The balm absorbs well into the underlying skin due to its creamy consistency, soothing and conditioning it as well.

        • Beard balm can effectively relieve itching that may occur with beard growth due to its composition.

        • The application is very simple - just take a small amount from the container with your finger and distribute it through your beard.


        • While beard balm conditions the beard, it does not style it and does not provide hold.

        • Using too much can make the beard look heavy and greasy.

        What is Beard Pomade?

        Beard pomade is not really a grooming product like beard balm but is used to style and shape the beard. It contains shaping waxes such as

        • Beeswax, lanolin, or berry wax,

        • Along with cocoa butter or shea butter for consistency,

        • Petroleum jelly,

        • Carrier oils

        • And essential oils, which give the pomade its fragrance.

        Beard pomade is thus a styling product with an additional conditioning component. However, it contains slightly less holding wax compared to beard wax. For instance, you can shape your full beard and long, full beards or a chin beard will get good hold.

        However, if you want to twist a mustache or style a beard more elaborately, the pomade may not provide enough hold.


        • Provides good hold for beards without making them sticky.

        • Beard pomades offer a conditioning component in addition to the styling effect.

        • The application is very easy - the product warms up easily in your hand and can then be used.

        • Beard pomade, thanks to its conditioning ingredients, does not get as hard as other styling products, so you can continue to groom the beard with a comb or brush afterward.


        • Beard pomade provides insufficient hold if you want to style or twist your beard more firmly.

        • Beard pomade alone is not a suitable grooming routine. For instance, if you travel, you’ll need to pack a classic grooming product like beard oil as well.

        • Beard pomade only affects the beard itself. It offers no benefits for the skin underneath.

        What are the differences between Beard Balm and Beard Pomade?

        While beard balm is purely a grooming product, beard pomade can also shape, smooth, and provide hold for your beard.

        Beard Balm or Beard Pomade: What to Use and When?

        It depends on what you want for your beard. If you’re only concerned with care, you can skip the pomade.

        However, if you need some hold for your impressive beard style, pomade is highly recommended. It is ideal for

        • Chin beards,
        • Goatee beards,
        • And full beards.

        Without proper care, these styles can look slightly tousled and disheveled.


        Care is, we’re sure, an absolute must.

        Whether you also need hold and styling depends entirely on your beard style and, of course, your preferences. How do you manage it?


        What is better, Beard Balm or Beard Pomade?

        There is no better or worse. The difference lies in the application. Beard balm conditions, while beard pomade shapes your beard. It really depends on what you specifically need.

        What conditions my beard best?

        Beard balm or beard oil are ideal products for your beard when it comes to providing the best possible care.

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        Even if a man decides to grow a beard because he feels comfortable with it, one question remains important: Do women like beards? Do women find beards attractive and what effect does a beard have on women?

        Because no matter how tough a guy is, at the end of the day, we all want to make a good impression on the ladies. Of course, various surveys have been conducted on this topic with very varied results: Yes, women like beards. But not every beard is equally attractive to women.

        Let’s shed some light on this.

        Do women find men with beards more attractive?

        Of course, a man without a beard can be attractive, but what about men with facial hair? Generally speaking, women find beards on men attractive. The online dating site conducted a survey of nearly 400 women, which revealed that while women like beards, they don’t like them at any cost.

        The more experimental and hairier a beard is on a man's face, the less enthusiastic the surveyed women were. Only 20% of the respondents indicated that they preferred smooth-shaven faces.

        Why do women like beards: A simple reason!

        The reasons why women like men with beards are clearly related to appearance.

        Beards make faces look more angular and masculine. Men with beards appear more mature and experienced and also seem

        • more individual,
        • freer,
        • more independent,
        • and wilder.

        All attributes that women find interesting in men. When it comes to physical contact, beards don’t fare as well: One in five women in the survey reported that beard stubble is bothersome when kissing.

        Which beard do women really like?

        Among all beards, the 3-Day Beard scores the highest. More than 45% of the surveyed women, almost half of them, stated that they find three-day beards on men sexy. This beard style is by far the most popular among women.

        Expert Tip: A three-day beard suits almost every man and can be worn well even with lighter beard growth. The key is to keep it well-groomed. This means the contours should be neatly shaved, and the beard stubble should be soft and well-groomed so it doesn’t look like you simply forgot to shave.

        We recommend our Störtebekker beard oil for this. It not only cares for the three-day beard but also the skin underneath. Since the skin is clearly visible with this beard style, you shouldn't neglect this point.

        Moreover – and this is a plus point with women – the beard oil has a pleasant scent.

        Do Women Like Goatees?

        The goatee does not fare well with women at all. In the aforementioned survey, only 3% of women preferred a chin beard.

        For many ladies, this beard style seems too specific and too "freaky." The appearance is perceived more as "nerdy" rather than masculine and attractive.

        Expert Tip: Chin beards don’t suit every man. We still believe that a goatee can be very attractive if worn by the right type of man and if it looks well-groomed.

        Do Women Like Full Beards?

        Do women like full beards? There is good news and bad news for this question: The full beard is significantly more popular than, for example, the chin beard, but still, only a few women genuinely like the full facial hair.

        In the surveys, only 9% of the respondents stated that they find full beards attractive. Many even said that a prominent full beard would be an absolute turn-off for them.

        However, don’t be misled: As with the goatee, if the right man wears and styles the beard correctly and practices proper beard care, it will be attractive to the ladies' world.

        Researchers found that men with full beards are perceived by women as

        • more mature,
        • more relationship-ready,
        • and better off financially!

        Will I Make a Good Impression with a Mustache?

        Mustaches are unfortunately perceived as less attractive by women. Moreover, according to the survey, they are considered particularly annoying when kissing.

        Are There Cultural Differences Regarding Beard Appeal?

        In some cultures, beards play a larger role. For example, three-day beards are much more popular in oriental countries than here, and other beard styles like the “Slavic Hook” suggest a cultural background.

        When it comes to the attractiveness of three-day beards, however, women seem to agree worldwide – as well as on the unpopularity of extravagant beard styles. Extravagant beards, sideburns, or twirled mustaches are poorly received internationally among women.


        Beards are in style – some more, some less. Primarily, you should choose a particular beard style because you find it cool yourself and not just because it appeals to women. You must feel comfortable with it!

        What is your personal favorite beard style? How do you wear your beard?


        What’s better, with a beard or without?

        According to women's opinions, the three-day beard is unbeatable. Personally, we think: With a beard is much better than without. And a beard style that really suits you makes you more attractive in any case.

        What does a beard radiate?

        Beards radiate masculinity, maturity, life experience, and indeed financial independence. Many women find beards sexy because they perceive the beard wearer as wealthier and more professionally successful.

        How do I know if a particular beard suits me?

        Before you can sport a particular beard style, you usually need to let the beard grow first. During this process, you develop a good sense of what suits you and what makes you comfortable. A barber can also provide good advice.

        What if I have minimal beard growth?

        With minimal beard growth, unfortunately, not every beard style is achievable. You need to be a bit careful here. Three-day beards or chin beards usually work quite well. Perhaps consult a barber for advice as well.

        Ask your barber or read our blog:

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        For many men, beard wax is an essential part of their beard care routine. But when exactly do you need beard wax and what is it good for? We show you the benefits of the product for you and your beard and how to use it properly.

        What are the benefits of using beard wax?

        With beard wax, you style your beard and keep it perfectly shaped. Your beard style stays in place throughout the day, looks well-groomed, and doesn't become tousled.

        At the same time, the product contains plenty of nourishing components thanks to its high-quality oils, which moisturize the beard hair, making it

        • shiny,
        • rich,
        • and beautiful.

        Especially for those with unruly beards or curly beard hair, investing in beard wax to tame the beard is worthwhile. Stray beard hairs have no chance against beard wax.

        Shiny, styled with beard wax

        Are certain types of beard wax better for certain beard types?

        The best beard wax for you depends on both the product's ingredients and your personal preferences and beard styles. If you use beard wax to shape your full beard, the main goal is to make the beard hair look well-groomed and to give the beard itself hold.

        It should not look tousled or messy and should maintain its well-groomed shape throughout the day. Here, a softer beard wax with a higher proportion of high-quality care oils is particularly suitable, as it makes the beard hair heavier and gives it a shiny appearance.

        If you use the beard wax for a moustache and perhaps want to twist it or shape it in a more extravagant way, you should choose a beard wax with particularly strong hold. All hard beard waxes are ideal for this.

        How often should I apply beard wax and how much should I use?

        The application of beard wax is simple.

        1. Warm your hands under warm water or by rubbing them together.
        2. Then take a small amount from the jar with your index finger and rub it in your hands until the wax becomes soft to liquid.
        3. Now you can apply the beard wax and style your beard as desired.

        Expert Tip: Before using the beard wax, make sure your hands are clean to avoid spreading bacteria and dirt into the jar with the product.

        You can use beard wax daily if you want to style your beard every morning. A small amount is enough to achieve the desired hold.

        When buying beard wax, make sure it is free of parabens. Cheaper products often contain undesirable additives. High-quality ingredients are the main criterion for a good beard wax.

        How can Störtebekker beard wax help me achieve a stylish, masculine look?

        If you want to use our Störtebekker beard wax, you will be getting a very high-quality product with purely natural and very nourishing ingredients. It is a beard wax with strong hold, capable of shaping and taming unruly, wild beards. At the same time, the premium oils in it provide moisture and shine to the beard hair.

        Its Crusoe fragrance is one of its trademarks. It smells distinctive and masculine, meant to evoke Robinson Crusoe, the sailor who spent several years as a castaway on a deserted island.

        Our Störtebekker beard wax not only styles your beard in a striking way but also gives you a strong, masculine scent that sets you apart from the crowd.

        Are there specific ingredients I should avoid in beard wax to prevent skin irritation?

        The ingredients of beard wax should always be of natural origin. Parabens or other artificial ingredients have no place in it. A beard wax consists solely of these components:

        • Carrier oils,
        • wax/beeswax/resin,
        • and essential oils or perfumes.

        For carrier oils, make sure they have nourishing properties. We use only

        • shea butter,
        • argan oil,
        • and almond oil for our Störtebekker beard wax.

        Can I use beard wax for other purposes, such as styling hair or moustaches?

        Beard wax, as its name suggests, is purely for shaping beards.Moustaches or moustaches are naturally included. For your head hair, you should use other styling products specifically designed for that purpose.

        Remember that beard hair and head hair have different textures and therefore require different products for care and styling. Your head hair is much softer and thinner than your beard hair.

        How do I remove beard wax from my beard if I no longer want to use it?

        If you want to remove the beard wax from your beard, you can simply brush it out. Ideally, use a beard brush and brush the remaining wax out of the hair.

        If you want to clean your beard more thoroughly, you should wash it with a beard shampoo.

        Are beard oils or other beard care products necessary to keep my beard healthy if I use beard wax regularly?

        The question “beard oil or beard wax” does not arise for us. We would use both as a rule.

        • Beard oil is essential for well-groomed beard hair and also for the facial skin underneath the beard. It penetrates the skin, providing moisture and care.
        • Due to its harder consistency, beard wax does not penetrate the skin but is intended for styling.

        Beard oil is not an alternative to beard wax - it serves purely for care and smoothness. Additionally, it is an essential part of any beard care routine.


        Beard wax is the perfect styling product if you want to shape your beard hair and avoid a tousled look. It does not replace classic beard care, which we absolutely recommend for every beard wearer.

        We personally do not want to do without it and always have good beard wax in the cupboard.


        When do I need beard wax?

        Beard wax is especially suitable for styling more extensive beards or more distinctive beard styles such as moustaches, moustaches, or chin beards. It is characterized by a particularly firm consistency.

        How much beard wax do I need?

        Use the product sparingly. A thumbnail-sized amount is sufficient. Spread the beard wax in your hands and rub it until it becomes warm and pliable.

        Beard Heroes want more. More Knowledge:

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        Many men swear by wet shaving every day because it is thorough and gentle on the skin. However, it is often not easy to find the right product. Shaving gel or foam? This question arises at the latest when one stands in front of the multitude of products available on the drugstore shelf.

        For men with sensitive skin, a completely different question often arises: What can be used instead of shaving foam? This is because the products often contain ingredients that are not compatible with every facial skin.

        We will show you the difference between shaving foam and shaving gel and explain the advantages and disadvantages of shaving gel vs shaving foam.

        Shaving Gel vs Shaving Foam: The Advantages and Disadvantages

        So, which is better, shaving foam or shaving gel? This is something everyone must decide for themselves. We want to give you some pros and cons of both products.

        Shaving Gel

        As the name suggests, shaving gel comes out of the container in gel form and foams up when used or in contact with the skin. The foam is slightly heavier and more viscous than shaving foam.


        • When used, the product foams more intensively than shaving foam.
        • Due to the slightly thicker consistency, the blades glide more smoothly over the skin when shaving, resulting in an even better outcome.
        • You need a smaller amount than with shaving foam - a hazelnut-sized portion is enough for a shave.
        • The foam lasts longer than shaving foam and doesn't collapse as quickly.
        • Due to its consistency, the product can be optimally distributed.


        • Since the product comes out of the tube as a gel, you need a few more steps in your shave until it forms the desired foam.
        • Shaving gel contains a lot of artificial and chemical additives such as foaming agents, which create the foaming effect. This means you're also applying unwanted ingredients to your skin.
        • These ingredients can cause allergies or skin irritations.
        • The containers increase waste and are therefore bad for the environment.
        • The substances in the can and the shaving foam can be harmful to the environment and groundwater.

        Shaving Foam

        Shaving foam is available ready-made in cans. You shake the product a bit, press the can, and you can apply the finished foam. After a short exposure time, you can start shaving immediately.


        • The application is very simple - you don't need to mix the foam.
        • The shaving foam, as it comes out of the can, has a texture perfect for wet shaving.
        • The razor glides easily and gently over the skin.
        • There are various shaving foam products for different skin types, beard types, and in different fragrances.
        • As easily as the shaving foam can be sprayed out of the can, it can also be washed off.


        • Shaving foam contains a lot of artificial and chemical additives such as foaming agents, which create the foaming effect. This means you're also applying unwanted ingredients to your skin.
        • These ingredients can cause allergies or skin irritations.
        • The spray cans increase waste and are therefore bad for the environment.
        • The substances in the can and the shaving foam can be harmful to the environment and groundwater.
        • With regular shaving, a can of shaving foam lasts about one to two months - using shaving foam is therefore costly.

        So, which is better, shaving foam or shaving gel?

        Whether you prefer shaving foam or shaving gel is basically an individual decision. We would personally answer the question with: "pay attention to the ingredients".

        As you can read in the disadvantages of both products, they can contain a lot of

        • unwanted,
        • artificial,
        • chemical
        • and sometimes harmful ingredients.

        These have no place on the skin. Especially not when the skin is being shaved, causing small cuts and abrasions through which these ingredients can enter the bloodstream.

        Expert Tip: When buying, pay attention to what's in the product. In addition to many cheap and very artificially composed products, there are also high-quality ones with good ingredients. You should opt for those.

        An alternative for particularly sensitive skin and for allergy sufferers is generally shaving soap. It contains purely natural ingredients - this also applies to its fragrances! Various products from tubes and cans often smell extremely artificial.

        We believe that shaving is a piece of valuable me-time that should be enjoyed. So why not choose a high-quality, natural product to have a real barbershop-feeling ritual every morning?

        In our Störtebekker shop, we offer high-quality shaving products with great scent components - take a look!


        Which product you use for your wet shave is, at the end of the day, a question of your attitude towards shaving in general - do you want to prioritize it and your feel-good time or is it just "the main thing is fast"? How do you handle it? Tell us!


        What is better for a smooth shave, shaving gel or shaving foam?

        Both products can be suitable for a smooth shave. However, shaving gel often has a thicker consistency and can help the razor glide better over the skin, especially if you have thick or coarse hair. Shaving foam, on the other hand, is lighter and easy to apply, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin.

        Can I use shaving gel instead of shaving foam?

        Shaving gel has a thicker consistency and can help the razor glide better over the skin. However, it is important to note that some shaving gels may not be suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin.

        On this topic, we have compiled some interesting articles from our blog for you:

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        Shaving without bleeding is often easier said than done. Especially when you're in a hurry in the morning and your thoughts are elsewhere, it happens: you've cut yourself while shaving. How big the disaster is now depends on how important your meeting or date is afterwards and how deep the cut is.

        We show you how to provide first aid yourself and what to do if you cut yourself while shaving in the intimate area instead of on your face.

        alum block alum stone blood stopper shave

        Cut while shaving: First Aid

        Cut while shaving - it happens to everyone and unfortunately quicker than you might like. Once the "work" is done, it's too late to be annoyed. Then it's only helpful to know what to do next.

        Here's our express guide to the "What to do if you cut yourself while shaving" emergency topic:

        1. First step: Stay calm. It happens and there's no reason to get even more frantic or panic.

        2. Immediately after it happens, turn on the tap and let the water run until it's cold.

        3. Now splash the cold water on your face. This causes the vessels to constrict, which stops the bleeding faster. In addition, the wound is cleaned and freed from beard stubble and co.

        4. Now use Aftershave Balm - it stings a bit when applied but disinfects the wound and prevents infection.

        Expert tip: You should skip this step in the intimate area. A soothing wound and healing ointment is a better option here.

          Cut while shaving: How do I stop the bleeding?

          Sometimes it gets worse - you've cut yourself while shaving and it won't stop bleeding. You've already used a lot of cold water, but the shaving wound bleeding just won't stop.

          We recommend an alum stick. You can find a very good one in our Störtebekker Shop. We swear by it! The potassium alum causes the tissue to contract further and stops the bleeding in no time. Additionally, the alum stick keeps bacteria away from the skin, preventing infection.

          Other home remedies if you cut yourself while shaving:

          1. A tissue. Press it firmly on the cut. This not only absorbs the blood but also seals the wound. Once the blood has clotted, you can remove the tissue.

          2. If the wound is deeper, you can use a colorless lip balm afterward. Like a wax stick, the fatty product seals the cut.

          This is how you promote the healing of a shaving wound

          If you want shaving wounds to heal quickly, you should not use cotton pads for aftercare. Small fibers could get caught in the wound, slowing the healing process. Fresh air, along with treatment with the alum stick, is still the best tip.

          If the cut is larger and hurts, or if you cut yourself while shaving and the area becomes inflamed, you should also treat the skin with an appropriate medical wound and healing ointment. You can find these products at the pharmacy.

          Avoid cutting while shaving

          Of course, it's best if you can avoid cutting yourself while shaving. To achieve this and minimize the risk of cut injuries, you should keep a few things in mind.


          Cost comparison of razors

          Use a fresh blade

          Always use a fresh blade and replace it regularly. Depending on how often you shave, this should be the case after about every tenth shave. If the razor blade is already a bit dull, it gets stuck in the beard stubble more easily or grazes the skin because you have to apply more pressure.

          Rinse the blade repeatedly

          Rinse the blade with clear water after each shave and let it air dry. This prevents beard stubble and skin flakes from accumulating in it, which pose a risk of injury. Air drying is also important to ensure the blade dries evenly and no moisture accumulates.

          It's all about technique

          Ultimately, a cut-free shave stands and falls with the technique. Always make sure to stretch the skin with one hand before placing the razor. Make clean, smooth strokes and hold the razor at an angle of about 30 degrees to the skin. Shaving against the grain or against the grain will give you a cleaner cut. This applies to the intimate area as well as to the face.

          Expert tip: You should shave with as little pressure as possible and let the blade glide gently over the skin.

          When can I shave again after cutting myself while shaving?

          If you cut yourself while shaving, you should wait a few days before shaving the affected area again. Make sure the cut is healed and the skin is no longer irritated or inflamed before shaving again. Otherwise, you risk injuring or irritating the skin again.


          Is it bad if you cut yourself while shaving?

          It's not really bad if you cut yourself while shaving. It happens to everyone. The important thing is to treat the wound immediately and use a disinfecting and blood-stopping product like the alum stick.

          Is there a razor that you can't cut yourself with?

          Unfortunately, there is no razor that you can't cut yourself with. A blade capable of shaving hair smoothly always poses a risk of injury to the skin.

          However, razors with flexible blades and multiple rows of blades are usually easier and safer to handle.

          Feel free to check out our safety razors and barber razors. Here you will find the right razor for you and your skin.

          Will I get a scar if I cut myself while shaving?

          If you cut yourself while shaving, it usually doesn't leave a scar. The cut is usually not deep enough to leave long-term marks.

          In our blog, we have created a special shaving guide for you. Here you will find expert knowledge for your daily shave.

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          Trimming a beard is easier said than done. If you want to be able to trim your beard perfectly, you should be familiar with a few tips and tricks.

          To achieve a professional-looking result, some practice is required. Once you have mastered the technique of trimming your beard properly, you will save money and the time-consuming trip to the barber.


          Get Your Beard Trimmed or Trim It Yourself?

          How do I trim my beard? Or should I leave it to the professionals? Many men ask themselves these two questions every day when looking in the mirror. Once you get the hang of trimming your beard perfectly, we definitely prefer doing it yourself.

          • It saves not only time and money,
          • but you can also enjoy valuable me-time in the bathroom.

          When do you ever take time for yourself? With the right grooming products, just like in a barbershop, of course.

          Check out our Störtebekker Shop for the suitable high-quality beard products and sets.


          Pros and Cons of Trimming Your Beard Yourself

          We want to give you an overview of the pros and cons of trimming your beard yourself.

          The Advantages

          • You save money. Regular visits to the barber add up.
          • You save time. If you have regular appointments at the barbershop, it takes time, including travel time, that you might not always have.
          • Regular beard trimming can become a nice me-time ritual that you might not want to miss soon.
          • You can listen to your favorite music in your own bathroom and enjoy the beard grooming time even more.

          The Disadvantages:

          • You need to do it yourself - just sitting back and relaxing isn’t an option when you trim your own beard.
          • You are not a professional - accordingly, the risk of something going wrong is higher.
          • It requires some practice and the right equipment, as well as the right grooming products, to achieve a professional-looking beard trim.

            You can find the right beard products for purchase in our Störtebekker Shop.
          • The risk of injury is greater than with a professional.

          Beard Shaving

          When It Makes Sense to Have Your Beard Trimmed

          Here are the pros and cons of going to the barbershop.

          The Advantages:

          • You are served by a professional with professional equipment. The quality of the equipment significantly influences the final result.

          • You receive styling advice on top. The barber will initially advise you on which beard style suits you best.

          • If you have a condition like psoriasis or an allergy, you will receive professional advice on it.

          • If you plan a radical change to your beard style and shape, the professional will give you the necessary input.

          The Disadvantages:

          • Not every barber is good - you might have a bad experience.

          • At the barber, you might be persuaded into a beard style you wouldn't have chosen yourself.

          • The barber experience is not always relaxing - depending on how busy the shop is, your visit might be stressful.

          • At the barber, you are always involved in small talk. If you want your beard care to be a me-time ritual, you might not find that moment there.

          How to Trim Your Beard Properly

          Trimming your beard yourself is not rocket science. We have prepared a tutorial on beard trimming to make the procedure clearer for you.

          1. Always start with cleaning your beard: Wash your face and beard with a scrub and a beard shampoo. This will remove dead skin flakes from the beard and loosen stubborn, ingrown hairs.

          2. Dry the beard with a towel or shaving towel - do not rub.

          3. Now comb the beard - depending on its length - in both directions to ensure that you catch all the hairs while trimming. You can use a beard comb for this.

          4. Use the trimmer to go along the contours against the direction of hair growth and first trim or shave (for a smooth transition) the contours.

          5. Now shave all the beard stubble outside the contours cleanly and smoothly. It is best to use shaving foam and a wet razor or a safety razor.

          6. Only now should you trim your beard to the desired length.

          7. Wash your face again with clear water to remove beard stubble and prevent the skin from becoming irritated.

          8. Now you can proceed with care using after shave balm and other products.

          Clippers or Scissors: What’s Better for Trimming Your Beard?

          Whether you should cut your beard with scissors or use a beard trimmer depends partly on your beard length.

          • A longer beard is ideally trimmed with scissors. They allow you to shape smaller areas and intricate beard styles like a mustache perfectly.

          • The beard trimmer, on the other hand, is suitable for shorter beards, 3-day beards, and larger areas. You can adjust it precisely and achieve an evenly trimmed, clean result.

          4 Tips for Trimming Your Beard

          If you want to trim your beard into shape, there are various tricks and techniques. We want to share the most important ones with you.

          1. Cutting the Beard Straight

          If you want to trim your beard as straight as possible, it is recommended to start at the chin and work step by step forward against the direction of hair growth.

          Cut from the chin over the neck, then move to the jawline and sideburns. Only then move on to the upper lip.

          Depending on the beard style, a cutting guide may also be useful.

          2. Cutting the Beard to a Point

          Start with small cuts on the neck and then work around the chin and cheeks upwards until the basic contour is as you envisioned it.

          Continue with the same approach through several rounds until the beard reaches the desired point.

          3. Trimming Beard Contours

          To trim the beard edges, tilt your head slightly back and place two fingers on your Adam's apple. This gives you the optimal contour on the neck. Everything below this line should be shaved.

          Shave all other contours above this line. Start from the center and work your way to the sides, then return to the center. Never shave your contour in one go; always do it in several small steps.

          4. Cutting the Beard on the Neck Properly

          We have already explained what the ideal beard line on the neck looks like above. Shave everything below this line cleanly and smoothly to avoid an unkempt appearance.

          Start again in the center and then work your way to both sides, then return to the center. For a perfectly smooth result, shave twice - both with and against the direction of hair growth.


          Don't be afraid to trim your beard yourself! Even if a small mistake happens here and there (who says a barber never makes mistakes?), you will quickly develop a routine, and the desired contours and styles will come naturally.


          How often should I trim my beard?

          How often you need to trim your beard depends on your beard growth. Not every hair grows at the same rate. Generally, you should trim the contours every two to three days to prevent your beard style from looking unkempt.

          : If you have a longer full beard, you should use the beard scissors whenever you notice that the hairs are growing at different lengths and would look wild without trimming.

          Even or especially with long beards, it is important to keep the beard hairs at the same length.

          My Beard is Mis-trimmed: What Can I Do?

          If you have mis-trimmed your beard, you are not alone. It happens to everyone from time to time. It now depends on what exactly went wrong:

          1. Took too much length off one side: Trim the other side similarly to achieve an even length. It will grow back!

          2. Cut a gap in the beard: Try to conceal it by making some corrective cuts around it with the beard scissors and comb.

          3. Significant gap cut: In an extreme case, artificial beard fibers can help. These are hair fibers from a can that are distributed in the beard similarly to salt shaker and conceal the gaps.

          4. Contoured Mis-trimmed: Use a beard comb to see where you might be able to fix it. You might need to turn a straight edge into a slightly rounded contour.
          Mehr lesen

          Körperpflege ist schon längst kein Frauenthema mehr. Körperhaarentfernung spielt für Männer eine immer wichtigere Rolle, wenn es um die eigene Körperhygiene und die eigene ästhetische Vorstellung geht.

          Haarentfernung Mann

          Besonders das

          • Entfernen der Brusthaare,

          • die Haarentfernung im Intimbereich

          • und die Rückenenthaarung sind für Männer entscheidende Themen.

          Das hat auch die Werbung längst mitbekommen und wirbt mit immer neuen Produkten.

          Wir stellen Dir einige beliebte Methoden vor und erklären, was Du zum Thema Enthaarung für Männer wissen musst.

          Gründe für die Haarentfernung beim Mann

          Die Gründe für eine Haarentfernung bei Männern sind zumeist ästhetischer Natur.

          Eine haarfreie, glatte Brust oder ein Rücken, auf dem kein Urwald sprießt, sehen gepflegter und schöner aus. Bei Frauen kommen Männer mit wenig Körperhaaren zudem oft besser an.

          Viele, vor allem sportlich aktive Männer, setzen zudem aus hygienischen Gründen auf eine dauerhafte Herren-Haarentfernung, denn wenn sich Schweiß in Körperhaaren festsetzt, kann es schnell zu einem unangenehmen Geruch kommen.

          Wer wirklich sehr viel Sport macht, den können Körperhaare beim Training zudem stören - sie reiben und schubbern an der Sportkleidung und reizen dadurch die Haut.

          Welche Möglichkeiten zur Haarentfernung bei Männern gibt es?

          For a smooth chest, back, or intimate area, there are several methods for hair removal.

          Which one you prefer is a matter of taste and also a question of pain tolerance. Some of these options can be quite uncomfortable depending on the body area.

          Shaving for Hair Removal: Fast and Painless

          The most classic method for hair removal is shaving. Ideally done as a wet shave,

          • with a safety razor
          • or a straight razor,

          hair can be cleanly shaved off in the shower with some shaving soap or - foam.

          1. Moisten the hair and skin with water

          2. and then apply foamed shaving soap to the relevant areas.

          3. Let the shaving soap sit for a while until the hair is soft

          4. and can be shaved smoothly against the hair growth direction with a sharp razor.


          • The skin is clean and smoothly shaved.

          • With a good shaving tool, you can also reach and remove hairs from more difficult areas.

          • The method is painless.


          • The hair grows back relatively quickly, and you need to shave every few days.

          • There are often small stubbles left behind that appear dark under the skin.

          • There is a risk of small cuts and skin irritation after shaving.

          Cost Comparison Razor

          Hair Removal with an Epilator

          Epilating is becoming increasingly popular among men. There are now hair removal devices specifically made for men. They allow you to remove the hair along with its roots.

          Most epilators are very handy and can be easily glided over the areas to be depilated. These devices usually have a light to help find any remaining hairs more easily.

          However, epilating can be uncomfortable at first. Since the hair is removed along with the root, it can be quite painful and uncomfortable. Over time, however, the skin gets used to it.


          • Since the hair is removed along with the root, it takes longer for the hair to grow back and you need to repeat the procedure less often.

          • The result is very smooth skin without small hair stubs showing through, which are typically left under the skin with regular shaving.

          • You can epilate both wet in the shower and dry (with baby powder).


          • The procedure is painful and can irritate the skin, especially initially.

          • This method is not ideal for very sensitive areas in the intimate region.

          • Depending on how many body areas need to be epilated, the process can be relatively time-consuming - you should plan around an hour for it.

          Hair Removal Wax for Men

          Hair removal with wax is quite popular among men as it is quick and allows for the removal of a relatively large body area in a short time.

          This is especially advantageous for the chest or back. Hair removal wax for men comes either in jars or as hair removal strips. 

          1. Apply these to the relevant skin areas,

          2. press them down firmly

          3. and then quickly

          4. and in one go, pull off.

          It is quite painful, but over within a few seconds, and you have a larger area hair-free at once. However, pulling it off yourself requires some determination.


          • The method allows you to remove large areas of hair in one go.

          • The hair removal process is quick.

          • Since the hair is pulled out along with the root, the result is very smooth.


          • Extremely painful.

          • You need to master the technique and pull with real force and speed to achieve a satisfactory result.

          • This method is not suitable for very sensitive body areas. There is a risk of skin irritation and redness.

          Cost Comparison Razor

          Sugaring for Hair Removal in Men

          With sugaring, a sticky sugar paste (available in jars) is applied to the skin with a spatula. By peeling it off afterward, the hairs are removed along with their roots.

          This method is generally a bit gentler than waxing and has a centuries-old tradition. In the Orient, women have been removing their hair this way for many hundreds of years.

          Due to the relatively skin-friendly procedure, it is also suitable for sensitive areas like the face or intimate areas.


          • The components of the paste have a skin-care element, so skin irritations are less common.

          • The hairs are removed with their roots, resulting in a very smooth finish.

          • Also suitable for larger body areas, as well as the face and intimate areas.


          • The method is quite painful.

          • You need to become somewhat familiar with the technique for it to work.

          • The procedure is time-consuming, as you can only remove small areas step by step.

          Permanent Hair Removal with Laser

          Many men are now opting for hair removal with a laser. Most cosmetic studios now offer laser hair removal specifically for men and their “problem areas” like the back or chest.

          There are also laser devices for home use available for purchase. Since lasers destroy the hair follicle, the hairs stay away for a very long time or even permanently after such a treatment.


          • The hairs are permanently removed.

          • The result is very smooth and precise.

          • Laser hair removal is suitable for all body areas and skin types.


          • The procedure is painful and can lead to skin irritation and skin redness.

          • The treatment in a cosmetic studio is relatively expensive.

          • The procedure is very time-consuming.

          Creams and Other Hair Removal Products for Men

          In the drugstore, there are also various hair removal products for men - from hair removal sprays for men to men's hair removal creams.

          These products are applied similarly:

          1. They are applied to the areas to be depilated.

          2. They work for a while.

          3. The active ingredients in the product make the hairs so soft that they can then be easily “scraped off” along with the product residue.


          • Completely pain-free.

          • The application is quick and easy.

          • The method is also suitable for larger skin areas.


          • The hair follicle remains, so the hairs grow back quickly.

          • The products contain many chemical and artificial additives that are not good for the body or the environment.

          • The additives can cause allergies and skin irritation.


          Which hair removal option you choose depends on how much you are willing to endure and, of course, how many body areas are heavily covered with hair.

          Here you need to decide what makes the most sense for you personally and how thorough and permanent the result should be. 

          If the options presented, apart from shaving, aren't suitable for you, check out our shaving products for purchase.


          How much does hair removal for men cost?

          The cost of hair removal for men depends on which and how many areas need to be treated. Most cosmetic studios have fixed prices, divided by different body regions.

          For example, the abdomen and chest usually cost around 100 euros, while legs and back often amount to 200 euros or more.

          How long does hair removal for men take?

          Laser hair removal takes between 10 minutes and half an hour, depending on the body area.

          Large areas like the back can be treated with modern laser devices in 10 to 15 minutes. More complex areas like the neck or intimate area take longer.

          How often do men need to repeat hair removal?

          Laser hair removal typically needs to be repeated about 6 to 8 times until the follicle can no longer support hair growth. But it is worth it. About 85% of all hairs can be permanently removed with this method.

          Mehr lesen

          The soul patch is a timeless and distinctive beard style. Unlike many others, the soul patch manages to say a lot with very little hair.

          However, despite being suitable for almost every wearer, it can be polarizing. Some love it, while others find it embarrassing. It is certainly extravagant and bold.

          By the way: Apparently, women find this beard style attractive - its wearers are also perceived as younger.

          We show the significance of the soul patch and how to trim and maintain the stylish lower lip beard.

          man shaving

          What does the soul patch beard look like?

          The soul patch is a beard below the lower lip. The patch has a triangular shape and defined contours between the chin and lower lip.

          Since the soul patch is confined to this small area of the face, it is also suitable for men with sparse beard growth and grows relatively quickly, as you don't have to wait for your beard to be thick on the cheeks or chin.

          If you currently wear a longer or fuller beard, you can shave it off and leave only the triangle below the lower lip.

          The beard first became truly modern in the jazz scene of the 1950s, but it has existed for a lot longer.

          For a smooth shaving result, you should have good shaving products. Nothing is worse than having shaving rash or shaving bumps after shaving.

          5 Soul Patch Variations

          The soul patch looks great on its own, but it can also be wonderfully combined with other beard styles. We show you which combinations make sense and look good.

          Soul Patch with Mustache

          Combined with a classic mustache, the soul patch makes any face appear sharper and more masculine and gives especially the lower half of the face a strong character.

          William Shakespeare chose this combination, and pop singer Ricky Martin also likes to wear it. The combination looks well-groomed yet not stuffy.

          Soul Patch with 3-Day Beard

          In combination with a 3-day beard, the soul patch appears much bolder. In this case, the soul patch does not need to be trimmed as neatly since it blends into the 3-day beard.

          This style is certainly not suitable for every job, and you should be careful not to cross the line between daring yet stylish and just plain unkempt.

          Therefore, make sure that your 3-day beard is always well-groomed. This combination is definitely one of the coolest options available.

          The Long Soul Patch

          The long soul patch resembles a goatee in its effect and is certainly one of the most extravagant beard styles requiring some courage.

          If you have a rather elongated face, you should be cautious. A longer soul patch will make your elongated face appear even slimmer.

          Additionally, a long soul patch suits very young men primarily and does not look as good after a certain age.

          Subtle Soul Patch

          The soul patch can also be worn in a subtle, implied version. In this case, the beard remains short, and the contours show through just slightly, similar to a 3-day beard.

          This form is suitable for those with very sparse beard growth and naturally for those who want to experiment with a soul patch.

          Classic Soul Patch

          The classic soul patch is characterized by distinct hair growth on the lower lip and makes a real statement with its distinctive triangular shape.

          Confident wearers do not combine it with any other beard style but let it stand alone as a character beard.

          man shaving head and beard

          Who Does the Soul Patch Suit?

          The soul patch suits most men. However, if you have a very narrow, long face, you should be careful. The beard emphasizes these features even more and can create an unflattering look.

          Additionally, the soul patch suits younger men better than older ones. Although, like any beard style, it depends on the individual, soul patch wearers tend to look younger. However, at a certain mature age, it can backfire and appear rather embarrassing.

          Growing a Soul Patch: Here's How

          If you want to grow a soul patch, there isn't really much to consider. Since it only involves the area below the lower lip, the beard grows quite quickly.

          1. First, let a chin beard grow. You can shave the rest of your face normally. Once the chin beard is long enough—about 5 mm—trim it to around 3 mm and shape it into the desired triangular form. Everything else around it can be shaved clean or trimmed into a 3-day beard.

          2. The shape of the soul patch should form an inverted triangle. Ideally, it should be one centimeter below the lower lip. The width of the beard should be around 2 centimeters.

          3. Carefully shave out the corners and use a razor to get clean contours.

          Expert Tip: If a razor feels too aggressive, try a safety razor first.

          Caring for the Soul Patch: What You Need to Know

          Just as simple as the cut is the care of the soul patch.
          You only need a beard trimmer and a razor to refine and outline the shape.

          Besides shaving foam, even if the beard is really small, you should also consider shaving oil and after shave balm. This helps care for the skin after shaving and keeps the beard soft.

          Rough beard hairs right below the lower lip can become very uncomfortable.


          The soul patch suits most men but is certainly not for everyone. Courage for a statement and some coolness knowing that not everyone will like the beard are necessary.

          What do you think about the soul patch? Let us know!


          Which Celebrities Wear a Soul Patch?

          The soul patch was likely popularized by the Blues Brothers. Since then, various celebrities have worn it, with a slight trend toward wild, somewhat daring rock musicians. For example:

          • Limp Bizkit frontman Fred Durst,
          • Van Halen legend Eddie Vedder,
          • Frank Zappa,
          • Stevie Wonder,
          • Trent Reznor,
          • and the famous Count Dracula.

          Is the Soul Patch Modern?

          Despite its long history, the soul patch is both trendy and timeless. It is a character beard for the bold and is not merely a trend but rather a statement and a type of lifestyle.

          Mehr lesen

          A bald head and beard can be a very strong and masculine combination. And a quite uncomplicated one, because a beard with a bald head suits many men. The combination of a bald head, beard, and glasses is also a real eye-catcher.

          beard bald head straight razor

          Beard and Bald Head: Does it work?

          A bald head with a beard? We say: Yes, absolutely! The combination suits most men. And even better, a bald head can be combined with almost any beard style.

          You should just keep in mind that your face without hair will appear rounder overall. So, if you already have a rather round face shape, you should choose a beard that visually elongates the shape.

          Why choose a bald head with a beard?

          The hair on the head becomes thinner for many men over time. Often so thin that the most aesthetic step is shaving and thus the bald head.

          The beard hair is usually not affected by hair loss, so beard growth succeeds well despite losing hair on the head. Visually, a bald head and beard create an attractive contrast.

          Which beard suits a bald head?

          In general, any beard can be worn with a bald head. Which beard suits you depends on your face shape - this is no different with a bald head.

          Even as a bald man, you should adjust your beard style or beard shape to your face shape. Note that your face appears even rounder due to the lack of hair on your head.

          We now want to introduce you to our favorite beard styles with a bald head.

          1. Bald Head and Mustache

          The combination of a bald head and mustache gives soft faces more edge and “breaks up” long faces, making them appear less long and narrow. You can create an interesting and individual contour with it.

          2. Bald Head and Full Beard

          Bald head and full beard is a quite popular combination and currently very trendy. It suits almost any face shape and makes you look edgier, wilder, and more mysterious.

          However, to make this version look effective, you should have very full and strong beard growth and take good care of your beard.

          3. Hipster Beard and Bald Head

          The hipster beard is in combination with a bald head currently fully trendy. Especially round and soft faces can appear much edgier and more masculine with this combination.

          The wearer of this combo signals a lot of

          • individualism
          • and self-confidence. 

          beard bald head man

          4. Viking Beard with Bald Head

          The Viking beard is the strongest contrast you can wear with a bald head. It suits those who have very thick and strong beard growth and can showcase their beard in a wild and full way.

          Due to the lack of hair on the head, the enormous beard stands out even more. Therefore, the beard should be well-groomed.

          5. Bald Head and Stubble

          The 3-day beard, like the full beard, suits almost every face shape with a bald head. Men with a bald head and stubble appear very attractive to women because they

          • exude independence,
          • wildness,
          • and self-confidence.

          However, make sure to

          • take good care of the stubble,
          • trim it regularly and evenly,
          • and shave the contours cleanly.

          Wildly growing stubble quickly looks unkempt.

          Do women find men with a bald head and beard attractive?

          The combination of a bald head and beard is attractive to women. Their wearers exude

          • self-confidence,
          • dominance,
          • and masculinity.

          A study from the University of Pennsylvania even confirmed this officially - women find this combination appealing and handsome.


          A bald head and beard is a real alternative not only for men who suffer from hair loss on their heads. The combination is also perceived as very attractive by women. It takes some courage to completely part with your hair, of course.


          Taking care of beard and bald head: What you need to watch out for

          If you wear a beard and bald head as a combination, you need to make sure to take good care of both. Your bald head should always be clean-shaven, and your beard well-trimmed with clean contours.

          To have everything you need for beard care, check out all our shaving products and beard products and buy what you need or opt for a set, like this one:

          Pay particular attention to the contours that make the cut between bald head and beard. Otherwise, the combination quickly looks wild and unkempt.

          Which celebrities wear a beard and bald head?

          Many celebrities have chosen exactly this combination, including actor Dwayne Johnson, who was even named "sexiest man alive" in 2016. Other representatives are

          • Bruce Willis,
          • Stanley Tucci,
          • and Jason Statham.

          Which short hairstyles suit a beard?

          Which short hairstyles suit a beard depends very much on your face shape and your preferred beard style. Very short-trimmed hair generally matches most beard styles.

          Mehr lesen

          The Henriquatre is becoming increasingly popular. The “Henri Quatre Beard” has a long history and is an absolutely timeless classic. It looks elegant, sophisticated, and a bit mysterious.

          We’ll show you how to achieve the perfect Henriquatre beard and what to consider when shaving it.

          henriquatre bartstil mann

          What characterizes the Henriquatre beard?

          The typical features of the Henriquatre beard are its path around the entire mouth combined with shaved cheeks. Only two thin vertical lines connect the mustache and chin beard.

          The most prominent historical wearer of the beard was Henry IV. Since then, the Henriquatre beard has also been known as a royal beard with an attractive effect. What indeed makes it royal is the styling effort it requires. The beard needs a lot of care and is considered one of the most demanding beards to style.

          Who suits a Henriquatre?

          The Henriquatre is particularly suitable for men with narrow, elongated, or angular, slender faces. Since it has a slightly rounded shape, it makes the face appear fuller.

          If you already have a rather round face, we would recommend another beard style for you.

          How to grow a Henriquatre beard?

          So how do you grow a Henriquatre beard? Here are some instructions for you.

          1. First, grow a full beard. As with many other beard styles, we recommend starting with a full beard. So, let your hair grow for a few weeks and only trim the area under the upper lip.

          2. Once your full beard has reached the desired length for your Henriquatre, you can start trimming.

          3. Take a trimmer and trim the beard length down to 3 to 5 mm.

          4. Now begins the actual styling: First, set the outer contours by shaving a rounded shape around the mouth and below the chin.

          5. Once the shape is achieved, shave everything outside of it, especially cheeks and neck area, clean and smooth - because a Henriquatre with stubble around it looks unkempt.

          6. Now take a really fine trimmer or safety razor and take care of the actual contours, the fine-tuning.

            If you're not sure, get a Henriquatre beard template or let a barber do the first cut.

            This way, the style is guaranteed to succeed, and you only need to touch up the contours and keep them neat.

          Cutting and maintaining the Henriquatre beard: Here's how

          To maintain the Henriquatre beard, you should regularly and meticulously trim it to the right length - this applies to both the mustache part and the part on the chin and the connecting contours.

          Shave all areas around the beard really clean and smooth; only then does the beard style remain a well-groomed visual appearance. It is best to trim the Henriquatre beard from the bottom (starting at the chin) upwards.

          FAQ about the Henriquatre beard

          What hairstyle goes with the Henriquatre?

          The Henriquatre looks good with trendy short hairstyles as well as chin-length hair. It also goes well with bald heads. The hair should not be too long, wild, or shaggy, as this would ruin the groomed, slightly noble character of the beard.

          Which celebrities wear the Henriquatre beard?

          Current celebrities who have chosen a Henriquatre include footballer Kevin Kuranyi and hip-hop star Kanye West. Actors Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio, as well as singer Marius Müller-Westernhagen, also wear the Henriquatre.

          Would you like to learn about other beard styles? Then feel free to browse the big beard styles guide.

          Mehr lesen

          Intimate shaving is a sensitive matter. You want a smooth shaving result, but even less than on the face, you want to avoid the risk of injury.

          Shaving the intimate area is therefore something where many people spend a long time looking for the optimal tool.

          A safety razor can be a good decision for the intimate area. We show you why.

          Intimate shaving

          Can you shave the intimate area with a safety razor?

          First of all: The safety razor is absolutely suitable for intimate shaving. And yes, a safety razor is also a good choice in the intimate area of a woman.

          However, before you start in such a sensitive area, you should have already gained some experience with wet shaving and not be holding such a tool for the first time.

          We therefore recommend that you only use the safety razor for intimate shaving once you have already used it on other body regions.

          What are the benefits of safety razors for the intimate area?

          If you want to shave the intimate area with a safety razor, you can look forward to several advantages:

          1. The safety razor shaves clean and smooth. So you get a really good result. And a smoothly shaved intimate area not only looks nicer and more well-groomed, but also has carrying and hygiene benefits, for example, during sports.

          2. The safety razor is not only suitable for a smooth shave, but also for trimming hair or precisely shaving contours, such as the quite popular “landing strip.”

          3. The safety razor is zero waste and therefore sustainable and environmentally friendly.

          4. Most users love the handling of the safety razor - it fits well in the hand and can be guided precisely.

          Cost comparison of razor blades

          What characteristics should a safety razor for the intimate area have?

          However, which razor you choose for the intimate area can make an important difference:

          • Choose a safety razor with a closed comb. This means that the blade is protected and recessed. This gives you safety.

          • The comb, i.e., the lower part of the razor head, should be rather narrow in design. This allows you to better reach the more inaccessible areas and shave more accurately.

          • The handle should be made of high-quality material and fit well in your hand so that it does not slip out of your hand while shaving.

          Our Störtebekker safety razor has an extra ribbed handle so that it does not slip out of your hand when used under running water.


          Shaving the intimate area correctly with the safety razor: What you need to pay attention to

          But how do I shave my intimate area as a woman? Especially for women, the term "safety razor" is often somewhat daunting.

          We have a small guide for you:

          1. Moisten the skin in the shower with water and wash yourself normally with soap or intimate wash lotion. This softens the skin and hair, making the shave smoother.

          2. Place the razor at a 30-degree angle to the skin.

          3. Gently glide over the skin without applying pressure.

          4. Proceed slowly and do not make long shaving strokes - this way you can always see exactly how far you can work along the skin.

          5. It is best to work under the shower, i.e., under running water. This way, you can clean the safety razor under water after each shaving stroke and then start again.

          The direction in which you shave the intimate area is up to you:

          • If you have sensitive skin and are prone to pimples, it is advisable to shave in the direction of hair growth.

          • If you want the smoothest result possible, you should shave against the direction of hair growth.

          Shaving cost comparison

          Can you also shave the chest with a safety razor?

          Yes, definitely! A safety razor is not only suitable for the face or intimate area but also perfect for chest shaving.

          Thanks to its precise blade and stable handle, it allows for a thorough and even shave, even on the contours and curves of the chest area.

          With the right technique and preparation, chest shaving with a safety razor becomes a true pleasure.

          How to properly shave the chest area?

          • Preparation: Start with a warm shower to soften the skin and hair. This makes the blade glide more easily.

          • Apply shaving foam: Use high-quality shaving foam or gel. Apply it evenly to the chest.

          • Correct technique: Hold the safety razor at the correct angle (about 30 degrees) to the skin and shave in the direction of hair growth.

          • Gentle pressure: Apply only light pressure and let the blade do the work.

          • After shaving: Rinse the chest with cold water and apply a moisturizing after-shave balm to soothe the skin.

          How can I avoid shaving bumps with a safety razor?

          You can avoid shaving bumps in the intimate area by regularly changing the blade of the safety razor. You should do this at the latest when you notice that the blade becomes slightly dull and no longer glides as easily over the skin as at the beginning.

          A bump-free intimate shave is also easier with a safety razor, i.e., a safety razor with a recessed blade. It is gentler on your skin.

          To shave the bikini area without skin irritation, you should also always use shaving gel or foam.

          Products without artificial or chemical additives, but with nourishing ingredients like shea butter or aloe vera, are particularly recommended.

          We would like to recommend our Störtebekker shaving soap - it is free of artificial additives and is therefore particularly gentle on your skin.

          How often should you shave the intimate area with a safety razor?

          How often you should shave the intimate area cannot be answered in general terms.

          Most people want a consistently well-groomed and smooth result and therefore shave every few days. This is basically okay if you follow all the care tips and your skin does not become red or inflamed.

          We would rather advise against daily shaving. Give the skin a few days to recover. If you have shaved cleanly, it will take some time for new hair to grow back anyway.


          Intimate shaving and safety razors definitely go together, both for women and men. Have you tried it yet?


          Is intimate shaving with a safety razor dangerous?

          No, shaving the intimate area with a safety razor is no more dangerous than with any other shaving device. There is always a certain risk of injury when a blade comes into contact with the skin.

          Do I need shaving foam or gel for shaving the intimate area?

          We would definitely recommend shaving foam. This way you can better avoid skin redness and bumps and shave the skin more gently.

          Safety razor or system razor? Which is better suited for intimate shaving?

          We recommend the safety razor. You can work much cleaner and more precisely with it than with the system razor. This makes shaving much gentler.

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          Another year is behind us. Just as the pandemic was over, the war in Ukraine at the beginning of 2022 brought the next crisis with strong impacts on our daily lives: inflation and rising heating and fuel costs make our lives more uncomfortable. 

          Especially in these difficult times, when stress levels can also increase, it is all the more important to take time for yourself, e.g., with a high-quality barbershop visit, an extensive shaving and beard care session in your own bathroom, or best of all, both 😊 

          You have followed through, as even in 2022, we were able to bring new products to the market, continue to grow, and double our sales. A huge thank you goes primarily to you and every Störtebekker customer who uses, gifts, and recommends our products!! 

          Further thanks go to all Störtebekker employees and partners, without whom the Störtebekker journey would not be possible and who make daily work with Störtebekker so much fun!
          Customers, team members, partners: as a united Störtebekker crew, we will tackle 2023, which will certainly not be an easier year, with full motivation and make it a successful year! More on this below.

          What happened at Störtebekker in 2022?

          • Störtebekker Club went live: With the Störtebekker Club, you now collect coins with every purchase that you can redeem for cool gifts like discount codes or free products. This makes regular shopping with us even more worthwhile!

          • New products: Again this year, new shaving and beard products were added, gradually expanding the product range. Most recently, our aftershave balm and beard shampoo. More is in the making..

          • The team is growing: A team is only as strong as its members. We are particularly pleased this year about the addition of Nora, who has been leading the product development area full-time since September and is doing a great job!

          • New office: Anyone who knows Frankfurt knows Berger Street. Here is where our new office is located. We will share insights from our office and startup daily life in the future. 

          • Great team event: Since we grew during Covid, a "remote" team developed where not everyone is on-site in Frankfurt. It was all the more wonderful to have the Störtebekker team gathered in person at our Christmas party, where the above photo was taken. Nothing beats personal contact!

          How does the Störtebekker journey continue this year?

          • From safety razor to men's grooming brand: We started with a safety razor in 2017. This year we will expand the product range beyond shaving and beard products to grooming products and offer everything a man can use in the bathroom, including new scents and variants. Really cool products are coming, stay tuned!

          • Internationalization: Our online shop will be available in Switzerland, and we will translate it into English to serve international customer inquiries. Störtebekker goes Europe!

          • New marketplaces: In addition to, Störtebekker products will also be available on Douglas, Galaxus, and other marketplaces. We want to be where our potential customers like to shop.

          • New tutorial videos: Good shaving and beard care is important and fun but can be overwhelming at first. There are simply many products you have never worked with before. With a high-quality video series, we will provide clarity for first-time users, and even pros will find something new.


          In this sense, I look forward to sailing through the new year with the Störtebekker crew and successfully mastering all the challenges and adventures we take on and that come our way! 💪🏼

          Best regards and thank you for your support
          Martin, founder of Störtebekker

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          Movember first took place in 2003 in Australia. At that time, two friends decided to bring the mustache back. They persuaded other men to join the November challenge and grow a mustache.

          As they proudly grew their mustaches, they noticed that it led to many conversations with their surroundings. They wanted to take advantage of this attention and took it a step further in 2004. They launched their website There, even today, all participants can register for Movember and collect donations for men's health together with others.

          If you also want to grow your mustache and contribute to the good cause, it's best to visit their site. Registration is the prerequisite for participating in Movember.

          movember störtebekker

          What does Movember mean?

          The connection between the word Movember and growing a mustache in November is not immediately obvious. This is because it is a portmanteau from English.

          The creative word is made up of two existing words:

          1. “Moustache” means mustache,

          2. While “november” stands for the penultimate month of the year, just like in German.

          This makes the significance of Movember much clearer. Participants of the event affectionately refer to their November mustache as a "Mo."

          You might have heard of No-Shave-November as well. This term encompasses the entire beard growth of men. Thus, No-Shave-November differs slightly from Movember, which is solely about growing a mustache. Nevertheless, both terms are often used interchangeably.

          Not only in November does a man let his beard grow and cultivate it. Especially if a new beard trend is to be tried, the beard is only trimmed. For this, you need beard products to support you. How about this?

          Where does the Movember Movement come from?

          The idea of growing a mustache in November originates from Australia. While 30 men participated in the first year, just one year later, there were already 480 people involved. Today, Movember is a global event that takes place in numerous countries – including Germany!

          What does Movember aim to raise awareness for?

          Worldwide, many men die prematurely from various diseases, many of which can be effectively treated if detected early. The Movember aims to bring taboo topics such as

          • mental health issues
          • and testicular or prostate cancer into the focus of society,

          so that overall awareness is raised, and many men can be helped in time.


          movember man mental health

          1. Mental Health of Men

          Mental health is at least as important as good physical health. Mental illnesses can be caused by chronic stress, but also by ongoing under-stimulation. In some cases, genetic predispositions also play a role.

          According to the Federal Centre for Health Education, in 2020 about 8 percent of men reported that they did not feel mentally healthy.

          2. Prostate Cancer

          The most common type of cancer among men is prostate cancer. There are around 60,000 new cases each year. An increased risk for malignant carcinoma is present in cases of familial clustering.

          However, all men should also regularly undergo prostate cancer screening to rule out or detect the disease early.

          • Problems with urination
          • and an enlarged prostate are early warning signs but can also have other causes.

          In any case: Be sure to consult a urologist!

          3. Testicular Cancer

          In Germany, just over 4,000 men are diagnosed with testicular cancer each year. The treatment chances are usually good with early detection, making testicular cancer screening of essential importance.

          Movember Rules: How can I participate in the Movember event?

          The Movember rules are quite simple. But if you want to participate, you need to know them:

          • Movember starts on November 1 and ends on November 30.
          • You start the challenge completely clean-shaven.
          • You grow a mustache, not a full beard.
          • Any style of mustache is allowed.

          Now you know the basic rules. To participate, follow these steps:

          1. Register on the Movember website.

          2. Talk to your male friends and try to convince them to join or at least raise awareness about their health.

          3. Create your own profile and upload a photo of your clean-shaven face on November 1.

          4. Join a Movember team and compete with other members to see who can raise the most funds.

          5. Be open in every conversation about your mustache and explain why you are growing it.

          6. Collect donations through these conversations for the projects supported by Movember this year.

          How do I shave a mustache?

          Mustache hairs grow surprisingly quickly, so you will soon see results. To prevent the hairs from hanging over your mouth or sticking out wildly, you need to trim your mustache properly. Only then will it have a nice shape and not interfere with your daily life.

          Have you never worn a mustache before and are wondering how to trim a mustache? Then take a look at our guide. There you'll find all the important info on trimming mustaches.

          Trimming, shaping, and shaving the rest of your facial hair: If you still need the right beard & shaving products: How about this? Everything you need for care and shaving in one set.

          Mustache Ideas for Movember

          During Movember in Germany, you can usually see various mustache styles. Here are some typical mustache variations:

          • Walrus: A particularly thick mustache

          • Lampshade: A full mustache shaped like a lampshade

          • Twirl Mustache: A particularly long mustache with twisted ends

          • Pencil Mustache: A narrow, well-groomed mustache

          FAQ about Movember

          Can I participate in Movember without a mustache?

          Yes, you can participate in the Move for Movember by walking a total of 60 kilometers on foot in November.

          There is also the possibility to organize a Mo-ment. Let your creativity run wild, invite some people, or plan a virtual event and collect your donations.

          How do I care for my mustache?

          To keep your mustache looking great during Movember, you need a good beard comb. This will help you detangle your mustache hairs and remove coarse dirt.

          For thorough cleaning, a beard soap is suitable.

          Then apply a good beard oil to give your mustache a subtle shine. 

          There is more beard styles & shapes, make sure to check out these posts as well:

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          To achieve a smooth, beautiful shave, you should keep your razor blades sharp. It is essential to rinse them thoroughly with hot water after each shave.

          If you notice that the razor blades become dull after a while, you need to either sharpen the razor with a sharpening stone or replace the blade. You can read here how often you should replace the razor blade.

          In addition to razors with replaceable blades, there are also razors with fixed blades - regular sharpening of the blade is essential here.

          This brings us to an important topic: Many men do not trust themselves to properly sharpen the razor. However, it’s not rocket science.


          Why is it so important to sharpen a razor?

          Residues of shaving soap, skin particles, and small hairs clog the razor and make it dull over time. Simply cleaning with hot water is no longer sufficient to keep the razor blades sharp.

          Dull blades can cause significant damage to your skin:

          • Irritations,
          • Redness,
          • Razor burn (small tip: Here’s how you can avoid razor burn)
          • Razor bumps (and here too, there are tips on how you can avoid razor bumps)
          • and small injuries.

          Therefore, it is important to regularly replace or, if that is not possible, sharpen with a suitable sharpening stone (for example, a water stone or a diamond sharpening stone).

          Razor Beard Shaving


          Sharpening or Stropping a Razor: What’s the Difference?

          There are different techniques. One distinguishes between sharpening and stropping a razor.

          • Technique and tool are different for each procedure.
          • The timing of when you strop and when you sharpen the razor is also different.

          A stylish razor with a replaceable blade and high quality can be found in our department for shaving products.

          Stropping and Sharpening a Razor: A Guide

          Let's start with stropping: As the word suggests, you pull the blade at a sharp angle across a leather strap. The blade sharpens through contact and abrasion with the leather.

          Hanging Strop, Paddle Strop, or Tension Strop?

          For the stropping procedure, you have various leather straps to choose from.

          1. Hanging Strop: It is well-suited for daily maintenance or daily stropping of the blade. You attach it to a hook on the wall - it "hangs". You stretch it from below with one hand and strop the razor by pulling it from top to bottom.

          2. Paddle Strop: Here, the leather is attached to a piece of wood, and you strop the razor by pulling it over. Since the strop is firm due to the wood, you can apply a bit more pressure. This variant often helps beginners as they do not have to hold and tension the strop themselves.

          3. Tension Strop: Here, you create the tension in the leather yourself, which requires a bit more practice. Therefore, this strop is more suitable for experienced users.


          Razor Beard Shaving

            How to Strop a Razor: How to Use a Strop?

            To strop the razor, you pull it at a flat angle - always towards the back of the razor, never towards the blade! - across the strop and repeat this about 20 times.

            Ideally, the leather strop is used regularly before shaving. This way, you always approach the shave with an optimally sharp blade.

            How to Properly Sharpen a Razor?

            Now, let’s discuss sharpening the razor with a replaceable blade - feel free to check out our razors. For this, you use a sharpening stone or a strop with a sharpening layer. In the latter case, one side is equipped with a special sharpening layer. The technique is the same as when stropping.

            Pull the razor blade flat across. Since the resistance from the stone or sharpening layer is higher, the blade is sharpened more intensely. The metal becomes slightly roughened through sharpening. Therefore, you should never perform this procedure directly before a shave. The razor should rest for at least 24 hours after sharpening.

            Before shaving, pull the blade over a leather strop once more to smooth the edges.

            What Grit is Best for Sharpening?

            When sharpening, you use grit values between 1000 and 8000. A high grit value is recommended if you want a particularly sharp edge. With an 8000 grit value, the blade achieves a finer sharpness than with a lower grit value.

            If you only want to maintain the razor, use a lower grit value. You can use higher grit values for a more intense sharpening.

            Alternative to Sharpening Stones: Sharpener for Razors

            As an alternative to sharpening stones, there are also razor sharpeners. Some come with integrated stropping surfaces or multiple sharpening steps. They can often be used to quickly and efficiently sharpen the razor blade.

            Generally, razor sharpeners are a good option if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of sharpening stones.

            But don’t forget: Sharpening stones and sharpeners require practice and should be carefully used.

            Summary: Proper Care for a Razor Blade

            The razor blade is an essential tool in your shaving routine. Whether you use a blade with a sharpener or a strop, care for the blade is crucial.

            • After every shave, clean the blade with hot water.
            • Strop daily for the best results.
            • Sharpen every few weeks to maintain sharpness.
            • Allow 24 hours of rest after sharpening.

            With these tips, you’ll ensure a clean, smooth shave and extend the life of your razor blades.

            Mehr lesen

            The Viking Beard is experiencing a real revival, thanks in no small part to various Netflix series like “Ragnarok” or “Vikings.” The Thor Beard is the beard style worn by the main character Ragnar Lothbrok in the series “Vikings.” It is therefore considered wild, unruly, untamed, confident, strong, and independent.

            However, Viking Beards are not just a wild forest of beard hair, but require a lot of beard care and styling. A special highlight is when the Viking Beard is braided - this is how the Vikings once wore it when they went into battle.

            Viking beard man

            Who is the Viking Beard suitable for?

            The beard style Viking Beard suits almost every man. It is a beard form of the full beard and fits every face shape. However, you should have somewhat denser and fuller facial hair for it.

            Light fuzz or gaps in the beard do not make a nice, stately Viking Beard. If you have patchy or incomplete beard growth, you might consider a Goatee or Moustache instead.

            Your beard growth is lacking? Read this post - here we give helpful tips to try: Stimulate beard growth

            Additionally, our beard products from the Störtebekker shop support you.

            How do I grow a Viking Beard?

            Do you want to grow a Viking Beard? As with all full beards, the key is to let it grow. And let it grow long enough.

            Make sure it looks well-groomed even during the growth phase and trim the beard hairs regularly to the same length - as not all of your hairs grow at the same rate.

            How long does it take to grow a Viking Beard?

            To have a impressive full beard, you should plan for about six to eight weeks of time and patience.

            An official Viking Beard is typically 8 to 15 cm long. For that, you need several months.

            What variations of the Viking Beard are there?

            The Viking Beard is not just one type. We want to introduce you to the most distinctive beard styles.

            viking beard man

            1. Short Viking Beard

            The beard style as a short Viking Beard is a variation of the classic Viking Beard. The beard hair covers the whole face here as well, but the hairs are trimmed shorter, so you see more of your neck area.

            This can be more practical or required for professional reasons. Also, if you have tattoos on your neck or back area, the shorter version might suit you better.

            2. Braided Viking Beard

            The Viking Beard can also be braided into a braid. From a length of 12 cm upwards, it looks good and can also have practical reasons: during sports or eating, the long beard hairs won't get in your way.

            Depending on the beard density, you can braid a thicker braid, two braids, or several smaller, thinner ones - twisting is also an option.

            Maintaining a Viking Beard: What you need to know

            As simple as it sounds to grow wild facial hair, you should especially pay attention to beard care with this beard style. Use only a beard shampoo or beard soap and possibly additional conditioner to make the beard hair nice and soft. Your beard hair should feel soft and smooth and comb well in one direction with a beard comb or a beard brush.

            Chaotically standing, dry or brittle hairs can quickly appear unkempt. To protect the beard hairs from uncontrolled fluttering, you should also use beard oil like Störtebekker’s. It conditions, adds shine, and weighs the hair down a bit.

            Massage the beard oil into the beard hair and comb the hair through - this spreads it nicely through the hair and smooths everything out. If necessary, use a hairdryer and comb your beard straight while holding the hairdryer from above.

            beard brush

            Frequently Asked Questions about the Viking Beard

            What beard jewelry did the Vikings use?

            Vikings actually adorned their beards with jewelry. Traditionally, beard beads were braided into the beard.

            The Viking beard jewelry had a deeper meaning: While the beard itself was already considered a status symbol, the jewelry represented wealth acquired. The more elaborate the bead jewelry, the better situated the wearer was.

            Did all Vikings have red beards?

            There certainly were red beards among the Vikings. However, not every Viking had red hair. The majority of them were likely blonde.

            Which celebrities have a Viking beard?

            Bradley Cooper, Jason Momoa, and Jeff Bridges are prominent wearers of a Viking beard. Actor Travis Fimmel had to grow one specifically for his role as Ragnar Lothbrok in the Netflix series Vikings.

            As beautiful as the Viking beard style is, it requires a lot of attention and care. Feel free to check out the beard products in our shop.


            A Viking Beard is an impressive beard appearance. However, to keep it impressive, regular beard care is essential.

            Wash the facial hair regularly and trim it - especially the neckline; otherwise, your beard can quickly look like wild growth. Beard oil is also essential to prevent the hair from drying out and becoming brittle.

            In what beard style do you wear your Viking Beard?

            Do you also know these beard styles?

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