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Haarentfernung bei Männern

Martin is a passionate entrepreneur and avid barbershop visitor. He has deeply immersed himself in the world of shaving and beard care and wants to bring the unique barbershop feeling into every bathroom.


Martin is a passionate entrepreneur and avid barbershop visitor. He has deeply immersed himself in the world of shaving and beard care and wants to bring the unique barbershop feeling into every bathroom.

Körperpflege ist schon längst kein Frauenthema mehr. Körperhaarentfernung spielt für Männer eine immer wichtigere Rolle, wenn es um die eigene Körperhygiene und die eigene ästhetische Vorstellung geht.

Haarentfernung Mann

Besonders das

  • Entfernen der Brusthaare,

  • die Haarentfernung im Intimbereich

  • und die Rückenenthaarung sind für Männer entscheidende Themen.

Das hat auch die Werbung längst mitbekommen und wirbt mit immer neuen Produkten.

Wir stellen Dir einige beliebte Methoden vor und erklären, was Du zum Thema Enthaarung für Männer wissen musst.

Gründe für die Haarentfernung beim Mann

Die Gründe für eine Haarentfernung bei Männern sind zumeist ästhetischer Natur.

Eine haarfreie, glatte Brust oder ein Rücken, auf dem kein Urwald sprießt, sehen gepflegter und schöner aus. Bei Frauen kommen Männer mit wenig Körperhaaren zudem oft besser an.

Viele, vor allem sportlich aktive Männer, setzen zudem aus hygienischen Gründen auf eine dauerhafte Herren-Haarentfernung, denn wenn sich Schweiß in Körperhaaren festsetzt, kann es schnell zu einem unangenehmen Geruch kommen.

Wer wirklich sehr viel Sport macht, den können Körperhaare beim Training zudem stören - sie reiben und schubbern an der Sportkleidung und reizen dadurch die Haut.

Welche Möglichkeiten zur Haarentfernung bei Männern gibt es?

For a smooth chest, back, or intimate area, there are several methods for hair removal.

Which one you prefer is a matter of taste and also a question of pain tolerance. Some of these options can be quite uncomfortable depending on the body area.

Shaving for Hair Removal: Fast and Painless

The most classic method for hair removal is shaving. Ideally done as a wet shave,

  • with a safety razor
  • or a straight razor,

hair can be cleanly shaved off in the shower with some shaving soap or - foam.

  1. Moisten the hair and skin with water

  2. and then apply foamed shaving soap to the relevant areas.

  3. Let the shaving soap sit for a while until the hair is soft

  4. and can be shaved smoothly against the hair growth direction with a sharp razor.


  • The skin is clean and smoothly shaved.

  • With a good shaving tool, you can also reach and remove hairs from more difficult areas.

  • The method is painless.


  • The hair grows back relatively quickly, and you need to shave every few days.

  • There are often small stubbles left behind that appear dark under the skin.

  • There is a risk of small cuts and skin irritation after shaving.

Cost Comparison Razor

Hair Removal with an Epilator

Epilating is becoming increasingly popular among men. There are now hair removal devices specifically made for men. They allow you to remove the hair along with its roots.

Most epilators are very handy and can be easily glided over the areas to be depilated. These devices usually have a light to help find any remaining hairs more easily.

However, epilating can be uncomfortable at first. Since the hair is removed along with the root, it can be quite painful and uncomfortable. Over time, however, the skin gets used to it.


  • Since the hair is removed along with the root, it takes longer for the hair to grow back and you need to repeat the procedure less often.

  • The result is very smooth skin without small hair stubs showing through, which are typically left under the skin with regular shaving.

  • You can epilate both wet in the shower and dry (with baby powder).


  • The procedure is painful and can irritate the skin, especially initially.

  • This method is not ideal for very sensitive areas in the intimate region.

  • Depending on how many body areas need to be epilated, the process can be relatively time-consuming - you should plan around an hour for it.

Hair Removal Wax for Men

Hair removal with wax is quite popular among men as it is quick and allows for the removal of a relatively large body area in a short time.

This is especially advantageous for the chest or back. Hair removal wax for men comes either in jars or as hair removal strips. 

  1. Apply these to the relevant skin areas,

  2. press them down firmly

  3. and then quickly

  4. and in one go, pull off.

It is quite painful, but over within a few seconds, and you have a larger area hair-free at once. However, pulling it off yourself requires some determination.


  • The method allows you to remove large areas of hair in one go.

  • The hair removal process is quick.

  • Since the hair is pulled out along with the root, the result is very smooth.


  • Extremely painful.

  • You need to master the technique and pull with real force and speed to achieve a satisfactory result.

  • This method is not suitable for very sensitive body areas. There is a risk of skin irritation and redness.

Cost Comparison Razor

Sugaring for Hair Removal in Men

With sugaring, a sticky sugar paste (available in jars) is applied to the skin with a spatula. By peeling it off afterward, the hairs are removed along with their roots.

This method is generally a bit gentler than waxing and has a centuries-old tradition. In the Orient, women have been removing their hair this way for many hundreds of years.

Due to the relatively skin-friendly procedure, it is also suitable for sensitive areas like the face or intimate areas.


  • The components of the paste have a skin-care element, so skin irritations are less common.

  • The hairs are removed with their roots, resulting in a very smooth finish.

  • Also suitable for larger body areas, as well as the face and intimate areas.


  • The method is quite painful.

  • You need to become somewhat familiar with the technique for it to work.

  • The procedure is time-consuming, as you can only remove small areas step by step.

Permanent Hair Removal with Laser

Many men are now opting for hair removal with a laser. Most cosmetic studios now offer laser hair removal specifically for men and their “problem areas” like the back or chest.

There are also laser devices for home use available for purchase. Since lasers destroy the hair follicle, the hairs stay away for a very long time or even permanently after such a treatment.


  • The hairs are permanently removed.

  • The result is very smooth and precise.

  • Laser hair removal is suitable for all body areas and skin types.


  • The procedure is painful and can lead to skin irritation and skin redness.

  • The treatment in a cosmetic studio is relatively expensive.

  • The procedure is very time-consuming.

Creams and Other Hair Removal Products for Men

In the drugstore, there are also various hair removal products for men - from hair removal sprays for men to men's hair removal creams.

These products are applied similarly:

  1. They are applied to the areas to be depilated.

  2. They work for a while.

  3. The active ingredients in the product make the hairs so soft that they can then be easily “scraped off” along with the product residue.


  • Completely pain-free.

  • The application is quick and easy.

  • The method is also suitable for larger skin areas.


  • The hair follicle remains, so the hairs grow back quickly.

  • The products contain many chemical and artificial additives that are not good for the body or the environment.

  • The additives can cause allergies and skin irritation.


Which hair removal option you choose depends on how much you are willing to endure and, of course, how many body areas are heavily covered with hair.

Here you need to decide what makes the most sense for you personally and how thorough and permanent the result should be. 

If the options presented, apart from shaving, aren't suitable for you, check out our shaving products for purchase.


How much does hair removal for men cost?

The cost of hair removal for men depends on which and how many areas need to be treated. Most cosmetic studios have fixed prices, divided by different body regions.

For example, the abdomen and chest usually cost around 100 euros, while legs and back often amount to 200 euros or more.

How long does hair removal for men take?

Laser hair removal takes between 10 minutes and half an hour, depending on the body area.

Large areas like the back can be treated with modern laser devices in 10 to 15 minutes. More complex areas like the neck or intimate area take longer.

How often do men need to repeat hair removal?

Laser hair removal typically needs to be repeated about 6 to 8 times until the follicle can no longer support hair growth. But it is worth it. About 85% of all hairs can be permanently removed with this method.

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