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Annual Summary and Outlook for 2023

Annual Summary and Outlook for 2023

Another year is behind us. Just as the pandemic was over, the war in Ukraine at the beginning of 2022 brought the next crisis with strong impacts on our daily lives: inflation and rising heating and fuel costs make our lives more uncomfortable. 

Especially in these difficult times, when stress levels can also increase, it is all the more important to take time for yourself, e.g., with a high-quality barbershop visit, an extensive shaving and beard care session in your own bathroom, or best of all, both 😊 

You have followed through, as even in 2022, we were able to bring new products to the market, continue to grow, and double our sales. A huge thank you goes primarily to you and every Störtebekker customer who uses, gifts, and recommends our products!! 

Further thanks go to all Störtebekker employees and partners, without whom the Störtebekker journey would not be possible and who make daily work with Störtebekker so much fun!
Customers, team members, partners: as a united Störtebekker crew, we will tackle 2023, which will certainly not be an easier year, with full motivation and make it a successful year! More on this below.

What happened at Störtebekker in 2022?

How does the Störtebekker journey continue this year?


In this sense, I look forward to sailing through the new year with the Störtebekker crew and successfully mastering all the challenges and adventures we take on and that come our way! 💪🏼

Best regards and thank you for your support
Martin, founder of Störtebekker


Hallo Störtebekker-team, viel Erfolg bei eurer Unternehmung im Jahr 2023. Wie schon geschrieben, macht euch einen Namen mit einem Produkt (“Flaggschiff”) und macht es zum Inbegriff eurer Marke, so wie das “LOC” (ALLES-reiniger) von der Firma Amway. Wenn der aktuelle Trend, Männer tragen Bart, wieder nachlässt, solltet ihr DIE Online-plattform sein, die man aufsucht, wenn es um das Thema: Bartpflege und Onlinekauf geht. Vielleicht geht ihr mal auf eurer Website auf und insbesondere maritime, historische Bartträger ein. Oder kreiert ein maritim duftendes Bartöl neben dem orientalisch anmutenden. Beste Grüße aus Leipzig


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