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Das Styling deiner Haare kann oft eine Herausforderung sein, insbesondere wenn du einen Look erzielen möchtest, der nicht nur den ganzen Tag hält, sondern auch gesund und gepflegt aussieht.

Genau hier kommt Pomade ins Spiel – ein unverzichtbares Stylingprodukt für Männer, das dir den perfekten Halt und Glanz bietet, egal ob für den Alltag oder besondere Anlässe. 

Doch wie wählst du die richtige Pomade? Der Schlüssel liegt in der Entscheidung zwischen wasser- und ölbasierten Pomaden. In diesem Artikel tauchen wir tief in die Welt der Pomaden ein und erklären die Unterschiede, Vor- und Nachteile der beiden Varianten, damit du die perfekte Wahl treffen kannst.

Pomade im Überblick – Ein Meisterwerk des Stylings

Pomade ist ein traditionsreiches Haarpflegeprodukt, das schon seit Jahrzehnten von Männern auf der ganzen Welt verwendet wird, um ihre Haare in Form zu bringen. Besonders beliebt sind Pomaden, da sie nicht nur für Glanz und Halt sorgen, sondern deinem Haar auch einen klassischen, gepflegten Look verleihen. 

Die Störtebekker Haarstyling-Pomade bietet dabei eine ausgezeichnete Lösung für alle, die eine Frisur wie frisch aus dem Barbershop wünschen. Egal ob du dich für die wasserbasierte oder die Öl basierten Variante entscheidest – du bekommst immer ein Produkt, das den höchsten Ansprüchen gerecht wird. 

Die Störtebekker Pomade wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Barbieren entwickelt und steht für meisterhaftes Styling und optimalen Halt. Doch welche der beiden Varianten passt besser zu deinen Bedürfnissen? Lass uns das im Detail betrachten.

Wasserbasierte Pomade – Flexibel und leicht auswaschbar

Die wasserbasierte Pomade von Störtebekker zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass sie beim Styling etwas aushärtet, aber dennoch flexibel bleibt. Diese Pomade ist ideal für diejenigen, die einen flexiblen Halt für den Alltag suchen und sich gleichzeitig einen mittleren bis hohen Glanz wünschen. 

🪒 Expertentipp: Sie lassen sich leicht auswaschen, was die Anwendung besonders praktisch und alltagstauglich macht.

Vorteile der wasserbasierten Pomade:

  • Leicht auswaschbar: Da sie auf Wasser basiert, lässt sie sich problemlos mit Shampoo oder sogar nur mit Wasser aus den Haaren entfernen.
  • Flexibler Halt: Die Pomade härtet zwar beim Trocknen aus, bleibt aber trotzdem formbar, was sie ideal für Umstylings im Laufe des Tages macht.
  • Perfekt für den Alltag: Die wasserbasierte Variante ist eine großartige Wahl, wenn du einen Look willst, der nicht allzu stark fixiert ist, aber dennoch den ganzen Tag hält.


  • Halt: 5–7 (je nach Menge, die verwendet wird)
  • Glanz: 5–8
Empfohlene Anwendung: Für klassisch gepflegte, aber nicht übermäßig strukturierte Looks. Ideal für kürzere bis mittellange Haare.

    Düfte der Störtebekker Pomaden:

    Die wasserbasierten Pomaden sind in verschiedenen Düften erhältlich, die deinem Styling eine zusätzliche individuelle Note verleihen. 

    Einige der beliebten Düfte sind:

    • Tortuga: Ein tiefer, würzig-frischer Duft, der Charakter und Stärke ausstrahlt.
    • Crusoe: Frisch und leicht süßlich, mit dynamischen Zitrus-Vanille-Noten.
    • Fresh Apple: Leicht und erfrischend, perfekt für einen belebenden Start in den Tag.
    • Sandelholz: Warm und elegant, für subtile Raffinesse, die lange anhält.

    Ölbasisierte Pomade – Starker Halt und flexibles Styling

    Die ölbasierten Pomaden bieten hingegen einen extra starken Halt, der besonders für aufwendige und strukturierte Frisuren ideal ist. Sie sind bekannt dafür, selbst widerspenstiges Haar in Form zu halten und bieten ein hochflexibles Styling, das den ganzen Tag über sitzt. 

    Der entscheidende Vorteil der ölbasierten Pomaden ist, dass sie nicht aushärten, was bedeutet, dass du deine Frisur den ganzen Tag über leicht nachbessern kannst, ohne Produkt nachlegen zu müssen.

    Vorteile der ölbasierten Pomade:

    • Extrem starker Halt: Ideal für anspruchsvolle Frisuren, die den ganzen Tag perfekt sitzen sollen.

    • Flexibles Styling: Da die Pomade nicht aushärtet, kannst du sie jederzeit neu formen und stylen.

    • Lang anhaltende Wirkung: Eine ölbasierten Pomade hält oft bis zu mehreren Tagen, ohne dass du sie erneut auftragen musst.


    • Halt: 8–10
    • Glanz: 6–10
    Empfohlene Anwendung: Perfekt für strukturierte, definierte Frisuren wie Slickbacks, Pompadours oder Tollen. Besonders geeignet für mittellanges bis langes Haar.

      Herausforderung: Auswaschbarkeit

      Einer der wenigen Nachteile der ölbasierten Pomade ist die erschwerte Auswaschbarkeit. Da sie auf Öl basiert, bleibt sie hartnäckiger im Haar und erfordert oft spezielle Shampoos oder mehrfache Waschgänge. Dies sollte jedoch kein Hindernis sein, wenn du den extra starken Halt und die Flexibilität im Styling schätzt.

      Tipps für die Anwendung von Pomaden – Das perfekte Styling

      Egal, ob du dich für die wasser- oder ölbasierten Pomade entscheidest, der Schlüssel zu einem makellosen Look liegt in der richtigen Anwendung. 

      Hier einige Tipps, um das Beste aus deiner Pomade herauszuholen:

      1. Menge anpassen: Beginne mit einer kleinen Menge und füge bei Bedarf mehr hinzu. Zu viel Pomade kann schnell fettig wirken, während zu wenig nicht genug Halt bietet.

      2. Auftragen auf leicht feuchtem Haar: Pomade lässt sich am besten verteilen, wenn dein Haar noch leicht feucht ist. So kannst du sicherstellen, dass sie gleichmäßig einzieht und ihre volle Wirkung entfaltet.

      3. Kämme für das perfekte Finish: Um deine Frisur optimal zu stylen, empfehlen sich hochwertige Kämme. Sie helfen dabei, das Haar gleichmäßig zu verteilen und verleihen deiner Frisur den letzten Schliff.

      Fazit – Pomade für jeden Stil

      Die Wahl zwischen einer wasser- oder ölbasierten Pomade hängt stark von deinen persönlichen Styling-Bedürfnissen ab. Möchtest du eine flexible und leicht auswaschbare Option, ist die wasserbasierte Pomade die richtige Wahl.

      Brauchst du jedoch maximalen Halt und flexibles Styling, solltest du zur ölbasierten Variante greifen. In jedem Fall bietet die Störtebekker Haarstyling-Pomade eine herausragende Lösung für perfekt gestyltes Haar, das wie frisch aus dem Barbershop aussieht.

      Dank der Zusammenarbeit mit renommierten Barbieren garantiert Störtebekker nicht nur meisterhaftes Styling, sondern auch eine lang anhaltende und pflegende Wirkung für dein Haar – egal ob du einen klassischen oder modernen Look bevorzugst. Entdecke jetzt die Pomade, die zu dir passt, und erlebe Styling auf höchstem Niveau!

      Auch in diesen Beitrag solltest du dich reinklicken:

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      Help, my beard always looks unkempt: What can I do? Beards are totally in trend.

      However, if facial hair looks unkempt, it ruins the overall appearance of the man. If the beard is unkempt, there are only two options in the end: grooming or shaving.

      Because if the beard looks like a mess, it gives a bad impression.

      If you want to wear a beard, you have to take care of it.

      If the beard still looks unkempt, you are probably following the wrong strategy.

      In fact, wrong grooming products can make the beard look unkempt. In the following text, you will find some helpful tips and tricks to keep your beard looking well-groomed.

      Key Points at a Glance

      • A wild beard growth makes the beard look unkempt. Trim the protruding beard hairs and try to achieve an even length. Trimmers and beard scissors can help with this.

      • Your beard hairs are sticking out? With beard oil and beard balm, the beard hair becomes softer and can be styled into the desired shape.

      • Regular beard grooming ensures that the beard becomes smooth and looks well-groomed.

      When Does a Beard Look Unkempt? 5 Signs

      Are you letting your beard grow and hoping it will shape itself? Unfortunately, that won’t happen. An uneven length, single sticking-out beard hairs, or gaps in the beard make the beard look unkempt.

      If you decide to grow a beard, you need to groom it as well. No matter if it is a full beard, a chin beard, or a mustache, every type of beard needs grooming.

      In our online shop, you will find various beard care products, including pure beard oils or anti-itch sets.

      1. Misshapen Beard Style: Mistakes When Trimming

      Beard grooming means it must be shaped properly. You can use a beard scissor, but also use a trimmer. When trimming, make sure not to cut too much. Set the attachment a bit longer instead.

      Expert Tip: If you are unhappy with the length, you can always make adjustments. Before trimming, comb the beard so that all the hairs are in the same direction.

      2. Dandruff in the Beard

      Dandruff in the beard makes the beard look unkempt. It also indicates that you are grooming the beard incorrectly. Try using a mild beard shampoo and comb the beard regularly.

      Combing with a beard comb or a beard brush promotes circulation and removes beard dandruff. Using a beard shampoo can reduce or stop dandruff production.

      3. Sticking-Out Beard Hairs

      You need to brush your beard regularly. This helps you shape the beard hairs into the desired form. Sticking-out beard hairs can be trimmed with a sharp beard scissor. You can also treat your beard with beard oil. The beard oil makes your beard hair softer.

      With beard wax, you can also style stubborn and sticking-out beard hairs in the right direction if you don't want to cut them.

      4. Dry and Frizzy Beard Hair

      If your beard hair is dry or frizzy, use a beard oil. Beard oil will make your beard smoother and allow it to be moved in the desired direction. Also, beard shampoo for dry beard hair can help make the beard look well-groomed again.

      5. Uneven Beard Growth

      If you have uneven beard growth, it is advisable to orient yourself to the slow-growing beard hairs.

      Trim the longer-growing beard hairs so that they are always even with the existing beard hairs. Over time, your beard will become denser and more even.

      If you notice that your beard growth is very slow, you can promote beard growth with a few tips and tricks. Focus primarily on your

      • diet,
      • try to exercise,
      • avoid alcohol,
      • and ensure a good vitamin D3 level.

      beard man comb

      4 Tips and Tricks for an Unkempt Beard

      Want a well-groomed beard? With the following tips and tricks, your unkempt beard can become a well-groomed beard that not only attracts women but also makes other men envious:

      • Comb Your Beard: Ideally, use a beard brush and comb your beard several times a day. This promotes circulation among other benefits.

      • Use Beard Oil or Beard Wax: By using beard oil and beard wax, your beard hair will not only become softer but can also be styled in the desired direction.

      • Use a Beard Shampoo: Mild beard shampoo helps with beard dandruff; if you have a dry beard, make sure to use a moisturizing beard shampoo.

      • Use a trimmer or the beard scissors for the right length.


      A well-groomed beard requires regular care and attention to convey a positive overall image of the wearer. Trimming the beard hairs, using beard oil and beard balm, and regularly applying beard shampoo are essential steps to avoid an unkempt beard.

      Additionally, one should be mindful of issues such as dandruff, sticking-out beard hairs, dry or frizzy beard hair, and uneven beard growth to take appropriate measures.

      With the right care and targeted measures, an unkempt beard can become an attractive and appealing beard that draws admiring looks.


      Is it normal for a beard to look unkempt at first?

      It takes time for a beard to become full. At the beginning, it may look unkempt. Always ensure that your beard is trimmed or that sticking-out hairs are trimmed with the beard scissors.

      Provide your beard with enough moisture by using the appropriate beard shampoo and comb it regularly to promote circulation.

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      Have you always had strong and dense beard growth, but now experiencing hair loss in your beard?

      This article can help! Hair loss in the beard can have many causes. Beard hairs can fall out if you're dealing with stress or poor nutrition.

      Often, small changes can help you stop beard hair loss. You don't have to accept beard loss!

      hair loss beard

      What Causes Round Hair Loss in the Beard?

      When round hair loss appears in the beard, it is referred to as Alopecia Barbae. This can have various causes.

      Such beard hair loss can be due to a hereditary condition. However, the "holes" in the beard can also be a malfunction of the immune system.

      Your own hair follicles are perceived as foreign objects by your body and attacked. This is why the holes in the beard remain completely bald. No stubble grows back in these areas.

      Other Causes of Hair Loss in the Beard

      When beard hairs fall out, various triggers can be involved. We have summarized the most common factors for you below.

      Inappropriate Care Products: Shower gel or regular hair shampoo can promote beard hair loss. Such products strip your hair of its natural oils, which is detrimental to your beard.

      Your beard hairs need moisture. Therefore, use a special beard shampoo and add moisture in the form of beard oil after your shower. This will keep your beard soft. Additionally, proper beard care prevents hair breakage.

      Everyday Stress: Emotional and physical stress can affect your body. The result: beard hair loss. Try to reduce stress in your daily life.

      Find a relaxing hobby. This could be meditation or exercise. Even reading books can have a relaxing effect.

      Hormone Deficiency: A hormonal imbalance can also cause beard hair loss. Perhaps a testosterone deficiency is responsible for your beard hairs thinning out and you getting gaps in your beard?

      A possible testosterone deficiency is diagnosed by a doctor. Depending on the testosterone levels, there are various treatment approaches. Primarily, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables, as well as testosterone supplements, help increase testosterone levels.

      Genetically Conditioned Beard Loss: Beard loss can be genetically conditioned. If your father or grandfather had issues with beard growth and complained about beard loss, the cause is likely genetic predisposition.

      Poor Diet: Do you mainly eat frozen products, pizza, and meat? A lack of vitamins and nutrients can negatively impact your beard. Make sure to eat a balanced diet.

      Errors in Beard Care: Tugging, pulling, rubbing, and twisting – your beard does not like any of that. If the hair follicles are irritated, hair breakage can occur. Blunt razor blades can also cause tearing. Therefore, always shave with a sharp razor blade.

      What to Do About Beard Hair Loss?

      You don't have to accept beard hair loss. There are various methods to stop beard hair loss and stimulate beard growth.

      Promote Circulation

      One way to address beard hair loss is to promote circulation. Circulation can be stimulated through regular brushing with a beard brush or through peeling.

      beard brush

      Dietary Changes

      Vitamins that you get from fruits and vegetables are particularly important. Also, proteins, ideally from lean meat, help to stop beard hair loss. Say goodbye to unhealthy frozen foods and fast food! Your beard (and your body) will thank you!

      A lack of essential nutrients, such as zinc or biotin, can also contribute to beard hair loss. A deficiency in vitamin D or iron can also be a cause of hair loss in the beard.

      This means that, besides dietary changes, it may also be advisable to take dietary supplements.

      Expert Tip: Providing the body with enough nutrients naturally has a positive impact on beard growth.

      Reduce Stress

      Easier said than done: Reducing stress means that you help not only your beard but also yourself. How can you reduce stress? You need to find a balance.

      This could be exercise or a completely new hobby. Maybe photography or reading books? Sometimes it also helps to delegate certain tasks?

      Beard Hair Transplant

      If hair on the head can be transplanted, beard hair can also be transplanted. If you have weak beard growth and want to increase beard density or if you have hereditary beard hair loss, a beard transplant can help.

      1. During the procedure, hair follicles are harvested from another part of the body, usually from the back of the head.

      2. The follicles are examined and prepared in a nutrient solution.

      3. Then the hair follicles are implanted into the beardless areas. This can be on the upper lip, chin, or cheeks.

      4. After the hair follicles are transplanted, the new hair goes through a regeneration phase.

      5. After a few months, you can look forward to full beard growth.

      The hair appearance after a beard transplant looks natural. This means you can't see where the hair follicles were transplanted.

      How Can I Prevent Beard Hair Loss?

      Beard hair loss can be prevented. Often, it’s just small things that help you maintain a dense beard.

      • Pay attention to your diet! Nutrients, such as zinc, biotin, proteins, vitamin D, and iron reduce beard hair loss

      • Reduce stress! Find a balance and try to manage stress

      • Get enough sleep! Your body needs sleep and rest. This also helps your beard

      • Use care products! Your beard needs care. Make sure to use the right products. Special beard care products, beard oils, as well as pomades and beard shampoos provide moisture to your beard


      There are many reasons why beard hair loss can occur. However, preventive measures can be taken to prevent noticeable hair loss from happening.

      The right diet, proper beard care, and stress reduction have positive effects.

      If you are already struggling with beard hair loss, you can work with testosterone products, improve your diet, or opt for a beard hair transplant.

      With makeup products, such as eyeliner, hair dyes, and beard thickening products, gaps can be concealed.


      How many beard hairs do you lose per day?

      You lose between 20 and 50 beard hairs per day. This is normal and part of the hair renewal process. Beard hair loss is referred to when there are noticeable gaps in the beard.

      How can I conceal beard hair loss?

      You can dye the beard. Coloring creates a visual density. Additionally, the beard hair becomes slightly thicker with the color. If you dye the beard dark, it will also appear fuller. The darker your hair, the fuller it appears.

      With an eyeliner, you can also visually thicken the beard. This means you can use conventional makeup. However, concealing with eyeliner should be practiced.

      There are also beard thickening products. The keratin fiber-based powder is worked into the beard and blends with the natural hair. This creates a natural look. During a shower or beard cleaning, the fibers are rinsed out.

      How long does it take for the beard to grow back after hair loss?

      Depending on personal beard growth, it can take eight to twelve months for the hair to regrow after hair loss. There is also a possibility that the hair may not regrow after hair loss.

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      When you are at the drugstore, you will be surprised by the many different types of soap available. But which soap is recommended for hand washing? Is liquid soap really more hygienic than a bar of soap? How long can you use a bar of soap?

      Both types of soap have their advantages and disadvantages. Consider our article before making a decision in the store. Additionally, you should also pay attention to the topic of consumption. The environmental impact should not be ignored.

      Summary of Key Points

      • Soap does not kill bacteria but rather removes germs and dirt from the skin's surface. Water alone does not have the same effect as water combined with soap. It does not matter whether you use liquid soap or a bar of soap.

      • Clean the soap dish. The soap dish is often neglected and can become a breeding ground for germs.

      • Liquid soap generates more plastic waste than bar soap: Bar soaps are typically packaged in a cardboard box or wrapped in paper, while liquid soap is sold in plastic packaging.

      Liquid Soap vs Bar Soap: The Pros and Cons

      The COVID-19 pandemic has led us to pay more attention to hand washing. Perhaps you have compared the various skin cleaning products in the drugstore - such as soaps.

      As you know, there are bar soaps and liquid soaps. But do you know the pros and cons of each type of soap? You will find out the pros and cons in this article.

      Using shaving soap: First wash hands with liquid soap or bar soap


      Which is more economical, liquid soap or bar soap?

      Generally, bar soap is more economical than liquid soap because it is typically more concentrated and contains less water. Bar soap also produces more lather, which covers the skin better and provides a more thorough cleaning.

      However, this can also depend on the quality and type of soap, as there are some liquid soaps that are very concentrated and require only a small amount to produce sufficient lather for cleaning.

      Another advantage: Bar soap cannot be over-dosed. This means that bar soap is significantly more economical than liquid soap. Ultimately, the choice between bar soap and liquid soap depends on personal preferences and needs.

      Is liquid soap more hygienic than bar soap?

      Apart from the question of which soap is more hygienic, it should be noted that both types of soap remove germs and dirt from the skin but do not kill bacteria.

      Studies - such as one from the Journal of Environmental Pathology Toxicology and Oncology - have confirmed that there are significantly more germs and bacteria on a bar of soap compared to liquid soap. This means liquid soap is more hygienic than a bar of soap in a soap dish.

      Ultimately, this is not surprising. Liquid soap is dispensed from a container, so direct skin contact is excluded. It should be noted that bacteria and germs on a bar of soap do not survive for long in the unfavorable environment. There is also no transfer of bacteria and germs during hand washing because they are directly removed by the friction.

      For your home bathroom, a bar of soap in a soap dish is sufficient. In a public restroom, liquid soap might be more suitable as many different people use the soap.

      What can you do to ensure that the soap and the soap dish do not become a breeding ground for germs?

      • Rinse the soap with water after use.
      • Use a soap dish with ridges or holes so that the soap can dry well.
      • You should clean the soap dish at regular intervals because it can become dirty over time and thus become a breeding ground for germs.

      Which soap is more sustainable?

      Bar soaps generally contain fewer chemical additives than liquid soaps and are therefore gentler on the skin and more environmentally friendly.

      With liquid soap in dispensers or refill bags, significantly more plastic packaging is used. Investigations by Öko-Test have shown that some liquid soaps contain harmful microplastics.

      Bar natural soap is available in unpackaged stores or packaging-free in drugstores. Some stores offer soap in environmentally friendly cartons.

      And while we're on the topic of soap: Do you know our Störtebekker shaving soap? If not, click on the link in the image :)

      Is liquid soap easier to dose than bar soap?

      Once you press the dispenser, a certain amount of liquid soap is dispensed. Studies have shown that people tend to press the dispenser multiple times. This means that more liquid soap is generally used than needed.

      Studies have shown that a single pump dispenses significantly more soap than is needed for hand washing. Nevertheless, and you can observe this yourself in public places, more than one pump is often used.


      For hand washing, you should always use some form of soap. In public spaces, liquid soap is generally available - mainly for hygiene reasons. In your own bathroom, a bar of soap in a soap dish is sufficient.

      As long as you ensure that the soap is rinsed with water after hand washing, you need not worry about germs or bacteria. Additionally, you help the environment by choosing a bar of soap over liquid soap.


      Can liquid soap be used instead of shower gel?

      Yes, liquid soap can also be used as an alternative to shower gel. Both have similar cleaning properties and often contain similar ingredients such as surfactants and moisturizers. However, liquid soap is generally less concentrated than shower gel and can therefore be used up more quickly.

      Additionally, liquid soap may tend to strip the skin of oils more than shower gel, as shower gel typically contains more moisturizing ingredients. For sensitive skin, liquid soap may lead to dryness.

      It is advisable to limit the use of liquid soap as a shower gel substitute to a short period or opt for a particularly moisturizing variant.

      Is bar soap as suitable for sensitive skin as liquid soap?

      Bar soap can be as suitable for sensitive skin as liquid soap. However, it depends on the type of soap. A bar soap containing natural ingredients such as aloe vera or shea butter can be especially gentle on sensitive skin and help to moisturize it.

      However, it is important to note that some bar soaps may also contain potentially irritating ingredients such as fragrances or artificial colorants.

      It is also important to note that soap, in general, may not be suitable for every skin type, especially if the skin is already prone to dryness or irritation. In this case, it may be better to use a specially formulated cleansing lotion or a mild shower gel specifically designed for sensitive skin.

      It is always a good idea to check the ingredients on the packaging and consult a dermatologist if you have concerns.

      Can liquid soap go bad?

      Liquid soap has an expiration date. Generally, it is shelf-stable for twelve months when unopened. If the liquid soap has an unpleasant odor or does not lather, you should dispose of it.

      Bar soaps last significantly shorter, depending on their ingredients (flower pieces, essential oils, etc.), sometimes just a year. The fewer ingredients in the soap, the longer it can last.

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      Split ends in the beard are a problem. Your beard becomes dull and looks unkempt. Split ends in the beard also spread if you don't stop them. But why do split ends in the beard occur at all?

      To treat split ends, you need to recognize them. In our article, we'll also tell you how to prevent split ends. Perhaps you are not even aware that with some of your beard care practices, you might actually be contributing to split ends in your beard.

      bearded man

      How do I recognize split ends in my beard?

      If the beard hair is broken at the tip, it is split ends. The split can then continue to move upwards, making the beard look increasingly dull and unkempt. Initially, the beard looks unkempt, and over time it becomes rougher.

      It is important that you recognize split ends in the beard. If you don't tackle split ends, they will spread throughout your entire beard.

      Causes of Split Ends in Beards

      Your beard hairs have split ends – again! To avoid split ends in your beard, you need to understand the causes of how split ends occur in the beard.

      Unhealthy Diet

      An unhealthy lifestyle can promote split ends in the beard. Excessive alcohol consumption and unhealthy foods are a classic combination that can cause split ends in the beard. In particular, a lack of

      • Proteins,
      • Vitamins
      • and minerals can contribute to struggling with split ends in the beard.

      Expert Tip: A balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and sufficient protein can help keep the beard healthy and prevent split ends.

      Hair Dryer or Straightener

      You can dry your beard, but make sure to set the right temperature. Also, keep some distance between the dryer and the beard. When it comes to straighteners, it's a different story: The high temperatures of a straightener can dry out and make the hair brittle, which can lead to split ends in the beard.

      It is therefore advisable not to dry or straighten the beard too often and to use lower temperatures. How you can straighten your beard is explained in this post.

      Everyday Stress

      Stress in daily life can also lead to split ends in the beard. When we are stressed, our body produces more stress hormones like cortisol, which can negatively affect the health of the skin and hair.

      Therefore, try to find a balance to the stressful job as much as possible. A good balance is, for example, exercise.

      • Running,
      • Strength training
      • or team sports are ideal for not only staying fit but also reducing stress.

      Frequent Dyeing

      Do you want to dye your beard? Frequent dyeing of the beard or beard hairs can be another cause of split ends. Through chemical treatments such as

      • Dyeing,
      • Bleaching
      • or Toning, the hair is heavily stressed and can lose its elasticity.

      The hair structure gets damaged and the beard hairs can become more prone to split ends. Especially aggressive chemicals like ammonia, peroxides, or sulfates can severely dry out the hair and promote split ends.

      man bald beard shave

      Silicones in Shampoo

      Silicones are synthetic polymers found in many hair products such as

      • Shampoos,
      • Conditioners
      • and styling products.

      They are known for making the hair look soft, smooth, and shiny. However, they can also cause the hair to become more brittle and lead to split ends in the beard.

      Silicones form a layer on the hair surface that seals the hair and gives it a smooth appearance. However, this layer can also prevent moisture from penetrating the hair, which causes the hair to become dry and brittle. When the beard is dry and brittle, it tends to break and develop split ends.

      Dull Trimmer

      You should regularly replace the blades of your beard trimmer. Dull or dirty blades can contribute to the development of split ends during the trimming process.

      If you continuously struggle with split ends, you should stop using the beard trimmer altogether. The alternative for trimming the beard: beard scissors. With beard scissors, you can easily trim the beard ends.

      Measures Against Split Ends in the Beard

      When split ends are present for the first time, you can only stop split ends in the beard by cutting the beard hair. A portion of the beard affected by split ends needs to be trimmed. If you need to cut your beard, be sure to use beard scissors. Beard scissors provide clean cuts and are gentle on weakened beard hair.

      Once you have trimmed your beard, you have stopped split ends. But now it's important to prevent split ends in the beard.

      Preventing Split Ends in the Beard: Here’s How

      Treating split ends is important and necessary, but it’s much more important to prevent split ends. With a few tips and tricks, you can ensure that beard split ends are a thing of the past and don’t occur anymore.

      Moisturizing Care

      Ensure sufficient moisture supply. Your beard and skin need moisture. Especially after shaving, you should care for your face and beard with beard balm or beard pomade. And regular beard care, including washing, brushing, and oiling, can help prevent beard split ends.

      Use Beard Shampoo or Soap

      It is important not to use regular shampoo for your beard. There are special beard shampoos. These products are specially tailored to the needs of beard hair and often contain mild and natural ingredients such as oils or extracts that provide moisture and care for the beard.

      Balanced Diet

      Proteins are very important, but they alone are not enough. In particular, a lack of proteins, vitamins, and minerals can lead to brittle, weak hair that is more prone to split ends. Particularly important are

      • B-vitamins,
      • Vitamin C and E,
      • Zinc and iron.

      These are responsible for healthy hair growth and adequate nourishment of hair follicles.

      Avoid Excessive Heat

      When drying your beard, make sure the temperature is not set too high. You should also keep a bit more distance between the dryer and the beard hair.

      It is advisable not to use a straightener at all or, if you do use it, to use heat protection beforehand and ensure that the hair is completely dry and free of any residual moisture.


      It is important to know not only how to treat split ends in the beard but also how to prevent them. With the right care and a protein-rich diet, you can already contribute to keeping your beard looking nice and well-groomed. If split ends do occur in the beard, you must intervene with beard scissors and trim the beard.


      Why Do Beard Hairs Break?

      Beard hairs break for various reasons. One of the most common reasons is using low-quality shaving tools or using inappropriate techniques while shaving. It is important to always use sharp shaving tools and to handle the razor gently over the skin to avoid breaking beard hairs.

      Another factor that can contribute to beard hairs breaking is using aggressive products that are not specifically designed for the beard.

      Make sure to use products that are specifically suitable for beards and are not too heavy or sticky. Regularly combing and brushing the beard can also help minimize the breakage of beard hairs by removing tangles and knots that can stress the beard hairs.

      At What Length Do Split Ends Occur in the Beard?

      The longer the beard hair, the higher the risk of split ends occurring. In a healthy beard, hair can typically reach a length of 15-20 cm before it starts to develop split ends.

      However, it is important to note that every beard is different and that split ends can also occur with shorter hair if it is excessively stressed or not adequately cared for.

      Mehr lesen

      Are you unhappy with your beard growth? With a few tips and tricks, you can speed up beard growth. Focus primarily on beard care, then on your diet, and be patient. It takes several months, depending on the type of beard you want to grow, for it to become thick.

      In the following text, you will not only learn what you need to do to make your beard grow faster but also what to avoid so that your beard growth is not hindered.

      beard comb man

      Summary of the Key Points

      • If your beard is not growing as you envision, you can speed up beard growth with a few tips and tricks. Even some home remedies can be helpful in achieving a fast-growing and dense beard.

      • Diet, care, and stress impact your beard. Therefore, make sure to maintain daily facial cleansing and include sufficient proteins in your diet.

      • Do not underestimate the time it takes for your beard to become thick—so be patient and understand that it takes months for a beard to become full.

      • There are many ways to wear a beard; choose a beard style that grows quickly and densely. If you have strong beard growth on your chin, consider a goatee or a chin beard. If you have dense growth on your upper lip, you can also wear a mustache.

      How fast does beard hair actually grow?

      In most men, beard hair grows at a rate of 0.3 to 0.4 millimeters per day. It can therefore take some time for initial stubble to develop into a substantial full beard.

      How can a beard grow faster?

      Is it possible to accelerate beard growth? Indeed, the beard can grow faster. There are also a few promising beard growth products that are said to make the beard grow quickly.

      But you need to be careful: Not all products offered online are truly effective. There are also a few tips and tricks beyond various beard growth products that can help you achieve faster beard growth.

      How to Grow a Beard Faster? Tips for Faster Beard Growth

      If you've ever wondered how to make your beard grow faster, you've probably looked it up on the internet.

      There are indeed some tips and tricks, as well as home remedies, to stimulate beard growth.

      1. The Right Diet for Faster Beard Growth

      In fact, you can make your beard grow faster by paying attention to your diet. Your meals should be rich in protein. This means eating primarily

      • Poultry,
      • Fish,
      • Eggs, and legumes.

      But it's not just proteins that help your beard; vitamins and minerals are also important. Particularly effective are Vitamin C and B vitamins, biotin, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

      Expert Tip: Your diet has a significant impact on your beard. It is indeed possible to accelerate beard growth with a healthy and balanced diet. To prevent nutrient deficiencies and stimulate beard growth, some men turn to zinc and similar hair supplements.

      2. Regular Care for Faster Beard Growth

      Beards need care. Classic beard care products help keep the beard soft and also make it look well-groomed. However, beard care is not the only thing that's important; skin care is also crucial for beard growth.

      How can a beard grow faster? The face should be washed with lukewarm water in the morning. After that, you can apply a mild cream.

      In the evening, you should also wash your face with warm water and apply cream. You can also use exfoliants—giving your face a scrub once or twice a week stimulates the skin and encourages beard growth.

      Additionally, you can use beard oil to prevent the existing hair from becoming split or dull, and to keep the beard healthy.

      beard man full beard

      3. Stay Patient

      If you're looking for tips and tricks on how to grow your beard faster, you should also be aware that a full beard requires some time.

      It can take up to 16 weeks for the last areas of gaps in the beard to close. A truly full beard may take up to six months to fully develop.

      4. Reduce Stress and Exercise

      Stress is a negative factor that not only slows down beard growth but can also affect hair growth on your head. Therefore, try to reduce stress in your daily life and take it easy.

      Plenty of sleep and a high testosterone level have a positive impact on promoting beard growth. Testosterone is produced through

      • Exercise,
      • Sunbathing,
      • and sex - three factors that also typically provide relaxation.

      Are There Home Remedies for Faster Beard Growth?

      A popular home remedy is castor oil. Although there are no scientific studies to support this, there are many positive testimonials.

      However, castor oil does not accelerate beard growth, but rather makes the hair appear fuller quickly, giving the beard a denser look.

      The beard hair remains soft with castor oil. Additionally, castor oil contains many essential

      • Fatty acids,
      • Proteins,
      • and vitamins to strengthen the hair follicles.

      A myth that needs to be dispelled here: Can you make your beard grow faster with toothpaste? No. Those with no beard growth on their cheeks will not see improvement with toothpaste.

      Even though the effectiveness of castor oil in relation to beard growth is not scientifically confirmed, castor oil should always be preferred over toothpaste.

      What Should I Avoid to Make My Beard Grow Faster?

      To make your beard grow faster, you should - as mentioned before - pay attention to your diet and skin care. Neglecting facial care will not contribute to faster beard growth. Stress is also a factor that can negatively impact beard growth.

      What Can You Do if Your Beard Isn’t Growing?

      • A Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats can strengthen hair follicles and promote beard growth.

      • Enough Sleep: Adequate sleep is important for your body to regenerate and recover. A well-rested body can positively affect beard growth.

      • Stress Reduction: Chronic stress can impair hair growth. Try to reduce stress by using techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises.

      • Exercise: Exercise can help improve circulation and metabolism, which can positively impact beard growth.

      • Regular Facial Massage: Regular facial massages can promote blood circulation in the face and thus stimulate beard growth.

      • Beard Care with Natural Oils: Certain oils like jojoba oil, argan oil, and castor oil can promote beard growth and make the beard softer and shinier.

      • Use of Beard Care Products: Specialized beard care products such as beard oils, beard waxes, and beard shampoos can promote beard growth and keep the beard healthy.

      • Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol consumption can impair beard growth by reducing blood circulation in the body.

      • Use of Vitamins and Supplements: Certain vitamins such as biotin, vitamin D, and zinc can support beard growth and prevent hair loss.

      • Be Patient: Beard growth is a slow process, and it can take several months for a beard to grow fully. Be patient and consistently apply the above tips to achieve the best results.


      There are many factors that influence beard growth. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the topic of beard growth and check if you are making any mistakes that could hinder it.

      In the end, you do have an influence on beard growth and can either accelerate it with appropriate actions or achieve the opposite.


      How fast does a beard grow in 2 weeks?

      The growth rate of the beard varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as age, hormone levels, genetics, and overall health. On average, the beard grows about 0.3 to 0.6 mm per day, which is approximately 1.25 cm per month.

      However, it is important to note that beard growth does not occur at the same speed for everyone and there are individual differences. Some men may have a full beard within a few weeks, while others may take months or even years for their beard to grow fully.

      How long does it take for the beard to be 10 cm long?

      To grow a beard to 10 centimeters, you need patience. Typically, if your beard grows quickly, you will reach this length in about 8 months. But not every beard can reach 10 cm, as growth is influenced by various factors such as genetic predisposition, hormones, diet, and health.

      Some men can grow a long and thick beard, while others may only have a thin or sparse beard due to their genes.

      It remains interesting - keep reading :)

      Mehr lesen

      You can show that you care about grooming and appearance with your braided beard. If you have only been using a beard band to tie up your beard because you haven't found a suitable beard braiding guide, we are here to help you now.

      In the following article, you will definitely find some ideas on how you can style your beard. We also provide you with a few tips and tricks to ensure your first attempts succeed right away.

      Summary of the Key Points

      • You can either tie up your beard or opt for a braided hairstyle. With a certain beard length, various options are available to you.

      • With a braiding guide, you can braid a French braid or, if you have practice, a fishtail braid.

      • Remember to groom the full beard before you start braiding. A freshly washed and blow-dried beard is easier to shape.

      • Beard braids are trendy and perfect for any man who wants to stand out from the crowd. It shows that you care about your beard. A braided beard indicates that it is well-groomed.

      man beard comb

      How long does my beard need to be to braid it?

      Which beard braid should you choose? Do you want to braid a Viking beard or are you interested in a goat beard braid? Perhaps you plan to follow a specific beard braiding guide because you want to try something completely new?

      Since the beard needs to be of a certain length to braid it, you will need to be a bit patient. Depending on your personal beard growth and beard care, it can take months to years before you have a long and thick beard that you can braid.

      • If you want smaller beard braids, your beard should be at least 7 cm long.

      • For a medium beard braid, your beard should be about 10 cm long.

      • If you plan a large beard braid, it's advisable if the beard length is at least 15 cm.

      You can show that you care about grooming and appearance with your braided beard. If you have only been using a beard band to tie up your beard because you haven't found a suitable beard braiding guide, we are here to help you now.

      In the following article, you will definitely find some ideas on how you can style your beard. We also provide you with a few tips and tricks to ensure your first attempts succeed right away.

      Summary of the Key Points

      • You can either tie up your beard or opt for a braided hairstyle. With a certain beard length, various options are available to you.

      • With a braiding guide, you can braid a French braid or, if you have practice, a fishtail braid.

      • Remember to groom the full beard before you start braiding. A freshly washed and blow-dried beard is easier to shape.

      • Beard braids are trendy and perfect for any man who wants to stand out from the crowd. It shows that you care about your beard. A braided beard indicates that it is well-groomed.

      man beard comb

      How long does my beard need to be to braid it?

      Which beard braid should you choose? Do you want to braid a Viking beard or are you interested in a goat beard braid? Perhaps you plan to follow a specific beard braiding guide because you want to try something completely new?

      Since the beard needs to be of a certain length to braid it, you will need to be a bit patient. Depending on your personal beard growth and beard care, it can take months to years before you have a long and thick beard that you can braid.

      • If you want smaller beard braids, your beard should be at least 7 cm long.

      • For a medium beard braid, your beard should be about 10 cm long.

      • If you plan a large beard braid, it's advisable if the beard length is at least 15 cm.
      Mehr lesen

      Beard care and well-groomed styling are important, and all beard wearers agree on that. While some swear by beard oil, others are convinced of the benefits of beard wax.

      Which product makes more sense for whom is actually dependent on beard structure and beard style. We will show you the differences and when you should choose which product.

      Man Beard Care Beard

      What is Beard Oil?

      Beard oil is sold in bottles and is a mixture of different oils with various nourishing properties. So when you buy beard oil, you are essentially getting a cocktail of various positive beard care ingredients.

      1. The oil is applied sparingly (always use only a few drops),

      2. rubbed between the hands and warmed up

      3. and then massaged into the beard hair and the underlying skin.

      It nourishes not only the hair but also the facial skin, and protects it from drying out and irritation.

      What Ingredients Are Found in Beard Oil?

      The ingredients of beard oil are quickly explained. It is usually a pure natural product with exclusively natural ingredients.

      1. Carrier oils such as jojoba oil, almond oil, argan oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil. They provide moisture, soothe and nourish the skin, and ensure that both the skin and beard hair remain smooth and do not become brittle.

      2. Essential oils such as peppermint oil, clove, vanilla, or citrus oils. They primarily serve to give the beard oil a pleasant scent, but they also have other important properties.

        Many essential oils, for example, have disinfecting or anti-inflammatory effects and can prevent redness, irritation, skin fungi, or skin inflammations.

      Who Is Beard Oil Suitable For?

      Beard oil is suitable for everyone with a beard, including those with 3-day beards. Especially for shorter, stubbly beards, beard oil is often beneficial as the coarse, prickly beard stubble can dry out and irritate the skin.

      Beard oil soothes the skin and makes it smooth again. In general, you should be aware that beard oil makes your beard hair softer and gives it shine. If you want to shape your beard, beard oil is not the right product for you.

      It is suitable for all rough, stubbly beards, for brittle beard hair, and whenever you want your hair to look smoother and more groomed. But even if you style your beard, beard oil is useful.

      Consider it a beard product for care, which helps you keep your skin and beard hair healthy. Feel free to check out the Störtebekker Shop, where we have a high-quality beard oil that we personally swear by.

      What Is Beard Wax?

      Beard wax is a solid product, usually available in jars.

      1. You take a tiny amount with your finger

      2. and rub it between your hands until its texture becomes liquid from the body heat.

      3. Then you apply it to your beard, where it hardens again and helps shape and style your beard.

      Due to its solid consistency, beard wax remains in the hair and absorbs less into the skin.

      What Ingredients Are Found in Beard Wax?

      The ingredients of beard wax are also very straightforward. The product typically contains no artificial or chemical ingredients and is based on a traditional manufacturing process.

      1. Carrier oils such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, or shea butter. For beard wax, saturated plant-based carrier oils are used, which do not become rancid quickly when stored at room temperature.

        These carrier oils serve as nourishing components that provide moisture and nutrients to the beard hair, keeping it healthy and looking good.

      2. Waxes, beeswax, resins, or gum arabic. These components provide hold. You can style and shape your beard.

      3. Essential oils - they give the beard wax a pleasant scent and, thanks to their active ingredients, also provide antibacterial or antifungal care.

      Who Is Beard Wax Suitable For?

      Beard wax is for everyone who wants to add style and shape to their beard—whether it be long full beards or Viking beards, or for any beard style that needs a firming component—mustache, goatee, or Henriquatre.

      Expert Tip: If all you want is for your beard to be well-groomed, soft, and shiny, you don't need beard wax.


      Beard oil is an absolute all-rounder for all beard types and, alongside beard shampoo and shaving soap, is a basic product for beard care. Beard wax is used for styling, and you only need it when your beard requires more firmness and hold.

      When and how do you like to use beard wax? We are curious.

      FAQ: Beard Oil or Beard Wax

      Can beard oil and beard wax be used at the same time?

      Beard oil and beard wax can be used simultaneously—the former is for care (which is equally important for every beard wearer!), and the latter is for styling. Many men use both.

      How often should beard oil and beard wax be used?

      Both products are intended for daily use. We would also recommend this for beard oil. Beard and facial skin are exposed to many stresses daily (climate, environment, your fingers playing in the beard, etc.)—they therefore also need a daily dose of care.

      How can beard wax or oil be washed out?

      Beard oil and beard wax can be easily washed out with warm water and a little beard shampoo. You can find a high-quality beard shampoo in our online shop. Make sure not to use regular hair shampoo, as it does not have the suitable pH level for your beard hair.

      Mehr lesen

      For a beard wearer, apart from shaving, there is nothing more important than proper beard care. It is essential for both the ideal look of the beard and its health.

      The abundance of beard care products and information on optimal beard hair care can be extremely overwhelming - especially for beginners. 

      With our comprehensive Störtebekker beard care guide, we want to help you bring order to chaos. Because beard care is actually far from being rocket science. And even the repertoire of truly necessary beard care products and their sequence is actually quite manageable.

      Below, we explain the beard care tips you need to optimally care for your facial hair. Of course, you can also combine beard care with shaving or shaping the beard.

      This article focuses solely on beard care. For our Beard Styles guide, click here.

      The 3 Cornerstones of Beard Care

      1. Shape

      I use a beard brush daily to untangle my beard and massage my facial skin. In addition to the pure "combing effect," beard brushes also have the property of freeing your beard from unwanted companions, such as dead skin flakes.

      To keep my beard in shape, I use a beard trimmer once or twice a week. For the contours, I have included the razor in my routine, as it is particularly good for achieving clear edges.

      Expert tip: From a certain beard length, you should switch to a beard comb.

      2. Cleaning

      To enjoy your facial hair in the long term, it is important to wash it regularly. Since beard hair has a different texture than your scalp hair, you should refrain from using regular hair shampoo.

      Specially developed beard shampoos and soaps help you clean your beard and maintain it sustainably. I use beard shampoo two to three times a week and wash my beard with warm water on the remaining days. You should avoid excessive care for the sake of your beard's well-being.

      In this sense: Do you know our shaving soaps? 4 great scents make your shave an experience. You can buy our shaving soap online here!

      3. Care

      For beard care, it is not only necessary to clean it regularly, but also to care for it intensively. By using a beard oil, you supply your beard hair with important nutrients and moisture.

      In addition to beard oil, I use beard balm to keep my beard soft and supple. The beard balm ensures a natural hold of your beard and at the same time cares for your facial hair.

      My personal tip: Choose beard oil and beard balm with a subtle fragrance. I recommend the beard care products from Störtebeker. Their scent will neither interfere with your favorite perfume nor with your partner's.

      Our Beard Care Summary: The Most Important Tips for Healthy Beard Hair

      • Wash your beard regularly and with special beard shampoos.
      • Afterwards, you should make sure to dry your beard well with a cold air dryer.
      • Apply beard oil to your beard hair in circular motions.
      • Use a beard brush or comb to brush your beard.
      • Finally, you can use a beard balm to style your facial hair.

      So now you have a step-by-step guide on how to properly care for your beard. Please remember: You should get professional advice from a barber shop or similar business for special requests or hair problems.

      If you need further tips or information about beard care, you can always contact our customer service. We are happy to help you with the perfect beard care!

      Mehr lesen

      Many men are not very meticulous about facial cleansing. A bit of warm water, a little cleansing gel, and done. However, it makes perfect sense to pay much more attention to cleansing and to consider exfoliating before shaving. Exfoliating before shaving has several benefits for both the beard and the skin underneath.

      We want to show you how beard exfoliation works and how you can benefit from it.

      man beard exfoliation

      What are the benefits of beard exfoliation?

      A healthy, full beard growth is only possible if the skin underneath is also healthy. Our skin layer renews itself approximately every 30 days. Old skin particles are shed in the form of flakes.

      Depending on skin type, as well as lifestyle and environmental influences, these skin flakes are not always shed evenly. Especially when a dense beard covers the skin, it may be that a normal cleansing gel or beard shampoo cannot remove the skin flakes.

      The skin itches or becomes inflamed as a result, or forms pimples and oily impurities. The risk of ingrown beard hairs is significantly higher. The skin itself becomes

      • less well-circulated
      • and appears paler
      • and weaker.

      This weakens beard growth and makes it more difficult for the nourishing components from beard oil to be absorbed.

      If you exfoliate your skin regularly, you can avoid this. The skin is optimally cleansed, freed from dead flakes, and circulated, laying the foundation for healthy, dense beard growth, and the risk of impurities and inflammation is minimized.

      The Key Ingredients of a Beard Exfoliant

      When buying a beard exfoliant, you should pay close attention to the ingredients. They should be of natural origin. Many products contain artificial abrasive particles that can cause allergies and are harmful to skin and hair.

      The following ingredients are important and effective in a high-quality beard exfoliant:

      • Activated charcoal: It binds dirt and cleanses hair and skin intensively yet gently.

      • A natural scrub, such as volcanic stone, that rubs off the flakes and removes them from the skin

      • Anti-inflammatory agents like spirulina to protect the skin from free radicals during cleansing and to prevent inflammation.

      • Nourishing components like quinoa that strengthen the resilience of beard hair and provide good nutrients to skin and hair.

      man beard facial cleansing

      Beard Exfoliation: How It’s Done

      To exfoliate your beard effectively, you don’t need to worry too much. It is important to exfoliate both the beard and the skin underneath regularly - we recommend two to three times a week. Here’s how:

      1. Wash your face with warm water - the easiest way is in the shower.

      2. Take a hazelnut-sized amount of exfoliant and first distribute it in your (clean) hands.

      3. Then apply the exfoliant evenly to your beard and massage it in with circular motions so that it also reaches the underlying skin.

      4. Rinse the exfoliant thoroughly with warm water.

      5. Now apply a moisturizer - a cream, lotion, or beard oil.

      Should a Beard Exfoliant Be Used Before or After Shaving?

      The question of “exfoliate before or after shaving” should not arise: exfoliation always takes place before, never after shaving. It serves as preparation for shaving. The cleaned skin is then optimally prepared for shaving.

      To calm the skin after exfoliation, you can use beard oil as an intermediate step. Exfoliating after shaving is not a good idea - it will further irritate the already sensitive skin and promote irritation.

      How Often Should I Use a Beard Exfoliant?

      Two to three times a week you should use the beard exfoliant. You exfoliate the skin instead of cleaning it as usual with beard shampoo.

      Can You Make a Beard Exfoliant Yourself?

      A beard exfoliant can also be made at home. There are various guides and recipes available online. However, keep in mind that the shelf life is very limited, and you may end up irritating the skin too much - for example, if you do not adhere precisely to the recipe and use too many exfoliant particles.

      Expert Tip: We would recommend purchasing a high-quality exfoliant product.

      How Long Does It Take for the Beard Exfoliant to Show Results?

      Your skin will feel fresh and relaxed immediately after the first exfoliation. It gains more firmness and is well-circulated, which usually also has a positive effect on your beard hair.


      Beard exfoliation has not yet fully established itself in men’s grooming routines. However, regular exfoliation significantly contributes to maintaining healthy skin and beard hair. Once integrated into your grooming routine, you’ll soon find that you don’t want to be without this product, guaranteed!

      Are you already exfoliating? If so, what are your experiences?


      What are the alternatives to beard exfoliation?

      Instead of regular beard exfoliation, you can use coffee grounds as a natural alternative. Simply use the cold coffee grounds in the same way as the exfoliant. The gritty texture of the coffee grounds provides the exfoliating effect, and the caffeine in them additionally promotes blood circulation in your skin.

      Is Beard Exfoliation Suitable for Men with Sensitive Skin?

      Beard exfoliation is suitable for men with sensitive skin if you choose a high-quality product with natural ingredients. When purchasing, make sure to select a mild exfoliant with a somewhat less intense exfoliating effect.

      Mehr lesen

      While many men are quite routine with aftershave care and the benefits of beard oil are becoming more widely known, many are unsure about products like beard balm or pomade. Do I really need it? If so, for what?

      We want to explain to you what to use and what benefits you get from using beard balm or beard pomade.

      man massaging beard with glasses

      What is Beard Balm?

      With beard balm, the name says it all. The product is a balm for the beard and facial skin and works in a nurturing and moisturizing way. It provides skin and hair with moisture and nutrients. It consists of

      • High-quality fats like cocoa butter, shea butter,

      • Additionally, carrier oils like coconut oil or almond oil,

      • From essential oils

      • And from petroleum jelly or wax, which provides the creamy consistency.

      Beard balm primarily serves beard care, but it also has a slightly styling component and can help bring wild, unruly beard hairs back into shape.


      • Beard balm conditions the beard and makes it look healthy and shiny.

      • The balm absorbs well into the underlying skin due to its creamy consistency, soothing and conditioning it as well.

      • Beard balm can effectively relieve itching that may occur with beard growth due to its composition.

      • The application is very simple - just take a small amount from the container with your finger and distribute it through your beard.


      • While beard balm conditions the beard, it does not style it and does not provide hold.

      • Using too much can make the beard look heavy and greasy.

      What is Beard Pomade?

      Beard pomade is not really a grooming product like beard balm but is used to style and shape the beard. It contains shaping waxes such as

      • Beeswax, lanolin, or berry wax,

      • Along with cocoa butter or shea butter for consistency,

      • Petroleum jelly,

      • Carrier oils

      • And essential oils, which give the pomade its fragrance.

      Beard pomade is thus a styling product with an additional conditioning component. However, it contains slightly less holding wax compared to beard wax. For instance, you can shape your full beard and long, full beards or a chin beard will get good hold.

      However, if you want to twist a mustache or style a beard more elaborately, the pomade may not provide enough hold.


      • Provides good hold for beards without making them sticky.

      • Beard pomades offer a conditioning component in addition to the styling effect.

      • The application is very easy - the product warms up easily in your hand and can then be used.

      • Beard pomade, thanks to its conditioning ingredients, does not get as hard as other styling products, so you can continue to groom the beard with a comb or brush afterward.


      • Beard pomade provides insufficient hold if you want to style or twist your beard more firmly.

      • Beard pomade alone is not a suitable grooming routine. For instance, if you travel, you’ll need to pack a classic grooming product like beard oil as well.

      • Beard pomade only affects the beard itself. It offers no benefits for the skin underneath.

      What are the differences between Beard Balm and Beard Pomade?

      While beard balm is purely a grooming product, beard pomade can also shape, smooth, and provide hold for your beard.

      Beard Balm or Beard Pomade: What to Use and When?

      It depends on what you want for your beard. If you’re only concerned with care, you can skip the pomade.

      However, if you need some hold for your impressive beard style, pomade is highly recommended. It is ideal for

      • Chin beards,
      • Goatee beards,
      • And full beards.

      Without proper care, these styles can look slightly tousled and disheveled.


      Care is, we’re sure, an absolute must.

      Whether you also need hold and styling depends entirely on your beard style and, of course, your preferences. How do you manage it?


      What is better, Beard Balm or Beard Pomade?

      There is no better or worse. The difference lies in the application. Beard balm conditions, while beard pomade shapes your beard. It really depends on what you specifically need.

      What conditions my beard best?

      Beard balm or beard oil are ideal products for your beard when it comes to providing the best possible care.

      Mehr lesen

      Even if a man decides to grow a beard because he feels comfortable with it, one question remains important: Do women like beards? Do women find beards attractive and what effect does a beard have on women?

      Because no matter how tough a guy is, at the end of the day, we all want to make a good impression on the ladies. Of course, various surveys have been conducted on this topic with very varied results: Yes, women like beards. But not every beard is equally attractive to women.

      Let’s shed some light on this.

      Do women find men with beards more attractive?

      Of course, a man without a beard can be attractive, but what about men with facial hair? Generally speaking, women find beards on men attractive. The online dating site conducted a survey of nearly 400 women, which revealed that while women like beards, they don’t like them at any cost.

      The more experimental and hairier a beard is on a man's face, the less enthusiastic the surveyed women were. Only 20% of the respondents indicated that they preferred smooth-shaven faces.

      Why do women like beards: A simple reason!

      The reasons why women like men with beards are clearly related to appearance.

      Beards make faces look more angular and masculine. Men with beards appear more mature and experienced and also seem

      • more individual,
      • freer,
      • more independent,
      • and wilder.

      All attributes that women find interesting in men. When it comes to physical contact, beards don’t fare as well: One in five women in the survey reported that beard stubble is bothersome when kissing.

      Which beard do women really like?

      Among all beards, the 3-Day Beard scores the highest. More than 45% of the surveyed women, almost half of them, stated that they find three-day beards on men sexy. This beard style is by far the most popular among women.

      Expert Tip: A three-day beard suits almost every man and can be worn well even with lighter beard growth. The key is to keep it well-groomed. This means the contours should be neatly shaved, and the beard stubble should be soft and well-groomed so it doesn’t look like you simply forgot to shave.

      We recommend our Störtebekker beard oil for this. It not only cares for the three-day beard but also the skin underneath. Since the skin is clearly visible with this beard style, you shouldn't neglect this point.

      Moreover – and this is a plus point with women – the beard oil has a pleasant scent.

      Do Women Like Goatees?

      The goatee does not fare well with women at all. In the aforementioned survey, only 3% of women preferred a chin beard.

      For many ladies, this beard style seems too specific and too "freaky." The appearance is perceived more as "nerdy" rather than masculine and attractive.

      Expert Tip: Chin beards don’t suit every man. We still believe that a goatee can be very attractive if worn by the right type of man and if it looks well-groomed.

      Do Women Like Full Beards?

      Do women like full beards? There is good news and bad news for this question: The full beard is significantly more popular than, for example, the chin beard, but still, only a few women genuinely like the full facial hair.

      In the surveys, only 9% of the respondents stated that they find full beards attractive. Many even said that a prominent full beard would be an absolute turn-off for them.

      However, don’t be misled: As with the goatee, if the right man wears and styles the beard correctly and practices proper beard care, it will be attractive to the ladies' world.

      Researchers found that men with full beards are perceived by women as

      • more mature,
      • more relationship-ready,
      • and better off financially!

      Will I Make a Good Impression with a Mustache?

      Mustaches are unfortunately perceived as less attractive by women. Moreover, according to the survey, they are considered particularly annoying when kissing.

      Are There Cultural Differences Regarding Beard Appeal?

      In some cultures, beards play a larger role. For example, three-day beards are much more popular in oriental countries than here, and other beard styles like the “Slavic Hook” suggest a cultural background.

      When it comes to the attractiveness of three-day beards, however, women seem to agree worldwide – as well as on the unpopularity of extravagant beard styles. Extravagant beards, sideburns, or twirled mustaches are poorly received internationally among women.


      Beards are in style – some more, some less. Primarily, you should choose a particular beard style because you find it cool yourself and not just because it appeals to women. You must feel comfortable with it!

      What is your personal favorite beard style? How do you wear your beard?


      What’s better, with a beard or without?

      According to women's opinions, the three-day beard is unbeatable. Personally, we think: With a beard is much better than without. And a beard style that really suits you makes you more attractive in any case.

      What does a beard radiate?

      Beards radiate masculinity, maturity, life experience, and indeed financial independence. Many women find beards sexy because they perceive the beard wearer as wealthier and more professionally successful.

      How do I know if a particular beard suits me?

      Before you can sport a particular beard style, you usually need to let the beard grow first. During this process, you develop a good sense of what suits you and what makes you comfortable. A barber can also provide good advice.

      What if I have minimal beard growth?

      With minimal beard growth, unfortunately, not every beard style is achievable. You need to be a bit careful here. Three-day beards or chin beards usually work quite well. Perhaps consult a barber for advice as well.

      Ask your barber or read our blog:

      Mehr lesen

      For many men, beard wax is an essential part of their beard care routine. But when exactly do you need beard wax and what is it good for? We show you the benefits of the product for you and your beard and how to use it properly.

      What are the benefits of using beard wax?

      With beard wax, you style your beard and keep it perfectly shaped. Your beard style stays in place throughout the day, looks well-groomed, and doesn't become tousled.

      At the same time, the product contains plenty of nourishing components thanks to its high-quality oils, which moisturize the beard hair, making it

      • shiny,
      • rich,
      • and beautiful.

      Especially for those with unruly beards or curly beard hair, investing in beard wax to tame the beard is worthwhile. Stray beard hairs have no chance against beard wax.

      Shiny, styled with beard wax

      Are certain types of beard wax better for certain beard types?

      The best beard wax for you depends on both the product's ingredients and your personal preferences and beard styles. If you use beard wax to shape your full beard, the main goal is to make the beard hair look well-groomed and to give the beard itself hold.

      It should not look tousled or messy and should maintain its well-groomed shape throughout the day. Here, a softer beard wax with a higher proportion of high-quality care oils is particularly suitable, as it makes the beard hair heavier and gives it a shiny appearance.

      If you use the beard wax for a moustache and perhaps want to twist it or shape it in a more extravagant way, you should choose a beard wax with particularly strong hold. All hard beard waxes are ideal for this.

      How often should I apply beard wax and how much should I use?

      The application of beard wax is simple.

      1. Warm your hands under warm water or by rubbing them together.
      2. Then take a small amount from the jar with your index finger and rub it in your hands until the wax becomes soft to liquid.
      3. Now you can apply the beard wax and style your beard as desired.

      Expert Tip: Before using the beard wax, make sure your hands are clean to avoid spreading bacteria and dirt into the jar with the product.

      You can use beard wax daily if you want to style your beard every morning. A small amount is enough to achieve the desired hold.

      When buying beard wax, make sure it is free of parabens. Cheaper products often contain undesirable additives. High-quality ingredients are the main criterion for a good beard wax.

      How can Störtebekker beard wax help me achieve a stylish, masculine look?

      If you want to use our Störtebekker beard wax, you will be getting a very high-quality product with purely natural and very nourishing ingredients. It is a beard wax with strong hold, capable of shaping and taming unruly, wild beards. At the same time, the premium oils in it provide moisture and shine to the beard hair.

      Its Crusoe fragrance is one of its trademarks. It smells distinctive and masculine, meant to evoke Robinson Crusoe, the sailor who spent several years as a castaway on a deserted island.

      Our Störtebekker beard wax not only styles your beard in a striking way but also gives you a strong, masculine scent that sets you apart from the crowd.

      Are there specific ingredients I should avoid in beard wax to prevent skin irritation?

      The ingredients of beard wax should always be of natural origin. Parabens or other artificial ingredients have no place in it. A beard wax consists solely of these components:

      • Carrier oils,
      • wax/beeswax/resin,
      • and essential oils or perfumes.

      For carrier oils, make sure they have nourishing properties. We use only

      • shea butter,
      • argan oil,
      • and almond oil for our Störtebekker beard wax.

      Can I use beard wax for other purposes, such as styling hair or moustaches?

      Beard wax, as its name suggests, is purely for shaping beards.Moustaches or moustaches are naturally included. For your head hair, you should use other styling products specifically designed for that purpose.

      Remember that beard hair and head hair have different textures and therefore require different products for care and styling. Your head hair is much softer and thinner than your beard hair.

      How do I remove beard wax from my beard if I no longer want to use it?

      If you want to remove the beard wax from your beard, you can simply brush it out. Ideally, use a beard brush and brush the remaining wax out of the hair.

      If you want to clean your beard more thoroughly, you should wash it with a beard shampoo.

      Are beard oils or other beard care products necessary to keep my beard healthy if I use beard wax regularly?

      The question “beard oil or beard wax” does not arise for us. We would use both as a rule.

      • Beard oil is essential for well-groomed beard hair and also for the facial skin underneath the beard. It penetrates the skin, providing moisture and care.
      • Due to its harder consistency, beard wax does not penetrate the skin but is intended for styling.

      Beard oil is not an alternative to beard wax - it serves purely for care and smoothness. Additionally, it is an essential part of any beard care routine.


      Beard wax is the perfect styling product if you want to shape your beard hair and avoid a tousled look. It does not replace classic beard care, which we absolutely recommend for every beard wearer.

      We personally do not want to do without it and always have good beard wax in the cupboard.


      When do I need beard wax?

      Beard wax is especially suitable for styling more extensive beards or more distinctive beard styles such as moustaches, moustaches, or chin beards. It is characterized by a particularly firm consistency.

      How much beard wax do I need?

      Use the product sparingly. A thumbnail-sized amount is sufficient. Spread the beard wax in your hands and rub it until it becomes warm and pliable.

      Beard Heroes want more. More Knowledge:

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      Trimming a beard is easier said than done. If you want to be able to trim your beard perfectly, you should be familiar with a few tips and tricks.

      To achieve a professional-looking result, some practice is required. Once you have mastered the technique of trimming your beard properly, you will save money and the time-consuming trip to the barber.


      Get Your Beard Trimmed or Trim It Yourself?

      How do I trim my beard? Or should I leave it to the professionals? Many men ask themselves these two questions every day when looking in the mirror. Once you get the hang of trimming your beard perfectly, we definitely prefer doing it yourself.

      • It saves not only time and money,
      • but you can also enjoy valuable me-time in the bathroom.

      When do you ever take time for yourself? With the right grooming products, just like in a barbershop, of course.

      Check out our Störtebekker Shop for the suitable high-quality beard products and sets.


      Pros and Cons of Trimming Your Beard Yourself

      We want to give you an overview of the pros and cons of trimming your beard yourself.

      The Advantages

      • You save money. Regular visits to the barber add up.
      • You save time. If you have regular appointments at the barbershop, it takes time, including travel time, that you might not always have.
      • Regular beard trimming can become a nice me-time ritual that you might not want to miss soon.
      • You can listen to your favorite music in your own bathroom and enjoy the beard grooming time even more.

      The Disadvantages:

      • You need to do it yourself - just sitting back and relaxing isn’t an option when you trim your own beard.
      • You are not a professional - accordingly, the risk of something going wrong is higher.
      • It requires some practice and the right equipment, as well as the right grooming products, to achieve a professional-looking beard trim.

        You can find the right beard products for purchase in our Störtebekker Shop.
      • The risk of injury is greater than with a professional.

      Beard Shaving

      When It Makes Sense to Have Your Beard Trimmed

      Here are the pros and cons of going to the barbershop.

      The Advantages:

      • You are served by a professional with professional equipment. The quality of the equipment significantly influences the final result.

      • You receive styling advice on top. The barber will initially advise you on which beard style suits you best.

      • If you have a condition like psoriasis or an allergy, you will receive professional advice on it.

      • If you plan a radical change to your beard style and shape, the professional will give you the necessary input.

      The Disadvantages:

      • Not every barber is good - you might have a bad experience.

      • At the barber, you might be persuaded into a beard style you wouldn't have chosen yourself.

      • The barber experience is not always relaxing - depending on how busy the shop is, your visit might be stressful.

      • At the barber, you are always involved in small talk. If you want your beard care to be a me-time ritual, you might not find that moment there.

      How to Trim Your Beard Properly

      Trimming your beard yourself is not rocket science. We have prepared a tutorial on beard trimming to make the procedure clearer for you.

      1. Always start with cleaning your beard: Wash your face and beard with a scrub and a beard shampoo. This will remove dead skin flakes from the beard and loosen stubborn, ingrown hairs.

      2. Dry the beard with a towel or shaving towel - do not rub.

      3. Now comb the beard - depending on its length - in both directions to ensure that you catch all the hairs while trimming. You can use a beard comb for this.

      4. Use the trimmer to go along the contours against the direction of hair growth and first trim or shave (for a smooth transition) the contours.

      5. Now shave all the beard stubble outside the contours cleanly and smoothly. It is best to use shaving foam and a wet razor or a safety razor.

      6. Only now should you trim your beard to the desired length.

      7. Wash your face again with clear water to remove beard stubble and prevent the skin from becoming irritated.

      8. Now you can proceed with care using after shave balm and other products.

      Clippers or Scissors: What’s Better for Trimming Your Beard?

      Whether you should cut your beard with scissors or use a beard trimmer depends partly on your beard length.

      • A longer beard is ideally trimmed with scissors. They allow you to shape smaller areas and intricate beard styles like a mustache perfectly.

      • The beard trimmer, on the other hand, is suitable for shorter beards, 3-day beards, and larger areas. You can adjust it precisely and achieve an evenly trimmed, clean result.

      4 Tips for Trimming Your Beard

      If you want to trim your beard into shape, there are various tricks and techniques. We want to share the most important ones with you.

      1. Cutting the Beard Straight

      If you want to trim your beard as straight as possible, it is recommended to start at the chin and work step by step forward against the direction of hair growth.

      Cut from the chin over the neck, then move to the jawline and sideburns. Only then move on to the upper lip.

      Depending on the beard style, a cutting guide may also be useful.

      2. Cutting the Beard to a Point

      Start with small cuts on the neck and then work around the chin and cheeks upwards until the basic contour is as you envisioned it.

      Continue with the same approach through several rounds until the beard reaches the desired point.

      3. Trimming Beard Contours

      To trim the beard edges, tilt your head slightly back and place two fingers on your Adam's apple. This gives you the optimal contour on the neck. Everything below this line should be shaved.

      Shave all other contours above this line. Start from the center and work your way to the sides, then return to the center. Never shave your contour in one go; always do it in several small steps.

      4. Cutting the Beard on the Neck Properly

      We have already explained what the ideal beard line on the neck looks like above. Shave everything below this line cleanly and smoothly to avoid an unkempt appearance.

      Start again in the center and then work your way to both sides, then return to the center. For a perfectly smooth result, shave twice - both with and against the direction of hair growth.


      Don't be afraid to trim your beard yourself! Even if a small mistake happens here and there (who says a barber never makes mistakes?), you will quickly develop a routine, and the desired contours and styles will come naturally.


      How often should I trim my beard?

      How often you need to trim your beard depends on your beard growth. Not every hair grows at the same rate. Generally, you should trim the contours every two to three days to prevent your beard style from looking unkempt.

      : If you have a longer full beard, you should use the beard scissors whenever you notice that the hairs are growing at different lengths and would look wild without trimming.

      Even or especially with long beards, it is important to keep the beard hairs at the same length.

      My Beard is Mis-trimmed: What Can I Do?

      If you have mis-trimmed your beard, you are not alone. It happens to everyone from time to time. It now depends on what exactly went wrong:

      1. Took too much length off one side: Trim the other side similarly to achieve an even length. It will grow back!

      2. Cut a gap in the beard: Try to conceal it by making some corrective cuts around it with the beard scissors and comb.

      3. Significant gap cut: In an extreme case, artificial beard fibers can help. These are hair fibers from a can that are distributed in the beard similarly to salt shaker and conceal the gaps.

      4. Contoured Mis-trimmed: Use a beard comb to see where you might be able to fix it. You might need to turn a straight edge into a slightly rounded contour.
      Mehr lesen

      Many consider a beard scissors to be purely professional equipment that is not used outside the barbershop. However, this is far from the truth.

      Anyone who values a well-groomed beard will find that trimming or cutting it with a pair of scissors is essential.

      Here, we will explain why you should definitely purchase a beard scissors.

      beard scissors

      What are the advantages of beard scissors?

      If you are considering trimming your beard with a regular household scissors or a hairdresser's scissors, you risk ruining your beard.

      The advantages of a good beard scissors over your beard styles and beard care:

      • It is smaller and more manageable than a hair scissors, making it easier to handle when dealing with small beard areas and hairs.

      • It is more maneuverable, allowing for finer work. This ensures that your beard always looks well-groomed.

      • Due to the sharp blade and micro-serration, the beard scissors cuts especially accurately and precisely, providing a clean result, regardless of whether you have a mustache or a full beard.

      • A beard scissors helps prevent split ends and brittle beard hairs.

      Expert Tip: In addition to a good beard scissors, shaving & beard care sets are also important. We have put together some fantastic sets for you in the shop.

      Do you always need a beard scissors?

      Whenever you want to trim or cut your beard or mustache, you should use a beard scissors. As mentioned earlier, it does not matter whether it is a full beard,

    • a mustache
    • or a chin beard.

    • In combination with a beard comb and a steady hand, it is your tool of choice. You can also achieve clean and well-groomed results in difficult areas.

      Buying Beard Scissors: What to Look For

      Not every model is the same. Depending on the manufacturer and model, beard scissors are made in different lengths and materials. We will explain what you should definitely pay attention to when purchasing.

      1. The Material

      There are chrome-plated beard scissors and those made of stainless steel. The latter are somewhat more expensive but significantly more durable.

      • Since stainless steel is rust-proof, you can be sure to have this scissors for a long time.
      • With chrome, you should expect it to start rusting sooner or later. When that happens, you will need to dispose of it.

      Therefore, we always recommend using a stainless steel scissors!

      2. The Length

      There are differences both in overall length and cutting length.

      • The overall length of the beard scissors should be between 11 and 14 cm. This ensures that you can handle it comfortably.
      • The cutting length should not be less than 4.5 cm, as with ours.

      3. The Blade Quality

      The blade is probably the most important part of a beard scissors and should meet your requirements. High-quality models feature micro-serration and a smooth blade.

      The different qualities of the two blades serve to avoid damaging the structure of your hair.

      Also, make sure that the scissors can be finely adjusted. A good beard scissors has an appropriate screw for this purpose.

      Tip: To keep the blade sharp and clean, it is useful to store it in a suitable case.

      4. The Adjustment Screw

      A detail that is often neglected is the adjustment screw. It should be as tight as possible. On poorly manufactured models, the screw can loosen, making precise trimming unnecessarily difficult. Since screws often start to rust, we recommend choosing a beard scissors with a ring lock system.

      beard scissors case

      FAQ about Beard Scissors

      How do I sharpen my beard scissors?

      Even the best beard scissors will become dull over time. You can sharpen them yourself at home. This can be done with an appropriate sharpening stone or a sharpening tool available in specialty stores.

      However, sharpening them is even easier and guaranteed to be professional when done by a specialist. Have the beard scissors professionally sharpened by a barber to ensure that it’s done correctly.

      On the internet, you can also find plenty of DIY tips for sharpening beard scissors: using a glass pane or aluminum foil is supposedly very effective. We would advise caution.

      If in doubt, leave it to the professional to ensure that your scissors continue to cut your beard cleanly.

      Can I also cut my beard with a regular scissors?

      Yes, you can. But we would not recommend the result. Regular scissors are too blunt and unwieldy.

      Besides the fact that you won’t get an accurate cut, blunt blades will fray your beard hairs.

      Does your beard look unkempt, brittle, and frizzy? When cutting, it’s like shaving – if the blades are dull, the result won’t be clean. With that in mind, check out the shaving products in the shop.


      Good beard scissors don’t cost the earth but make a huge difference when it comes to cutting and trimming your beard.

      If you are serious about your beard and value excellent beard care, this tool is essential for you.

      What has been your experience with your beard scissors?

      All Top Articles on Shaving Accessories & Hygiene:

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        It doesn't always have to be beard oil. Although oil-based products are certainly the most common care option for beard hair, there are also (equally good) alternatives.

        Aftershave Shave

        What are the alternatives to beard oil?

        Those who generally don't like oily textures don't have to miss out on optimal beard care. Beard balm, beard cream, or even various home remedies can achieve equally good care results.

        Feel free to browse our Störtebekker Shop. Here we have great beard products for your care.

        1. Beard Balm

        Beard oil or beard balm: Which is better? The choice depends mainly on your personal preferences and needs.

        Just like beard oil beard balm consists of beard balm of nourishing oils. Additionally, it contains various fats and waxes, which make its texture somewhat firmer.

        For your gym bag or when you're on the go, this might be an advantage – nothing will leak out.

        In terms of care, both products are equally effective – both oil and balm benefit your beard hair as well as your skin. They make your skin feel supple and your hair shine. Both products provide moisture to your skin.

        A key difference lies in the application. While beard oil is liquid and easily spreads through your beard, you need to warm the balm in your hands first to make it more fluid.

        Due to its consistency, beard balm has a lower spreadability – this refers to the property of an oil or fat to spread. The included waxes make the balm not only firmer in texture but also give your beard some hold and styling, which beard oil does not.

        You can find beard balm in the shop among other beard products, maybe you'll find something you'd like to try.

        2. Beard Cream

        Another attractive care product is beard cream. Unlike beard oil, it has a firm consistency. Due to its creamy texture, it absorbs particularly well and quickly into the skin, providing optimal moisture and nutrients for both skin and hair.

        A cream can also be especially cooling and soothing for itching and very dry skin – an advantage over oil. Check out this post: Help, My Beard Itches.

        Unlike beard oil, you also don't have to worry about oil dripping and making a mess.

        However, you should pay attention to the ingredients. While beard oil often contains only a few natural ingredients, beard creams can contain many more components. Not all of them are necessarily good. Make sure there are no silicones, parabens, or other chemical additives in it.

        If you are prone to allergies or intolerances, natural beard oil is a better choice for you.

        Alternative to Beard Oil, Home Remedies like Beard Oil

        What home remedies can be used as an alternative to beard oil?

        Of course, you always have the option to resort to home remedies. We will show you what beard care can actually work with.

        Olive Oil: Olive oil is the ultimate care secret of the Mediterranean countries. It absorbs well, provides beard and hair with plenty of moisture, and contains many nourishing substances. Take a few drops and massage them into your skin and hair. However, the smell may not be to everyone's taste.

        Coconut Oil: Similar to olive oil, coconut oil also has many nourishing properties. Particularly the lauric acid in it helps the oil to absorb quickly into your skin and make it soft and supple. It also makes your beard hair wonderfully soft. Coconut oil is not as greasy as other base oils.

        Rosemary Oil: Rosemary oil has not only many nourishing properties but also a pleasant scent that is natural and not too overpowering. It is therefore also often used as an essential additive for beard oils. However, you can also use it as a separate care oil. Rosemary oil also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and can help prevent skin redness and inflammation.

        For how to properly wash your beard, read this post. If you want to dive deeper into the topic, don't miss the post on optimal beard care.

        Beeswax: Beeswax is an ingredient in many beard balms and beard waxes. However, you can also use it alone for your beard care. Due to its firm consistency, it gives your beard hold and helps with styling. Make sure to soften it enough in your hands beforehand so that you can apply it better to your beard. Beeswax has antibacterial properties. So, you are also protecting your skin from inflammation.

        Next up are DIY beard oils. Feel free to browse our shop for beard products - just in case you don't feel like mixing your beard oil yourself.

        Making Your Own Beard Oil: Here's How

        If the mentioned home remedies seem too one-sided, you can always make your own beard oil. By mixing several oils, you can utilize all the different care properties. Your creativity is also (almost) limitless.

        To make your own beard oil, you need some good carrier oils and essential oils.

        • Carrier oils suitable for beard care are coconut oil or olive oil.
        • Next, add fragrance oils. Tea tree oil or rosemary oil is particularly good for your beard.

        What you need:

        • About 30 ml of carrier oil - olive oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil.
        • Some drops of essential oils for a pleasant scent.

        How to make your own beard oil:

        1. Mix the carrier oils together and shake well.
        2. Add a few drops of essential oil – 5 to 10 drops are sufficient. Tea tree oil or rosemary oil are wonderful due to their antibacterial properties.
        3. Shake the mixture well – and your beard oil is ready.
        4. Ensure that it consists solely of natural ingredients. Store the oil in a dark and dry place and use it up promptly.


        There are several good and sensible alternatives to beard oil. However, despite all the alternatives, we are genuine fans of beard oil. The blend of various care oils, the easy application, and the fact that the beard oil from Störtebekker absorbs really well into the skin and hair makes it the perfect care product for us.

        What care do you give your beard?

        Want more tips on beard care? Then check out these posts:

        Mehr lesen

        Shaving brushes and beard brushes are everyday items that deal with a lot day in and day out. It's clear that over time, simply removing the hair from the brush is no longer sufficient. You also need to clean your beard brushes and combs regularly. Here’s how you can properly clean your brushes.

        beard brush

        How do you clean a beard brush?

        If you want to properly clean your beard brushes, it's best to do so in several steps to

        • remove hair,
        • dirt,
        • dust,
        • and skin particles thoroughly.

        Step 1: Remove the Hair

        First, remove the hair from the brush. You should be able to do most of this with your fingers. For particularly stubborn hairs, use the end of a style comb for brushes or razors. Your comb tool should now look significantly cleaner.

        Step 2: Wash Your Beard Brush

        Next, wash your brush and/or razor.

        1. Dazu träufelst Du einige Tropfen Haarshampoo oder Bartshampoo (wir empfehlen Dir ohnehin unser Störtebekker Bartshampoo für alles (erscheint bald), was Deine Bartpflege betrifft!) direkt in die Bürstenhaare.

        2. Ein paar weitere Tropfen löst Du im warmen Wasser auf.

        3. Anschließend legst du Deine Bürste oder Deinen Pinsel ins warme Wasser und lässt dies einweichen iNach einigen Stunden sollten sich Staub und Hautpartikel soweit gelöst haben, dass Du die Bürste ausspülen kannst.

        4. Besonders hartnäckiger Schmutz lässt sich mit einer Zahnbürste auslösen.

        Schritt 3: Lass die Bartbürste gründlich trocknen 

        Nach dem Waschvorgang solltest Du die Bartbürste oder den Rasierpinsel gut trocknen lassen. Am besten auf der Heizung oder in der Sonne. Verzichte auf den Föhn, da er zu heiß ist und Bürste bzw. Pinsel dadurch Schaden nehmen könnten.

        Expertentipp: Du kannst außerdem das Holz der Bürste pflegen, indem Du es mit einigen Tropfen Teebaumöl einreibst.

        Wie oft sollte ich meine Bartbürste reinigen?

        Deine Bartbürste solltest Du alle paar Wochen gründlich reinigen. Ideal wäre es alle zwei bis drei Wochen. Bedenke: Pflegst Du die Bürste nicht, kann sie wiederum Deinen Bart nicht pflegen. Deine Bürste ist schon ruiniert? Komm zu uns in den Störtebekker Shop und schau Dir unsere Bart Produkte und auch coole Bartbürsten an.

        Warum stinkt meine Bartbürste nach der Reinigung

        Der Geruch kommt von den Naturmaterialien, die für die Bürste verwendet wurden. Die meisten Bürsten bestehen aus Holz und Wildschweinborsten. In Kontakt mit Wasser können sie einen eigenen Duft entwickeln.

        Unsere Bartbürsten besteht aus “BioniFil”, einem organischen Nylonstoff, der in der Branche als sehr guter Ersatz für Wildschweinborsten gilt. 

        Schau dir auch diesen Beitrag an, er könnte in Bezug auf den Rasierpinsel sehr interessant für dich sein: Rasierpinsel lieber aus Tierhaaren oder Synthetikfasern?

        Diese Fehler solltest Du bei der Reinigung Deiner Bartbürste vermeiden

        Lass die Bürste immer gut trocknen.

        1. Im Sommer am Besten an der Sonne,
        2. im Winter auf einer Heizung.

        Wasche Deine Hände vor Kontakt mit der Bürste gründlich, da Du ansonsten möglicherweise Bakterien und Keime in den Borstenhaaren verteilst.

        Vermeide außerdem das Reinigen mit aggressiven oder ätzenden Reinigungsmitteln. Der Geruch mag dadurch zwar beseitigt werden, allerdings greifen die Substanzen auch die Borstenhaare an, das gilt auch für die organischen Borsten unserer Störtebekker Bartbürste, die wir Dir gerne ans Herz legen wollen. Weitere Bart Produkte findest Du dort ebenfalls.


        Wenn Du Deine Bürste regelmäßig reinigst, sollte es gar nicht so weit kommen, dass hartnäckige Verschmutzungen oder Gestank zum Problem werden. Bau das Reinigen Deiner Bürste am besten in Deine Wochenendroutine ein, dann kommt es erst gar nicht so weit.

        Welchen Trick hast Du parat, wenn es ums Reinigen Deiner Bartbürste geht?

        Schau dir jetzt alle Beiträge zur Rasierklinge an, denn auch diese benötigt Deine Aufmerksamkeit:

        Mehr lesen

        The feeling is somewhere between “I wish it were different” and a catastrophe: The skin under the beard is inflamed and shows through the hair, dry and red.

        Beard ringworm on the face can visually impact you quite significantly, depending on its severity.

        But is the scaly, red skin in the beard just a visual nuisance, or is beard ringworm a disease? Is it beard fungus? Let’s clarify.

        Beard Shaving

        What Is Beard Ringworm?

        Actually, beard ringworm, medically also known as Tinea barbae or beard mycosis, is a skin disease. It is caused by a fungus and occurs exclusively in men.

        Its visual characteristics are:

        • reddish,
        • round,
        • scaly patches.

        Expert Tip: We have developed amazing beard products and put together an anti-itch set for you.

        In many cases, the fungal infection heals on its own. In all other cases, the condition can be effectively treated with an antifungal medication or antimycotic.

        What Causes Beard Ringworm?

        The cause of beard ringworm in men is the so-called dermatophytes, or thread fungi. There are various subspecies of these fungi.

        Two of these, Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton verrucosum, are transmitted by rodents and cattle.

        This type of beard ringworm, therefore, occurs predominantly in rural areas. Those affected need only have brief contact with an infected animal and then stroke their beard with their hand.

        Other types of beard fungal infections are transmitted from person to person.
        In general, all forms of thread fungi are highly contagious and resistant to environmental factors. They remain infectious even after years.

        What Does Beard Ringworm Look Like?

        Beard ringworm is characterized by red, scaly, and itchy round patches under the skin. It does not matter whether the infected person has a full beard, a stubble beard, or is even shaved.

        Despite its name “beard ringworm,” it is an independent skin disease that occurs regardless of the presence of a beard.

        Typical Symptoms of Beard Ringworm

        Here is an overview of the most common symptoms of beard ringworm:

        • Red, scaly, round spots under the beard.

        • The spots may ooze partially.

        • The affected skin area itches.

        • The spots may further develop into pustules and small pus-filled bumps under the beard.

        • If the nodules and bumps reach a certain size, an abscess may even form.

        Cost Comparison Razors

        Diagnosis and Course of Tinea Barbae

        The sooner beard ringworm is treated, the better and faster it heals. If you notice red, itchy areas on your face, it is worth seeing a dermatologist as soon as possible.

        The doctor usually takes a swab to examine in the lab to determine the exact type of skin fungus. Treatment often involves prescribing an antifungal medication.

        Treating Beard Ringworm: Home Remedies and Creams

        Depending on the severity of the infection, various treatments for beard ringworm are available. In addition to medications prescribed by a doctor, there are also various home remedy tips for treating beard ringworm on your own.

        Warning: We are not providing a guide to treating beard ringworm here but only offering some pointers. Our article does not replace a visit to the doctor.

        Generally, we recommend that you preferably visit a dermatologist promptly before attempting self-treatment.

        1. Tea Tree Oil

        Tea tree oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. However, it is relatively strong and can cause skin irritation. If you want to try it, it is best to mix it with a neutral oil, such as almond or jojoba oil, and apply it cautiously with a cotton pad.

        If your skin still reacts with irritation, it is better to discontinue use.

        Make sure to use Australian tea tree oil. New Zealand tea tree oil is not suitable for skin conditions.

        2. Aloe Vera

        Aloe Vera is used to treat all kinds of skin conditions.

        It is advisable to apply the pure juice of the plant overnight directly to the affected skin areas. This should immediately soothe the skin and relieve itching. After a few days, an initial improvement should be noticeable.

        Feel free to browse our Störtebekker Shop. We have put together a great shaving & beard care set that you can use after healing from beard ringworm.

        3. Antimycotics

        Those who have their beard ringworm treated by a doctor will receive what are known as antimycotics.

        The first step is usually an antimycotic cream or ointment to be applied to the affected areas. It kills the fungus and allows the skin to heal.

        For more severe cases, antimycotics are also available for oral administration. If the beard ringworm is recognized too late or is already advanced, the doctor will prescribe it.

        4. Schüssler Salts

        Ointments and creams with Schüssler salts can also be an effective treatment option for beard ringworm.

        The potent mineral salts in them can boost the skin’s healing process. Especially:

        • Salt No. 1, “Calcium fluoratum” relieves itching and rash.

        • Also, salt No. 11, “Silicea”

        • And No. 12, “Calcium sulfuricum” have proven effective for improving cracked, diseased skin.

        Preventing Beard Ringworm

        Preventing beard ringworm is even better than treating it.

        Prevention is best achieved through a regular and good grooming routine:

        • Wash your face daily and your beard at least every two days with beard shampoo.

        • Prepare your skin for shaving - soften the beard hairs with a shaving soap.

        • Shave in the direction of hair growth and clean the blades with warm water after shaving.

        • Change the blades regularly and do not share your razor with others.

        • Care for the beard area after shaving with an aftershave, a beard balm, and additionally a beard oil.

          This keeps the skin well-groomed and resilient. Use products without chemical additives, as these can cause allergies and further irritate the skin. We recommend the beard oil from Störtebekker. It contains high-quality, purely natural oils.

        For tips on how to wash your beard properly, read this article. If you want to dive deeper into the topic, don’t miss the article on optimal beard care.


        If you suffer from beard ringworm, you should take it easy with your beard styling.

        Shave less frequently during the treatment period and let your skin rest. Effective antifungal creams usually show results fairly quickly - still, don’t stop treatment too early to prevent the ringworm from coming back.

        Often, beard ringworm is not a shaving mistake - take it seriously, as it is a skin disease!

        What experiences have you had with beard ringworm? What has helped you?

        Further Questions on Beard Ringworm

        Is Beard Ringworm Contagious?

        Beard ringworm is unfortunately highly contagious. The fungi are very resilient and can be transmitted from skin to skin or from animals to humans.

        The thread fungi particularly thrive in damp, warm environments like showers, saunas, or gyms. So pay extra attention to your hygiene in these places.

        Is Beard Ringworm Dangerous?

        Although beard ringworm itself is not particularly dangerous, it can quickly become unpleasant. Additionally, the beard fungus affects your appearance, making many beard wearers feel self-conscious and trying to cover up the redness.

        Want more beard care tips? Then check out these articles:

        Mehr lesen

        Wenn es um das Thema Bart waschen geht, teilen sich die Meinungen. Wie oft den Bart waschen, mit welchem Bart Shampoo - und wie den Bart überhaupt richtig waschen? Nicht wenige Männer haben dazu ihr ganz eigenes Ritual.

        Dabei hat das Reinigen des Bartes nicht nur optische, sondern auch gesundheitliche Gründe. Wir zeigen Dir, warum das Ganze so wichtig ist.


        Warum ist es so wichtig, den Bart regelmäßig zu waschen? 

        Die Zeiten, in denen Bärte als ungepflegt angesehen wurden oder den Trägern attestiert wurde, einfach zu faul zum Rasieren zu sein, sind vorbei. Trotzdem ist und bleibt ein Bart auch ein Schmutzfänger. Tagtäglich sammeln sich darin Schmutz, Keime und Abgase.

        Deine Haut unter dem Bart ist und bleibt aber Haut. Als solche produziert sie Talg, um sich vor Austrocknung zu schützen. Kommt Deine Haut nun mit dem ganzen Dreck in Verbindung, bilden sich Unreinheiten und Entzündungen. Dann sieht Dein Bart tatsächlich schnell ungepflegt aus.

        Aus diesem Grund ist es wichtig, den Bart regelmäßig zu waschen und zu pflegen. Mit Wasser alleine bekommst Du den Schmutz allerdings nicht raus.

        Und noch etwas lässt sich durch Wasser alleine nicht beseitigen: abgestorbene Hautschüppchen. Auch diese sollten entfernt werden, um Irritationen und Entzündungen zu vermeiden.

        Schau dich gern in unserem Störtebekker Shop um. Hier haben wir neben Bartseife viele andere tolle Pflege Produkte für deinen Bart.

        Wie oft sollte ich meinen Bart waschen? 

        Wenn Du die obigen Zeilen aufmerksam gelesen hast, dämmert Dir wahrscheinlich schon: Du solltest Deinen Bart regelmäßig waschen und nicht erst, wenn der Bart juckt. Ideal ist es, wenn Du ihn täglich mit warmem Wasser ausspülst und alle drei Tage ein Bartshampoo verwendest. Du möchtest ein cooles Rasur & Bartpflege Set kennenlernen? Dann klick auf den Button im Bild.

        Womit wir beim nächsten Punkt wären…

        Bartshampoo oder Haarshampoo? Was eignet sich zur Reinigung am besten? 

        Tue eines auf keinen Fall: den Bart mit Haarshampoo waschen. Dies gilt auch für Babyshampoo sowie Duschgel. Die Inhaltsstoffe beider Produkte sind viel zu stark für Dein Barthaar bzw. Deine Gesichtshaut.

        Du hast rund 100.000 bis 150.000 Haare auf dem Kopf. Die Kopfhaut darunter kannst Du Dir als recht stabilen Lappen voller Haare und einer hohen Dichte an Haarfollikeln vorstellen. Um ihn sauber und weich zu bekommen, benötigst Du ein Shampoo mit gutem Reinigungsfaktor.

        Dein Bart wird jedoch nur aus rund 7.000 bis 15.000 Haaren gebildet. Auch die Haut darunter ist deutlich dünner und sensibler. Wenn Du nun ein Haarshampoo mit hohem Anteil an Tensiden, also Fettlösern, verwendest, ist das viel zu aggressiv. Verwende daher in jedem Fall eine Bartseife oder ein spezielles Bartshampoo.

        Mann Bart Bartpflege

        Wie wäscht man einen Bart richtig? 

        Die richtige Anwendung von Bartshampoo funktioniert wie folgt:

        1. Wasche Deinen Bart mit warmem Wasser vor. Das Wasser sollte dabei nicht zu heiß sein, denn sonst trocknet Deine Haut zu sehr aus. Du kannst alternativ, für etwas mehr Frischekick, auch kaltes Wasser verwenden.

        2. Nimm nun eine haselnussgroße Menge Bartshampoo. Bartshampoo ist pH-neutral und reinigt nicht nur Deine Haare, sondern schont auch die Haut darunter.

        3. Shampooniere Deinen Bart nun gründlich ein. Die Massage fördert zusätzlich die Durchblutung. Du kannst die Wirkung noch verstärken, indem Du das einshampoonierte Haar mit einem Bartkamm bearbeitest.

        4. Wasche das Shampoo anschließend gründlich aus.

        5. Danach kannst Du Dich wie gewohnt ans Trocknen und Trimmen machen.

        Zum Trocknen eignet sich unser Störtebekker Rasiertuch. Dieses kannst Du einzeln kaufen oder in einem unserer verschiedenen Rasur & Bartpflege Sets.


        Kann ich meinen Bart nur mit Wasser waschen? 

        Wenn Du unterwegs bist und/oder ausnahmsweise kein Shampoo dabei hast, kannst Du Deinen Bart natürlich ohne weiteres mit klarem Wasser waschen. Aus hygienischen Gründen ist es allerdings wichtig ein Bartshampoo zu nutzen. Nur so lassen sich Schmutz und Talg rückstandslos aus dem Bart entfernen. 

        Mit welchen Hausmitteln kann ich meinen Bart waschen? 

        Um Deinen Bart auch ohne Shampoo schön sauber zu bekommen, kannst Du einen Teelöffel flüssigen Honig mit einem Teelöffel Olivenöl einem Ei, und etwas Zitronensaft verquirlen. Massiere die Mischung in den Bart, lasse diese 5-10 Minuten lang einwirken, bevor Du sie wieder auswäschst. 


        An einem guten Bartshampoo führt kein Weg vorbei. Achte darauf, dass es ohne Parbene oder sonstige Zusatzstoffe auskommt. Und nimm Deine Bartwäsche ernst. Dein Bart sollte genauso oft wie Dein Kopfhaar gewaschen werden. wie die optimale Bartpflege aussieht, kannst du direkt jetzt in diesem Beitrag lesen.

        Hast Du ein spezielles Ritual zur Bartwäsche? Verrate es uns!

        Du möchtest noch mehr Tipps zur Bartpflege? Dann klick dich jetzt durch diese Beiträge:

        Mehr lesen

        Jojoba oil is somewhat of an all-rounder among care oils. It seems that hardly any product is without it nowadays.

        Whether it's shampoo, cream, or shower oil - everywhere, there is talk of "high-quality jojoba oil.” This is also true when it comes to beard growth. We clarify this.

        Beard Oil

        What is Jojoba Oil and How is it Made?

        Jojoba oil, in the strict sense, does not actually exist. Just to clarify from the start, jojoba oil is a wax that is made by pressing the seeds of the jojoba shrub.

        However, since jojoba oil is much liquid compared to, for example, beeswax, it is referred to as oil.

        Jojoba shrubs are found in Central America, Europe, and Arabia. Its original home is the subtropical region of Central America. The shrubs can live for up to 200 years and bear fruit that looks like green rose hips.

        To extract jojoba oil, the fruits are harvested and cracked open to remove the seeds. These seeds are then pressed to produce a liquid wax, which we refer to as jojoba oil.

        Possible Uses for Jojoba Oil

        Jojoba oil is used in the industry as well as in the food and cosmetics sectors.

        • Since jojoba oil is indigestible for the body, it is often used as a filler in diet products. However, be cautious: The seeds are toxic in their raw form!

        • In the industry, jojoba oil serves as a lubricant for precision mechanics. If methanol were added to it, it could also serve as a substitute for diesel fuel.

        • Its main application area is in cosmetics. Because it is very rich in provitamin A and vitamin E, it is a versatile product for skin and hair care.

        At this point, we would like to recommend our beard products. This way, you can care for both your beard hair and skin equally well.

        Does Jojoba Oil Stimulate Beard Growth?

        If you are hoping for jojoba oil to be a beard growth remedy, we have good news: Jojoba oil does support beard hair growth!

        This is for two reasons:

        1. Due to its nourishing properties and the vitamins it contains, it makes the hair more elastic and the skin underneath more balanced.

          It moisturizes without clogging the pores, has a conditioning effect, and actively impacts skin health.

          Thus, it creates a good foundation for healthy hair growth. If you have no beard growth on your cheeks, try supporting it with jojoba oil.

        2. Additionally, jojoba oil stimulates hair follicles. This is due to its high vitamin E content. It works similarly to caffeine and promotes hair growth.

          Your beard hairs will not only grow faster but also softer, more resilient, and healthier. We have written this post on how to let your beard grow.

        Beard man face care

        Jojoba oil also has some additional positive side effects.

        Jojoba Oil for an Itchy Beard

        If your beard itches, you are usually dealing with either too dry skin or too brittle beard hairs.

        Jojoba oil can counteract this by moisturizing the skin and hair. Since it also has antibacterial properties, it prevents skin blemishes.
        This also applies to skin that is heavily stressed by frequent shaving.

        Expert Tip: Our Störtebekker beard oil is based on jojoba oil. Since it contains several other oils with high-quality properties, we recommend it as optimal beard care.

        Jojoba Oil for a Healthy Shine

        Due to its nourishing consistency, jojoba oil gives your beard hair a healthy, rich shine. The hairs appear less brittle and unruly and are easier to style.

        If you want to know how to shape your full beard, then read this post.

        Feel free to browse our Störtebekker Shop. Here, we have great beard products for your beard care - with fantastic ingredients for a great beard.

        How to Use Jojoba Oil Correctly

        The application of jojoba oil is not rocket science:

        • Apply it morning and evening - ideally twice a day - to your beard.

        • Make sure to distribute the oil evenly in the beard and also massage it into the skin or hairline.

        • A few drops are sufficient. First, spread them in your hands and rub them together, then apply them to the beard and hairlines.

        • If any oil is left on your hands, you can use it for your head hair: It also benefits from care. Massage the remaining oil into your scalp.


        Jojoba oil is a real ace when it comes to beard care and stimulating hair growth. We swear by it. Be sure to check out this post as well: Stimulating and promoting beard growth

        What experiences have you had with jojoba oil regarding your beard hair?

        Want more beard care tips? Then check out these posts:

        Mehr lesen

        Argan oil is often referred to as the “gold of Morocco” or “liquid gold.” Argan oil is said to not only nourish the skin but also promote hair growth. But how do you use argan oil for hair?

        And does hair actually grow faster with argan oil? We want to explore this in more detail.

        Beard Oil Man

        What is Argan Oil and How is it Made?

        Argan oil is obtained by pressing the seed kernels of the ripe fruit of the argan tree. These trees are found only in the semi-deserts of Morocco and Algeria.

        The pressing of the seed kernels is very labor-intensive and is done manually by local women. The cultivation areas of the argan tree were declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO in 1998.

        What Makes Argan Oil So Special?

        Argan oil is particularly rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants. It not only has a highly nourishing effect and combats skin aging, but it also protects the skin from external influences and pollution.

        How Does Argan Oil Affect Beard Hair?

        Argan oil is generally good for the hair. The antioxidants it contains nourish and protect the hair and shield the hair follicle from harmful influences.

        Your beard hair will become more nourished and shinier through the use of argan oil.

        • It also becomes more resistant to breakage.
        • The hair appears fuller and healthier.
        • Its surface is less rough.
        • Dirt particles and skin flakes are easier to comb out.

        Argan oil has antibacterial properties. This helps the skin under your beard. It soothes it and hydrates it.

        Expert Tip: You can also use argan oil as aftershave care. Due to its antibacterial effect, it protects against inflammation and helps you avoid razor burn.

        Our beard oil also contains argan oil and other nourishing ingredients. Just browse through the shop under beard products, and you're sure to find something for your beard.

        Unlike industrially manufactured creams and fats, it does not clog your pores and thus does not cause impurities. Additionally, argan oil also prevents beard hair from fading - the highly concentrated Vitamin E is a natural UV protectant.

        Does Argan Oil Really Promote Beard Growth?

        Now, to the most important question for many men: Does argan oil actually promote beard growth? Unfortunately, argan oil has no direct effect on hair growth and cannot directly stimulate, encourage, or accelerate it. Nevertheless, using argan oil makes sense if you want a fuller beard.

        If you want to know how to stimulate and promote beard growth, then read this article:

        • By massaging the oil into your beard and skin, circulation is stimulated.

        • The hair follicle is subjected to a kind of healthy stress and gets the impulse to grow stronger.

        • Your beard hair also receives a good amount of care from the argan oil, making it stronger and more resilient.

        This certainly creates the impression of a fuller and healthier beard. Especially if you have just started growing out your beard, argan oil can be very beneficial.

        You can avoid skin irritation and ensure your beard grows healthy, soft, and shiny from the start.

        Full Beard Man

        Argan Oil as Natural Beard Care: Application Tips

        When using argan oil, there's not much to keep in mind. However, we still want to give you some tips for optimal beard care:

        • Argan oil can be applied to both wet and dry hair equally. You should leave it on for at least five minutes; we recommend a half hour to an hour.

        • Use the oil sparingly - a few drops are sufficient.

        • Massage the oil from the hair root to the hair tip.

        • For an even more intensive result, you can also use a beard brush - we have a really high-quality one for you in our shop - check it out!
        • After the application time, rinse the oil thoroughly out.

        Do you know our shaving & beard care sets? Everything you need for your beard and shaving routine is included.

        Does Argan Oil Have Any Side Effects?

        Argan oil has no side effects. Intolerances are so rare that we don’t really need to discuss them.

        What you should keep in mind is the application time. You should leave argan oil as an intensive treatment for a maximum of 8 hours at a time. Since argan oil is a pure natural product, it can spoil over a longer period and cause your hair to mat or become sticky.


        Argan oil is definitely a good choice for beard care. We also use it in our Störtebekker beard oil - alongside several other high-quality oils that offer you an optimal care result.

        What experiences have you had with argan oil?

        Want more beard care tips? Then check out these posts:

        Mehr lesen

        Limited beard growth is a sensitive topic for many men.

        While there are indeed great beard styles for limited beard growth, it still depends on which specific part of the face has the bald spots.

        No beard growth on the cheeks makes many beard styles difficult from the start.

        Beard Man Shaving

        Why do I have no beard growth on the cheeks?

        The reasons for a lack of beard growth specifically on the cheeks can vary.

        1. Genetic Reasons

        Primarily, the cause of weak beard growth on the cheeks lies in genetics. Genes play a major role in how much beard hair you grow—or don’t. In fact, your heritage also plays a role here.

        For example, men from the Mediterranean region tend to have denser beard growth, Asian men often have very thin beard hair, and Caucasian men tend to have beard growth more concentrated on the cheeks, neck, and chin. Men from Caucasian countries are likely to have fewer issues with lacking cheek beard hair compared to European guys.

        2. Age

        Age also plays a role. Unlike scalp hair, which usually thins with age, time is on your side here. Men experience growth spurts in beard hair between the ages of 18 and 30. So if you are still relatively young, your facial hair in the cheek area might become denser.

        The guide around myths about promoting beard growth: Promoting and stimulating beard growth - Myths vs. Reality. You can find the right beard and shaving products in the shop.

        3. Testosterone

        Your testosterone levels also determine how much hair growth is possible on your cheeks. Some men have more testosterone than others. To some extent, you can influence your testosterone levels through diet and exercise, such as muscle-building training.

            Kann man den Bartwuchs an den Wangen beeinflussen?

            Bis zu einem gewissen Grad kannst Du den Bartwuchs an den Wangen sicherlich beeinflussen. Wahre Wunder solltest Du zwar nicht erwarten, aber es kann sich durchaus merklich lohnen, das Projekt Wangenbart etwas forcierter in Angriff zu nehmen.

            Hab Geduld 

            Bartlücken an den Wangen können einem schon mal den Nerv rauben. Bleib trotzdem so gelassen wie es nur geht. Wenn Du noch jünger als 30 bist, kann es sein, dass sich noch etwas tut. Und Vollbärte entstehen grundsätzlich nicht über Nacht.

            Im Beitrag Lücken im Bart zeigen wir dir was du gegen kahle Stellen machen kannst.

            Da die Wangen die größte Fläche im Gesicht darstellen, dauert es hier am Längsten, bis Dein Bart dicht und voll aussieht. Lücken in der Wachstumsphase sind normal - nicht alle Haare wachsen gleich schnell. So kann es besonders am Anfang vorkommen, dass Du lichte Stellen entdeckst, die sich mit der Zeit jedoch verwachsen. Um die Wartezeit zu überbrücken und die noch unscheinbaaren Haare stärker zum Vorschein treten zu lassen, kannst Du Deinen Bart färben

            Im Beitrag Bart wachsen lassen zeigen wir dir Tipps wie dies ganz einfach klappt.

            Pflegeprodukte können den Bartwuchs an den Wangen fördern 

            Mit entsprechenden Pflegeprodukten für den Bart kannst Du den Bartwuchs auf Deinen Wangen fördern. Erwarte Dir keine Wunder - das Haarwuchsmittel, das über Nacht den Vollbart sprießen lässt, gibt es nicht. Allerdings kannst Du mit qualitativ hochwertigen Pflegeprodukten, Bartöl, Peeling oder Pflegecreme, einiges erreichen.

            Wir empfehlen unsere Bart Produkte für die Bartpflege von Störtebekker, die allesamt ohne chemische Zusätze auskommen.

            Wenn Du Dein Wangenbarthaar regelmäßig damit pflegst, sieht es voller und glänzender aus. Splissige Barthaare und spröde Stellen sehen schnell dünn aus. Gepflegtes Gesichtshaar sieht auf der Wange hingegen dichter aus. Und noch einen Vorteil bringt die Pflege mit sich: das Einmassieren des Bartöls fördert die Durchblutung der Haut, was wiederum das Haarwachstum anregen kann.

            Wie du das Bartöl anwendest erklären wir dir in diesem Beitrag.

            Achte auf einen gesunden Lebensstil 

            Ja, auch beim Thema Barthaar an den Wangen schwingen wir den Ernährungs-Zeigefinger. Eine gesunde Lebensweise mit ausgewogener Ernährung und regelmäßiger Bewegung hat gleich mehrere Vorteile für Dich: Sportliche Betätigung, insbesondere Krafttraining, kurbelt deinen Testosteron-Haushalt an, der wiederum förderlich für das Wachstum der Barthaare ist.

            Eine ausreichende Versorgung mit Vitaminen und Nährstoffen zahlt außerdem auf eine schöne Haut und gesunde Haare ein.

            Je ungesünder Du Dich im Gegenzug ernährst, desto fahler wirkt auch Dein Barthaar. Deine Haut darunter wird zudem unrein und produziert mehr Talg. Das wiederum ist kein guter “Nährboden” für Barthaarwachstum.

            Bart Mann

            Der passende Bartstil für Männer mit wenig Bartwuchs an den Wangen 

            Wenn alles nichts hilft und Dein Barthaar an den Wangen einfach dünn und vielleicht sogar löchrig bleibt, musst Du dennoch nicht auf einen Bart verzichten. Einige Bartstile kaschieren die Schwachstelle an den Wangen nämlich.

            1. Henriquatre: Er verläuft um den Mund herum. Zwei dünne Linien bilden dabei die Verbindung zwischen Oberlippen- und Kinnbart. Die Wangenpartie wird hierbei rasiert.

            2. Anchor: Er verdankt seinen Namen dem Aussehen, da er unter dem Mund wie ein Anker aussieht. Er ist mit vielen anderen Bärten, Oberlippenbart, Schnauzer oder Koteletten kombinierbar. Auch hier bleibt die Wangenpartie rasiert.

            3. Chinstrap: Er zeichnet sich durch einen sehr schmalen Streifen im Kinnbereich aus. Der Streifen kann sich nach Belieben bis zu den Ohren hochziehen

            4. Fu Manchu: Für Mutige! Der Fu Manchu ist ein recht schmaler Bart, der sich um Nase und Mund erstreckt, aber nur einen kleinen Strich der Hautfläche einnimmt.

            5. Drei-Tage-Bart: Da Du hier lediglich Stoppeln wachsen lässt, eignet er sich ebenfalls für dünnen Haarwuchs an den Wangen.


            Wenn Du an den Wagen nur wenig Haarwuchs verzeichnen kannst, wird es mit dem Vollbart sicherlich eher schwierig. Dennoch hast Du etliche Pflegemöglichkeiten und Bartstyles, die Deine dünne Ausgangslage etwas aufwerten. Anpacken statt Flinte ins Korn werfen ist angesagt!

            Wie handhabst Du das persönlich?

            Hier musst du unbedingt weiterlesen - alles zum Thema Bartpflege:

            Mehr lesen

            Sometimes it’s just like this: a look in the mirror makes you frown. Your beard is gradually turning gray, and you’re contemplating whether to have your beard dyed or to do it yourself.

            We will reveal how you can make your beard darker or bleach it in this post.

            Man caring for beard

            What Do I Need If I Want to Dye My Beard?

            Most people who decide to dye their beard first face the basic problem:

            • What do I actually need?
            • What can I use to dye the beard?
            • Will a regular hair dye do the job?

            We are skeptical and recommend a special beard dye.

            Alternatively, eyelash dye or eyebrow dye from the women's section also yields good results.

            Here’s a shopping list of what you need:

            • Beard, eyelash, or eyebrow dye
            • Mixing bowl
            • Gloves
            • Towel - preferably an old one that can get stained
            • Moisturizing cream
            • Mascara for applying the dye (yes, you actually need to shop in the women's section…)

            Beard Dyeing: Let’s Get Started

            Once you have purchased everything you need, you can get started. Follow these steps:

            1. Read the instructions on the dye carefully and don’t just dive in. We promise it’s worth taking the time to understand the procedure beforehand.

            2. Mix the dye according to the package instructions - note, use a plastic bowl. In metal bowls, the developer in the dye may react with the metal and possibly alter the color tone

            3. Apply moisturizing cream or Vaseline to the skin under the beard and the skin around the beard to prevent staining of the skin

            4. Apply the mixed dye evenly and cleanly to the beard using the mascara

            5. It is advisable to first test a small area of the beard to check if the color tone is as desired and if the hair reacts oddly

            6. Leave the dye on according to the package instructions and then rinse it out. Note: since a lot of dye will wash out, it will be quite a mess that continues on your towel.

            After dyeing or tinting, it’s time for beard care. With our beard products, you can restore smoothness to your beard.

            Dyeing Beard Without Chemicals: These Home Remedies Work

            If chemicals aren't your thing, there are home remedies for dyeing the beard. You can naturally color your beard using a mixture of beetroot and water or cocoa powder and water.

            However, the result is not very intense in color and unfortunately, gray hairs cannot be hidden with this method.

            Expert Tip: If you want to dye your beard only for a short period - for example, for a costume event, you can use a spray from the drugstore. It’s quick and straightforward.

            Important Tips for Dyeing Your Beard

            Before you start, you should know a few things to avoid unpleasant surprises later. Keep the following in mind:

            1. Do not wash your hair before dyeing. On freshly washed hair, the color often doesn’t take as well

            2. Wash your beard one day before dyeing to remove any styling product residues that could negatively affect the result

            3. If you want to trim or shave your beard before dyeing, do it one day prior. This allows your skin to recover before you apply the dye

            4. Do not dye your beard if it is shorter than 1.5 centimeters. The result usually isn’t opaque and mixes with the natural hair color within a few days

            5. If the color result is a bit too dark or intense, wash your beard as often as possible in the next few days. Shortly after dyeing, some nuances usually wash out.

            beard care man

            Is Dyeing Your Beard Harmful?

            There is no general answer to this question. If you use natural home remedies or henna for dyeing, you don’t need to worry about potential consequences.

            However, with chemical dyes, things are different. They can irritate your skin and lead to itching, burning, and similar reactions.

            Also, consider that the dyes used can dry out the beard hair, leading to split ends.

            How Much Does Beard Dyeing at the Barber Cost?

            Unfortunately, we can't give you a general answer here either. The barber sets the cost for dyeing. Typically, the price ranges between 20 and 30 euros.

            The exact cost depends on the beard length, the dye used, the color, and any special requests.


            If you really want to add some color to your beard, we recommend visiting a professional, i.e., a barber. He knows what he's doing and has professional dyes that you can’t get in stores. The result will be significantly better.

            How you can shape your full beard afterwards is explained in a separate post.

              Frequently Asked Questions About Beard Dyeing

              We suspect you have more questions about the topic. Here you go:

              Can Beard Gaps Be Concealed by Dyeing?

              If you plan to dye beard gaps, you should be cautious. Where there’s nothing, there’s nothing to dye. If you have larger gaps in your beard, they might actually stand out even more with a dark or intense color.

              However, if your beard hair only has irregular density, you can actually bring more uniformity to its appearance with some dye.

              How Long Does a Dyed Beard Last?

              How often you need to dye your beard depends a bit on the dye used. Typically, the color remains fresh for around six weeks before it starts to fade. Additionally, you will eventually see the new growth and should consider touch-ups.

              Can You Dye a Short Beard?

              We wouldn’t recommend dyeing stubble, as the result doesn’t look uniform and the dyed stubble will mix with the new growth and its natural color within a few days. The beard should be at least 1.5 centimeters long before you dye it.

              Should I Dye My Beard?

              We personally are not fans of dyed beards, as the result often looks unnatural and there is a risk that the color doesn’t suit you, your face, or your skin.

              Skin irritations can also occur if you don’t tolerate the dye. In that case, it’s all about care, care, and more care.

              Here’s what you absolutely need to read - everything about beard care:

              Mehr lesen

              There are countless beard care products available. But which beard care products really make sense?

              Which beard care products should I buy? We clarify what matters.

              Beard Man Alum Stone

              Which products are suitable for beard care?

              What you really need for beard care is simpler than what is available on drugstore shelves. A few basics are sufficient to make your beard care complete. It is important to choose high-quality products that provide nourishing substances rather than chemical additives.

              We want to give you an overview of the most important tools.

              1. Beard Oil

              Beard oil is the standard among beard products for beard care.
              Good beard oils are also what their name promises: a pure natural product made from high-quality oils such as

              Thanks to their oily-liquid consistency, you only need small amounts.

              How to do:

              1. Drop a small amount of oil into your palms and rub it.

              2. From there, massage the oil into your beard and the skin underneath.

              3. Never skip the skin itself. The oil not only cares for the beard hair itself but also the skin underneath.

              Your benefits: The beard oil makes the skin and hair supple and well-groomed. The beard hair becomes soft and looks shiny and healthy.

              The skin is soothed and moisturized after shaving or care. Additionally, the oil provides a pleasant scent. With beard oil, you can also optimally reduce the itching phase you experience during beard growth and thus avoid skin irritations.

              Disadvantages: You only face these if you use too much oil or apply it incorrectly. Using too much makes the beard look greasy and heavy.

              If you make the mistake of applying the oil with the pipette in the beard, you transfer the bacteria from your beard to the oil with the pipette, where they can multiply.

              If you use the beard oil from Störtebekker, you avoid this problem altogether! Our beard oil does not have a pipette but a simple pump dispenser, which makes dosage very easy. You can also get beard oil as part of a shaving & beard care set. Just click the link in the image.

              2. Beard Cream

              Beard cream offers you almost the same ingredients as beard oil. It consists largely of carrier oils, such as

              • almond oil
              • or jojoba oil
              • and also uses essential oils for fragrance.

              How to do:

              1. Take a small amount and rub it in your hands until it becomes soft and almost liquid.

              2. Then apply it to your beard and the skin underneath using circular motions.

              Your benefits: Beard cream also makes skin and hair soft, well-groomed, and resilient. It keeps the hair structure healthy and gives the beard a well-groomed shine.

              Additionally, the cream quickly absorbs into the skin and hair, providing moisture and protecting against dryness and inflammation.

              Disadvantages: If you use too much, especially with longer beard hairs, you might get white marks on your shirt.

              Always read the product description for creams carefully. Unlike beard oil, creams usually contain a lot more ingredients. Therefore, the risk of having an adverse reaction is higher.

              If you use the beard oil from Störtebekker, you can avoid this problem altogether!

              Beard Cream

              3. Beard Balm

              Be careful not to confuse it with beard pomade. Beard balm is a pure care product and is not for styling or shaping the beard.
              Its effectiveness is comparable to beard oil, but it differs in texture. Balm contains additional solid ingredients like

              • lanolin,
              • shea butter
              • or cocoa butter.

              How to do:

              1. Distribute a small amount in your palms and rub the balm well.

              2. Due to the warmth of your hands, the beard balm becomes more liquid and is easy to work into the beard and skin.

              Benefits: Beard balm conditions and moisturizes beard and hair. Its effect is similar to that of beard oil. Many find beard balm more practical for the sports or travel bag.

              Its solid consistency means nothing will spill out while you're on the go.

              Disadvantages: Again, see beard oil. If you use too much, the beard may appear greasy. With beard balm, you should also ensure it reaches an almost liquid consistency between your hands. If it's too hard, crumbs can form in the beard.

              4. Beard Wax

              Beard wax is used for styling and shaping your beard hair. It has a firm consistency due to ingredients such as

              • petroleum jelly
              • or beeswax.

              Beard wax is especially intended for moustaches. It comes in various formulations.

              How to do:

              1. Take only a small amount to shape your moustache as desired.

              2. You can twist the wax into the ends or style a thicker section of beard with it.

              Benefits: The product is easy to use and holds your beard style without damaging the hair structure.

              Disadvantages: You should find a beard wax that best suits your moustache style from the diverse range available.

              • Hungarian beard wax is well-suited for fine, thin hair.

              • Bavarian beard wax often contains additional gum arabic, making it much firmer. It is ideal for twisting longer beard ends.

              5. Beard Pomade

              Beard pomade is also used for styling and shaping. It contains stabilizing ingredients like

              • petroleum jelly,
              • lanolin
              • and/or beeswax.

              How to do:

              1. Take a small amount and shape the beard as desired.

              Benefits: Beard pomade can give you an advantage with many beard styles. Besides shaping and styling, you can also tame curly or unruly hair and bring it into a well-groomed shape.

              If you opt for a high-quality product without additives and mineral oils, the pomade also has a conditioning effect.

              Disadvantages: Similar to beard wax. You need to find the one that really suits you among the jungle of options.

              Watch out for the ingredients! Mineral oils have no place in skin and hair!

              6. Beard Comb and Beard Brush

              Beard comb or beard brush not only detangle your beard but also help to distribute and work in care products like beard oil or beard balm optimally.

              How to do:

              1. Depending on the length or density of your beard, you may find the comb or brush more suitable.

              2. Don’t just brush or comb superficially; brush or comb from the skin out.

              3. This way, the comb or brush can better distribute care products and skin oils throughout the beard, making it smoother and more well-groomed.

              Your benefits: It not only looks more well-groomed but also gives your skin or hairline a circulation-promoting massage, which is beneficial for the skin and stimulates beard growth.

              Disadvantages: We see none.

              7. Beard Scissors

              Yes, beard scissors are also part of beard care products. Without them, your beard can quickly look unkempt.

              How to do:

              1. With beard scissors, the goal is to trim smaller, uncontrolled hairs to match the rest of the beard. It’s not about cutting the beard away but making it look more even and well-groomed.

              2. So, only trim the areas that are out of shape.

              Benefits: Beard scissors have blunt ends.

              Unlike nail scissors, for example, you can’t stab yourself if you make a cut at an angle. They are specifically designed for cutting beard hairs and don’t leave rough or frizzy hairs.

              Disadvantages: You’ll need a bit of practice and patience. With beard scissors, you should work accurately and with a steady hand.


              It doesn’t take much equipment for optimal beard care. As always: Pay attention to the ingredients and opt for high-quality products. In our Störtebekker shop, you’ll find complete care sets with premium items.

              What do you swear by for beard care?

              Our readers' most popular posts:

              Mehr lesen

              Das viele Bartträger auf Bartöl schwören ist nicht weiter verwunderlich.

              Es verleiht dem Gesichtshaar den letzten Schliff und lässt es im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes glänzen. Wie, wie oft und wie viel Bartöl Du auftragen solltest, was es bringt und was bei zu viel des guten passiert klären wir in diesem Beitrag.

              Denn nur die richtige Anwendung führt zum gewünschten Ergebnis.

              Bart Mann Bartpflege

              Was bringt Bartöl eigentlich? 

              Die Wirkung von Bartöl ist spür- und sichtbar. Es macht Deinen Bart

              • weich und geschmeidig,
              • lässt das Haar satt, gesund und gepflegt aussehen und lässt es wunderbar glänzen.
              • Obendrein verleiht es Deinem Bart einen angenehmen Duft.

              Je nachdem wie oft und in welcher Menge Du Bartöl anwendest, kann es von einer einfachen Grundpflege bis hin zu einer intensiveren Pflege alle Spektren der Bartverwöhnung leisten.

              Schau Dir unsere Rasur & Bartpflege Sets an. Ein besonderes Produkt siehst Du im folgenden Bild.

              Ab welcher Bartlänge brauche ich ein Bartöl?

              Viele denken nach wie vor, Bartöl eignet sich nur für Vollbärte. Aber das stimmt nicht. Ab welcher Länge Bartöl Sinn macht, hängt von Dir und der jeweiligen Beschaffenheit Deines Bartes ab.

              So kann das Bartöl beispielsweise auch bei einem 3-Tage-Bart Sinn machen. Ist dein Bart nämlich trocken, spröde und stoppelig, kann das Öl die Gesichtsfrisur nicht nur gepflegter und genährter wirken lassen, sondern Dich auch vor Juckreiz bewahren.

              Die Richtige Anwendung des Bartöls

              Wie benutzt man Bartöl? Wirklich viel falsch machen kannst Du dabei nicht:

              • Gib ein paar Tropfen vom Bartöl in Deine Hände und verreibe das Öl kurz darin. So wird es körperwarm und nimmt eine zur Pflege optimale Konsistenz an.

              • Massiere das Öl anschließend behutsam in den gesamten Bart ein.

              • Danach kämmst oder bürstest Du Deinen Bart, damit sich das Bartöl gut verteilen kann.

              Expertentipp: Den passenden Bartkamm und Bartbürsten findest du in unserem Störtebekker Shop

                Die Menge: Wie viele Tropfen Bartöl?

                Wie viel Bartöl Du verwendest, hängt von der Länge Deines Bartes ab. Falls Du es zur Pflege eines 3-Tages-Bartes nutzt, reicht bereits eine winzige Menge.

                • Bärte zwischen einem und drei Millimetern Länge benötigen einen Tropfen zur normalen Pflege und 2-3 Tropfen für intensive Pflege.

                • Ab drei Millimeter empfehlen wir 3-4 Tropfen zur Pflege und rund 6 Tropfen für ein intensives Ergebnis.

                • Hast Du hingegen einen stattlichen Vollbart mit 12 Millimeter Länge oder mehr, solltest Du großzügiger rechnen.

                  6-8 Tropfen für die normale Pflege und 10 oder mehr Tropfen für ein intensiveres Treatment sind hier optimal.

                Wie du deinen Vollbart in Form bringst, liest Du in diesem Beitrag.

                Wann benutze ich das Bartöl am besten? 

                Idealerweise wendest Du das Bartöl immer dann, wenn Du ohnehin Körperpflege betreibst. Die Antwort auf die Frage, Bartöl morgens oder abends, muss also eigentlich lauten: morgens UND abends!
                Grundsätzlich verwenden solltest Du es immer dann, wenn Du Deinen Bart gewaschen hast.

                Bart Mann

                Wir zeigen Dir jetzt aber auch mal die Vorteile davon, es unabhängig davon zu verwenden und wie viele Vorteile es Dir dabei bringt.

                1. Bartöl Morgens verwenden

                Morgens angewendet hilft Dir das Bartöl dabei, einen gepflegten Feinschliff in Deinen Bart zu bekommen. Je nach Bartlänge macht es das Bürsten zudem etwas weicher.

                Verwendest Du nur eine kleine Menge, eignet sich das Bartöl auch wunderbar, um Dir morgens direkt einen angenehmen und gut riechenden Auftritt zu verschaffen.

                Was Du noch tun kannst, um deinen Bart weicher zu machen - in diesem Beitrag erfährst Du es!

                2. Die Bartöl Anwendung nach der Rasur 

                Nach der Rasur dient das Bartöl dazu, das aufgeraute Barthaar wieder etwas weicher zu machen und die Gesichtshaut zu pflegen. Du vermeidest durch die Pflege damit Juckreiz.

                Das Bartöl lässt sich beim Nachrasieren von Konturen einsetzen. Weiche übrig gebliebene und abstehende Haare damit ein, so kannst Du sie besser wegrasieren.

                Wie du deine Bart Konturen schneidest, verraten wir Dir in diesem Artikel. Cool für nach dem Rasieren mit unseren Rasur Produkten ist das .... Klick auf den Link im Bild.

                3. Bartöl Abends anwenden

                Die meisten von uns sind abends noch eine Runde beim Sport und duschen danach. Nach der Dusche bzw. Bartwäsche empfiehlt sich das Bartöl unbedingt, damit das Gesichtshaar nach der Wäsche nicht austrocknet.

                Auch können Schweiß und Sport dem Bart zusetzen, so dass unabhängig von der Wäsche danach der Einsatz des Bartöls Sinn macht.

                Wie oft sollte man Bartöl anwenden?

                Wie oft solltest Du das Bartöl nun nutzen? Wir empfehlen unbedingt eine tägliche Anwendung - sogar zwei bis drei Mal pro Tag, wenn Du ein intensiveres Pflege-Ergebnis und einen stärkeren Glanz möchtest.

                Verwendest Du das Bartöl nur ab und zu, kann es seine pflegende Wirkung nicht wirklich entfalten.

                3 Typische Fehler bei der Anwendung von Bartöl 

                Womit wir bei den typischen Fehlern in der Anwendung sind.

                1. Unregelmäßige Anwendung

                Wenn Du das Öl zu selten benutzt, kannst Du es direkt sein lassen.

                Denn dann wirst Du weder optisch noch physisch eine Wirkung merken und Du kannst Dir das Geld für das Produkt sparen.

                2. Pipette in den Bart halten

                Manche Bartöl-Fläschchen sind mit einer Pipette zur einfacheren Dosierung versehen. Wie praktisch, denken hier viele Männer und träufeln das Öl direkt von der Pipette ins Haar. Tu das nicht! In Deinem Barthaar tummeln sich Bakterien, die Du bei der Anwendung auf die Pipette überträgst. Wandert die Pipette danach zurück ins Fläschchen, vermehren sich die Bakterien dort.

                3. Bartöl auf der Haut

                Viele rubbeln das Bartöl fleißig ins Barthaar und sparen dabei akribisch die Haut darunter aus. Warum? Verwende das Bartöl grundsätzlich für Haar und Haut. Das Produkt ist absolut auch für die Pflege der Haut darunter konzipiert.

                Es pflegt die Haut, beruhigt sie nach dem Rasieren und vermeidet Rötungen und Juckreiz. Und nur wenn es auch wirklich bis auf die Haut aufgetragen wird, kann es bis in die Haarwurzeln eindringen.


                Wir empfehlen Dir grundsätzlich die Nutzung eines Bartöls - schau doch mal bei uns im Shop, wir haben ein echt hochwertiges im Angebot! Auch für Träger eines sehr kurzen 3-Tage-Barts macht es bereits Sinn, weil sich Dein Gesichtshaar dann gepflegter und weniger stoppelig und juckend anfühlt.

                Allerdings ist Disziplin gefragt: entscheidest Du Dich für die Pflege mit Bartöl, musst Du es auch durchziehen! 

                Welche Erfahrung hast Du bislang mit Bartöl gemacht?


                Was passiert bei zu viel Bartöl? 

                Wenn du über einen längeren Zeitraum große Mengen Bartöl verwendest, kann dies dazu führen, dass die Barthaare lockerer in der Haut sitzen. Häufig entstehen dadurch Lücken im Bart oder sogar unangenehme Entzündungen. Um entsprechenden Nebenwirkungen vorzubeugen, solltest Du Dich hinsichtlich der Dosierung unbedingt an den Herstellerangaben orientieren. 

                Wie lange dauert es, bis man erste Ergebnisse durch die Anwendung von Bartöl bemerkt?

                Dies hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren, wie zum Beispiel dem Zustand des Bartes und der Häufigkeit der Anwendung ab. Im Allgemeinen sollten jedoch nach regelmäßiger Anwendung über einen Zeitraum von 2-4 Wochen erste Verbesserungen erkennbar sein, wie zum Beispiel eine weichere und glänzendere Bartstruktur.

                Ist Bartöl auch für die Kopfhaare geeignet?

                Obwohl Bartöl an und für sich nicht für die Kopfhaare gedacht ist, kann sich eine Anwendung lohnen. Speziell bei lockigen, schwer zu bändigenden Haaren kann das Öl Wunder wirken. Bereits wenige Tropfen reichen aus, um das Styling deutlich zu vereinfachen. 

                Hier musst du unbedingt weiterlesen - alles zum Thema Bartpflege:

                  Mehr lesen

                  If you grow out your beard without taking care of it, you can expect an unsatisfactory result. If you want to grow a beard, you should have a plan and follow a few basic rules. There is a difference between a truly beautiful beard and just a few wild stubbles.


                  Growing a Beard: Here's How

                  If you want to grow a beard, you should keep a few tips in mind. Simply letting it grow is not enough.

                  1. Facial Care is Crucial

                  A beautiful beard needs care - regular washing with a beard shampoo is important. Make sure to shampoo the skin under the beard as well. Otherwise, it may itch or become red.

                  2. Regular Exfoliation Supports Beard Growth

                  Once a week, you should use a scrub. It removes dead skin cells that otherwise appear as white flakes in the hair. Additionally, the scrub stimulates circulation and can further support beard growth.

                  3. Beard Oils Ensure Nutrient Supply

                  Hair also needs care after washing. The same applies to your beard. Beard oil nourishes the hair and prevents it from becoming brittle and breaking.

                  4. Trim for a Groomed Look

                  Beard hair grows unevenly and can quickly look unkempt if you don’t trim it. Since each hair has its own growth rhythm, you need to regularly bring them to the same length.

                  5. Use a High-Quality Beard Brush

                  Brush your beard preferably daily. This way, skin oil and your beard oil distribute evenly and the hair won’t get tangled. Feel free to check out our high-quality beard brushes.

                    Everything you need for beard care is summarized in our shop under beard products. But we have a great set for you - click on the link in the image.

                    Beard Brush Beard Care

                      Grow a Beard or Shave?

                      Many men are torn: Should I or shouldn’t I? We advise you: Give it a try! When you start growing a beard, you will never achieve a top result overnight. A beard is something you need to get used to visually. You also need to find a beard style that suits you and your face. You can read this article for more: Beard Styles

                      Expert Tip: Let it grow for a while and care for the beard well. Then, in the next step, you can choose a specific style.

                      How Can I Make My Beard Grow Faster?

                      For those who decide to grow a beard, it often can’t grow fast enough. However, hair grows at its own pace. Certain home remedies like castor oil, biotin, silica, or toothpaste are said to help make the beard grow faster. You can read how castor oil can help in this article.

                      Exfoliations are also said to stimulate circulation and growth.

                      We think: You can try it, but ultimately, it will be time and your personal hair growth that decides how fast it will go.

                      Beard Care Beard Growth

                        How Long Does It Take for a Beard to Grow?

                        The time it takes to grow a beard varies individually.

                        On average, beard hair grows about 0.3 to 0.4 millimeters per day.

                        So, you typically achieve a three-day stubble in three days.

                        If you want to grow a full beard, you should stick with it for two months. We only call it a full beard once the hair reaches one centimeter.

                        If you want to grow a chin beard or mustache, the length is roughly similar, just focused on the respective area.
                        Remember, you don’t just let the beard grow. After about three to four weeks of pure growth, you should trim in between to even out all the hair and achieve a groomed look. Which leads us to the next topic.

                        My Beard Looks Untidy While Growing: What Can I Do?

                        Hair grows at different speeds. In other words, beard hair A grows at a different rate than beard hair B or C. To achieve a groomed look with uniform hair lengths, you should regularly trim. This is the only way to grow the beard evenly.

                        Gaps can also occur during the transition phase while growing out your beard.

                        Patience helps here: As your hair gets longer, the gaps will close. We also have a great article for you on this topic: Gaps in the Beard


                        How Do I Prevent Itching While Growing My Beard?

                        Itching during beard growth is normal but can be reduced with proper care. Regular washing, using beard oil or balm, and avoiding harsh or scented products on the skin can help alleviate the problem.

                        How Can I Make My Beard Grow Downward?

                        To grow the beard downward, a combination of regular brushing and using beard oil or balm to care for and smooth the hair is recommended. Trimming the sides can help distribute the weight of the beard and promote downward growth. Again, patience is key.


                        If you want to grow a beard, you need two things: patience and the dedication to care for it. Plan to spend a bit more time in the bathroom in the morning than the two minutes your razor usually takes. Without care, you won’t get a great result!

                        Do you have any tips for beard growth?

                        Why is beard care important? Check out these articles:


                          Mehr lesen

                          Beard dandruff is just as annoying as dandruff in the scalp. A flaky beard not only looks unkempt but also usually itches, and the skin underneath feels uncomfortable. In this article, we will reveal the causes of beard dandruff, which care products are suitable to get rid of it, and when you should see a doctor.

                          Beard Comb

                          What is Beard Dandruff?

                          When the beard flakes, it looks visually similar to scalp dandruff. You have small white spots in the beard - these are tiny skin particles that are distributed among the beard hairs and at the hairline, leading to dryness and itching.

                          Causes of Beard Dandruff

                          When the beard itches and flakes, many automatically think of the wrong shampoo. This is only partially correct.

                          If your skin is healthy, it is covered by a natural lipid protective layer. This consists of skin fats that are produced in the lower skin layers and then released through the sebaceous glands to the upper layers.

                          If this moisture balance is disturbed, greasy flakes can develop.

                          One possible cause is the shampoo. The most common triggers can be found in the following section:

                          • You use a strong degreasing shampoo or one with many additives that simply disrupt the skin. Be careful with hair shampoos: They have the wrong pH level for your beard. Beard shampoos, on the other hand, have a neutral pH level that does not attack the oil layer of your skin. This prevents it from drying out and becoming flaky.
                          • The skin is exposed to too hot or cold air - be cautious with regular beard blow-drying!
                          • You wash the beard too hot.
                          • You drink too little, disrupting your skin's balance from the inside out.
                          • This can also be achieved by smoking, alcohol, or stress.

                          Expert Tip: Dandruff could also be a skin condition like psoriasis or a yeast infection.

                            Visit the Störtbekker Online Shop now. We have great beard products that you need for optimal beard care. Or check out the following product directly.

                            How to Treat Beard Dandruff

                            So what to do about beard dandruff? If the cause is not a skin disease, adjusting or changing your care routine usually achieves the desired result.

                              Here are a few tips for you:

                              1. Use a mild beard shampoo: The more degreasing and ingredient-heavy the shampoo is, the more likely it is to disrupt your natural skin barrier. Use a mild beard shampoo that is free from microplastics, artificial perfumes, or chemical additives that can cause skin irritation.

                              2. Change your care routine: (only every three days): Try to wash your beard only every three days. This gives the skin underneath time to build up its natural protective layer; but you shouldn’t wash the beard less than once a week either—because too little care can also cause dandruff.

                              3. Avoid heat: (Don’t wash too hot and don’t blow-dry): Heat, whether from hot water or hot blow-dryer air, dries out the skin and makes it flaky and brittle.

                              4. Combing or Brushing: Do this daily. The procedure massages your skin, promotes its circulation, and loosens skin flakes.

                              5. Beard oil helps with beard dandruff: A good beard oil restores the moisture balance of your skin and has a soothing effect. Make sure to use a product without unnatural additives. We highly recommend the beard oil from Störtebekker. You can find it under beard products.

                              Home Remedies for Beard Dandruff

                              For those who want to combat beard dandruff with home remedies, natural oils are a good choice.

                              • Almond oil,
                              • olive oil
                              • or jojoba oil are particularly suitable.

                              They absorb quickly and nourish the skin and beard hair. They also make your beard softer—since hard or bristly beard hair can additionally encourage dandruff.

                              Let the oil work overnight and wash it out in the morning with warm water. Our beard oil contains almond oil and jojoba oil—two oils that absorb well into the skin and have a very nourishing effect.

                              Important: If your dandruff proves to be persistent and does not improve despite good care, consult a dermatologist. Dandruff could be a sign of skin conditions like fungal infections, which need targeted treatment.


                              How do you prevent beard dandruff?

                              To prevent beard dandruff, you should regularly clean and care for your beard. This includes washing the beard with a mild shampoo and regularly moisturizing with beard oil.

                              Do I need to see a doctor for beard dandruff?

                              If the above measures do not lead to a noticeable improvement in the condition within 3 to 4 weeks, it is advisable to seek medical help. The doctor will investigate the cause of the problem and initiate appropriate treatment.

                              Are beard dandruff contagious?

                              No, neither beard dandruff nor dandruff in the hair is contagious. Therefore, you do not need to worry about possible transmission.


                                Beard dandruff does not necessarily mean a disaster. With small adjustments to your care routine, you might soon be dandruff-free in your beard.

                                Feel free to visit the Störtbekker Online Shop. We have everything you need for your optimal beard care.

                                What tip do you have for beard dandruff?

                                Find out more by reading our other articles.

                                Mehr lesen

                                Soft beard hair makes the beard look more groomed because it doesn't stand up brittle and frizzy in all directions.

                                But not only that - soft beard hair scratches and itches less. Hard beard hair is not a disposition that you just have to accept. In this post, we explain step by step how you can make your beard softer.


                                Beard oil beard man 

                                4 Tips to Make Your Beard Soft

                                As is often the case, when it comes to making the beard soft, it's about the right care with suitable beard products. Without them, nothing works in terms of a "beautiful beard".

                                At Störtebekker, we sat down and put together a set for you. With it, you have all the products you need for a soft, well-groomed beard. Click on the button in the picture and see for yourself.

                                Beard Shampoo for a Soft Beard

                                It really pays off to use a special beard shampoo, as it makes the hair soft, cares for it, and does not affect the sebum production of the facial skin. A regular shampoo does that already.

                                It also makes the beard hair brittle. 

                                Beard Conditioner for a Soft Beard

                                You apply the beard conditioner after washing. It not only makes the beard hair softer but also provides it with moisture.

                                In addition, it protects your beard from split ends and environmental influences

                                Expert tip: Alternatively, you can also use a beard treatment instead of a conditioner. 

                                Beard Oil Makes the Beard Soft

                                Beard oil is a must when it comes to a soft beard. It moisturizes your facial hair and smoothes the structure. Beard oil also prevents the skin underneath from itching, becoming irritated, and drying out. 

                                Be sure to read the article: Help, my beard itches

                                Use a Beard Brush

                                Using a beard brush should also be part of your daily care routine. We recommend our in-house model (available in the Störtebekker online shop). We use the brush ourselves and are convinced of it.

                                It ensures that both the natural oil of the skin and the moisture contained in the beard oil are evenly distributed in the beard hair.

                                This results in a well-groomed appearance and ensures a uniform shine. 

                                Make Your Beard Soft in Three Steps: Here's How

                                Once you have all your care utensils together, you can get started. Ideally in three steps: 

                                Step 1: Washing

                                Washing the beard should be a daily ritual. For one or two days, it's enough to do it with clear water, two to three times you should do it.

                                This removes dead skin particles, which would otherwise become noticeable as dandruff in the beard and make your skin dry and itchy.

                                It is best to apply the conditioner after the actual wash, let it work for a short time, and rinse it out well.

                                Then gently dry the beard with a towel or blow-dry it at low temperature (to protect the facial skin). The more careful you handle the beard, the better for the individual hairs.

                                Step 2: Oil or Balm

                                Then it's time for beard oil or beard balm. Rub the product in your hands, distribute and warm it up, and then slowly massage it into the beard. A very small amount is enough. Also include the skin underneath, as it also needs care.

                                After washing the beard, you should always use balm or oil. We even recommend doing the procedure twice a day for an optimally groomed result.

                                Here again is your super set for optimal beard care.

                                It is also worth just scrolling through the shop and checking out the beard products as well as the shaving products.

                                Step 3: Time for the Beard Brush

                                Next comes the beard brush.

                                Similar to oil or balm: Always brush directly after the washing and care procedure, as this helps distribute the oil or beard balm even better in the beard and allows the product to work thoroughly.

                                It is also advisable to repeat the process twice a day. The brushing stimulates the sebaceous gland production of the skin and.

                                The sebum is distributed evenly in the hair, just like the oil, and provides additional care.

                                Can You Make a 3-Day Beard Soft?

                                It is somewhat more challenging than with a longer beard if you want to make your 3-day beard soft. Softening beard stubble is a small challenge, as it is naturally rather stubborn.

                                But it is worth taking on the same care routine as with a full beard.

                                Because the drier your beard stubble is, the more your skin itches, and the risk of irritation and redness is higher.

                                Therefore, always use nourishing beard oil for short beard hair. If that’s not enough, there are special beard softeners.

                                Beard man shaving

                                These Home Remedies Make Your Beard Soft

                                Before you empty the drugstore, you can also make your beard hair soft with home remedies.

                                Here are the most effective:

                                • Coconut Oil: It is particularly heavy and nourishing and gives your beard a beautiful shine and a really pleasant scent.

                                  Thanks to its consistency, it also adds some stability to the beard hair.

                                • Olive Oil: Olive oil absorbs quickly into the skin and is very nourishing.

                                  It makes your beard nice and soft - although it has its specific scent, which you have to like.

                                • Vitamins: Care happens not only externally but also internally.

                                  A good, vitamin-rich and balanced diet makes your beard hair healthier and shinier!

                                • Honey: You can use it as an additive for beard care products. Just mix a small amount into your regular care products; it helps skin and hair retain moisture better.


                                Beard care is worth it. But try to touch your beard as little as possible outside of the care ritual.

                                Those who constantly fiddle with or twist it damage the hair structure, deprive the skin and hair of sebum, and also rub dirt in. It’s not worth it. Be sure to read the article on "optimal beard care".

                                What product or home remedy do you swear by when it comes to making the beard soft?

                                Posts on beard care - click through!

                                Mehr lesen

                                Men swear by it: castor oil for the beard.

                                A true miracle cure, they say. Castor oil is said to stimulate hair growth.

                                Some even claim that castor oil has the same effect as the hair growth product minoxidil. We want to explore this.

                                Beard oil

                                What is castor oil actually? 

                                Castor oil is extracted from the seeds of the castor tree. It is a pure natural product. That’s the good news.

                                But what is castor oil really good for? We'll show you now!

                                Can castor oil stimulate beard growth? 

                                Anyone who tries castor oil and compares their beard before and after will notice one thing above all: The beard looks much neater and shinier

                                If you don't like the smell of castor oil, we recommend our beard products - especially this set!

                                However, castor oil does not actually promote beard growth. Unlike minoxidil, which can specifically stimulate hair growth (but be cautious using it on the beard, as it's approved for the scalp!), castor oil cannot do this.

                                However, it noticeably nourishes the hair. Your beard will become softer and more vital.

                                By looking more well-groomed and thus fuller, the impression is often created that it is actually denser due to the use of the oil.

                                Our Störtebekker beard oil contains castor oil combined with

                                • Argan oil,
                                • Jojoba oil,
                                • Almond oil
                                • and squalane.

                                It soothes the facial skin and provides sufficient moisture. Just like fresh from the barbershop.

                                Positive side effect: By using castor oil, you regularly care for and massage your beard. This stimulates blood circulation accordingly and makes the hair appear a bit fuller

                                Using castor oil: What you need to know  

                                Use the oil sparingly to avoid drowning the skin underneath. Test it cautiously at first to avoid your skin reacting sensitively or even allergically.

                                Expert tip: It is advisable to massage a small amount of oil into the beard in the evening and then work it in with a beard comb.

                                This way, the oil can penetrate the hair structure overnight and also be nourishing to the skin before you rinse it out.


                                Castor oil is an optimal beard care product. It

                                • protects against dry, brittle hair,
                                • provides a healthy appearance,
                                • and supports the skin under the beard with valuable nutrients.
                                • It definitely makes your beard look fuller and well-groomed.

                                However, it is not the miracle cure for suddenly sprouting beard growth. So, you can definitely correct minor flaws and shape a wild beard with it.

                                What is your experience with castor oil? Have you tried it?

                                FAQs on the topic: Castor oil

                                How often should I massage castor oil into my beard? 

                                Castor oil can be used regularly . If you use it daily, your beard hair may become somewhat oily and heavy over time, so you might want to use it more sparingly. However, there is nothing against daily use. 

                                  Can using castor oil cause side effects?

                                  Beard care with castor oil can lead to no side effects as long as your skin does not react allergically to it. 

                                  How long is castor oil shelf-stable? 

                                  Castor oil can, like all other oils and cosmetic products, also expire. It is typically shelf-stable for up to 8 months

                                  How long does it take for castor oil to start working? 

                                  How quickly castor oil works depends on how regularly you use it. From experience, it takes about two to three weeks to notice an effect and for your beard hair to look well-groomed and fuller. 

                                  The same applies to care with our beard products. For the best care and shave, we have put together great sets of our beard and shaving products - enjoy browsing.

                                  Click through exciting articles:

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                                    A full beard represents the pinnacle of beard styles for many men. In reality, just "letting it grow" is far from enough.

                                    It requires a lot of passion and know-how to shape or trim a full beard properly.

                                    In this guide, we will show you the best ways to style and shape your full beard.

                                    Man Beard Shaving

                                    What do I need to shape my full beard?

                                    For styling a full beard, there are generally four essential tools. In our Störtebekker Online Shop, you'll find excellent beard products that will support you in your daily grooming.

                                    • Beard scissors: These are used to trim wayward beard hairs that have gotten out of control.

                                      With them, you can work very precisely and only trim the hairs that bother you and need shortening. They are for detailed work and fine-tuning.
                                    • Beard trimmer: This helps you maintain your beard at the desired length.

                                      Since beard hairs do not grow at the same rate or strength, it's important to trim regularly even during the growth phase. Only this way will you achieve a well-groomed, uniform appearance.
                                    • Beard brush and/or beard comb: Beard brushes or beard combs untangle your beard and free it from tangles, dirt, and skin flakes.

                                      Just like your scalp hair, your beard hair should also be combed or brushed daily. We also have a beard brush in our shop. But see for yourself.
                                    • Beard balm: After washing, trimming, and combing, always remember to care for your beard hair. Otherwise, your beard hair will become brittle and look rough and frizzy. Beard balm makes your beard hair soft and gives it a shiny and healthy appearance.

                                      Our Störtebekker beard balm is an excellent choice, by the way. It is suitable for all beard wearers and not only conditions but also shapes the beard. It contains high-quality argan oil, almond oil, castor oil, and shea butter.

                                    How to Shape Your Full Beard - Step by Step Guide

                                    To shape your full beard, you should follow a few simple but necessary steps.

                                    1. Wash Your Full Beard

                                    Before you start trimming your full beard, you should first clean it.

                                    1. Remove dirt residues using a suitable beard shampoo. Do not use regular shampoos or shower gels - they are not suitable for facial skin.

                                    2. Dry your beard briefly with a towel or our shaving towel.

                                    3. Blow-dry your beard. But be careful not to use too much heat. When your beard hairs are freshly washed, they are not only clean but also easier to trim or shave.

                                    Step 1: Shape Full Beard

                                    2. Brush Your Full Beard Thoroughly

                                    Brush or comb your beard, ideally in the direction of growth. If you want to use a blow dryer, combine both steps.

                                    Brushing untangles your hair and makes uneven lengths more visible. This creates the best working base for the upcoming steps.

                                    Step 2: Shape Full Beard

                                    3. Start Trimming Your Beard

                                    Only now should you pick up the cutting tool. Use the beard scissors first, and then the trimmer.

                                    1. Grab the beard scissors. This allows you to precisely and detailedly remove coarse irregularities. Just stand in front of a mirror and examine your beard closely.

                                      Everything that sticks out, grows sideways, or that you don’t like, trim with the scissors. This is where you do the detailed work.

                                    2. Now it's time for the trimmer. Pay attention to the right attachment.

                                      If you're unsure about the optimal attachment, start with a larger millimeter number and then work your way step by step to the desired result.

                                    3. Trim now from the earlobe to the top edge of the ear against the direction of growth.

                                    4. Then switch to a larger attachment and address the cheeks up to the corners of the mouth—so above the lip—in the direction of growth.

                                    5. Now choose an even larger attachment and focus on the area under the corners of the mouth—again in the direction of growth.

                                    6. For the final part under the lip, use a shorter attachment again and continue in the direction of hair growth.

                                    At Störtebekker, we have THE shaving products in our online shop to make your shave an experience. Don't want to search for everything yourself?

                                    Here is the ultimate set for you and your beard.

                                    Step 3: Shape Full Beard

                                    4. Shape and Care for Your Full Beard

                                    Once the lengths are done, it's time to focus on the beard shape. This defines your final look and highlights your facial features. Therefore, spend sufficient time on this step.

                                    Use the beard trimmer (without attachment) or ideally a razor to draw the desired contour line between your lips and neck.

                                    As a reference for the neck line, use your Adam's apple. Place two fingers above it—no hair should grow below this point. For the cheek contours, you should assess your beard growth well.

                                    Here, you can pull the line from the upper lip to the sideburns higher if you have beard growth on the cheekbones. If not, set the contour lower. Once the contours are set, you can do some final fine-tuning during the touch-up.

                                    Step 4: Shape Full Beard


                                    It takes some practice and precision to trim a full beard. If you're unsure how to best cut your full beard, let a barber do it once and observe how they do it or where they set the final beard contours in your case.

                                    Then you can replicate it yourself.

                                    What's your secret tip for beard cutting?

                                    Is beard care your thing? Then you shouldn't miss these posts:

                                      { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "name": "Shape Your Full Beard: How to Achieve the Perfect Styling", "item": "" }] } // ]]>

                                      A full beard represents the pinnacle of beard styles for many men. In reality, just "letting it grow" is far from enough.

                                      It requires a lot of passion and know-how to shape or trim a full beard properly.

                                      In this guide, we will show you the best ways to style and shape your full beard.

                                      Man Beard Shaving

                                      What do I need to shape my full beard?

                                      For styling a full beard, there are generally four essential tools. In our Störtebekker Online Shop, you'll find excellent beard products that will support you in your daily grooming.

                                      • Beard scissors: These are used to trim wayward beard hairs that have gotten out of control.

                                        With them, you can work very precisely and only trim the hairs that bother you and need shortening. They are for detailed work and fine-tuning.
                                      • Beard trimmer: This helps you maintain your beard at the desired length.

                                        Since beard hairs do not grow at the same rate or strength, it's important to trim regularly even during the growth phase. Only this way will you achieve a well-groomed, uniform appearance.
                                      • Beard brush and/or beard comb: Beard brushes or beard combs untangle your beard and free it from tangles, dirt, and skin flakes.

                                        Just like your scalp hair, your beard hair should also be combed or brushed daily. We also have a beard brush in our shop. But see for yourself.
                                      • Beard balm: After washing, trimming, and combing, always remember to care for your beard hair. Otherwise, your beard hair will become brittle and look rough and frizzy. Beard balm makes your beard hair soft and gives it a shiny and healthy appearance.

                                        Our Störtebekker beard balm is an excellent choice, by the way. It is suitable for all beard wearers and not only conditions but also shapes the beard. It contains high-quality argan oil, almond oil, castor oil, and shea butter.

                                      How to Shape Your Full Beard - Step by Step Guide

                                      To shape your full beard, you should follow a few simple but necessary steps.

                                      1. Wash Your Full Beard

                                      Before you start trimming your full beard, you should first clean it.

                                      1. Remove dirt residues using a suitable beard shampoo. Do not use regular shampoos or shower gels - they are not suitable for facial skin.

                                      2. Dry your beard briefly with a towel or our shaving towel.

                                      3. Blow-dry your beard. But be careful not to use too much heat. When your beard hairs are freshly washed, they are not only clean but also easier to trim or shave.

                                      Step 1: Shape Full Beard

                                      2. Brush Your Full Beard Thoroughly

                                      Brush or comb your beard, ideally in the direction of growth. If you want to use a blow dryer, combine both steps.

                                      Brushing untangles your hair and makes uneven lengths more visible. This creates the best working base for the upcoming steps.

                                      Step 2: Shape Full Beard

                                      3. Start Trimming Your Beard

                                      Only now should you pick up the cutting tool. Use the beard scissors first, and then the trimmer.

                                      1. Grab the beard scissors. This allows you to precisely and detailedly remove coarse irregularities. Just stand in front of a mirror and examine your beard closely.

                                        Everything that sticks out, grows sideways, or that you don’t like, trim with the scissors. This is where you do the detailed work.

                                      2. Now it's time for the trimmer. Pay attention to the right attachment.

                                        If you're unsure about the optimal attachment, start with a larger millimeter number and then work your way step by step to the desired result.

                                      3. Trim now from the earlobe to the top edge of the ear against the direction of growth.

                                      4. Then switch to a larger attachment and address the cheeks up to the corners of the mouth—so above the lip—in the direction of growth.

                                      5. Now choose an even larger attachment and focus on the area under the corners of the mouth—again in the direction of growth.

                                      6. For the final part under the lip, use a shorter attachment again and continue in the direction of hair growth.

                                      At Störtebekker, we have THE shaving products in our online shop to make your shave an experience. Don't want to search for everything yourself?

                                      Here is the ultimate set for you and your beard.

                                      Step 3: Shape Full Beard

                                      4. Shape and Care for Your Full Beard

                                      Once the lengths are done, it's time to focus on the beard shape. This defines your final look and highlights your facial features. Therefore, spend sufficient time on this step.

                                      Use the beard trimmer (without attachment) or ideally a razor to draw the desired contour line between your lips and neck.

                                      As a reference for the neck line, use your Adam's apple. Place two fingers above it—no hair should grow below this point. For the cheek contours, you should assess your beard growth well.

                                      Here, you can pull the line from the upper lip to the sideburns higher if you have beard growth on the cheekbones. If not, set the contour lower. Once the contours are set, you can do some final fine-tuning during the touch-up.

                                      Step 4: Shape Full Beard


                                      It takes some practice and precision to trim a full beard. If you're unsure how to best cut your full beard, let a barber do it once and observe how they do it or where they set the final beard contours in your case.

                                      Then you can replicate it yourself.

                                      What's your secret tip for beard cutting?

                                      Is beard care your thing? Then you shouldn't miss these posts:

                                        Mehr lesen

                                        The beard growth progresses and your beard style is finally taking shape. If only there wasn't this annoying itching. You sit in the office wanting to look confident, but your beard itches and flakes and you would prefer to scratch yourself all the time?

                                        In this guide, we will reveal what causes an itchy beard and what you can do about it. Enjoy reading!

                                        Beard itches

                                        Why does the beard itch? - 4 causes & reasons

                                        The causes of an itchy beard can be varied. Often a beard itches while growing. It is also often the stubbly 3-day beard that pricks.

                                        The unpleasant itching can generally occur with any beard style and at any stage of growth.

                                        Here are a few common reasons:

                                        1. Beard itching due to dandruff and bacteria

                                        Bacteria are abundant in our environment and are not inherently harmful. By constantly touching your beard, they naturally find their way there. The less often you wash your beard, the better they can spread there.

                                        With dandruff it is exactly the opposite: too much beard washing with the wrong shampoos can disrupt the skin's natural barrier and cause it to become flaky.

                                        2. Itching due to dry facial skin

                                        Dry air, hot washing, blow-drying, or the wrong shampoo dry out the facial skin under the beard. This particularly affects men with a full beard.

                                        Shower gel can also be a cause of itching. It has a pH value unsuitable for your facial skin and quickly makes the skin dry, brittle, and itchy. To wash your beard, you should only use a special beard shampoo.

                                        Cost comparison

                                          3. Beard itches due to ingrown hairs

                                          Ingrown hairs often occur when you shave incorrectly, too dry, or with a dull blade. You do not cut the hairs completely at the skin surface, causing the remaining stubble to grow in the wrong direction. This not only itches but can also lead to inflammation and pain.

                                          Be sure to check out the relevant post: Ingrown Beard Hair.

                                          4. Dull razor blades

                                          Which brings us to the next reason: dull razor blades. They not only cut the hairs less effectively, causing ingrown hairs, but they can also lead to razor burn.

                                          Razor burn can be avoided - be sure to read this post.

                                          Older razor blades are also a breeding ground for bacteria. Therefore, you should replace the blade at least every 14 days.

                                          If you buy a safety razor or a straight razor with interchangeable blades from our shaving products, you will receive a package of razor blades included. Do you already know our blade collector?

                                          5. Beard itches after dyeing

                                          If you dye your beard, the itching may be due to an allergy to the dye used.

                                          In addition to unpleasant itching, other characteristic signs of a contact allergy include redness and swelling.

                                          The symptoms do not necessarily appear immediately after dyeing. In some cases, it takes up to 36 hours for the symptoms to set in.

                                          What to do when the beard itches? 6 - Tips from the Barbershop

                                          But what to do when the beard just itches? We have summarized the best tips for you in the following section:

                                          1. Keep bacteria away

                                          Hygiene is key. Clean your facial skin and your beard regularly with appropriate care products and use fresh razor blades so that bacteria and germs have no chance to irritate your skin.

                                          2. Regular washing prevents itching

                                          By regular washing, you can also effectively prevent itching. Use suitable care products - an additional beard shampoo and a scrub for the skin underneath. This stimulates blood circulation and removes flakes that cause additional itching.

                                          3. Use a beard brush

                                          With an appropriate beard brush, your beard hair looks neat. Brushing also promotes blood circulation to the skin and removes dead skin particles.

                                          The fat from the sebaceous glands does not accumulate on the skin but distributes evenly in the beard, additionally nourishing it.

                                          Just check out our online shop - at Störtebekker there are high-quality beard brushes that we use ourselves and are convinced of.


                                          Beard brush


                                          4. Care for your beard with beard oil

                                          Always use a beard oil for additional care. It makes the beard hair soft and prevents brittle stubble from itching and irritating your skin. Additionally, the oil nourishes the skin under the beard and provides moisture.

                                          5. Dry your beard thoroughly

                                          Avoid walking around with wet beard hair if possible.

                                          Wet beard hair quickly becomes brittle and the skin underneath tends to dry out.

                                          This not only causes itching but can also lead to redness and rash. Therefore, dry the beard with a towel after washing.

                                          Note: Please do not rub, as this will make the beard brittle and split.

                                          For drying, our shaving towel is suitable. Just check it out.

                                            6. Pay attention to your diet when the beard itches

                                            What you eat also affects your beard's well-being.

                                            Make sure you get enough vitamins and nutrients and try to eat a balanced diet. Remember: the skin is our largest organ and needs to be adequately nourished.

                                            To prevent the skin from drying out, you should definitely drink enough.

                                            Frequently asked questions about beard itching

                                            Do you have more questions about the topic? We thought so. And we have the answers for you.

                                            Are there home remedies for beard itching?

                                            Do you want to use a home remedy when your beard itches? We reveal the simplest of all: your natural sebum. While the fat produced by the sebaceous glands on our skin quickly becomes greasy and unkempt on the hair, it has the opposite effect on the beard. It nourishes it, makes it look richer and more beautiful, and also makes it softer. Therefore, make sure to use mild products that do not disrupt your sebum production.

                                            Homemade face masks, for example made from avocado, jojoba oil, and lemon, can help.

                                            Don't feel like mixing care products yourself? Then we have the ultimate shaving & beard care set for you.

                                            Why does the beard itch when growing?

                                            It is quite simple: shaving gives your beard hair a sharp edge that scratches, rubs, and itches against your skin. As the hair grows further and you shave again, new sharp edges are created. This not only itches but also strains your skin.


                                            With proper beard care, annoying beard itching can mostly be avoided. So instead of scratching your beard for hours, you will develop a morning care routine much faster.

                                            What are your tips against itchy beard hairs?

                                            Learn more by reading our other articles.

                                            Mehr lesen

                                            A well-groomed beard is and always will be a real eye-catcher. However, the prerequisite for this is that the hair grows full and without gaps.

                                            Smaller gaps or even holes in the beard can ruin any beard style. But how can you achieve a denser beard? And what can you do about bald spots? All the information about causes and measures can be found in this article.

                                            Man with Tattoo Shaving

                                            Possible Causes of Gaps in the Beard

                                            Bald spots in the beard can have various causes. Unfortunately, you can’t do much about all of them. We have summarized the most common triggers for you in the following section.

                                            Bald Spots Due to Genetic Causes

                                            Your beard growth is primarily a matter of genetics. Just like hair color or the tendency for curly or straight hair, the density or weaker beard growth is also hereditary.

                                            Look at your male relatives. If you find weak beard growth among your uncles, grandfathers, or your father, it’s likely that this is the reason for your beard gaps.

                                            Gaps in the Beard Due to Low Testosterone Levels

                                            Testosterone is the most important hormone when it comes to your beard growth and body hair in general.

                                            If you have very little facial hair and also suffer from lack of motivation or fatigue, it might indicate a testosterone deficiency.

                                            If these symptoms apply to you, it might be sensible to make an appointment with a doctor. They can check your testosterone levels and possibly start a treatment.

                                            Age-Related Beard Gaps

                                            With increasing age, the main hair often becomes noticeably thinner. However, beard growth, on the other hand, increases for most men.

                                            Typically, beard growth develops until the mid-twenties but can still become significantly denser by the mid-thirties.

                                            So if you are in your early to late twenties, you still have a real chance that your beard growth will become denser over the years and any gaps will close.

                                            Stress, Poor Diet, and Lack of Sleep

                                            Do you sleep poorly or little and prefer to eat junk food?

                                            Then you shouldn't be surprised by sudden gaps in your beard. Smoking or excessive alcohol consumption can also cause sudden bald spots in the beard and trigger a condition called alopecia barbae.

                                            A healthy lifestyle can contribute a lot to a healthy and full-looking beard.

                                            In particular, exercise has a positive effect on your testosterone levels. Regular workouts at the gym are therefore not only good for your endurance and muscles but also help with beard gaps.

                                            Gaps in the Beard: What to Do?

                                            So how can you make your beard denser? We have some tips for you to help your beard grow thicker.

                                            The Right Care

                                            Often, beard gaps are actually a care problem. If you don’t wash, care for, and comb your beard properly, the hair becomes curly and brittle. Curly, uncombed hair that sticks out in all directions will never look as full as shiny, combed hair. Especially if it becomes brittle.

                                            With the right beard brush and appropriate care products, you can avoid this – check out our shop, we have everything you need! Here you will find a great shaving & beard care set, consisting of beard brush, beard oil, beard shampoo, and beard balm. Here are the beard products.

                                              Just Let It Grow

                                              Gaps in beard growth or patchy beard growth can also be the result of overly eager trimming. Beard hair grows quite quickly but usually not evenly. So it may be that you notice gaps, especially at the beginning.

                                              So let your beard just grow and wait two to four weeks before you start trimming. The growing length will cover or balance out bald spots.

                                              Beard Man Shaving

                                              Fill Beard Gaps with Beard Thickener

                                              If the above doesn’t help, you can consider a beard thickener. This involves applying hair fibers made of keratin to your own beard. The fibers bond with your real hair and make the beard appear denser.

                                              The products do not appear fake and can be washed out with shampoo.

                                              Closing Bald Spots with a Beard Hair Transplant

                                              A hair transplant is probably only for men who are really serious about it.

                                              Although there are now many clinics in the country and abroad specializing in such procedures, a transplant is always associated with some risk.

                                              From a financial perspective as well, a beard hair transplant should be carefully considered.

                                              Testosterone Supplements for Beard Gaps

                                              As mentioned before, testosterone levels significantly affect beard growth. This is also why there are many beard wearers who combat a thin beard with testosterone supplements.

                                              Since testosterone affects not only your beard but also the rest of your hormonal balance and its effectiveness is by no means guaranteed, you should get well-advised by an experienced doctor.

                                              Color Your Beard

                                              Indeed, coloring your beard has proven effective. Color adds visual and tactile density. The color makes the hair slightly thicker and more textured. A darker shade also adds visual fullness – the darker the hair, the fuller it looks.

                                              You can apply the color yourself or have your beard professionally colored by a barber.

                                              Here you will find a great shaving & beard care set, consisting of beard brush, beard oil, beard shampoo, and beard balm. Here are the beard products.

                                              Beard Styles for Men with Beard Gaps

                                              If you don’t have very dense beard hair, you should also be cautious about the type of beard you choose. There are beard styles that are better suited for thin beard hair.

                                                Goatee: Gaps on the Cheeks Don’t Matter

                                                If you have gaps in the cheek area, a goatee might be the right choice for you. You concentrate the beard growth solely on the chin area and might achieve a full, dense result there.

                                                Read more about no beard growth on the cheeks here.

                                                Moustache: Perfect for a Patchy Chin Area

                                                The same applies to the moustache. If, for example, your chin area suffers from patchy fuzz, then forget it and focus on your upper lip. If the hair there grows full and dense, you have various styling options:

                                                • from the classic moustache
                                                • or the twisted moustache
                                                • to a thinner, French-looking variant.

                                                Three-Day Stubble: The Classic for Smaller Gaps

                                                The three-day stubble is perfect for covering up. The short, wild-looking stubble makes gaps less noticeable. Besides the fact that three-day stubble is practical, never goes out of style, and always looks masculine, it forgives almost any weakness in hair growth.


                                                If your beard growth is below your expectations, you don’t have to throw in the towel. In addition to proper care, the right beard style is crucial. Don’t blame your beard for not making you look like a certain type, but choose a beard that suits your look!

                                                What tricks do you have for patchy areas in the beard? Share them with us!

                                                Feel free to read more:

                                                Mehr lesen

                                                Looking in the mirror in the morning doesn't promise a quick fix for everyone: Your beard hairs are sticking out and your beard is frizzy? We show you step by step how to smooth your beard hair and also how to optimally straighten a frizzy or curly beard.

                                                Why is my beard curly?

                                                First of all: why does it do that? Why is the beard curly? The reason lies in the hair follicles. Their growth determines in which direction a beard hair ultimately stands.

                                                If you have symmetrical hair follicles, your beard hairs are smooth. If they are asymmetrical, your hair grows in a wavy, oval shape and contracts over time. This results in curls or a rather bushy beard.

                                                If you don't take good care of your beard, even from symmetrical hair follicles, frizzy beard hairs can develop. If your hair is too dry and gets damaged, it curls up. By then, you should soften your beard.

                                                Smoothing Beard Hair: How to Do It Right!

                                                Care is crucial for a beard, whether smooth or curly. You have the choice between smoothing with or without heat. We have listed the best ways to get your beard smooth below:

                                                Beard Oil

                                                If you choose beard care without heat, you should have a good beard oil on hand. The oil makes the hair soft and supple and also provides it with nourishing substances. Particularly damaged hair looks healthier and more even as a result. If your beard hair is not too frizzy or not yet very long, the beard oil is especially suitable for you. It will make your beard smooth quickly and optimally care for it at the same time.

                                                Are you looking for the best shaving and beard products? Here they are!

                                                Beard Balm

                                                If you have strongly curled or frizzy hair, a beard balm is better. Its ingredients also care for the hair and make it look healthier and smoother. Unlike beard oil, beard balm adds structure to the hair. It is especially useful for shaping a longer beard.

                                                Regular Brushing

                                                Whether beard oil or beard balm, brush your beard regularly. We recommend our beard brushes from Störtebekker and use them ourselves daily. This way, you avoid your beard becoming tangled or bushy and can work the oil or balm more intensively into the hair structure with the brush.


                                                You can also effectively smooth your beard with a straightening brush. However, when buying a straightener for your beard, make sure to get a mini straightener. They are better suited for beard smoothing than larger ones.
                                                Straighteners are ideal if you want to smooth your full beard. You can shape it directly into the desired form and direction.


                                                You can also smooth your beard with a hairdryer. This is recommended for shorter and particularly curly beards. Never use the hairdryer bluntly; always use a beard brush or a beard comb and actively shape the beard into the desired form. We recommend our round brush for this purpose. It helps you get your beard smooth after showering and adds more volume.

                                                In our Störtebekker shop, you will find a great shaving and beard care set consisting of beard brush, beard shampoo, beard balm, and beard oil.

                                                  Note: What to Consider When Smoothing with Heat

                                                  When using heat, there are a few things to keep in mind.

                                                  Don't Overdo the Temperature

                                                  Too hot temperatures damage the hair and make it brittle. This can lead to even more curliness. Dry or straighten with the lowest setting the device has to offer. If you can't get your hair smooth at this setting, cautiously increase the temperature and be careful not to blow-dry or straighten at the same spot for too long to avoid damaging the hair structure.

                                                  Use Heat Protection

                                                  Use additional heat protection products if you regularly use a hairdryer or straightener. Make sure to use products specifically developed for this purpose and not regular beard oil. The oil can burn due to the heat and potentially damage your beard hair. Use the beard oil after blow-drying for care and a shinier look.


                                                  We prefer beard care without a hairdryer or straightener. In general, you should be cautious with heat and not blow-dry or straighten your beard after every wash. A good brush and appropriate oil are, in our opinion, the ideal companions for daily care and smoothing. We have really effective, high-quality products for your beard in the shop.

                                                  How do you handle beard smoothing?

                                                  Want to know more about beard care? Then check out these articles:

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                                                    Many of us don't take the time to blow-dry our head hair, let alone our beard. However, it makes quite a lot of sense to blow-dry your beard after washing it. This has even been scientifically proven.

                                                    Blow Drying Beard Man

                                                    Blow Drying Your Beard Is Better Than Air Drying It

                                                    A study from South Korea has scientifically investigated this topic.

                                                    A team of dermatologists tested various hair drying methods and compared the results. It turned out that blow-drying is not as bad as its reputation.

                                                    When hair is dried naturally, it remains moist for longer.

                                                    • Moisture causes it to swell,
                                                    • Leading to pressure on the cuticle layer
                                                    • And making the hair structure brittle.

                                                    Expert Tip: The longer your beard stays wet, the more it damages its structure. The hair splits and the volume becomes thin.

                                                    How to Blow Dry Your Beard

                                                    Blow drying your beard is worth it. We will show you the individual steps.

                                                      1. Preparation: The beard should not just be rinsed with water in the shower but should be taken into account during care.

                                                        Use a special beard shampoo and, ideally, a conditioner that softens the texture.

                                                      2. Pre-drying: After washing, the wet beard hair should be pre-dried with a towel or a shaving towel. Gently press out the moisture without rubbing aggressively.

                                                        If you rub too hard or rub, you will damage the hair structure and cause frizz.

                                                      3. Beard Oil: When applying beard oil, you provide your hair with care and heat protection at the same time. If you don't have specific beard oil, coconut oil will also work.

                                                        The fatty acids prevent the beard hairs from becoming brittle. A few drops are sufficient. We recommend our beard oil with argan and jojoba oils. It is suitable for daily use and has a very good caring effect - which benefits the appearance of your beard significantly!

                                                      4. Blow Drying: The technique is crucial here. It is best to blow dry on low or cold settings and keep the blow dryer at least 15 cm away. Move the blow dryer up and down.

                                                        This prevents too much heat from concentrating on one spot. Ideally, comb the beard with a beard brush or a round brush. We have developed a high-quality beard brush that not only fits perfectly in the hand but also distributes the beard oil optimally due to its bristle density.

                                                      5. Finish: Once the beard is dry, you can focus on fine-tuning. With beard wax or beard balm, you can shape your beard hair into the desired form.

                                                        The wax oils additionally care for the beard and make it softer. Our beard balm contains nourishing argan oil and is very easy to work into the beard hair with your fingers without clumping or sticking.

                                                    You can also make use of a shaving and beard care set. We have put together a great set for you. Click the button :)

                                                    What Are the Benefits of Blow Drying Your Beard?

                                                    Blow drying your beard has clear advantages. Here are two of them:

                                                    Your Beard Dries Faster

                                                    Your beard dries faster. Especially in the cold season, it is much better than walking around with wet beard hair for too long. Also, as mentioned above, moisture causes hair to swell and makes it brittle.

                                                    The Beard Hair Can Be Smoothed More Easily

                                                    If your beard dries naturally, the hair often becomes frizzy and unruly. When blow-drying, you can smooth the beard and with the help of a beard comb and the right beard care products, you can smooth even a very frizzy beard.

                                                    Beard Brush

                                                    Possible Disadvantages of Blow Drying Your Beard

                                                    What you should watch out for when blow-drying, read here.

                                                    Beard Dandruff

                                                    Be careful not to use the blow dryer too hot. If it dries out your skin too much, you may end up with unsightly and uncomfortable dandruff in the beard. The heat destroys the natural oil layer and makes the skin flaky as a result.

                                                    Change in Hair Color

                                                    At too high a temperature, the hair structure can also be damaged. Damaged hair often takes on lighter shades. If the heat hits only certain spots, the change can also be partial.


                                                    For reasons of appearance and care, we recommend blow-drying your beard. However, you should get a good blow dryer and use it at a lower temperature to avoid heat damage.

                                                    Do you blow-dry your beard? What experiences have you had? Tell us!

                                                    Here are more posts that might be important to you:

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                                                    At the end of last year, after an intensive development period, we released three of our own care products: Beard Oil, Beard Balm, and Shaving Oil. The feedback we have received from you so far has been overwhelmingly positive. For this, we would like to thank you sincerely!

                                                    To meet the high interest in them, we would like to introduce again in this post what makes our Störtebekker Beard Oil, Störtebekker Balm, and Störtebekker Shaving Oil so special. Because in the development, we chose what we consider to be the absolute top ingredients. Therefore, whether you shave regularly or have a beard - you will find the perfect addition for your shave among our beard products!

                                                    The Ingredients of Störtebekker Care Products

                                                    Almond Oil

                                                    Almond oil is one of the carrier substances of all three products. It is extracted from sweet almonds and is particularly suitable for sensitive skin. It has a cooling and pain-relieving effect and provides excellent moisture to skin and hair. Therefore, it is also effective against itching and prevents split ends. The vitamins and minerals contained in almond oil - especially biotin - promote hair growth and skin cell renewal. Additionally, almond oil ensures that beard hair becomes pleasantly soft and gains a healthy shine.


                                                    Castor Oil

                                                    Castor oil is also a carrier substance of the new Störtebekker care products. It is relatively thick but still penetrates deep into the skin and has excellent nourishing properties. With the vitamin E it contains, it makes beard hair stronger and more supple. Furthermore, it stimulates the production of "collagen," which is said to slow down the skin aging process - a by-the-way cosmetic for your skin! And like all good vitamin and nutrient providers, it also has a positive effect on beard growth.


                                                    Argan Oil

                                                    Argan oil completes the carrier substance trio of our care ensemble. It is extracted from argan nuts and is often used in specialty shampoos and treatments against split ends and brittle hair. It promotes blood circulation to the facial skin, thus contributing to the stimulation of beard growth. Argan oil also contains a lot of vitamin E and is an optimal moisturizer, helping to soothe dry and itchy skin. It is one of the highest quality and therefore most expensive carrier oils.


                                                    Jojoba Oil

                                                    Jojoba oil is included in both our beard oil and shaving oil. This substance, which may not yet be known to some of you, has the extremely useful property of not being too greasy. Strictly speaking, jojoba oil is not an oil but a liquid wax that brings numerous positive care properties: It works primarily at the hair root, strengthening dry hair from within and making it more resilient. It is even said to have a positive effect on hair loss. Additionally, jojoba oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.



                                                    The oil "squalane," which is currently experiencing a real hype, also features in our beard oil and shaving oil. It is an odorless oil originally derived from sharks. However, it can also be extracted from plants and is then called phytosqualane - we use this to keep the product vegan. Squalane provides a natural protective film for the skin and also improves the distribution of an oil mixture.


                                                    Shea Butter

                                                    Shea butter is an essential component of our beard balm, providing a particularly smoothing and moisturizing effect. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it prevents the signs of early skin aging and contributes to cell regeneration. It also gives the beard balm a creamier consistency than beard oil.


                                                    Aloe Vera

                                                    Aloe vera is an absolute all-rounder that should not be missing from our products. Used in our shaving oil, it is responsible for soothing razor burn and small wounds that occur during shaving, thus preventing unsightly redness, inflammation, and pain.


                                                    How Are Störtebekker Care Products Used?

                                                    Beard Oil

                                                    Beard oil provides a healthy, shiny look to your beard and better hold for the beard hairs in terms of styling. It can be ideally distributed in the beard with the beard comb or the beard brush. You also create the perfect final look of your beard with it.

                                                    Make sure to massage the beard oil really deep into your beard down to the skin - only then can it fully unfold its effect. Remember not to use too much beard oil, as this will make the beard look too greasy. Depending on how full your beard is, a few drops are sufficient.

                                                    Try our great set for beard care. You can find it among all the fantastic beard products in the shop.

                                                    Beard Balm

                                                    Beard balm gives the beard a denser, fuller structure and holds it more firmly in shape than oil. Beard balm is thus the ideal blend of beard oil and pure styling products like beard wax or beard pomade: it provides hold without making the beard sticky. Beard balm is perfect especially for slightly more unruly beard hairs and for men with not-so-dense beard growth.

                                                    The application is as simple as that of beard oil. The thumb tip is ideal for taking a manageable amount of balm. Distribute it evenly in your hands first; then you can ideally massage it into your beard. Mainly by smoothing it from top to bottom with your hands, you bring it into its final form.


                                                    Shaving Oil

                                                    Shaving oil is a great alternative to shaving foam. Due to its very liquid consistency, it allows the razor to glide over the skin with particular smoothness, greatly reducing skin irritations. Should any still occur or small cuts happen - depending on the skin's sensitivity, this is not entirely avoidable - the natural substances contained in the shaving oil can immediately take effect with their soothing and antibacterial properties.

                                                    Additionally, shaving oil has the great advantage of being transparent. Therefore, the areas to be shaved remain visible. Especially when trimming contours, which beard wearers also have to do, it is easier to keep the contour line exact and thus prevent unwanted irregularities in the beard.


                                                    The Packaging - We Care About the Environment

                                                    Of course, it should not be missing that we also place great value on the quality of our packaging - especially with regard to our environment. Therefore, beard oil and shaving oil are contained in recycled glass, which can naturally be returned to the recycling loop after disposal. Especially with shaving oil, this creates a significant ecological advantage over the alternative shaving foam, which is always contained in extremely environmentally unfriendly pressure bottles.


                                                    For our beard balm, we have come up with something special: it consists of "Sulapac" - a completely biodegradable material - allowing us to completely avoid plastic and thus make a significant contribution to sustainability - and you as customers can do so as well!

                                                    Our Fragrance Profiles - Crusoe and Fresh Mint

                                                    Finally, a pleasant scent must not be missing from beard oil, beard balm, and shaving oil. For beard oil and beard balm, we have created our scent "Crusoe". You probably wondered why we chose the island as the cover image. Inspired by the castaway adventurer Robinson Crusoe, the scent is meant to express the Störtebekker philosophy of freedom and self-determination. The ingredients sandalwood and "amber" provide a woody-tart and sweet note for a distinctive masculine scent, with which you exude confidence. This is completed by pleasant fruity citrus notes and sweet vanilla, adding a touch of youthful dynamism.

                                                    We have given our Störtebekker shaving oil the scent "Fresh Mint". Consisting of various mint varieties, it ensures that the skin-soothing and antibacterial effect of the shaving oil is underlined with the perfectly matching fresh aroma.   

                                                    We have also incorporated great scents in our shaving soaps. Take a look at them. Here you can buy shaving soaps. Matching them, you can take a closer look at our range of safety razors - maybe this will find its way into your cart as well.

                                                    Try the new products! We look forward to your feedback :-)

                                                    Do you have any questions? You can reach us anytime through all channels.

                                                    Mehr lesen

                                                    Finally, we have reached the goal of developing both our own beard oil and beard balm. With "Crusoe", they represent the first Störtebekker fragrance profile - many more are planned. Inspired by the shipwrecked sailor Robinson Crusoe, we present a fragrance that embodies the Störtebekker core values of freedom and adventurousness.

                                                    On the occasion of the upcoming launch of both products on Black Friday, we would like to give you an overview of the basics of beard oil and beard balm - and of course, what makes our two new additions to the Störtebekker range so special.

                                                    Beard Oil - Function and Application

                                                    Beard oil does not consist of a single oil as the name might suggest, but of several different oils. On the one hand, there are so-called "carrier oils" such as almond oil or coconut oil, and on the other hand, essential oils that give the whole ensemble a pleasant scent.

                                                    • Beard oil supplies the hair follicles of the beard hairs with important nutrients and vitamins, promoting healthy and stimulated beard growth.
                                                    • Additionally, the carrier oils form a protective layer around the beard hairs, keeping out harmful influences such as fungi and bacteria - and even providing protection from intense sun rays.
                                                    • The moisturizing effect of the beard oil also prevents an itchy beard.

                                                    In terms of styling, the beard oil gives your beard a healthy, shiny look and better hold for the beard hairs. It can be ideally distributed evenly throughout the beard using a beard comb. Additionally, this helps you achieve the desired final look of your beard.

                                                    Expert tip: The beard oil must be thoroughly massaged into the depth of your beard, reaching the skin - only then can it fully exert its effects.

                                                    Remember not to use too much beard oil, as it can make the beard look too greasy. Depending on how full your beard is, a few drops are enough. Experiment to find the right amount.

                                                    For even more beard care, you should try our super set of beard products. Just click on the button in the image.

                                                    The Störtebekker Beard Oil

                                                    For our Störtebekker beard oil, we chose high-quality ingredients for the carrier oils:

                                                    • Argan oil,
                                                    • Jojoba oil,
                                                    • Squalane,
                                                    • Castor oil
                                                    • and almond oil make your beard especially smooth.

                                                    In addition to a fruity citrus note and sweet vanilla, the ingredients sandalwood and "amber" with their woody-spicy note add a significant amount of masculinity.

                                                    Perfectly fitting the sailor theme, the legendary amber was originally obtained from the undigested stomach contents of sperm whales - making them a coveted hunting target for sailors alongside their oil and bones.

                                                    Today, the substance is of course synthetically produced. Thus, our Crusoe beard oil is completely vegan.

                                                    Beard Balm - Function and Application

                                                    Beard balm (often also called beard balsam) is closely related to beard oil. It shares the same nourishing properties as beard oil. In this respect, it is sufficient to choose one of the two products for use. However, many beard wearers swear by using beard oil first and then beard balm for styling.

                                                    Just like beard oil, beard balm consists of different carrier oils. Additionally, it contains more viscous ingredients such as natural waxes or cocoa butter. This is the main difference between the two.

                                                    Beard balm gives the beard a denser, fuller structure and holds it in shape better than oil. Beard balm is thus the ideal mix of beard oil and pure styling products such as beard wax or beard pomade: it gives the beard hold without making it sticky.

                                                    Expert tip: Beard balm is especially suitable for slightly more unruly beard hairs and for men with less dense beard growth.

                                                    The application is as simple as that of beard oil.

                                                    1. The tip of the thumb is ideal for picking up a small amount of the balm.
                                                    2. First, distribute it evenly in your hands; then you can massage it perfectly into your beard.
                                                    3. Mainly by smoothing from top to bottom with your hands, you bring it into its final form.

                                                    The Störtebekker Beard Balm

                                                    For our Störtebekker beard balm, we used shea butter and, just like our beard oil, argan oil, castor oil, and almond oil. The fragrance-giving ingredients are also identical to those of the oil: citrus, vanilla, sandalwood, and amber.

                                                    A small note for pre-beard care: Our shaving soaps are also recommended. We have the shaving soaps for purchase in 4 different scents in the Störtebekker shop.

                                                    Moreover, we have come up with something special for the stylishly designed container of our balm: it is made of "Sulapac", a fully biodegradable material - allowing us to completely avoid plastic and make a contribution to sustainability. Additionally, the Crusoe balm is just as vegan as the beard oil.

                                                    Secure Black Friday Access Now!

                                                    If we have piqued your interest with Crusoe, then sign up now for Black Friday Early Access. This way, you can get the two brand new products before everyone else!

                                                    Mehr lesen

                                                    The beard is a central topic for men.

                                                    No wonder, it is located at the most central point of our body: we all look at people's faces first.

                                                    Many men are dissatisfied with their beard growth, which is why there are countless more or less good tips for men who want to stimulate their beard growth.

                                                    Beard growth

                                                    Accelerating beard growth: What really promotes beard growth?

                                                    How does the beard grow faster? This question is asked by men of all ages. Fortunately, there are some ways to promote your beard growth.

                                                    We advise you to refrain from methods such as taking a chemical beard growth product. Also, a hair transplant is not necessarily necessary if you want to get more beard.

                                                    Letting the beard grow is much easier than you might think. Follow the following tricks and see what they achieve! Feel free to take part in the following quiz and let us recommend you the right products.

                                                    1. Stimulate beard growth: A shaving stop can promote beard growth

                                                    First and foremost, unlike constant shaving, the exact opposite is beneficial for beard growth: All hair on the body have growth cycles.

                                                    Not reaching for the razor for a while gives all beard hairs the opportunity to grow undisturbed.

                                                    If you put a shaving stop in place, you will notice that your beard shadow is becoming an increasingly dense beard.

                                                    During the time you let your beard grow, you also save the effort of shaving - a pleasant side effect.

                                                    After a few weeks, you can see what your beard growth is really capable of. Now you can shape the beard as you wish!

                                                    Feel free to visit our shop in the beard products section.

                                                    There we have great products for your beard. If your shaving stop is over, why not try a safety razor next time you shave.

                                                    2. Get a denser beard: Facial skin care is key

                                                    With the right beard care products, you do your beard hairs and your face a great favor!

                                                    Dry facial skin causes dead skin cells to clog your pores ; and thereby hinder beard hair growth.

                                                    Regular use of a beard comb or brush helps remove old skin cells and give the beard the necessary space to grow!

                                                    If you haven't owned either yet, we recommend checking out the beard brushes and beard comb offerings from Störtebekker.

                                                    Also, a peeling can remove excess skin material and it can also be combined wonderfully with a facial massage .

                                                    This stimulates the blood circulation of the facial skin, which means that the hair root is better supplied with the necessary nutrients responsible for hair growth.

                                                    Expert tip: A facial massage is not only pleasant, it also helps additionally to stimulate your beard growth!

                                                    3. Beard care with oil

                                                    Moisture is crucial for hair growth, and your beard hairs are no exception. beard oil not only ensures sufficient moisture in your beard hairs, it also gives your beard a great shine!

                                                    There are a variety of products and scents on the market. We recommend the beard oil from Störtebekker. Our beard oils are based on natural oils and have different scents.

                                                    If you do not yet know which oil suits you best, why not test a beard set with different scents in small quantities.

                                                    The combination of beard oil, beard comb and beard brush helps to keep the beard in the desired shape.

                                                    If you are unsure which product is right for your beard, feel free to read the Störtebekker blog .

                                                    Expert tip: Do you have long hair on your head? Then, please do not use your head hair care for your beard care! A good hair oil has been designed to deal with the thicker hair on your head - which is why beard hair needs a different oil care.

                                                    4. A balanced diet is the basis for a healthy beard

                                                    What many do not know: Nutrition has a great influence on beard growth. Similar to hair loss on the head - a healthy diet supports your hair health .

                                                    Make sure you are receiving the right nutrients through your food - not just for your beard but for your body overall by eating a healthy and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals .

                                                    A good start is to choose the right food such as meat and fish.

                                                    A balanced diet ensures that the body gets all the nutrients it needs .

                                                    5. To promote beard growth: If all else fails, patience helps

                                                    If your beard is growing very slowly, it can help to keep waiting .

                                                    The good news is that most men are generally in their early twenties and already have a grown beard .

                                                    At the same time , many men begin growing their beard until the age of twenty - five in the mid twenties .

                                                    In addition to the question of age , beard growth is generally in harmony with men more or less problematic .

                                                    That concludes our guide on how to promote your beard growth .

                                                    The contact also offers the opportunity to get in touch with our staff and to get personal advice that will be happy to help you promote your beard growth .

                                                    We wish you good luck and full success with the beard care and growth for Störtebekker!

                                                    Mehr lesen

                                                    Some have a beard growth that is unparalleled by age 19, while others still hope for their first hairs at 30.

                                                    The beard is considered a sign of masculinity.

                                                    In this article, I want to enlighten you about some facts regarding beard growth and density and give you some tips for achieving a thicker beard.

                                                    Man Beard Safety Razor

                                                    Beard Density, Growth, and Age

                                                    Beard growth fundamentally describes the density of the beard, while growth refers to the speed.

                                                    With puberty, hormones start to surge, and facial hair begins to grow.

                                                    However, the journey to a full beard is often still a long one.

                                                    It can be said that the development of beard growth is typically completed by around 25-27 years old, although it can take even longer in individual cases.

                                                    Beard Growth Speed: How fast does the beard grow?

                                                    This question cannot be answered universally.

                                                    The speed of your beard growth depends on various factors and varies from man to man. Typically, beard hair grows between 0.3 and 0.4 millimeters daily, similar to head hair.

                                                    When does the beard grow the strongest?

                                                    For most men, beard growth is strongest between the ages of 18 and 25, so the beard is fully grown by about 25 years old. Giving an exact answer is impossible, as beard growth varies for each individual.

                                                    After the age of 30, beard growth may gradually decrease due to a natural decline in testosterone levels.

                                                    What factors determine your beard growth?

                                                    The development of your beard is primarily linked to hormones. The DHT hormone, which causes hair loss on the head, promotes hair growth on the rest of the body.

                                                    Expert knowledge: In fact, men with hair loss often have more beard growth than men with full hair. DHT is a byproduct of testosterone. Therefore, higher testosterone levels often correlate with increased facial hair.

                                                    Getting a denser beard: These tips can help

                                                    For the most part, your testosterone level is determined by nature, but there are ways to naturally increase it.

                                                    These include,

                                                    • regularly exercising (especially strength training),
                                                    • healthy eating,
                                                    • moderate alcohol consumption and not smoking,
                                                    • maintaining a good level of Vitamin D 3,
                                                    • low stress levels,
                                                    • good sleep.

                                                    In the end, life usually comes down to the same advice. They demand discipline from us, but we all know: Nothing comes from nothing.

                                                    Swallow a pill and shortly after, the beard grows, all without side effects. This is certainly the dream of many men. However, it's not that simple, but there are ways to make the beard flourish where there was none before.

                                                    Alternative ways to a denser beard

                                                    Minoxidil: Studies have shown that Minoxidil stimulates weak hair follicles and can actually positively influence beard density and growth.

                                                    Drawback: the liquid must be massaged into the affected skin daily and can cause skin problems. After discontinuation of the product, the hair may recede.

                                                    Beard Hair Transplant: If nothing else helps, this is the most radical way to a fuller beard. Like scalp hair transplants, hair follicles from other parts of the body are implanted into the skin. Cost: 2000€ - 7000€

                                                    Testosterone Therapy: Exogenously administered testosterone can increase testosterone levels. This is used in men with testosterone deficiency, often associated with depression and low libido.

                                                    Increased testosterone can also stimulate beard growth. The problem is that once external testosterone is administered, the body's own testosterone production shuts down and may never return. In other words, you have to supply testosterone from outside for life.

                                                    Beard Comb Man

                                                    When does fuzz become a beard?

                                                    This is a slowly progressing process that begins as male puberty ends.

                                                    For many adolescents, between the ages of 17 and 19, the fine fuzz gradually becomes a firmer beard. However, it cannot be universally said exactly when fuzz turns into a beard.

                                                    Make the most of what you have

                                                    The methods above may be interesting for some. However, our approach is: make the most of what you have! Is your beard perhaps somewhat irregular or does it have gaps? Then opt for a beard style that suits your beard growth! Use beard oil and a beard comb to make your beard smoother and give it more volume. By the way, our beard comb will be available in a few weeks.

                                                    Aside from that: Tinker with your lifestyle! A healthier life always has a positive impact on body and mind. In addition, care for your beard with our beard products. Feel free to check them out.


                                                    At the end of the day, our "beard potential" was handed down to us by our parents and grandparents. However, you do not necessarily have to accept an irregular beard growth, for there are many ways you can optimize it. Feel free to visit our shop and check out all beard products when it comes to beard care.

                                                    Feel free to check out our safety razors.

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