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Martin is a full-blooded entrepreneur and passionate barbershop-goer. He has deeply immersed himself in the world of shaving and beard care and wants to bring the unique barbershop feeling into every bathroom.


Martin is a full-blooded entrepreneur and passionate barbershop-goer. He has deeply immersed himself in the world of shaving and beard care and wants to bring the unique barbershop feeling into every bathroom.

Are you unhappy with your beard growth? With a few tips and tricks, you can speed up beard growth. Focus primarily on beard care, then on your diet, and be patient. It takes several months, depending on the type of beard you want to grow, for it to become thick.

In the following text, you will not only learn what you need to do to make your beard grow faster but also what to avoid so that your beard growth is not hindered.

beard comb man

Summary of the Key Points

  • If your beard is not growing as you envision, you can speed up beard growth with a few tips and tricks. Even some home remedies can be helpful in achieving a fast-growing and dense beard.

  • Diet, care, and stress impact your beard. Therefore, make sure to maintain daily facial cleansing and include sufficient proteins in your diet.

  • Do not underestimate the time it takes for your beard to become thick—so be patient and understand that it takes months for a beard to become full.

  • There are many ways to wear a beard; choose a beard style that grows quickly and densely. If you have strong beard growth on your chin, consider a goatee or a chin beard. If you have dense growth on your upper lip, you can also wear a mustache.

How fast does beard hair actually grow?

In most men, beard hair grows at a rate of 0.3 to 0.4 millimeters per day. It can therefore take some time for initial stubble to develop into a substantial full beard.

How can a beard grow faster?

Is it possible to accelerate beard growth? Indeed, the beard can grow faster. There are also a few promising beard growth products that are said to make the beard grow quickly.

But you need to be careful: Not all products offered online are truly effective. There are also a few tips and tricks beyond various beard growth products that can help you achieve faster beard growth.

How to Grow a Beard Faster? Tips for Faster Beard Growth

If you've ever wondered how to make your beard grow faster, you've probably looked it up on the internet.

There are indeed some tips and tricks, as well as home remedies, to stimulate beard growth.

1. The Right Diet for Faster Beard Growth

In fact, you can make your beard grow faster by paying attention to your diet. Your meals should be rich in protein. This means eating primarily

  • Poultry,
  • Fish,
  • Eggs, and legumes.

But it's not just proteins that help your beard; vitamins and minerals are also important. Particularly effective are Vitamin C and B vitamins, biotin, and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Expert Tip: Your diet has a significant impact on your beard. It is indeed possible to accelerate beard growth with a healthy and balanced diet. To prevent nutrient deficiencies and stimulate beard growth, some men turn to zinc and similar hair supplements.

2. Regular Care for Faster Beard Growth

Beards need care. Classic beard care products help keep the beard soft and also make it look well-groomed. However, beard care is not the only thing that's important; skin care is also crucial for beard growth.

How can a beard grow faster? The face should be washed with lukewarm water in the morning. After that, you can apply a mild cream.

In the evening, you should also wash your face with warm water and apply cream. You can also use exfoliants—giving your face a scrub once or twice a week stimulates the skin and encourages beard growth.

Additionally, you can use beard oil to prevent the existing hair from becoming split or dull, and to keep the beard healthy.

beard man full beard

3. Stay Patient

If you're looking for tips and tricks on how to grow your beard faster, you should also be aware that a full beard requires some time.

It can take up to 16 weeks for the last areas of gaps in the beard to close. A truly full beard may take up to six months to fully develop.

4. Reduce Stress and Exercise

Stress is a negative factor that not only slows down beard growth but can also affect hair growth on your head. Therefore, try to reduce stress in your daily life and take it easy.

Plenty of sleep and a high testosterone level have a positive impact on promoting beard growth. Testosterone is produced through

  • Exercise,
  • Sunbathing,
  • and sex - three factors that also typically provide relaxation.

Are There Home Remedies for Faster Beard Growth?

A popular home remedy is castor oil. Although there are no scientific studies to support this, there are many positive testimonials.

However, castor oil does not accelerate beard growth, but rather makes the hair appear fuller quickly, giving the beard a denser look.

The beard hair remains soft with castor oil. Additionally, castor oil contains many essential

  • Fatty acids,
  • Proteins,
  • and vitamins to strengthen the hair follicles.

A myth that needs to be dispelled here: Can you make your beard grow faster with toothpaste? No. Those with no beard growth on their cheeks will not see improvement with toothpaste.

Even though the effectiveness of castor oil in relation to beard growth is not scientifically confirmed, castor oil should always be preferred over toothpaste.

What Should I Avoid to Make My Beard Grow Faster?

To make your beard grow faster, you should - as mentioned before - pay attention to your diet and skin care. Neglecting facial care will not contribute to faster beard growth. Stress is also a factor that can negatively impact beard growth.

What Can You Do if Your Beard Isn’t Growing?

  • A Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats can strengthen hair follicles and promote beard growth.

  • Enough Sleep: Adequate sleep is important for your body to regenerate and recover. A well-rested body can positively affect beard growth.

  • Stress Reduction: Chronic stress can impair hair growth. Try to reduce stress by using techniques such as meditation or breathing exercises.

  • Exercise: Exercise can help improve circulation and metabolism, which can positively impact beard growth.

  • Regular Facial Massage: Regular facial massages can promote blood circulation in the face and thus stimulate beard growth.

  • Beard Care with Natural Oils: Certain oils like jojoba oil, argan oil, and castor oil can promote beard growth and make the beard softer and shinier.

  • Use of Beard Care Products: Specialized beard care products such as beard oils, beard waxes, and beard shampoos can promote beard growth and keep the beard healthy.

  • Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol consumption can impair beard growth by reducing blood circulation in the body.

  • Use of Vitamins and Supplements: Certain vitamins such as biotin, vitamin D, and zinc can support beard growth and prevent hair loss.

  • Be Patient: Beard growth is a slow process, and it can take several months for a beard to grow fully. Be patient and consistently apply the above tips to achieve the best results.


There are many factors that influence beard growth. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the topic of beard growth and check if you are making any mistakes that could hinder it.

In the end, you do have an influence on beard growth and can either accelerate it with appropriate actions or achieve the opposite.


How fast does a beard grow in 2 weeks?

The growth rate of the beard varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as age, hormone levels, genetics, and overall health. On average, the beard grows about 0.3 to 0.6 mm per day, which is approximately 1.25 cm per month.

However, it is important to note that beard growth does not occur at the same speed for everyone and there are individual differences. Some men may have a full beard within a few weeks, while others may take months or even years for their beard to grow fully.

How long does it take for the beard to be 10 cm long?

To grow a beard to 10 centimeters, you need patience. Typically, if your beard grows quickly, you will reach this length in about 8 months. But not every beard can reach 10 cm, as growth is influenced by various factors such as genetic predisposition, hormones, diet, and health.

Some men can grow a long and thick beard, while others may only have a thin or sparse beard due to their genes.

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