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Die Nassrasur ist seit Jahrhunderten eine der effektivsten und gründlichsten Methoden, um unerwünschte Haare zu entfernen. Während der Rasierhobel traditionell vor allem bei Männern bekannt ist, entdecken immer mehr Frauen die Vorteile dieses klassischen Rasierwerkzeugs.

Der Rasierhobel bietet nicht nur eine gründliche und sanfte Rasur, sondern ist auch eine umweltfreundliche und nachhaltige Alternative zu herkömmlichen Einweg-Rasierern. 

In diesem Artikel erklären wir, warum der Rasierhobel für Frauen eine ausgezeichnete Wahl ist und wie du ihn optimal in deine Pflegeroutine integrieren kannst.

Warum sollten Frauen einen Rasierhobel verwenden?

Die Rasur ist für viele Frauen ein regelmäßiges Pflegeritual. Doch während viele zu Einwegrasierern greifen, wird der Rasierhobel immer beliebter – und das aus gutem Grund. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Vorteile, warum du einen Rasierhobel wie den von Störtebekker in Betracht ziehen solltest:

1. Gründliche und sanfte Rasur

Der Rasierhobel ist für seine extrem gründliche Rasur bekannt. Die scharfe Klinge gleitet sanft über die Haut und entfernt die Haare direkt an der Oberfläche. Das Ergebnis ist eine 

🪒 glatte und langanhaltende Rasur, 

🪒 die weniger Irritationen verursacht. 

Besonders für empfindliche Haut oder Körperpartien wie die Beine, Achseln oder die Bikinizone ist der Rasierhobel ideal, da er präziser arbeitet als viele Mehrklingenrasierer.

2. Weniger Hautirritationen und Rasurbrand

Viele herkömmliche Rasierer haben mehrere Klingen, die mehrmals über die gleiche Hautstelle gleiten. Dies kann zu 

Beim Rasierhobel hingegen kommt nur eine Klinge zum Einsatz, was die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Hautreizungen erheblich verringert. Besonders für Frauen mit empfindlicher Haut ist das ein entscheidender Vorteil.

3. Nachhaltigkeit und Umweltfreundlichkeit

Ein großer Pluspunkt des Rasierhobels ist seine Umweltfreundlichkeit. Im Gegensatz zu Einwegrasierern, die nach wenigen Anwendungen im Müll landen, besteht der Rasierhobel aus langlebigen Materialien wie Metall. Die einzigen Komponenten, die regelmäßig ausgetauscht werden müssen, sind die Rasierklingen

Diese sind im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Rasierköpfen nicht nur günstiger, sondern auch einfacher zu recyceln, da sie meist aus Edelstahl bestehen. Mit einem Rasierhobel entscheidest du dich also für eine nachhaltige und umweltschonende Alternative.

4. Kostenersparnis

Während die Anschaffung eines hochwertigen Rasierhobels wie dem von Störtebekker zunächst teurer erscheinen mag, amortisiert sich die Investition schnell.

Die Rasierklingen sind wesentlich günstiger als Ersatzköpfe für herkömmliche Rasierer, und da sie oft länger halten, sparst du langfristig sowohl Geld als auch Verpackungsmüll.

Der richtige Rasierhobel für Frauen – Was macht den Unterschied?

Nicht jeder Rasierhobel ist gleich. Insbesondere bei der Wahl eines Rasierhobels für Frauen gibt es einige wichtige Aspekte zu beachten. Der Rasierhobel von Störtebekker wurde speziell entwickelt, um eine 

  • komfortable, 
  • sichere 
  • und gründliche Rasur zu ermöglichen. 

Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Merkmale, die den Rasierhobel von Störtebekker auszeichnen:

Ergonomisches Design

Frauen rasieren oft größere Hautflächen wie Beine oder Arme. Daher ist es wichtig, dass der Rasierhobel gut in der Hand liegt und ein ergonomisches Design bietet, das eine präzise und angenehme Rasur ermöglicht.

🪒 Expertenhinweis: Der Störtebekker Rasierhobel ist dafür optimal ausbalanciert und besitzt einen griffigen Griff, der auch in nassen Händen sicheren Halt bietet.

Hochwertige Materialien

Der Rasierhobel von Störtebekker besteht aus langlebigen und robusten Materialien wie Edelstahl und Messing. Diese sorgen nicht nur für eine lange Lebensdauer, sondern machen den Hobel auch widerstandsfähig gegenüber Feuchtigkeit – ideal für den Einsatz in der Dusche oder Badewanne.

Leichte Handhabung

Die Benutzung eines Rasierhobels mag auf den ersten Blick komplizierter erscheinen, doch mit ein wenig Übung wirst du schnell feststellen, dass er kinderleicht zu handhaben ist. 

Der Störtebekker Rasierhobel ist so konstruiert, dass er sich leicht öffnen lässt, um die Klinge zu wechseln, und das Rasieren selbst wird dank des angenehmen Griffs und der scharfen Klinge zur mühelosen Routine.

Anleitung: So rasierst du dich mit einem Rasierhobel

Falls du noch nie einen Rasierhobel benutzt hast, mag die Umstellung von einem herkömmlichen Rasierer auf den Hobel zunächst ungewohnt sein. Doch mit den richtigen Schritten wird die Nassrasur zu einem sanften und angenehmen Erlebnis. 

Hier eine einfache Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung:

1. Vorbereitung der Haut

Eine gute Rasur beginnt mit der richtigen Vorbereitung. Feuchte deine Haut gründlich an – am besten funktioniert die Rasur, wenn die Haut warm ist, etwa nach einer Dusche oder einem Bad. Verwende anschließend ein Rasiergel, Rasierseife, einen Rasierschaum oder Rasiergel, um die Haare weich zu machen und die Klinge sanft über die Haut gleiten zu lassen.

2. Die richtige Technik

Halte den Rasierhobel in einem Winkel von etwa 30 Grad zur Haut. Drücke nicht zu fest auf – der Rasierhobel erledigt die Arbeit für dich! Gleite mit kurzen, sanften Zügen über die Haut und lass die Schwerkraft und die Schärfe der Klinge die Haare entfernen. Vermeide es, mehrfach über die gleiche Stelle zu rasieren, um Hautirritationen zu vermeiden.

3. Klinge regelmäßig reinigen

Spüle den Rasierhobel während der Rasur regelmäßig unter warmem Wasser ab, um Haarreste und Rasierschaum zu entfernen. So bleibt die Klinge scharf und effektiv.

4. Nach der Rasur

Nach der Rasur solltest du deine Haut gründlich abspülen und abtrocknen. Ein beruhigendes Aftershave-Balsam oder eine feuchtigkeitsspendende Lotion hilft, die Haut zu pflegen und sie nach der Rasur mit Feuchtigkeit zu versorgen.

5. Klingenwechsel

Wechsle die Klinge regelmäßig, um eine gründliche Rasur und ein angenehmes Hautgefühl zu gewährleisten. Wie oft du die Klinge wechseln solltest, hängt davon ab, wie häufig du dich rasierst und wie dick deine Haare sind. In der Regel ist ein Wechsel nach fünf bis zehn Rasuren ideal.

Fazit: Nachhaltigkeit und Eleganz für deine Rasur

Der Rasierhobel ist längst nicht mehr nur ein Werkzeug für Männer. Immer mehr Frauen entdecken die Vorteile dieses klassischen Rasierwerkzeugs für sich. Mit einem Rasierhobel wie dem von Störtebekker entscheidest du dich für eine umweltfreundliche, kostensparende und gründliche Rasur, die nicht nur deine Haut schont, sondern auch einen Hauch von Luxus in deine Pflegeroutine bringt. 

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer nachhaltigen und effektiven Alternative zu herkömmlichen Rasierern bist, ist der Rasierhobel eine hervorragende Wahl – für eine sanfte, glatte Haut und ein Rasiererlebnis, das in jeder Hinsicht überzeugt.

Hier noch ein paar Beiträge für Dich, die sich mit dem Thema Rasur beschäftigen:

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When it comes to the perfect beard care equipment in your own bathroom, opinions often differ.

While some are satisfied with just using a trimmer once a week to quickly go over their beard hairs, others prefer detailed work with scissors. But which is better? And what do I need for which type of beard?

As always, it depends on the beard style and what you plan to do with it.

combing beard

Beard Trimmer in Detail

The beard trimmer, as its name suggests, is designed to clean and evenly trim your beard to a specific length. A good trimmer is therefore highly adjustable and can be set precisely and stably to any millimeter height, allowing you to achieve every beard style from a three-day beard to gradually tapered beard transitions with short beard hairs, where contours and fine-tuning are important.

With the right attachment, you can also shave smoothly with the beard trimmer.

A good beard trimmer should be comfortable to hold and precise in trimming delicate edges.

The Pros and Cons of a Beard Trimmer

Of course, the beard trimmer is not the right tool for every beard style. Its advantages outweigh depending on the beard style you want on your face.


  • The beard hair can be precisely and uniformly trimmed to the same length. This is especially ideal for three-day beards and very short beards, as they look well-groomed and uniform, without varying lengths of stubble sticking out in all directions.
  • The trimmer is the ideal tool for defining contours or creating gradual transitions. You can use the trimmer to work fine connecting lines and create beard styles like anchor beards, Henriquatres, soul patches, or mutton chops.
  • For irregular beard growth, you can trim blending steps with the trimmer.
  • The trimmer is very flexible in use - whether you want a beard style or a smooth shave, it is your friend.


  • If the beard hair gets too long, the trimmer is no longer ideal. It carries the risk of tangling long hairs and making them curly.
  • When you shave completely with the trimmer, the result will never be as smooth as with a regular razor or razor blade.
  • Beard hairs longer than 15mm can get caught in the trimmer, which can cause pulling and discomfort.

The Art of Beard Care with Scissors

The beard scissors are a classic in beard care. Most men have a pair at home.

However, you should ensure that it is always well-sharpened. Otherwise, it can cause split ends and frizzy beard hair when cutting. Also, make sure that the scissors fit comfortably and securely in your hand and are made of stainless steel—just like ours from Störtebekker. Only then do you have a tool for eternity.

Because rust and safe hair cutting do not go well together. We also paid attention to a micro-serrated edge—this prevents the hair from slipping during cutting.

The Pros and Cons of Beard Scissors

Whether a beard scissors is the right tool for you also depends on your individual beard style.

Generally, beard scissors make the most sense for full beards, longer beards, mustaches, etc. However, it can also be advantageous to have a pair at home for short beards, as there is always a stray hair that was missed during shaving or is particularly stubborn. This can be easily corrected with beard scissors.


  • The beard scissors are ideal for longer beard hair. The hair can be cut smoothly without curling or splitting afterward.
  • With beard scissors, you can easily correct any beard style after the fact, making them a correction tool for almost every beard wearer.
  • Beard scissors allow you to perform fine work. While the trimmer goes over the entire area, you can work with the scissors in a much more detailed manner.
  • A good pair of beard scissors can also be used for head hair, offering dual use.


  • Short beard styles are not really suitable for cutting with scissors.
  • You cannot draw lines or contours with the scissors.
  • The scissors are not adjustable. Therefore, how uniform the beard style becomes depends entirely on your skill.

beard towel

Beard Trimmer or Beard Scissors: Which is Better?

What makes more sense for you, trimmer or scissors, depends entirely on the beard style you wear.

The trimmer is ideal for shorter beard hairs, is practical, and cutting with it is quick.

It gives you flexibility and allows you to create different beard styles or simply shave smoothly. Scissors, on the other hand, are suitable for longer beard hair from about 15 mm.

With scissors, you can work in much more detail and also correct areas with short beard hair where you find a stray hair. Therefore, scissors should be a staple in every beard household.

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Soap residue and limescale can affect the appearance of your bathroom and are often stubborn foes when it comes to cleanliness. Especially on tiles and in the shower, they can accumulate and be difficult to remove.

But don’t worry, there are effective methods to remove stubborn soap residue from tiles and make your shower shine again.

In this guide, we provide you with tips and tricks on how to remove soap residue and transform your bathroom into a radiant and inviting space.

Dishwasher Tablets for Removing Soap Residue

A effective method for removing soap residue is the use of dishwasher tablets.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use this method:

  1. Fill an empty spray bottle with water and add a dishwasher tablet.

  2. Wait until it has completely dissolved, then spray the affected areas.

  3. Let it sit for 10 to 20 minutes before removing the soap residue with a damp sponge.

  4. Rinse thoroughly with cold water.

This method is particularly effective for stubborn soap residues and can be used on most surfaces.

Pumice Stone for Soap Residue

For particularly stubborn soap residue, a pumice stone may be the solution. However, make sure to lightly moisten both the surface to be cleaned and the stone beforehand. When removing soap residue, always work in small areas to avoid damage.

Expert Tip: After using the pumice stone, thoroughly rinse the tiles with water and dry them with a cotton cloth.

Vinegar as a Home Remedy for Soap Residue

Vinegar is a proven home remedy for removing soap residue.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you:

  1. Mix equal parts of vinegar and dish soap in a bowl and then apply the mixture to the soap residue with a sponge.

  2. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then scrub the soap residue off.

  3. Rinse with clear water. On glass surfaces, you can follow up with a glass cleaner if needed.

Clean Tiles with a Cleaning Sponge

A special cleaning sponge can also help remove soap residue. Moisten the sponge and rub it over the affected areas.

With some pressure and circular motions, most soap residue can be removed. Rinse the tiles thoroughly afterwards and dry them with a clean cloth.

Citric Acid and Dish Soap

A mixture of citric acid and dish soap can also be helpful for removing soap residue.

Mix some citric acid and dish soap in a small bowl. Apply the solution generously to the dirty areas in the sink and shower. Let the soap residue soak briefly to make it easier to remove.

Then use a damp sponge to clean the surfaces with the foaming mixture from the soap residue. Rinse the remaining cleaning agent thoroughly with clear water.

Steam Cleaner as a Secret Weapon Against Limescale and Soap Residue

A steam cleaner can be an effective method for removing soap residue. The hot steam dissolves the soap residue, making it easy to remove.

After using the steam cleaner, tiles should be thoroughly rinsed and dried.

Expert Tip: If you don't own a steam cleaner, you can rent a device at a hardware store or drugstore.

How Can I Prevent Soap Residue?

  • Regular Rinsing: Rinse all surfaces with cold water after showering or bathing. This removes soap residue immediately before it can settle.

  • Wiping Surfaces: Use a shower squeegee to wipe the surfaces after showering or bathing. This prevents soap residue from settling and drying.

  • Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning of the bathroom helps avoid soap residue. The more often you clean, the less time soap residue has to settle.

  • Using Soap-Free Cleaners: There are special soap-free cleaners that leave less residue. These can be a good option if you frequently struggle with soap residue.

  • Regular Replacement of Cleaning Tools: Old sponges or brushes can hold soap residue and redistribute it with each use. By regularly replacing these tools, you can reduce the buildup of soap residue.

With these tips, you can ensure that you use soap without residue in the sink and shower. This will keep your bathroom cleaner and more inviting for longer.


Removing soap residue and limescale can be a hassle, but with the right tips and tricks, your bathroom will shine again. Whether you use dishwasher tablets, pumice stone, vinegar or a steam cleaner, the most important thing is to find a method that works for you.

And don’t forget to take preventive measures to minimize the formation of soap residue from the start. For fresh barbershop moments in your own home.

If you've ever wondered whether liquid or bar soap is better,

you can find plenty of information in our guide on: Liquid Soap or Bar Soap: Which is Better?


Why does soap make the sink look dull?

Soap can make the sink look dull because it leaves behind residues that settle on the surface.

These residues, often referred to as soap scum, consist of minerals from the water and the ingredients of the soap. When they dry together, they can leave a dull, often chalky film on the sink.

How do you remove soap scum?

Soap scum is a substance that forms when the fatty acids in the soap react with the minerals in hard water. It can settle as a slippery film on surfaces and is often difficult to remove.

To remove soap scum, you can use vinegar or citric acid, as these acids can dissolve the mineral deposits. Apply the acid to the affected area, let it sit, and then rinse it thoroughly.

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A bald head - a symbol of masculinity and strength, but also a statement of confidence and freedom. Just like a well-groomed beard, a shiny bald head requires attention and care.

Whether you're polishing your bald head to emphasize your style or have adjusted to natural hair loss, it doesn’t matter.

Caring for your bald head is an important aspect that should not be neglected. In this guide, we will show you how to care for your bald head to keep it in the best condition.

We provide a step-by-step guide and five professional tips to make your bald head care comfortable and effective.

Why is bald head care so important?

Having a bald head doesn’t mean you can neglect the care of your scalp. On the contrary! A bald head requires even special care.

The skin on your head is just as sensitive as the skin on your face and can be quickly affected by environmental factors like sun, wind, and cold.

Therefore, it is important to protect and care for your scalp. A well-cared-for bald head not only looks better but also feels better and helps you feel confident and comfortable in your skin.

How do I best care for my bald head?

The right bald head care can be a challenge, especially if you are new to the world of baldness.

But don’t worry, we have put together a simple step-by-step guide to help you keep your bald head in top shape:

  • Preparation: Before you start caring for your bald head, make sure that your scalp is clean and free of dirt and oil. A thorough cleaning with a mild shampoo or facial cleanser is the first step to a well-groomed bald head.
  • Rasieren: Wenn Du Deine Glatze rasierst, verwende einen Rasierer mit austauschbaren Rasierklingen. Fahre mit dem Rasierer langsam aber dafür sanft mit wenig Druck in Richtung Kopfmitte. Beginne an der Stirn und führe den Rasierer nach hinten, dann von den Seiten und vom Nacken nach oben.

    Für ein optimales Rasurergebnis empfehlen wir die Verwendung einer hochwertigen Rasierseife. Sie bereitet die Haut optimal auf die Rasur vor und sorgt für eine sanfte, gründliche Rasur.
  • Feuchtigkeitspflege: Nach der Rasur ist es wichtig, die Kopfhaut mit einer Feuchtigkeitscreme zu pflegen. Da Haare die Kopfhaut vor Umwelteinflüssen wie trockener Luft oder Sonnenstrahlung schützen, musst Du diese Aufgabe übernehmen, wenn Du eine Glatze hast.
    Eine tägliche Feuchtigkeitspflege hilft, die Widerstandskraft Deiner Haut zu stärken.
  • UV-Schutz für die Glatze gegen Sonnenbrand: Eine Glatze ist besonders anfällig für Sonnenbrand, da die Kopfhaut direkt der Sonne ausgesetzt ist. Daher ist es wichtig, immer einen Sonnenschutz mit hohem Lichtschutzfaktor zu verwenden, wenn Du draußen bist.

    Du solltest auch daran denken, eine Kopfbedeckung zu tragen, wenn Du längere Zeit in der Sonne verbringst, um Deine Kopfhaut zusätzlich zu schützen.
  • Regelmäßige Kontrolle: Es ist wichtig, Deine Kopfhaut regelmäßig auf mögliche Hautveränderungen zu untersuchen. Ein Dermatologe kann dabei helfen, mögliche Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen.
Mit diesen Schritten kannst Du sicherstellen, dass Deine Glatze immer gut gepflegt aussieht und sich auch so anfühlt. Denke daran, dass die Pflege Deiner Glatze genauso wichtig ist wie die Pflege Deiner Haut und Deines Bartes.

Mit der richtigen Pflege kannst Du Deine Glatze stolz tragen und Dein Selbstbewusstsein stärken.

5 Tipps für die Pflege deiner Glatze

Eine glänzende, gut gepflegte Glatze kann ein echtes Statement sein.

Aber wie bei jeder Hautpflege, gibt es auch bei der Glatzenpflege einige Dinge zu beachten.
Hier sind fünf Tipps, die Dir helfen, Deine Glatze in Topform zu halten und gängige Probleme zu vermeiden.

  1. Trockene Kopfhaut pflegen: Trockene Kopfhaut kann besonders bei einer Glatze unangenehm sein. Wenn Du bemerkst, dass Deine Kopfhaut trocken ist und juckt, solltest Du eine Feuchtigkeitscreme oder ein spezielles Produkt für trockene Kopfhaut verwenden.

    Achte darauf, dass das Produkt nicht zu fettig ist und schnell einzieht, um ein glänzendes Aussehen zu vermeiden. Bei einer Glatze mit trockener Kopfhaut kann auch eine sanfte Massage mit feuchtigkeitsspendendem Öl helfen.
  2. Fettige Kopfhaut pflegen: Eine fettige Kopfhaut kann bei einer Glatze zu einem glänzenden Aussehen führen, das viele Menschen als unangenehm empfinden.

    Um eine fettige Kopfhaut bei einer Glatze zu pflegen, solltest Du ein mildes Shampoo oder einen speziellen Reiniger verwenden, der überschüssiges Öl entfernt, ohne die Kopfhaut auszutrocknen. 
    Es kann auch hilfreich sein, die Kopfhaut regelmäßig mit einem sanften Peeling zu reinigen, um verstopfte Poren zu vermeiden.
  3. Schuppen auf der Glatze behandeln: Schuppen können auf einer Glatze besonders auffällig sein. Wenn Du bemerkst, dass Du Schuppen hast, solltest Du ein spezielles Shampoo oder eine Behandlung verwenden, die speziell zur Bekämpfung von Schuppen entwickelt wurde.

    Es kann auch hilfreich sein, die Kopfhaut regelmäßig zu massieren, um die Durchblutung zu fördern und die Gesundheit der Kopfhaut zu verbessern.
  4. Regelmäßiges Glatzen-Peeling gegen verstopfte Poren: Eine regelmäßige Peeling-Routine kann dazu beitragen, verstopfte Poren auf der Kopfhaut zu vermeiden und die Haut glatt und gesund zu halten.

    Du kannst ein sanftes Gesichtspeeling verwenden oder ein spezielles Peeling für die Kopfhaut. Achte darauf, das Peeling sanft in kreisenden Bewegungen aufzutragen und es gründlich abzuspülen, um alle Peeling-Partikel zu entfernen.
  5. Die richtige Ernährung pflegt die Haut: Eine gesunde Ernährung spielt eine wichtige Rolle für die Gesundheit Deiner Haut.

    Versuche, eine ausgewogene Ernährung mit viel frischem Obst und Gemüse, Vollkornprodukten und gesunden Fetten zu essen. Diese Lebensmittel liefern wichtige Nährstoffe, die Deine Haut und auch Deine Kopfhaut gesund und strahlend aussehen lassen.

Welche Produkte eignen sich zur Glatzenpflege?

Sie sind der erste Schritt zu einer gut gepflegten Glatze.

  • Mildes Shampoo oder Gesichtsreiniger: Diese Produkte helfen, die Kopfhaut sauber und frei von Schmutz und Öl zu halten.
  • Rasierer mit austauschbaren Klingen: Ein guter Rasierer ist unerlässlich für die Pflege einer Glatze. Er sollte leicht zu handhaben sein und über austauschbare Rasierklingen verfügen, wie zum Beispiel unser Rasierhobel oder unser Rasiermesser, um immer ein optimales Rasurergebnis zu erzielen.
  • Rasierseife: Eine hochwertige Rasierseife wie die von Störtebeker bereitet die Haut optimal auf die Rasur vor und sorgt für eine sanfte, gründliche Rasur.
  • Feuchtigkeitscreme: Nach der Rasur ist es wichtig, die Kopfhaut mit einer Feuchtigkeitscreme zu pflegen.

    Sie hilft, die Widerstandskraft der Haut zu stärken und hält die Kopfhaut geschmeidig.
  • Sonnenschutzcreme mit hohem Lichtschutzfaktor: Wie oben erwähnt, ist eine Glatze besonders anfällig für Sonnenbrand. Daher ist es wichtig, die Kopfhaut mit einer Sonnencreme zu schützen, die einen hohen Lichtschutzfaktor bietet.
  • Spezielle Glatzenpflegeprodukte: Es gibt auch spezielle Produkte zur Glatzenpflege auf dem Markt, die auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse kahlköpfiger Menschen abgestimmt sind. 

    Sie können helfen, die Kopfhaut gesund zu halten und das Aussehen der Glatze zu verbessern.

Wie oft sollte ich meine Glatze pflegen?

Die Häufigkeit der Glatzenpflege hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, darunter Dein Hauttyp und Deine persönlichen Vorlieben. Im Allgemeinen ist es jedoch eine gute Idee, Deine Glatze täglich zu pflegen. Eine tägliche Reinigung mit einem milden Shampoo oder Gesichtsreiniger hilft, die Kopfhaut sauber und gesund zu halten.

Wenn Du Deine Glatze rasierst, solltest Du dies je nach Haarwuchs alle ein bis drei Tage tun. 

Die Verwendung einer Feuchtigkeitscreme nach der Rasur kann dazu beitragen, die Haut weich und geschmeidig zu halten. Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, Deine Kopfhaut täglich mit einer Sonnencreme zu schützen, insbesondere wenn Du viel Zeit im Freien verbringst.

Schließlich solltest Du Deine Kopfhaut regelmäßig auf mögliche Hautveränderungen untersuchen. 
Bei Bedenken oder Unklarheiten ist es immer eine gute Idee, einen Dermatologen zu konsultieren.


Die Pflege einer Glatze mag auf den ersten Blick kompliziert erscheinen, aber mit den richtigen Produkten und einer passenden Pflegeroutine kann sie zu einem einfachen Teil Deines Tages werden.

Denke daran, dass eine gut gepflegte Glatze nicht nur gut aussieht, sondern auch ein Zeichen von Selbstbewusstsein und Stil sein kann.

Egal, ob Du Dich selbst für eine Glatze entschieden hast oder ob die Natur diese Entscheidung für Dich getroffen hat, trage Deine Glatze mit Stolz und sorge gut für sie. Denn eine Glatze ist mehr als nur eine Frisur - sie ist immer im Trend und kann sogar zu Deinem Markenzeichen werden.


Ist eine Glatze im Trend?

Ja, die Glatze ist definitiv im Trend. In den letzten Jahren haben viele prominente Persönlichkeiten, darunter Schauspieler, Sportler und Musiker, die Glatze als Zeichen von Stil und Selbstbewusstsein übernommen. Darüber hinaus wird die Glatze oft mit Männlichkeit und Stärke assoziiert, was sie zu einer attraktiven Option für viele Männer macht.

Steht jedem eine Glatze?

Ob eine Glatze gut aussieht oder nicht, hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, darunter die Kopfform und das persönliche Stilempfinden. Einige Menschen finden, dass eine Glatze ihr Gesicht betont und ihre besten Merkmale hervorhebt, während andere es vorziehen, Haare zu haben. Insbesondere bei ovalen Gesichtsformen wird oft bemerkt, dass eine Glatze besonders vorteilhaft wirkt.

Letztendlich bleibt es jedoch eine persönliche Entscheidung und eine Frage des eigenen Geschmacks, ob einem eine Glatze gefällt oder nicht.

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Do you have severe skin redness after shaving? Are pimples repeatedly appearing? These could be the first signs of an allergic reaction. You might now be wondering which ingredients in the shaving foam could be responsible for these symptoms.

Because you can't be allergic to shaving itself, but rather to ingredients contained in the respective shaving products. You will find out what symptoms can occur and how to react in the following article.


  • It is not possible to be allergic to shaving itself

  • Skin reactions can occur due to improper shaving (against the grain, with a dull blade)

  • You may have an allergic reaction to certain ingredients and fragrances

  • To determine which ingredients you are allergic to, an allergy test should be conducted

  • Use products with natural ingredients more frequently

Can You Be Allergic to Shaving?

At this point, it should be clarified: It is not possible to be allergic to shaving itself. If you struggle with skin redness, frequently get pimples after shaving, or deal with itchy areas that appear after shaving the

  • intimate area,
  • upper body
  • or armpits, you may be allergic to an ingredient.

The ingredient might be in the shaving foam but can also be found in aftershave or in gels and creams.

Fragrances in shaving foam that trigger allergic reactions

The following ingredients can trigger allergic reactions:

  • Butylhydroxytoluene
  • Chemical additives like foaming agents
  • Fragrances like HICC, Atranol, and Chloratranol

Especially Butylhydroxytoluene - BHT - should be avoided. The EU Commission’s “Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety” has classified this ingredient as “very concerning.”

This substance is considered very sensitizing and irritating. Therefore, it is especially advisable to avoid this ingredient if you are generally an allergy sufferer. Even if you have not had allergies so far, it is wise to avoid the substance as it can trigger pseudoallergies.

Information on Pseudoallergy: In the case of a pseudoallergy or a so-called pseudoallergic reaction, symptoms occur that suggest an allergy.

However, there are no IgE antibodies that confirm the presence of an allergy. If the antibody test is negative, but reactions occur that would suggest an allergy, this is a pseudoallergy.

Fragrances lead to allergic reactions while shaving

Fragrances, including

  • HICC,
  • Atranol
  • and Chloratranol, can trigger allergic reactions.

Fragrances will no longer be used, as Hydroxyisohexyl-3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde (commercial name Lyral) as well as Atranol and Chloratranol are newly regulated by law.

  • As of August 23, 2019, it is prohibited to bring cosmetic products containing these compounds to the market.
  • A sales ban for all products will then apply from August 23, 2021.

But just because some fragrances have been banned, it is still advisable to always check the ingredients.

Allergy Symptoms After Shaving

If you are allergic to an ingredient, the following allergic symptoms may occur after shaving:

  • Pimples and pustules
  • Skin eczema
  • Small blisters may appear on the shaved skin areas
  • Severe skin redness
  • Itching
  • Swelling of the nasal mucosa
  • Mucous membrane irritations in the nose and mouth
  • Discomfort
  • Headaches

If such symptoms consistently occur after shaving, you should get an allergy test. If you want to be certain whether you are allergic to one or more ingredients, your trusted doctor will be able to help.

Once you know which ingredients you are allergic to, you can look for products that do not contain those ingredients.

If your beard itches, it can also be a symptom of an allergic reaction. Even personal care products might contain fragrances that can trigger an allergic reaction.

What Causes an Allergic Reaction After Shaving?

It could be ingredients in the shaving foam, but also in the after shave balm or in creams. It is important to find out which ingredients you might be allergic to.

Because a wrong shave can cause razor burn, it is also possible that you are not allergic to certain ingredients at all.

A wrong shave can also lead to skin redness and pimples. How to shave your beard properly, we have summarized in this post.

Allergic Reaction After Shaving: What to Do?

Firstly, you need to cool the affected skin areas. Cold compresses are suitable for this purpose. However, quark is also a popular home remedy to relieve the symptoms.

Are you a severe allergy sufferer? Do you always struggle with extreme skin reactions after shaving? Perhaps your doctor has already prescribed corticosteroid creams and ointments. These products only relieve or suppress the symptoms but do not cure the allergy.

Antihistamines can alleviate symptoms but do not combat the cause of the allergy.

The rash after shaving can also be caused by a wrong shave. You should always shave in the direction of hair growth. Pay attention to high-quality accessories and prepare your face for shaving. Additionally, it is important to care for your face after shaving.

Finding the right products and razors in the shaving jungle can be a challenge. That's why we make it as easy as possible for you. Take the quiz and find the products that are right for you.

What Allergy-Friendly Alternatives to Shaving Foam Are There?

There are some alternatives for allergy sufferers. If you use shaving foam and are allergic to an ingredient, you can use shaving foam specifically designed for allergy sufferers. This shaving foam is free from irritating or allergy-triggering ingredients.

Expert Tip: Allergy-friendly products almost exclusively contain natural ingredients and usually no fragrances.

Skin-Friendly Shaving Soap

Shaving soap is particularly recommended. Shaving soap contains no chemical or artificial additives for foam formation. It only contains natural ingredients. It creates an excellent lather, making your beard hair soft.

Are you still looking for a suitable shaving soap for your shave? In our shop, we offer various shaving soaps!

Compatible Shaving Cream

There is also shaving cream that is free from artificial ingredients. Shaving cream can also be an alternative to shaving foam.


Since different ingredients can cause allergic reactions, it is important to find out through an allergy test which ingredients your body reacts to. With a skin-friendly shaving soap, you can start shaving anytime without the fear of an allergic reaction.

Make sure to use shaving products, such as shaving soap, that contain natural ingredients. This way, you do not subject your skin to additional stress.


Do I need to see a doctor for an allergic reaction after shaving?

The symptoms and the severity of the complaints are crucial. If only skin redness or pimples occur, it is not necessary to see a doctor. If there is a severe allergic reaction that significantly affects your overall well-being, a visit to the doctor may be advisable.

If an allergy is known, appropriate medications can also be used to address the symptoms.

How long does it take for an allergic reaction after shaving to subside?

After a few hours, all symptoms should disappear. If the symptoms are mild, they might be gone within a few minutes. The intensity and duration of the symptoms also depend on the severity of the allergy.

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Are you about to do your first shave?

Do you perhaps have sons to whom you want to teach shaving? But what age is ideal for starting to shave? At what age should you start teaching the younger generation to shave? In fact, there is no standard answer to the question of when you can start shaving.

The following article will help you find suitable answers when it comes to the first shave.

Shaving man razor

Summary of Key Points

  • There is no minimum age for the first shave

  • The first shaving attempts should be done with a manual razor

  • Take your time and don’t rush the shave

  • Small cuts can be immediately treated with a styptic pencil

At what age should one start shaving?

You look in the mirror and notice the first beard hairs? The first beard hairs, which will not be more than a fuzz, grow on your upper lip. Next, you'll get sideburns.

In the next step, hair will grow on your cheeks. Finally, you'll have beard growth on your chin and neck.

But not only does your beard grow. Also, your

  • Underarm,
  • Chest,
  • and pubic hair grows.

Your leg and arm hair also becomes coarser and darker. Your body is changing, and you are slowly ready for your first shave. Now it’s time to get the right shaving and beard products. Take the quiz and we will assist you with the product selection.

There is no set age at which one can start shaving. There is also no information on when one should start shaving. The fact is: If you have beard growth and feel ready to pick up a razor, then the time is right.

Expert Tip: The first shave for boys typically happens between ages 14 and 17. This was found in a 2018 Gillette survey.

Of course, there is also a comparison among boys: those who enter puberty will want to start shaving, especially if their friends already have a razor. However, don’t let yourself be pressured.

Especially if you don’t yet have strong beard growth. Beard growth is individual. There can also be differences among adults.

What is a good first razor for boys?

A suitable razor for beginners is a manual razor. Since teenage skin is sensitive, always use a sharp blade to avoid skin irritation. Razor bumps can be reduced with proper skincare.

Even with a manual razor, razor bumps can occur.

Initially, minor injuries are not uncommon. You need practice when shaving. If you cut yourself while shaving, use a styptic pencil. This will stop the bleeding and allow you to quickly address the cut.

On our site, you’ll find not only shaving accessories but also the right razor for your first shave!

Guide for the Right Shave

Shaving properly with manual shaving is not so easy at the beginning. Take the time you need. If you’re under time pressure, the risk of cuts increases. The more often you use the razor, the more proficient you will become.

Step 1: Wash your face

When to start shaving - Step 1

Wash your face with warm water first. Clean, damp, and soft facial hair is easier to shave. This means you’ll need less pressure with the razor blade.

Step 2. Prepare the skin

When to start shaving - Step 2

You can use shaving foam, shaving soap, or shaving cream for the shave. Lather your beard well. Don’t skimp on the shaving cream; apply it everywhere you want to shave.

Let the foam of the cream sit for a few minutes to soften the beard hair. Of course, you can also use shaving soap.

Step 3. The shave

When to start shaving - Step 3

Ensure that you shave with the grain initially. Shaving against the grain can cause severe skin irritation.

Move the razor with gentle strokes over your face. Apply minimal pressure. Your skin is still sensitive. Start with the cheeks and then move to the neck.

Finally, you should shave the chin. This is because chin hairs are particularly strong. The longer the foam softens the hair, the easier it will be to shave the chin.

Step 4. After the shave

When to start shaving - Step 4

When you’re finished with the shave, remove the remaining foam and wash your face. Clean the razor and use a lotion with soothing ingredients. Skincare products with aloe vera are especially recommended.

You can also find beard and shaving guide on our site!


At what age should one start shaving?

There is no set age for starting shaving. Once you have the first signs of beard growth and feel ready to pick up a razor, it’s the right time for your first shave.

What is the best razor for boys starting to shave?

A manual razor is recommended for beginners. Since teenage skin is sensitive, you should use a sharp blade to avoid skin irritation. Razor bumps can be reduced with proper skincare.

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If you are flying, you need to consider various regulations, such as what you can bring in your hand luggage. Is the razor allowed in hand luggage? In the following article, we explore whether you can take a razor in your hand luggage onto the plane.

Key Points Summarized

  • Check before departure if your airline has specific rules for hand luggage contents
  • Razor blades and razors that are not enclosed are not allowed
  • Ensure your electric razor is charged and functional
  • Items you cannot take on board must be disposed of at the security check

Wet Razors in Hand Luggage: Yes or No?

Have you ever flown? If so, you know that at the security check, the airport staff are particularly strict. Hand luggage is thoroughly screened during the security check.

If the security staff find a suspicious item, you will have to unpack your hand luggage. If you are not allowed to take the item on board, you must dispose of it on-site.

Is the wet razor an item that cannot be taken on board? No. Almost all wet razors are allowed in hand luggage. However, which ones you cannot take is explained a bit further down.

Razor in hand luggage airplane

Which Wet Razors Are Allowed in Hand Luggage

Do you want to shave properly during a business trip or vacation and plan to carry a disposable razor in your hand luggage because you haven't booked large baggage? This is generally possible. However, there are differences between airlines.

Carrying a razor in hand luggage with Ryanair is allowed. Even razor blades in hand luggage are permitted with Ryanair, but only if they have a plastic frame. If the razor blades do not have a plastic frame, you must carry them in your checked baggage.

A similar rule applies with Lufthansa. Here too, the razor blade must have a plastic frame. Thus, you can also store your razor in hand luggage with Lufthansa.

You can take the razor in hand luggage with Eurowings. If you fly with Eurowings, razor blades are prohibited in hand luggage. You can take razors and handles but must remove the razor blades beforehand.

While there may be differences between airlines, generally

  • wet razors and
  • disposable razors with embedded blades

are allowed for wet shaving in hand luggage.

Hey :) Do you actually have the right razor? If not, feel free to take part in our quiz.

Which Wet Razors Are Prohibited?

If the disposable razor does not have an embedded blade, it cannot be taken in hand luggage. Classic razor blades, like those in safety razors, are also not allowed. Additionally, no straight razors can be taken in hand luggage.

Prohibited are

  • Straight razors
  • Classic razor blades

These shaving tools must be transported in checked baggage. If you do not have checked baggage, you must ensure to take a razor that is allowed on the journey.

Looking for a special razor or beard care accessory? Then we recommend our range!

Can I Take an Electric Razor in Hand Luggage?

Is it possible to take an electric razor in hand luggage? In fact, the electric razor can be easily taken in hand luggage.

Allowed are

  • Shavers for beard and hair
  • Women’s electric razors in hand luggage
  • Dry shavers
  • Epilators
  • Trimmers

If you take the shaver in hand luggage, make sure it is fully charged. The security staff may test the device’s functionality.

If the shaver is empty and cannot be tested, the electric razor may be prohibited in hand luggage. Batteries and power banks can also be taken in hand luggage.

Expert Tip: This applies not only to electric razors on planes but to all electronic devices. The reason is that possibly tampered devices cannot board the plane.

Other Beard Care Products for Hand Luggage

Whether you want to shave or care for your bald head: Besides the razor, there are other care products that can be transported in hand luggage. The following text explains which ones and provides tips and tricks on what to pay attention to when carrying them in hand luggage.

Shaving Foam

You are allowed to take your shaving foam. However, the container must not exceed 100 ml. This also applies to shaving gels.

Shaving Brush

A shaving brush or a shaving brush set can be easily transported in hand luggage. There is no reason why the shaving brush should not be taken in hand luggage.

After Shave

For after shave, the 100 ml limit applies as well. If the after shave packaging exceeds this volume, it will be refused for hand luggage.


Before you fly, you should gather information on whether you can bring your razor in hand luggage. Although almost no razors are prohibited, there are still straight razors and non-embedded razor blades that cannot be carried in hand luggage. Since there may also be differences between airlines, you are on the safe side if you contact the airline directly in advance.


Is it allowed to shave on the plane?

If you have a disposable razor in hand luggage, you are allowed to use it. Ultimately, any item in your hand luggage can be used during the flight. Due to the fact that the lavatories are cramped, it is not advisable to shave during the flight. The alternative: You can use the lavatories at the airport.

What should I do with a razor that I cannot transport in hand luggage?

If it is a razor that cannot be taken in hand luggage, such as a straight razor, you can pack it in your checked baggage. Transport in checked baggage is possible and not prohibited.

What happens if you have a prohibited razor in your hand luggage at the airport security check?

Since you cannot take it on board and your baggage has already been checked in by that time, you will have to dispose of it. Generally, you will need to dispose of your razor on-site. For a knife or safety razor, you might also only need to dispose of the blades.

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Störtebekker is not just your personal barber for home, taking care of beard grooming & co - body shaving is also a concern for us. That’s why we’re focusing on leg shaving in this guide.

  • You might be wondering how to shave your legs properly?
  • Or how often a leg shave should ideally be done?

Don’t worry, we have the answers. This way, you’ll easily become an expert in smooth and gentle shaving.

So, let’s swing the safety razor together. Because a safety razor is not only effective, but also gentle on your skin and provides a long-lasting, smooth result. Discover how to achieve a perfect leg shave with this traditional tool.

Shaving Legs Safety Razor

How do I shave my legs with a safety razor?

Shaving legs with a safety razor is an art that can be perfected with a bit of practice and the right techniques.

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to help you get the most out of your safety razor:

  1. Preparation: Start with clean, wet legs. A warm shower can help to soften the hairs and open the pores.

  2. Applying shaving soap: Use a good shaving soap and apply it to your legs with a shaving brush in circular motions. This helps to lift the hairs and create a smooth surface for shaving.

  3. Shaving: Gently move the safety razor over your skin. It is very important to go gently and without pressure. Gravity should do the work. Always shave in the direction of hair growth to avoid skin irritation and ingrown hairs.

  4. After shaving: Rinse your legs thoroughly and dry them with a clean shaving towel. Finish with a moisturizing care product to soothe the skin and lock in moisture.

Ready for a smooth and gentle shave with a safety razor?
Discover our diverse collection of safety razors from Störtebekker.

They are available in several beautiful color options and product variations. How about, for example, a Gold Safety Razor, or our popular Safety Razor Set? - with matching

Shaving brush

The set is also a great gift and looks really good on the bathroom shelf.

For those who love real wood, our high-quality Solingen shaving razor with leather case and walnut handle could be the right choice.

How do I care for my legs after shaving with a safety razor?

Post-shave care is just as important as the shave itself. It helps to soothe the skin and lock in moisture. Here are some products you might consider:

  • Aftershave balm: An aftershave balm can help to soothe the skin and reduce irritation. It moisturizes the skin and leaves a pleasant feeling.

  • Moisturizer: A good moisturizer can hydrate and care for the skin after shaving. It provides the skin with essential nutrients and keeps it soft and smooth.

  • Body oil: A body oil can offer an additional layer of moisture and help to keep the skin soft and smooth. It can also help to soothe the skin and reduce irritation.
Aftershave balm post-shave care

    How often should I shave my legs?

    The frequency of leg shaving depends on your individual hair growth and your preferences. Some people prefer to shave their legs every day, while others do it only once a week or even less often.

    It is important to listen to your skin and not overload it.

    If you notice that your skin is irritated or dry after shaving, it might be helpful to take a break from shaving for a few days.

    It is also a good idea to regularly moisturize your skin with hydrating products.

    Tips for shaving legs with a safety razor

    • Preparation is key: Good preparation can make a difference. A warm bath or shower before shaving can help soften the hair and open the pores.
    • Use a good shaving soap: A good shaving soap can help lift the hair and create a smooth surface for shaving.
      It can also help protect the skin and reduce irritation.

      The Störtebekker shaving soaps are available in many different varieties and offer the perfect complement to the safety razor. How about trying the spicy Tortuga shaving soap or the Aloe Vera shaving soap?

    • No pressure: Let gravity do the work. Gently pass the safety razor over the skin and avoid applying pressure.
    • Shave in the direction of hair growth: This can help avoid skin irritation and ingrown hairs. This way, your skin is spared, and you’ll also have fewer razor bumps, razor burn, or tightness after shaving.
    • Post-shave care: Don’t forget to care for your skin after shaving. A good moisturizer or aftershave balm can help soothe the skin and lock in moisture.


    We hope these tips and especially the safety razor help you get the most out of your leg shaving and make it an enjoyable routine.

    Always remember that both the right technique during shaving and careful post-shave care are crucial. At Störtebekker, we are committed to providing you with not only high-quality products but also valuable tips.


    Help, my legs itch after shaving: What should I do?

    Itching after shaving can be caused by dry skin or a reaction to the shaving itself.
    Try using a moisturizing lotion or an aftershave balm to soothe the skin and provide ample moisture. If the itching persists, it might be helpful to switch shaving products or consult a dermatologist.

    What can I do to keep my legs smooth for longer?

    To keep your legs smooth for longer, it is important to use the right shaving technique and properly care for the skin. Use a sharp safety razor and shave in the direction of hair growth. Regular exfoliation can also help avoid ingrown hairs and keep the skin smooth for longer.

    Proper preparation for shaving also greatly influences a beautiful and long-lasting result. In our guide on preparing skin for shaving, you’ll find plenty of additional tips that can also be applied to leg shaving.

    Here are more articles:

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    Shaving with acne can be a challenge. Especially with severe acne, shaving the face can be difficult. If you suffer from acne, stay with us.

    We have included a few tips and tricks in the following text to help you shave your face smoothly despite acne.

    We address the questions of whether it is better to shave with a dry razor when dealing with acne and which aftershave product is suitable.

    We also explore whether shaving the face helps with acne.

    Bald Man Beard Skin Care

    Can I shave with acne or not?

    It should be noted that while primarily adolescents are affected by acne, adults can also have to deal with acne. It doesn't matter how old you are. The tips and tricks you get here can be applied in any situation.

    Teenagers who are getting their first beard growth and are also struggling with acne often wonder if they can even shave their beard with acne. Ultimately, shaving can cause skin irritation.

    A ingrown beard hair, razor bumps that occur alongside acne, and cuts are all strains on your skin.

    Even though shaving with acne is challenging, it is possible. Make sure that the pus-filled parts of your pimples are not removed with the razor.

    The bacteria that were in the pores can be spread across the entire face.

    If you have a cut or a pimple that opened while shaving, then post-shave skincare is especially important. We will discuss post-shave care further down in the text.

    What we can already advise you? Be cautious!

    You can shave, but do not apply too much pressure with the razor. The greater the pressure, the higher the risk of opening a pimple or suffering a cut.

    Cuts with acne are not uncommon

    Is shaving good for acne?

    For men and their hormonal balance, having oily skin may be a good sign. When androgens, which are sex hormones, are released in greater amounts, the skin's oil production increases. However, this has the downside that the pores can become clogged, the oil does not drain, and blackheads can form. If the oil does not exit the pore, inflamed pimples may appear.

    The skin needs to be cared for with acne. Even if the skin is oily, it lacks moisture. Therefore, the facial skin should be treated with moisturizing ingredients such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid, or allantoin.

    Can shaving sometimes help with acne? Searching online for experiences, some people report that their acne improved after shaving.

    If you remove the pus-filled part of the pimples with the razor, the bacteria that were in the pores can spread across the entire face. This means that the number of inflamed pores increases, and more pimples may appear. Therefore, make sure to avoid cuts and try not to open pimples with the razor.

    There is no evidence that acne improves after shaving. However, shaving acts like a peel for the upper skin layer. If you use caring products after shaving, the ingredients can penetrate faster and target the inflammation.

    But not only your skin needs care. If you have a beard, beard care products from Störtebekker are ideal to keep your beard soft and well-groomed!

    How do I shave with acne?

    Wet or dry shave with acne? The following section covers both shaving techniques and provides a few tricks. On one hand, how to shave gently with acne, and on the other hand, how to prepare and care for your skin after shaving.

    The Preparation

    First, focus on the choice of the right shaving gel or suitable shaving soap. Ensure that the product contains as few ingredients as possible. Fragrances or products derived from petroleum should be avoided due to potential skin irritation.

    Ideally, the chosen product contains allantoin. Allantoin moisturizes and improves moisture regulation. Additionally, this ingredient acts as a dermal keratolytic. This means that dead skin cells on the surface are removed, and the growth of epithelial cells in the deeper skin layers is stimulated. This process helps renew the upper skin layer.

    Let the shaving soap or gel sit for several minutes to soften the beard hair so you need less pressure with the razor during shaving. Shave before showering. Water will make your skin swell, making shaving with acne more difficult.

    Use a clean razor for wet shaving or a clean razor head if you are planning a dry shave. Ideally, you should have cleaned the razor or razor head with a disinfectant liquid after the last shave.

    The Shaving

    If you suffer from acne, start the shave on your neck and continue on your cheeks. The beard hairs here are softer than on your chin or above your lip. The longer the shaving gel or soap sits, the softer your beard hairs will be.

    Shave in the direction of hair growth and never against the grain. Shaving against the grain risks skin irritation, which may require treatment for shaving rash.

    Ensure you apply minimal pressure. Therefore, it is important to use a sharp razor blade.

    If you do not want to shave with a wet razor and plan to use a dry razor, note that a dry shave may seem gentler on the skin at first glance. However, if you apply too much pressure, you can also open pimples and worsen skin problems.

    Shaving with acne

    The Right Care

    Whether wet or dry shaving: After shaving, you need to care for your skin and clean your shaving tools. Clean the razor blade and the razor head of the shaver and treat them with a disinfectant liquid. This can kill any bacteria if you have opened a pimple while shaving.

    Use skin-soothing lotions. Ideally, use ointments and creams containing aloe vera.

    If you find a product labeled “non-comedogenic,” it means the manufacturer states that the product does not contain ingredients that cause blackheads. "Comedogenic" derives from "comedo," which is the technical term for blackheads.

    Expert Tip: Just because a product is labeled “non-comedogenic” does not mean it helps with acne. To treat acne, you need products with antibacterial agents. The “non-comedogenic” product does not necessarily have to have antibacterial effects.

    Should you shave with acne using a dry or wet razor?

    Wet shaving is superior to dry shaving in terms of thoroughness. However, wet shaving has the disadvantage of irritating the skin more. There is also the risk of worsening the condition. If a pimple is cut open, the bacteria in the pore can spread, leading to new pimples.

    Dry shaving is gentler on the skin, but it is still advisable to use wet shaving. It has a similar peeling effect. Since the upper skin layers are removed, the ingredients in care products penetrate more quickly and reach the inflamed areas more effectively.

    Although personal preference plays an important role, the benefits of wet shaving for acne usually outweigh those of dry shaving. Ultimately, wet shaving achieves a peeling effect that is absent with dry shaving.

    Which aftershave is recommended for acne?

    The aftershave product should be as natural as possible. The skin has been stressed by shaving and should now be calmed. Fragrances can have the opposite effect.

    Alcohol is not a problem. Alcohol, usually found in the form of ethanol, has a disinfecting effect. The alcohol in aftershave causes the burning sensation after application.

    Ensure that your aftershave contains not only alcohol but also astringent. Ingredients with astringent properties help the skin reduce inflammation as they cause it to contract more quickly. Plant-based astringents, such as witch hazel and sage, also have a positive effect on the skin and reduce inflammation.


    Shaving with acne may be challenging. With a few tips and tricks, such as the right shaving technique, it is possible to shave with acne. With some measures, you can also reduce the risk of developing new pimples after shaving. It is important that the shaving tools are clean and that the skin is properly cared for after shaving.


    Can shaving cause pimples?

    There are shaving pimples that are not related to acne. These are small inflammations also caused by bacteria.

    Minor skin injuries, ingrown beard hairs, or overly aggressive skincare after shaving, such as with products containing synthetic substances, can lead to shaving pimples.

    Which razor is best for impure skin?

    A sharp razor blade is important as it requires less pressure during shaving. An electric shaver for dry shaving is an alternative, but dry shaving lacks the so-called “peeling effect.”

    It is important that the tools are clean and disinfected to avoid transferring bacteria.

    Expand your knowledge by exploring more posts:

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    Der Bart, den Du trägst, gehört gepflegt. Das heißt, Du musst auch nachrasieren. So etwa die Bartkonturen am Hals. Aber wie sollte man den Bart am Hals rasieren? Im nachfolgenden Artikel verraten wir Dir ein paar Tipps und Tricks, damit Du den Bart am Hals richtig rasierst. Dazu gehört auch, die richtige Bartkontur am Hals zu ziehen.

    Sollte ich meinen Bart am Hals rasieren oder nicht?

    Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass der Bart am Hals wild und nicht gleichmäßig wächst, ist er regelmäßig in Form zu bringen. So verhinderst Du, dass der Bart ungepflegt wirkt.

    Du kannst etwa einen Vollbart tragen, aber dennoch keinen Bart am Hals haben. Du kannst auch den Bart am Hals trimmen. Das heißt, der Bart am Hals ist kürzer als Dein Bart im Gesicht. Der Übergang sollte entlang der Halskonturlinie stattfinden. Ist der Bart am Hals getrimmt, so erscheint er gepflegt. 

    Der Vollbart erscheint auch gepflegter, wenn Du den Bart am Hals rasiert hast. Es ist daher sehr wohl ratsam, wenn Du Deinen Bart am Hals rasierst oder zumindest trimmst.

    Wie weit rasiert man den Bart am Hals?

    Wie weit sollte also der Bart am Hals rasiert werden? Eine Frage, die durchaus ihre Berechtigung hat! Wichtig ist, dass die Haut auf die Rasur vorbereitet wird. Dabei geht es zunächst um die Frage, sollte man ein Rasiergel oder Schaum verwenden? Für unsere Rasur am Hals entscheiden wir uns für die Rasierseife.

    Was wir für die Rasur am Hals noch benötigen? Einen Spiegel und einen Rasierer. Ob Du einen Nassrasierer verwendest oder mit einem elektrischen Rasierer arbeitest, das bleibt Dir überlassen.

    Wir müssen uns zunächst eine Linie vorstellen, die hinter unserem Ohr anfängt und bis zum Kiefer geht. Das heißt, die Linie endet dort, wo der Hals auf die Kieferunterseite trifft, also das Kinn endet und der Hals beginnt. Die imaginäre Linie, die sich etwas über Deinem Adamsapfel befindet, stellt die Halslinie dar.

    Es gibt noch eine weitere Methode, um die Bart Halslinie zu finden: Neige den Kopf etwas nach unten, so entsteht eine natürliche Falte - das ist die Bartlinie für Deinen Hals, die nun Deine Orientierungslinie ist.

    Suchst Du noch das passende Rasierzubehör? Da können wir Dir helfen:

    Wie rasiere ich meinen Bart am Hals?

    Das Rasieren um den Mund und das Rasieren der Wangen stellt in der Regel keine Schwierigkeit dar. Etwas herausfordernder wird es aufgrund der Kurven und Kanten, wenn Kinn und Hals rasiert werden sollen. Wie schon erwähnt, ist es wichtig, dass Du im Vorfeld die Halslinie findest.

    Haut auf Rasur vorbereiten

    Die Haut muss auf die Rasur vorbereitet werden. Wasche Dein Gesicht, damit sich die Poren öffnen. Danach verwendest Du das Rasiergel oder den Schaum Deiner Rasierseife. 

    Lasse das Gel oder den Schaum einwirken, damit Dein Barthaar weicher wird. So kann Dein Bart ohne stärkere Druckausübung mit dem Rasierer rasiert werden.

    Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 1

    Wähle Nassrasierer oder elektrischen Rasierer

    Die Frage, sollte man den Hals mit einem Nassrasierer oder mit einem elektrischen Rasierer rasieren, hängt von Deiner Präferenz ab. 

    Möchtest Du den Bart am Hals nur trimmen, so musst Du einen Aufsatz verwenden oder mit einer Bartschere arbeiten. 

    Anmerkung: Für die Trockenrasur spielt Punkt 1 unserer Anleitung keine Rolle!

    Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 2

    Halskontur finden & rasieren

    Finde die Halskontur, um den Bart zu rasieren. Wie bereits oben erwähnt, gibt es hier zwei Methoden, um die Halslinie zu finden: 

    Du kannst eine imaginäre Linie ziehen, die von Deinen Ohren bis zum Kiefer geht, kannst aber auch den Kopf leicht senken, sodass eine natürliche Falte erzeugt wird.

    Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 3

    Von außen nach innen rasieren

    Hebe beim Rasieren den Kopf seitlich an. So bekommst Du einen guten Blick auf die Halspartie, die Du nun rasieren willst. Starte nicht direkt an der Konturlinie, sondern arbeite dich von außen nach innen. 

    So verhinderst Du, dass versehentlich eine Ecke in die Kontur rasiert wird.

    Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 4

    In Wuchsrichtung rasieren

    Das gegen den Strich rasieren solltest Du vermeiden! Rasierst Du nicht mit der Wuchsrichtung, so belastest Du Deine Haut. Es kommt zu Hautirritationen. Zudem steigt auch die Gefahr, wenn gegen den Strich rasiert wird, dass Rasierverletzungen entstehen. 

    Der Vollständigkeit halber ist anzumerken, dass das Rasieren gegen den Strich aber auch ein paar Vorteile mit sich bringt: Durch die tiefere Schnittwirkung wird die Haut glatter, es bleiben weniger Stoppel und das Ergebnis wirkt optisch schöner.

    Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 5

    Bart- & Hautpflege Produkte anwenden

    Nach der Rasur geht es darum, die Haut sowie den Bart, wenn Du einen trägst, zu pflegen. Verwende für Deinen Bart Bartöl oder Pomade, damit er geschmeidig bleibt. Für Deine Haut empfehlen wir Lotionen mit beruhigenden Inhaltsstoffen. 

    So etwa Lotionen und Salben mit Aloe Vera. Das hilft auch, um einen Ausschlag nach der Rasur vorzubeugen bzw. zu lindern.

    Bart am Hals rasieren Schritt 6

    5 Tipps für die Rasur am Hals

    Tipp 1: Sehr warmes Wasser verwenden

    Wasche Dein Gesicht mit sehr warmen Wasser, damit die Poren geöffnet werden. Lasse den Schaum der Rasierseife auch länger einwirken, damit die Barthaare weicher werden.

    Tipp 2: Kopf senken, um die Halskontur zu finden

    Du musst keine imaginäre Linie von den Ohren bis zum Kinn ziehen, sondern kannst auch den Kopf leicht nach senken. Die Hautfalte, die dann entsteht, ist Deine Halskontur, die die Orientierung zur Rasur vorgibt.

    Tipp 3: Nicht gegen den Strich rasieren

    Um Hautirritationen zu vermeiden, solltest Du nicht gegen den Strich rasieren. Rasiere  immer mit der Wuchsrichtung.

    Tipp 4: Nachschneiden für das perfekte Ergebnis

    Damit Dein Bart gepflegt erscheint, solltest Du Deine Konturen nachschneiden. Wie oft Du die Konturen nachrasieren musst, hängt von Deinem Bartwachstum ab. 

    Tipp 5: Haut und Bart nach der Rasur mit passenden Pflegeprodukten pflegen

    Nach jeder Rasur musst Du die Haut und Deinen Bart pflegen. Verwende dafür Lotionen mit hautberuhigenden Inhaltsstoffen (Aloe Vera) und Pomade und/oder Bartöl.

    Wie oft muss ich meinen Halsbart rasieren?

    Die Antwort auf die Frage hängt davon ab, wie stark Dein Bartwachstum ist. Hast Du einen starken Bartwuchs und möchtest, dass der Halsbart gepflegt aussieht, so ist es ratsam, alle zwei bis drei Tage zum Trimmer zu greifen. Wenn Du glatte und rasierte Haut bevorzugst, musst Du jeden Tag zum Rasierer greifen.


    Wenn Du den Bart am Hals rasieren willst, solltest Du beachten, dass die Haut am Hals empfindlicher als jene in Deinem Gesicht ist. Vermeiden Verletzungen, indem Du mit der Wuchsrichtung rasierst. Verwende qualitativ hochwertige Rasierer und nutze Pflegeprodukte, um Rasierpickel oder einen Ausschlag zu vermeiden. 


    In welche Richtung rasiere ich am Hals?

    Rasiere mit der Wuchsrichtung. Die Haut am Hals ist sehr empfindlich. Rasierst Du gegen die Wuchsrichtung, so kann es zu Hautirritationen kommen. Wenn Du mit der Wuchsrichtung rasierst, kannst Du etwaige Hautirritationen vermeiden.

    Wie vermeide ich Pickel beim Rasieren am Hals?

    Bereite die Haut auf die Rasur vor. Wasche Dein Gesicht am besten sehr warm und verwende Rasiergel oder Rasierseife. So werden die Haare weicher. Danach nutze einen Rasierer mit scharfem Messer und übe keinen zu starken Druck aus. 

    Durch leichte Verletzungen oder wenn Du gegen den Strich, also die Wuchsrichtung, rasierst, entstehen Pickel. Verwende nach der Rasur immer Lotionen, die hautberuhigende Inhaltsstoffe enthalten.

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    Sideburns are a type of facial hair that starts at your hairline in front of your ears and extends in a strip down to almost your chin. There are various ways to shave your sideburns, from classic straight to defined shapes; the possibilities are endless.

    Well-groomed sideburns accentuate your jawline and cheekbones. It's important to use a sharp razor to define your sideburns without applying too much pressure on your skin.

    With a wet razor, beard trimmer, or beard scissors, you can cut the sideburns and trim them yourself.

    beard scissors

    Should I shave my sideburns: Yes or no?

    Do you want a full sideburn or just a subtle shadow? It's important to shave the beard so that it suits you and your appearance. No hairstyle automatically dictates that the sideburns must go.

    However, sideburns can appear out of place. Therefore, evaluate the sideburns in combination with your hairstyle and seek feedback from your partner or friends.

    If you or your friends conclude that the sideburns don't suit you, then you should shave them. If you don't want to, you can choose a different type of sideburn.

    First, consider your hairstyle. How long is your hair? For a good visual balance, the sideburns should match your main hair.

    • If you have short hair or a medium-length hairstyle, then narrow sideburns are recommended. Ensure that the width of your sideburns is less than 3 cm.
    • If your main hair is longer, you can wear wider sideburns.

    It is advisable to orient yourself to your existing beard when you plan to trim your sideburns. It is important that the sideburn hair is shorter than the beard hair.

    Sideburns that are between 0.4 and 2.5 mm long look perfect with a 3-day beard that is between 0.5 and 4 mm long.

    The shorter your face is, the longer the sideburns can be. Long and thin sideburns have the advantage of visually elongating your face. A round face can look slimmer with longer and thinner sideburns.

    Do you want to shave sideburns but don't have the right tools? With razors and beard sets from Störtebekker, you can shape your sideburns.

    What should I pay attention to when shaving my sideburns?

    Planning to shave sideburns? First, think about what sideburn style suits you.

    • Round face: Choose a sideburn style that makes your face appear longer. A long sideburn style extending to the jawline can help visually elongate the face.
    • Oval face: Almost any sideburn style suits an oval face. Experiment with different lengths and widths to see what fits you best.
    • Square face: A sideburn style with rounded edges can balance the hard lines of a square face. A wider sideburn can also help soften the face.
    • Heart-shaped face: A slim, short sideburn style can help divert attention from the broad forehead to the chin. Avoid sideburns that are too wide or long.
    • Long face: A broad sideburn beard can help make the face appear wider. Avoid sideburns that are too long, making the face appear even longer.

    Short sideburns are elegant. If you don't have a beard, you should cut the sideburns short. You can also finish the sideburns at an angle or let them flare out wide. For short sideburns, ensure they end above the earlobe.

    Shave your sideburns like a pro

    For angled sideburns, keep them wide at the top and ensure they narrow downward. Regular trimming is important to maintain the shape.

    The so-called mutton chops are classic sideburns. To give you an idea: It's the sideburns that Wolverine wears. Here, your cheekbones are emphasized. The bushy sideburn extends from the hairline to your mouth corners and becomes wider at the bottom.

    Expert tip: Use the razor every three to five days to keep the sideburns in shape.

    Shaving sideburn beard: Here's how

    Do you want to shave your sideburns with a wet razor or a trimmer set to level 0? Here's how.

    Prepare Skin for Shaving

    To begin, you need to prepare your skin for shaving. Let the shaving cream or shaving soap sit for a while so that your beard becomes softer.

    Moisten your face with warm water, which opens the pores and softens the beard. Then apply the shaving foam. The shaving foam should work on the skin for at least 5 minutes.

    Cut Contours

    To give your sideburns the optimal width and to cut precise contours, style the edges of the sideburns with shaving cream. Then start shaving from top to bottom. Use a beard comb to keep the beard straight and uniform.

    Beard comb

    Wash Off Foam, Comb Sideburns

    After finishing the shave, wash off the remaining foam with water and comb your sideburns. A beard brush helps with any finishing touches.

    The Sideburn Index Finger Test

    The index finger test helps you determine if the sideburns are even. Place your index finger at the bottom of each sideburn. Your fingers should be at the same height. If not, you can adjust the sideburns until they match.

    Repeat the process as often as necessary until both sideburns are the same length. Do you need help? Get shaving sets from Störtebekker.

    Care Tips for Your Sideburn Beard

    Regular trimming is the key to a well-groomed appearance. Use a beard trimmer or beard scissors to regularly shorten the hair to the desired length. The hair should be dry so that you can cut the hair accurately.

    Beard scissors

    Wash your sideburns regularly to remove dirt, excess oils, and residues. Use a mild beard shampoo to clean the sideburns. After washing, dry the sideburns thoroughly and apply a beard oil or a moisturizer to keep the hair soft and supple.

    Combing or brushing your sideburns daily ensures that the hair stays neat and untangled. Use a beard comb or a beard brush to shape the hair and remove loose hairs.

    For a complete care routine, you can buy beard sets that include beard scissors, beard trimmers, and beard combs.

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    When it comes to beard styles, the so-called 5 o'clock shadow is increasingly talked about. While the beard shadow used to be considered daring and unkempt, tolerated only during vacations, the 5 o'clock shadow is becoming more and more acceptable and even understood as its own beard style.

    And if you wear a beard, you've surely already encountered the 5 o'clock shadow.

    bald head

    What is the Beard Shadow?

    The 5 o'clock shadow has a long history and actually dates back to the 5 o'clock tea, which was long customary in Britain, even for men. When they met for their daily Afternoon Tea at that time, the first hair shadows seemed to appear on the faces of some men.

    The 5 o'clock shadow is therefore a shadowy initial beard growth that shows through after some time on shaved skin.

    In that sense: If you wear a beard, you have inevitably also encountered the beard shadow. Because – how do I get a beard? Exactly: By simply letting it grow in the beginning!

    What is the difference between beard shadow and a 3-day beard?

    Unlike a 3-day beard, where clearly grown stubble is visible, the beard shadow is really just a shadowy appearance of beard hairs. The skin itself still feels relatively smooth and you can't feel the beard hairs yet. This also presents a problem: getting rid of the beard shadow.

    Expert tip: Especially men with dark hair and strong beard growth quickly develop a beard shadow. For some men, only daily and very thorough shaving helps to avoid the beard shadow.

    Others need to deliberately grow out the beard shadow. Since this is becoming increasingly fashionable and is worn by many designers and celebrities, we want to provide a brief guide.

    The guide is great. But do you have the right “tools” for it? Check out all shaving products that the Störtebekker shop has to offer. Perhaps you're missing a tool or two to get your beard shadow under control.

    How do I get a beard shadow?

    While in the past, men would have pulled their (beard) hair out because the beard shadow was seen as a bothersome byproduct of not very regular and precise shaving, today more and more men are wondering how to deliberately create a 5 o'clock shadow on their face.

    As with any beard style, growing out the beard hairs is the first step for the 5 o'clock shadow.

    Step 1:

    First, let your beard grow completely. Depending on how quickly your hair grows, it may take a day or two or even longer for the first signs to appear.

    Beard shadow tips - Step 1

    Step 2:

    Once you have visible beard stubble, it's time to grab the trimmer. Trim the stubble, which naturally grows at different rates and lengths, to the same length.

    Start with a longer trimming level and work your way down to the desired length or shortness.

    Beard shadow tips - Step 2

    Step 3:

    Now it's time to define: Trim the area on the neck shorter than the rest, as it will be shaved smooth with the razor afterward. The optimal length for the stubble remaining on the face is 1 mm.

    Beard shadow tips - Step 3

    Step 4:

    Shave the neck area smooth – use the usual procedure of wet shaving with shaving foam or shaving soap and a shaving brush. Also, check out our Störtebekker shaving Routine :)

    Beard shadow tips - Step 4

    Step 5:

    Now you can finish up with your usual aftercare. Aftershave, care cream, or balm – we have great products for this in the Störtebekker shop, so feel free to take a look!

    Beard shadow tips - Step 5

    Who suits the beard shadow?

    The beard shadow looks particularly good on men with oval faces and dark hair. For oval or rectangular faces, we would rather advise against it.

    Similarly for very light hair, as a few light blonde or red beard stubbles do not form a real shadow. You should have fuller beard growth and darker hair for this.


    The 5 o'clock shadow is now well-established as a distinct beard style, yet it is not really time-consuming or laborious and is relatively easy to achieve. It is also well-suited for a busy schedule or if you are the more laid-back type.

    Have you already tried this style? How did you find it?


    Is the beard shadow modern?

    The beard shadow is currently quite trendy. It is now so fashionable that you can even wear it to the office and with a suit.

    What hairstyle pairs best with a beard shadow?

    All types of hairstyles go well with a beard shadow – but to avoid a messy and unkempt appearance, they should be well-styled. Therefore, a wild, long mane or a frizzy mess is less suitable.

    How can you remove a beard shadow?

    If you want to remove your beard shadow, only a particularly smooth, thorough shave will help. For rapidly growing and dark hair, even then a slight shadow may remain.

    In that case, treatment with IPL or laser technology helps. Professional cosmetic studios and dermatologists offer this.

    It's still interesting – keep reading:

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    A shaving brush goes through a lot with us. We let it soak up shaving foam every day and then use it on our beard hairs. Just as we regularly clean razors and other items in our shaving set, we should also clean the shaving brush.

    We show you what to consider when caring for the shaving brush and how to dry it properly in this article.

    Why should you clean your shaving brush?

    Maintaining the shaving brush is essential. After all, it comes into contact with shaving foam and your skin.

    If you don't take proper care of the shaving brush, it not only means that its lifespan is significantly shortened and it gradually gets damaged, but also that shaving will become quite unhygienic for you over time.

    A dirty shaving brush can also develop unpleasant odors that can transfer to the skin and beard.

    Prevention of Bacteria and Infections

    After shaving, the brush becomes a collection point for

    • Soap residues,
    • Skin flakes,
    • Beard hairs,
    • and thus also for dirt and bacteria.

    If you deny your shaving brush the proper care, bacteria will multiply in the brush bristles. This is not only unhygienic but can also lead to infections and inflammations on the skin.

    Especially when bacteria enter deeper through small skin injuries. The remaining dirt in the brush bristles can also clog your pores and cause skin impurities.

    Extending the Lifespan of the Brush

    Unrinsed soap residues damage the sensitive brush bristles and can destroy the fiber structure: The shaving brush loses hairs and becomes brittle and fragile more quickly.

    Improving Shaving Quality

    A brush whose bristles are severely compromised only partially fulfills its purpose of thoroughly and evenly lathering the skin and making the beard hairs soft and supple for shaving.

    In other words: The quality of the shave ultimately suffers when the shaving brush is neglected in its care.

    How to Clean a Shaving Brush?

    The big and justified question is: How do I clean a shaving brush? We show you how to do it best.

    Step 1:

    Hold the shaving brush under lukewarm water after use. To do this, hold the bristles and handle horizontally under the stream and turn and shake the brush until all foam residues are removed.

    Shaving brush cleaning step 1

    Step 2:

    If residues are stubbornly stuck in the bristles, place the brush in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes and then repeat the rinsing procedure under the lukewarm water stream.

    Shaving brush cleaning step 2

    Step 3:

    Now carefully remove the water from the bristles by shaking the brush over the sink with a loose wrist.

    Do not be tempted to rub, squeeze, or towel-dry the brush. This will make the bristles brittle and fragile.

    Shaving brush cleaning step 3

    Step 4:

    Then hang or place the brush in a well-ventilated area to dry. The appropriate brush holders, which are also available for purchase in the Störtebekker shop, are ideal for this purpose.

    Never be tempted to rub the brush dry with a towel or use a hairdryer. This damages the fiber structure of the bristles and can cause damage.

    Shaving brush cleaning step 4


    Occasionally, the shaving brush needs a more thorough cleaning. We have some valuable information for you below.

    How Often Should You Clean a Shaving Brush?

    The cleaning procedure described above should be applied after each use. It doesn't take much of your time but significantly extends the lifespan of the shaving brush and makes the shave overall more hygienic and clean.

    What Cleaning Agents Are Suitable?

    Even though washing with warm water, traces of shaving soap, shaving oil, or shaving gel can accumulate in the brush over time, you should occasionally give it a more thorough cleaning.

    1. For this, you can put pH-neutral soap or beard shampoo into a small bowl with lukewarm water

    2. And let the brush soak in it for about half an hour.

    3. After the cleaning agent has had time to work, rinse the brush with lukewarm water as described above.

    4. We also recommend adding a splash of apple cider vinegar to the cleaning process. This helps prevent bacteria and bad odors from settling in the brush bristles.

    Never use harsh cleaning agents on the brush, as they can damage the fine structure of the bristles.

    Also, avoid using shower gels or similar products, as they may contain silicones or other softening agents that can harm the brush.

    Expert Tip: Specialty cleaning agents for shaving brushes are also available in specialized stores, which are particularly useful for cleaning badger hair shaving brushes.

    How to Dry a Shaving Brush After Cleaning?

    The brush should be air-dried only. Rubbing, toweling, or blow-drying damages the bristles and is therefore not recommended.

    Do not simply place the wet brush on any bathroom shelf but hang or place it so that enough air can reach the bristles, preventing the brush from becoming moldy or musty.

    It is also important to have a well ventilated room. A steamy bathroom is not ideal - open a window or turn on the fan to help the shaving brush dry properly.

    Shaving brush cleaning


    The shaving brush is your best buddy when it comes to shaving preparation. Treat it with care and take it seriously as an essential tool for a thorough shave. Additionally, our recommendation: Pay attention to good quality when purchasing. Your beard will thank you.

    FAQ Shaving Brush Cleaning

    How do I store my shaving brush after cleaning?

    Store the shaving brush in a bathroom cabinet after cleaning and drying (important: always only after drying!) where it is protected from dust, dirt, and moisture. Ideally, place the brush in a suitable shaving brush holder.

    Why does my shaving brush shed hairs?

    Over time and with use, it is normal for the shaving brush to shed hairs. Synthetic brushes tend to be somewhat more durable than those with animal hairs. However, like all tools, you will need to replace the brush after some time.

    How can I prevent my shaving brush from smelling after cleaning?

    Bad odors arise if the brush has not been thoroughly cleaned or if it cannot dry properly in a too damp environment. Therefore, clean the brush thoroughly and let it air-dry in a truly well-ventilated room.

    In acute cases, a cleaning with a splash of vinegar water is recommended. The vinegar acts as an odor neutralizer.

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    Rash after shaving not only looks unattractive but can also cause incredible itching. There are some tips and tricks to make the bumps disappear quickly - a visit to the doctor is usually not necessary. You can almost always prevent razor burn if you make sure to use a sharp blade and shave with the grain.

    Skin irritation after shaving is not unusual. Redness after shaving can not only be treated well but also prevented with a few tips and tricks. If your skin itches after shaving, you can help yourself with various remedies.

    If red spots appear after shaving, it is important to clarify whether they are razor burn or a rash after shaving.

    Shaving before and after

    How does a rash after shaving manifest?

    In fact, itching can occur after shaving, and it is also possible for a rash to appear. However, there is a clear difference between razor burn and a rash after shaving.

    After shaving, various symptoms may appear, which you can alleviate with different tips and tricks. The most common symptoms include:

    • burning
    • skin redness
    • red pimples after shaving
    • itching
    • rash

    We have already written a very informative post on the topic of itching after shaving - check it out: Help, my beard itches and stings » First aid from the barber

    It is important to note that the symptoms or rash from shaving usually disappear within a few hours, and sometimes after one to three days.

    Severe and chronic cases are possible. This can lead to pseudofolliculitis barbae. The symptoms of this condition are:

    • skin inflammation with pustules and papules
    • ingrown hairs
    • possible hyperpigmentation
    • abscess formation
    • secondary infection

    What is the difference between razor burn and a rash?

    Razor burn and shaving pimples are often described as the same issue. However, both occur for different reasons. Razor burn, which is simply a skin rash, can cause red skin patches, itchy rashes, or even sensitivity.

    The classic razor burn is directly caused by the razor blade used. When the razor blade cuts into the skin during shaving and damages the skin, it leads to red skin irritations that subsequently cause itching.

    Shaving pimples occur when ingrown hairs are caused by shaving against the hair growth. The hair grows under the skin's surface, leading to red skin bumps that resemble pimples. Therefore, one should shave the beard correctly, even if you are in a hurry. This can help prevent unsightly and itchy shaving pimples.

    Possible triggers for a rash after shaving

    There are a few triggers that can lead to a rash appearing after shaving, which should then be treated.

    The shave

    It’s about the type of shave. If you shave against the grain because this way the shave is completed faster, you risk skin irritation and also shaving pimples.

    A dull blade

    A razor that has been used multiple times has a dull blade. For this reason, you should regularly replace the razor blade. A sharp blade ensures a better shave.

    cost comparison razor

    Sensitive skin

    If you have sensitive skin, you need to be especially careful. Skin care is particularly important here to prevent any rashes. Ultimately, you need to take special care of the irritated skin after shaving.

    Treating a rash after shaving: Tips and tricks

    It is worth noting that a rash after shaving heals on its own. However, symptoms can be alleviated and the healing process accelerated.

    Tip for skin irritations: Place a warm, damp towel on the affected area for a few minutes. Beard products for care, such as lotions, also help to stop any potential itching.

    Tips for shaving pimples: Place a warm towel on the affected area for a few minutes. This may help the hairs penetrate the skin better.

    Expert tip: The skin needs to be moisturized. After shaving, apply cream to the face to not only alleviate any symptoms but also to potentially prevent rashes.

    When should you see a doctor?

    If you notice regular inflammation of the hair follicles, you should definitely make an appointment with a doctor. If razor burn does not go away on its own and develops into a chronic inflammation, it could lead to scarring. Additionally, severe inflammatory areas may occur.

    In this case, a dermatologist can help. They will examine you and assist with the care of the affected skin areas. Visiting a doctor can prevent severe cases or permanent skin damage.

    Tips for preventing rash after shaving

    It is possible to treat the symptoms and accelerate the healing process. With a few tips and tricks, you can also prevent a rash after shaving.

    Shower before shaving

    A warm shower before shaving ensures clean skin. The warm water makes the beard softer and opens the pores.

    Use a clean towel

    It is important to use a clean towel after shaving. This prevents any contaminants from affecting the skin.

    Use enough shaving foam: Don’t skimp on shaving foam, but cover the beard with it and let it sit for a bit. This softens the beard hair and makes it easier to shave.

    Shave with the grain

    If you shave against the grain, you risk shaving pimples. Always shave with the grain to prevent hairs from bending and growing in.

    Use only sharp and clean blades

    A dull blade can cause a rash. This is because you press harder and push the blade under the skin.

    Shave the cheeks first

    The hair on the neck and chin is stronger than that on the cheeks. By starting with shaving the cheeks, you give the rest of the beard more time to soften with the shaving foam or soap.


    In the end, it’s just a few tips and tricks on how to avoid razor burn or shaving pimples. If a rash does occur, you can easily treat it. Only if symptoms indicate a severe condition should you consult a dermatologist.


    How long does it take for a rash after shaving to heal?

    A mild redness disappears after about two to three hours. A properly developed skin rash can remain visible for two to three days.

    Can you cover up shaving rash?

    A concealer and/or makeup can cover up shaving rash. Additionally, there are creams with a green tint that neutralize redness. A lotion with aloe also helps speed up the healing process.

    Is the rash contagious?

    No. The redness is not contagious.

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    Many men swear by wet shaving every day because it is thorough and gentle on the skin. However, it is often not easy to find the right product. Shaving gel or foam? This question arises at the latest when one stands in front of the multitude of products available on the drugstore shelf.

    For men with sensitive skin, a completely different question often arises: What can be used instead of shaving foam? This is because the products often contain ingredients that are not compatible with every facial skin.

    We will show you the difference between shaving foam and shaving gel and explain the advantages and disadvantages of shaving gel vs shaving foam.

    Shaving Gel vs Shaving Foam: The Advantages and Disadvantages

    So, which is better, shaving foam or shaving gel? This is something everyone must decide for themselves. We want to give you some pros and cons of both products.

    Shaving Gel

    As the name suggests, shaving gel comes out of the container in gel form and foams up when used or in contact with the skin. The foam is slightly heavier and more viscous than shaving foam.


    • When used, the product foams more intensively than shaving foam.
    • Due to the slightly thicker consistency, the blades glide more smoothly over the skin when shaving, resulting in an even better outcome.
    • You need a smaller amount than with shaving foam - a hazelnut-sized portion is enough for a shave.
    • The foam lasts longer than shaving foam and doesn't collapse as quickly.
    • Due to its consistency, the product can be optimally distributed.


    • Since the product comes out of the tube as a gel, you need a few more steps in your shave until it forms the desired foam.
    • Shaving gel contains a lot of artificial and chemical additives such as foaming agents, which create the foaming effect. This means you're also applying unwanted ingredients to your skin.
    • These ingredients can cause allergies or skin irritations.
    • The containers increase waste and are therefore bad for the environment.
    • The substances in the can and the shaving foam can be harmful to the environment and groundwater.

    Shaving Foam

    Shaving foam is available ready-made in cans. You shake the product a bit, press the can, and you can apply the finished foam. After a short exposure time, you can start shaving immediately.


    • The application is very simple - you don't need to mix the foam.
    • The shaving foam, as it comes out of the can, has a texture perfect for wet shaving.
    • The razor glides easily and gently over the skin.
    • There are various shaving foam products for different skin types, beard types, and in different fragrances.
    • As easily as the shaving foam can be sprayed out of the can, it can also be washed off.


    • Shaving foam contains a lot of artificial and chemical additives such as foaming agents, which create the foaming effect. This means you're also applying unwanted ingredients to your skin.
    • These ingredients can cause allergies or skin irritations.
    • The spray cans increase waste and are therefore bad for the environment.
    • The substances in the can and the shaving foam can be harmful to the environment and groundwater.
    • With regular shaving, a can of shaving foam lasts about one to two months - using shaving foam is therefore costly.

    So, which is better, shaving foam or shaving gel?

    Whether you prefer shaving foam or shaving gel is basically an individual decision. We would personally answer the question with: "pay attention to the ingredients".

    As you can read in the disadvantages of both products, they can contain a lot of

    • unwanted,
    • artificial,
    • chemical
    • and sometimes harmful ingredients.

    These have no place on the skin. Especially not when the skin is being shaved, causing small cuts and abrasions through which these ingredients can enter the bloodstream.

    Expert Tip: When buying, pay attention to what's in the product. In addition to many cheap and very artificially composed products, there are also high-quality ones with good ingredients. You should opt for those.

    An alternative for particularly sensitive skin and for allergy sufferers is generally shaving soap. It contains purely natural ingredients - this also applies to its fragrances! Various products from tubes and cans often smell extremely artificial.

    We believe that shaving is a piece of valuable me-time that should be enjoyed. So why not choose a high-quality, natural product to have a real barbershop-feeling ritual every morning?

    In our Störtebekker shop, we offer high-quality shaving products with great scent components - take a look!


    Which product you use for your wet shave is, at the end of the day, a question of your attitude towards shaving in general - do you want to prioritize it and your feel-good time or is it just "the main thing is fast"? How do you handle it? Tell us!


    What is better for a smooth shave, shaving gel or shaving foam?

    Both products can be suitable for a smooth shave. However, shaving gel often has a thicker consistency and can help the razor glide better over the skin, especially if you have thick or coarse hair. Shaving foam, on the other hand, is lighter and easy to apply, making it ideal for people with sensitive skin.

    Can I use shaving gel instead of shaving foam?

    Shaving gel has a thicker consistency and can help the razor glide better over the skin. However, it is important to note that some shaving gels may not be suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin.

    On this topic, we have compiled some interesting articles from our blog for you:

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    Shaving without bleeding is often easier said than done. Especially when you're in a hurry in the morning and your thoughts are elsewhere, it happens: you've cut yourself while shaving. How big the disaster is now depends on how important your meeting or date is afterwards and how deep the cut is.

    We show you how to provide first aid yourself and what to do if you cut yourself while shaving in the intimate area instead of on your face.

    alum block alum stone blood stopper shave

    Cut while shaving: First Aid

    Cut while shaving - it happens to everyone and unfortunately quicker than you might like. Once the "work" is done, it's too late to be annoyed. Then it's only helpful to know what to do next.

    Here's our express guide to the "What to do if you cut yourself while shaving" emergency topic:

    1. First step: Stay calm. It happens and there's no reason to get even more frantic or panic.

    2. Immediately after it happens, turn on the tap and let the water run until it's cold.

    3. Now splash the cold water on your face. This causes the vessels to constrict, which stops the bleeding faster. In addition, the wound is cleaned and freed from beard stubble and co.

    4. Now use Aftershave Balm - it stings a bit when applied but disinfects the wound and prevents infection.

    Expert tip: You should skip this step in the intimate area. A soothing wound and healing ointment is a better option here.

      Cut while shaving: How do I stop the bleeding?

      Sometimes it gets worse - you've cut yourself while shaving and it won't stop bleeding. You've already used a lot of cold water, but the shaving wound bleeding just won't stop.

      We recommend an alum stick. You can find a very good one in our Störtebekker Shop. We swear by it! The potassium alum causes the tissue to contract further and stops the bleeding in no time. Additionally, the alum stick keeps bacteria away from the skin, preventing infection.

      Other home remedies if you cut yourself while shaving:

      1. A tissue. Press it firmly on the cut. This not only absorbs the blood but also seals the wound. Once the blood has clotted, you can remove the tissue.

      2. If the wound is deeper, you can use a colorless lip balm afterward. Like a wax stick, the fatty product seals the cut.

      This is how you promote the healing of a shaving wound

      If you want shaving wounds to heal quickly, you should not use cotton pads for aftercare. Small fibers could get caught in the wound, slowing the healing process. Fresh air, along with treatment with the alum stick, is still the best tip.

      If the cut is larger and hurts, or if you cut yourself while shaving and the area becomes inflamed, you should also treat the skin with an appropriate medical wound and healing ointment. You can find these products at the pharmacy.

      Avoid cutting while shaving

      Of course, it's best if you can avoid cutting yourself while shaving. To achieve this and minimize the risk of cut injuries, you should keep a few things in mind.


      Cost comparison of razors

      Use a fresh blade

      Always use a fresh blade and replace it regularly. Depending on how often you shave, this should be the case after about every tenth shave. If the razor blade is already a bit dull, it gets stuck in the beard stubble more easily or grazes the skin because you have to apply more pressure.

      Rinse the blade repeatedly

      Rinse the blade with clear water after each shave and let it air dry. This prevents beard stubble and skin flakes from accumulating in it, which pose a risk of injury. Air drying is also important to ensure the blade dries evenly and no moisture accumulates.

      It's all about technique

      Ultimately, a cut-free shave stands and falls with the technique. Always make sure to stretch the skin with one hand before placing the razor. Make clean, smooth strokes and hold the razor at an angle of about 30 degrees to the skin. Shaving against the grain or against the grain will give you a cleaner cut. This applies to the intimate area as well as to the face.

      Expert tip: You should shave with as little pressure as possible and let the blade glide gently over the skin.

      When can I shave again after cutting myself while shaving?

      If you cut yourself while shaving, you should wait a few days before shaving the affected area again. Make sure the cut is healed and the skin is no longer irritated or inflamed before shaving again. Otherwise, you risk injuring or irritating the skin again.


      Is it bad if you cut yourself while shaving?

      It's not really bad if you cut yourself while shaving. It happens to everyone. The important thing is to treat the wound immediately and use a disinfecting and blood-stopping product like the alum stick.

      Is there a razor that you can't cut yourself with?

      Unfortunately, there is no razor that you can't cut yourself with. A blade capable of shaving hair smoothly always poses a risk of injury to the skin.

      However, razors with flexible blades and multiple rows of blades are usually easier and safer to handle.

      Feel free to check out our safety razors and barber razors. Here you will find the right razor for you and your skin.

      Will I get a scar if I cut myself while shaving?

      If you cut yourself while shaving, it usually doesn't leave a scar. The cut is usually not deep enough to leave long-term marks.

      In our blog, we have created a special shaving guide for you. Here you will find expert knowledge for your daily shave.

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      Körperpflege ist schon längst kein Frauenthema mehr. Körperhaarentfernung spielt für Männer eine immer wichtigere Rolle, wenn es um die eigene Körperhygiene und die eigene ästhetische Vorstellung geht.

      Haarentfernung Mann

      Besonders das

      • Entfernen der Brusthaare,

      • die Haarentfernung im Intimbereich

      • und die Rückenenthaarung sind für Männer entscheidende Themen.

      Das hat auch die Werbung längst mitbekommen und wirbt mit immer neuen Produkten.

      Wir stellen Dir einige beliebte Methoden vor und erklären, was Du zum Thema Enthaarung für Männer wissen musst.

      Gründe für die Haarentfernung beim Mann

      Die Gründe für eine Haarentfernung bei Männern sind zumeist ästhetischer Natur.

      Eine haarfreie, glatte Brust oder ein Rücken, auf dem kein Urwald sprießt, sehen gepflegter und schöner aus. Bei Frauen kommen Männer mit wenig Körperhaaren zudem oft besser an.

      Viele, vor allem sportlich aktive Männer, setzen zudem aus hygienischen Gründen auf eine dauerhafte Herren-Haarentfernung, denn wenn sich Schweiß in Körperhaaren festsetzt, kann es schnell zu einem unangenehmen Geruch kommen.

      Wer wirklich sehr viel Sport macht, den können Körperhaare beim Training zudem stören - sie reiben und schubbern an der Sportkleidung und reizen dadurch die Haut.

      Welche Möglichkeiten zur Haarentfernung bei Männern gibt es?

      For a smooth chest, back, or intimate area, there are several methods for hair removal.

      Which one you prefer is a matter of taste and also a question of pain tolerance. Some of these options can be quite uncomfortable depending on the body area.

      Shaving for Hair Removal: Fast and Painless

      The most classic method for hair removal is shaving. Ideally done as a wet shave,

      • with a safety razor
      • or a straight razor,

      hair can be cleanly shaved off in the shower with some shaving soap or - foam.

      1. Moisten the hair and skin with water

      2. and then apply foamed shaving soap to the relevant areas.

      3. Let the shaving soap sit for a while until the hair is soft

      4. and can be shaved smoothly against the hair growth direction with a sharp razor.


      • The skin is clean and smoothly shaved.

      • With a good shaving tool, you can also reach and remove hairs from more difficult areas.

      • The method is painless.


      • The hair grows back relatively quickly, and you need to shave every few days.

      • There are often small stubbles left behind that appear dark under the skin.

      • There is a risk of small cuts and skin irritation after shaving.

      Cost Comparison Razor

      Hair Removal with an Epilator

      Epilating is becoming increasingly popular among men. There are now hair removal devices specifically made for men. They allow you to remove the hair along with its roots.

      Most epilators are very handy and can be easily glided over the areas to be depilated. These devices usually have a light to help find any remaining hairs more easily.

      However, epilating can be uncomfortable at first. Since the hair is removed along with the root, it can be quite painful and uncomfortable. Over time, however, the skin gets used to it.


      • Since the hair is removed along with the root, it takes longer for the hair to grow back and you need to repeat the procedure less often.

      • The result is very smooth skin without small hair stubs showing through, which are typically left under the skin with regular shaving.

      • You can epilate both wet in the shower and dry (with baby powder).


      • The procedure is painful and can irritate the skin, especially initially.

      • This method is not ideal for very sensitive areas in the intimate region.

      • Depending on how many body areas need to be epilated, the process can be relatively time-consuming - you should plan around an hour for it.

      Hair Removal Wax for Men

      Hair removal with wax is quite popular among men as it is quick and allows for the removal of a relatively large body area in a short time.

      This is especially advantageous for the chest or back. Hair removal wax for men comes either in jars or as hair removal strips. 

      1. Apply these to the relevant skin areas,

      2. press them down firmly

      3. and then quickly

      4. and in one go, pull off.

      It is quite painful, but over within a few seconds, and you have a larger area hair-free at once. However, pulling it off yourself requires some determination.


      • The method allows you to remove large areas of hair in one go.

      • The hair removal process is quick.

      • Since the hair is pulled out along with the root, the result is very smooth.


      • Extremely painful.

      • You need to master the technique and pull with real force and speed to achieve a satisfactory result.

      • This method is not suitable for very sensitive body areas. There is a risk of skin irritation and redness.

      Cost Comparison Razor

      Sugaring for Hair Removal in Men

      With sugaring, a sticky sugar paste (available in jars) is applied to the skin with a spatula. By peeling it off afterward, the hairs are removed along with their roots.

      This method is generally a bit gentler than waxing and has a centuries-old tradition. In the Orient, women have been removing their hair this way for many hundreds of years.

      Due to the relatively skin-friendly procedure, it is also suitable for sensitive areas like the face or intimate areas.


      • The components of the paste have a skin-care element, so skin irritations are less common.

      • The hairs are removed with their roots, resulting in a very smooth finish.

      • Also suitable for larger body areas, as well as the face and intimate areas.


      • The method is quite painful.

      • You need to become somewhat familiar with the technique for it to work.

      • The procedure is time-consuming, as you can only remove small areas step by step.

      Permanent Hair Removal with Laser

      Many men are now opting for hair removal with a laser. Most cosmetic studios now offer laser hair removal specifically for men and their “problem areas” like the back or chest.

      There are also laser devices for home use available for purchase. Since lasers destroy the hair follicle, the hairs stay away for a very long time or even permanently after such a treatment.


      • The hairs are permanently removed.

      • The result is very smooth and precise.

      • Laser hair removal is suitable for all body areas and skin types.


      • The procedure is painful and can lead to skin irritation and skin redness.

      • The treatment in a cosmetic studio is relatively expensive.

      • The procedure is very time-consuming.

      Creams and Other Hair Removal Products for Men

      In the drugstore, there are also various hair removal products for men - from hair removal sprays for men to men's hair removal creams.

      These products are applied similarly:

      1. They are applied to the areas to be depilated.

      2. They work for a while.

      3. The active ingredients in the product make the hairs so soft that they can then be easily “scraped off” along with the product residue.


      • Completely pain-free.

      • The application is quick and easy.

      • The method is also suitable for larger skin areas.


      • The hair follicle remains, so the hairs grow back quickly.

      • The products contain many chemical and artificial additives that are not good for the body or the environment.

      • The additives can cause allergies and skin irritation.


      Which hair removal option you choose depends on how much you are willing to endure and, of course, how many body areas are heavily covered with hair.

      Here you need to decide what makes the most sense for you personally and how thorough and permanent the result should be. 

      If the options presented, apart from shaving, aren't suitable for you, check out our shaving products for purchase.


      How much does hair removal for men cost?

      The cost of hair removal for men depends on which and how many areas need to be treated. Most cosmetic studios have fixed prices, divided by different body regions.

      For example, the abdomen and chest usually cost around 100 euros, while legs and back often amount to 200 euros or more.

      How long does hair removal for men take?

      Laser hair removal takes between 10 minutes and half an hour, depending on the body area.

      Large areas like the back can be treated with modern laser devices in 10 to 15 minutes. More complex areas like the neck or intimate area take longer.

      How often do men need to repeat hair removal?

      Laser hair removal typically needs to be repeated about 6 to 8 times until the follicle can no longer support hair growth. But it is worth it. About 85% of all hairs can be permanently removed with this method.

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      Intimate shaving is a sensitive matter. You want a smooth shaving result, but even less than on the face, you want to avoid the risk of injury.

      Shaving the intimate area is therefore something where many people spend a long time looking for the optimal tool.

      A safety razor can be a good decision for the intimate area. We show you why.

      Intimate shaving

      Can you shave the intimate area with a safety razor?

      First of all: The safety razor is absolutely suitable for intimate shaving. And yes, a safety razor is also a good choice in the intimate area of a woman.

      However, before you start in such a sensitive area, you should have already gained some experience with wet shaving and not be holding such a tool for the first time.

      We therefore recommend that you only use the safety razor for intimate shaving once you have already used it on other body regions.

      What are the benefits of safety razors for the intimate area?

      If you want to shave the intimate area with a safety razor, you can look forward to several advantages:

      1. The safety razor shaves clean and smooth. So you get a really good result. And a smoothly shaved intimate area not only looks nicer and more well-groomed, but also has carrying and hygiene benefits, for example, during sports.

      2. The safety razor is not only suitable for a smooth shave, but also for trimming hair or precisely shaving contours, such as the quite popular “landing strip.”

      3. The safety razor is zero waste and therefore sustainable and environmentally friendly.

      4. Most users love the handling of the safety razor - it fits well in the hand and can be guided precisely.

      Cost comparison of razor blades

      What characteristics should a safety razor for the intimate area have?

      However, which razor you choose for the intimate area can make an important difference:

      • Choose a safety razor with a closed comb. This means that the blade is protected and recessed. This gives you safety.

      • The comb, i.e., the lower part of the razor head, should be rather narrow in design. This allows you to better reach the more inaccessible areas and shave more accurately.

      • The handle should be made of high-quality material and fit well in your hand so that it does not slip out of your hand while shaving.

      Our Störtebekker safety razor has an extra ribbed handle so that it does not slip out of your hand when used under running water.


      Shaving the intimate area correctly with the safety razor: What you need to pay attention to

      But how do I shave my intimate area as a woman? Especially for women, the term "safety razor" is often somewhat daunting.

      We have a small guide for you:

      1. Moisten the skin in the shower with water and wash yourself normally with soap or intimate wash lotion. This softens the skin and hair, making the shave smoother.

      2. Place the razor at a 30-degree angle to the skin.

      3. Gently glide over the skin without applying pressure.

      4. Proceed slowly and do not make long shaving strokes - this way you can always see exactly how far you can work along the skin.

      5. It is best to work under the shower, i.e., under running water. This way, you can clean the safety razor under water after each shaving stroke and then start again.

      The direction in which you shave the intimate area is up to you:

      • If you have sensitive skin and are prone to pimples, it is advisable to shave in the direction of hair growth.

      • If you want the smoothest result possible, you should shave against the direction of hair growth.

      Shaving cost comparison

      Can you also shave the chest with a safety razor?

      Yes, definitely! A safety razor is not only suitable for the face or intimate area but also perfect for chest shaving.

      Thanks to its precise blade and stable handle, it allows for a thorough and even shave, even on the contours and curves of the chest area.

      With the right technique and preparation, chest shaving with a safety razor becomes a true pleasure.

      How to properly shave the chest area?

      • Preparation: Start with a warm shower to soften the skin and hair. This makes the blade glide more easily.

      • Apply shaving foam: Use high-quality shaving foam or gel. Apply it evenly to the chest.

      • Correct technique: Hold the safety razor at the correct angle (about 30 degrees) to the skin and shave in the direction of hair growth.

      • Gentle pressure: Apply only light pressure and let the blade do the work.

      • After shaving: Rinse the chest with cold water and apply a moisturizing after-shave balm to soothe the skin.

      How can I avoid shaving bumps with a safety razor?

      You can avoid shaving bumps in the intimate area by regularly changing the blade of the safety razor. You should do this at the latest when you notice that the blade becomes slightly dull and no longer glides as easily over the skin as at the beginning.

      A bump-free intimate shave is also easier with a safety razor, i.e., a safety razor with a recessed blade. It is gentler on your skin.

      To shave the bikini area without skin irritation, you should also always use shaving gel or foam.

      Products without artificial or chemical additives, but with nourishing ingredients like shea butter or aloe vera, are particularly recommended.

      We would like to recommend our Störtebekker shaving soap - it is free of artificial additives and is therefore particularly gentle on your skin.

      How often should you shave the intimate area with a safety razor?

      How often you should shave the intimate area cannot be answered in general terms.

      Most people want a consistently well-groomed and smooth result and therefore shave every few days. This is basically okay if you follow all the care tips and your skin does not become red or inflamed.

      We would rather advise against daily shaving. Give the skin a few days to recover. If you have shaved cleanly, it will take some time for new hair to grow back anyway.


      Intimate shaving and safety razors definitely go together, both for women and men. Have you tried it yet?


      Is intimate shaving with a safety razor dangerous?

      No, shaving the intimate area with a safety razor is no more dangerous than with any other shaving device. There is always a certain risk of injury when a blade comes into contact with the skin.

      Do I need shaving foam or gel for shaving the intimate area?

      We would definitely recommend shaving foam. This way you can better avoid skin redness and bumps and shave the skin more gently.

      Safety razor or system razor? Which is better suited for intimate shaving?

      We recommend the safety razor. You can work much cleaner and more precisely with it than with the system razor. This makes shaving much gentler.

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      To achieve a smooth, beautiful shave, you should keep your razor blades sharp. It is essential to rinse them thoroughly with hot water after each shave.

      If you notice that the razor blades become dull after a while, you need to either sharpen the razor with a sharpening stone or replace the blade. You can read here how often you should replace the razor blade.

      In addition to razors with replaceable blades, there are also razors with fixed blades - regular sharpening of the blade is essential here.

      This brings us to an important topic: Many men do not trust themselves to properly sharpen the razor. However, it’s not rocket science.


      Why is it so important to sharpen a razor?

      Residues of shaving soap, skin particles, and small hairs clog the razor and make it dull over time. Simply cleaning with hot water is no longer sufficient to keep the razor blades sharp.

      Dull blades can cause significant damage to your skin:

      • Irritations,
      • Redness,
      • Razor burn (small tip: Here’s how you can avoid razor burn)
      • Razor bumps (and here too, there are tips on how you can avoid razor bumps)
      • and small injuries.

      Therefore, it is important to regularly replace or, if that is not possible, sharpen with a suitable sharpening stone (for example, a water stone or a diamond sharpening stone).

      Razor Beard Shaving


      Sharpening or Stropping a Razor: What’s the Difference?

      There are different techniques. One distinguishes between sharpening and stropping a razor.

      • Technique and tool are different for each procedure.
      • The timing of when you strop and when you sharpen the razor is also different.

      A stylish razor with a replaceable blade and high quality can be found in our department for shaving products.

      Stropping and Sharpening a Razor: A Guide

      Let's start with stropping: As the word suggests, you pull the blade at a sharp angle across a leather strap. The blade sharpens through contact and abrasion with the leather.

      Hanging Strop, Paddle Strop, or Tension Strop?

      For the stropping procedure, you have various leather straps to choose from.

      1. Hanging Strop: It is well-suited for daily maintenance or daily stropping of the blade. You attach it to a hook on the wall - it "hangs". You stretch it from below with one hand and strop the razor by pulling it from top to bottom.

      2. Paddle Strop: Here, the leather is attached to a piece of wood, and you strop the razor by pulling it over. Since the strop is firm due to the wood, you can apply a bit more pressure. This variant often helps beginners as they do not have to hold and tension the strop themselves.

      3. Tension Strop: Here, you create the tension in the leather yourself, which requires a bit more practice. Therefore, this strop is more suitable for experienced users.


      Razor Beard Shaving

        How to Strop a Razor: How to Use a Strop?

        To strop the razor, you pull it at a flat angle - always towards the back of the razor, never towards the blade! - across the strop and repeat this about 20 times.

        Ideally, the leather strop is used regularly before shaving. This way, you always approach the shave with an optimally sharp blade.

        How to Properly Sharpen a Razor?

        Now, let’s discuss sharpening the razor with a replaceable blade - feel free to check out our razors. For this, you use a sharpening stone or a strop with a sharpening layer. In the latter case, one side is equipped with a special sharpening layer. The technique is the same as when stropping.

        Pull the razor blade flat across. Since the resistance from the stone or sharpening layer is higher, the blade is sharpened more intensely. The metal becomes slightly roughened through sharpening. Therefore, you should never perform this procedure directly before a shave. The razor should rest for at least 24 hours after sharpening.

        Before shaving, pull the blade over a leather strop once more to smooth the edges.

        What Grit is Best for Sharpening?

        When sharpening, you use grit values between 1000 and 8000. A high grit value is recommended if you want a particularly sharp edge. With an 8000 grit value, the blade achieves a finer sharpness than with a lower grit value.

        If you only want to maintain the razor, use a lower grit value. You can use higher grit values for a more intense sharpening.

        Alternative to Sharpening Stones: Sharpener for Razors

        As an alternative to sharpening stones, there are also razor sharpeners. Some come with integrated stropping surfaces or multiple sharpening steps. They can often be used to quickly and efficiently sharpen the razor blade.

        Generally, razor sharpeners are a good option if you don’t want to deal with the hassle of sharpening stones.

        But don’t forget: Sharpening stones and sharpeners require practice and should be carefully used.

        Summary: Proper Care for a Razor Blade

        The razor blade is an essential tool in your shaving routine. Whether you use a blade with a sharpener or a strop, care for the blade is crucial.

        • After every shave, clean the blade with hot water.
        • Strop daily for the best results.
        • Sharpen every few weeks to maintain sharpness.
        • Allow 24 hours of rest after sharpening.

        With these tips, you’ll ensure a clean, smooth shave and extend the life of your razor blades.

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        Preparing your skin for shaving is more important than you think. Simply starting with the razor is not a skin-friendly idea.

        Your pre-shave routine doesn't have to be time-consuming. We’ll show you how to do it right.

        Beard Bald Man

        Why is it so important to prepare your skin for shaving?

        With your pre-shave routine, you prepare skin and beard hair optimally for the upcoming shave. This means you'll have an easier time shaving and achieve a better, smoother result.

        Primarily, it also means you protect your skin and it will suffer less damage during shaving.

        Good shaving preparation can help you avoid stubble, as well as

        With good preparation and our Störtebekker shaving products, you are well-equipped.

        How do I prepare my skin for a wet shave?

        There are some important steps you should always follow when preparing for a wet shave. We explain them here.

        1. Cleanse Your Face with a Scrub

        Good preparation is important: Now use a scrub or a milder cleanser.

        A scrub before a traditional shave is beneficial for several reasons:

        1. There are germs and dirt in your beard. If you do not clean them thoroughly before shaving, there is a risk of infections and skin irritations during wet shaving.

        2. Additionally, you open your skin's pores and prepare it well for shaving. Always use a facial cleanser - and every few times use a scrub to remove even coarser dirt and dead skin flakes.

        The scrub is not strictly necessary, but it will give you the best results in the end.

        Note: Many men wonder whether it’s better to use a scrub before or after shaving. Although this is a matter of personal preference, we recommend using the scrub before shaving.

        2. Determine the Growth Direction of Your Beard

        Once your skin is optimally cleansed, take a look at your beard and identify the growth direction of your beard. This will help you shave in the growth direction and be more gentle on your skin.

        Additionally, we recommend the following article: Shaving against the grain.

        3. Soften Your Beard

        Now you should soften your beard by soaking it. Only when the beard hairs are supple and soft will you achieve a smooth and skin-friendly shave without skin irritations. Stubborn beard stubble leads to a rough shave with a risk of injury.

        Several pre-shave treatments are possible:

        1. You can moisten a towel with warm water and place it on your face and beard for two minutes. This ensures that your beard hairs become nice and soft.

        2. An additional positive effect can be achieved with shaving oil, a gel, or a lotion. These products not only soften your skin and beard hair but also create a sort of protective film on your skin, which further protects it from the razor.

        We personally recommend shaving oil - especially the Störtebekker shaving oil. Shaving oil softens your beard hairs not only optimally but also makes them stand out better, making them easier to cut. By making your skin particularly smooth, it also reduces the risk of ingrown beard hairs.

        4. Use a Skin-Friendly Shaving Soap

        Now to the next step: Applying shaving foam, shaving cream, shaving gel or foam to your skin.

        One thing is clear: we strongly recommend shaving soap. It contains only natural ingredients and is much gentler on your skin than shaving foam or gel. We have a very high-quality product in our Störtebekker assortment.

        Then comes the heart of the wet shave:

        We wouldn’t skip the pre-shave ritual of mixing a good shaving soap. This procedure is one of the core elements of a genuine shave.

        It also makes the shave smoother. Shaving cream tends to foam more coarsely and sticks more stubbornly to the razor blade, making the shave a bit more cumbersome.

        No matter which product you use - let the foam sit for about three minutes before you apply the razor blade.

        Still have questions about how to use shaving soap correctly? Here’s the article.

        Expert tip: In the Störtebekker assortment, we have the shaving brush set, which includes a shaving bowl, shaving brush, and shaving soap.

        How do I prepare my skin for a dry shave?

        A dry shave is named for a reason. Your beard hairs should be really dry and stiff and protrude as much as possible from your skin.

        There are also suitable pre-shave products for preparing for an electric shave. They contain high-alcohol solutions like ethanol.

        The alcohols have a dehydrating and stiffening effect. It is also possible to use regular rubbing alcohol instead of a special product, but then you miss out on any moisturizing effects - which is not a good idea for your facial skin combined with a razor blade.

        The pre-shave products also contain essential, astringent oils.

        If you’re still deciding between wet and dry shaving, feel free to read this article.

        Additional Questions About Shaving Preparation

        Should you shave in the evening or in the morning?

        Whether you shave in the morning or in the evening is basically up to you and your daily schedule.

        However, it has been found that a morning shave on an empty stomach actually results in fewer injuries to the face.

        The later in the day, the less elastic and more sensitive your skin becomes to the cuts from the razor or electric shaver - simply because it gets worn out from the day's stresses.

        Over night, on the other hand, the skin regenerates and therefore has more elasticity in the morning.

        This means less risk of cutting yourself while shaving and a better result, achieving perfect contours in your beard hair. 

        Shaping beard contours for a flawless beard? This article shows you how.

        And also check out our shaving products in the Störtebekker shop, which support you in every shave.

        Should I shave before or after showering?

        Shaving before or after showering is easily answered: after showering! Because then your beard hairs are softened from the contact with warm water, and you can shave them more safely.

        What should I avoid when preparing my skin for shaving?

        You should definitely avoid rubbing or scratching your skin too hard, as this could lead to unnecessary irritations or injuries.

        Additionally, you should not use aggressive cleaning products. These dry out the skin and can cause redness, itching, or pimples in sensitive individuals.


        Just jumping into shaving is not a good idea. Always prepare your skin well for shaving. Your skin will thank you.

        This is the only way to ensure that you achieve a truly optimal result. And, aside from that: Make shaving your wellness ritual! Handling shaving oil and shaving soap is your Me-Time!

        What is particularly important to you when preparing for shaving?

        Here are a few more articles for you on the topic of shaving:

        Mehr lesen

        If you shave regularly, you also need to change the razor blade just as regularly. But how often is regularly?

        How often should you change razor blades? And when should you change the blade in a safety razor, straight razor, system razor, or electric razor?

        Safety razor blades

        Why It Is Important to Change the Razor Blade

        Whether it's a straight razor, safety razor, system razor, or electric razor, changing the razor blade is important for several reasons:

        • Your shave result is significantly more precise and smoother with a sharp blade.

        • A dull blade poses a higher risk of injury: you can scrape your skin, leading to skin irritations like redness and even razor burn.

        • Because you have to apply more pressure when using a dull blade, the risk of cuts also increases.

        • The longer a blade is in use, the more unhygienic it becomes. Even if you rinse it regularly with cold water after shaving, small dirt and skin particles remain. This increases the risk of infections and razor bumps while shaving.

        If you purchase shaving products from us, such as safety razors or straight razors, you will always receive a set of razor blades with your purchase.

        How do I change the razor blade in my safety razor?

        How you should proceed when changing the blade depends on the closure mechanism, among other things.

        However, most safety razors available in stores have a so-called butterfly closure. In this case, you can follow this guide:

        1. Turn the handle until the blade head opens.

        2. Now you can carefully remove the old blade from the holder and insert the new one. You should handle the blade by the short, or blunt, side if possible.

        3. Once the blade is securely in the holder, turn the handle again to fix the blade in place.

        Some models are equipped with a screw closure. Changing the razor blade with this different mechanism is slightly different:

        1. Depending on the design, you may need to loosen a screw on the blade head or unscrew the entire blade head.

        2. Now you can separate the two parts, allowing you to easily remove the dull blade.

        3. Next, simply insert the new blade and screw the loose blade head back on. You can apply a bit of force to ensure the blade is securely fixed.

        How long can you use razor blades?

        The crucial question now is: How long do razor blades last? The lifespan of a razor blade depends on several factors.

        We will show you what to consider in your blade-changing routine.

        1. Do you care for the blade?

        Honestly: Do you clean the razor blade thoroughly after each shave, or rinse it with hot water and let it air dry? If you do this regularly, it significantly extends the life of the razor blade. Sharpening a razor blade or a straight razor also extends its lifespan.

        By the way, you should never use a toothbrush or similar tool to scrub out the small hairs and skin particles that collect in the blade after shaving. This can create tiny scratches on the blade and dull it over time.

        Straight razor

        2. What is the quality of your beard hair?

        Not all beard hair is the same. There are thinner, softer, but also more stubborn and thicker beard hairs. If your beard hairs are particularly dense and firm, the blade will wear out faster compared to thinner, softer hairs.

        It also depends on whether you trim the entire beard each time or just the beard contours.

        3. How is your shaving technique?

        Your shaving technique also affects how long a blade lasts. If you hold the razor at a 30-degree angle and stretch the skin with the other hand, you usually achieve a smooth result with just one stroke. If you don't do this, you may need multiple strokes for the same area, which causes the blade to wear out faster.

          Moreover, it is important how well you prepare your skin for shaving. With the right shaving soap or shaving foam, you soften the beard hairs, making them more pliable. This makes it easier for the blade to remove the beard hairs.

          Straight razor shave beard

          4. Do you sharpen the blade?

          If you regularly sharpen the razor blade, you can give it a longer life. However, you should master the technique:

          1. Draw the razor blade against the usual shaving direction about 15 to 20 times quickly over a special leather strop.

          2. If you're unsure how to do this, you can have the blade professionally sharpened by a barber.

          5. How high is the quality of the razor blade?

          As with all consumable products, the quality of the razor blade determines its lifespan. High-quality blades last significantly longer than low-quality ones.

          Therefore, when buying a razor blade, pay attention to its sharpness and especially hardness. Good blades have a Rockwell hardness of 60 HR. The harder the blade, the more durable it is.

          Feel free to browse the Störtebekker shop. We have great shaving products you need for your shave.

          How can you tell if a razor blade is dull?

          Dull razor blades are initially noticeable while shaving. You will gradually notice that the shave result is less smooth and you might need to shave more often.

          If your skin feels rougher after shaving, slightly burns, or if you might even cut yourself here and there, it could be a sign.

          It can also lead to skin irritations like razor burn or razor bumps.

          That's the point when you should change the blade. Depending on the factors mentioned above, this is usually every 2 to 10 shaves.

          If the blade turns slightly brown, meaning it is already rusting, it is more than high time to replace it.

          Shaving beard

          How to keep your razor blade sharp longer

          By regularly rinsing the razor blade with hot water, you extend its lifespan. Ideally, you should do this not only after each shave but also in between, after every second or third stroke.

          This cleans and disinfects the blade optimally. Additionally, the blade clogs less quickly with hairs and skin particles, which can dull it over time.

          Let the blade dry with the head facing up. It is important that you do not leave the blade in the shower or in any moisture.

          How often can you use a disposable razor?

          The name “disposable razor” already gives it away - it is made for single use. In an emergency, they can be used up to three times but should really be replaced after that.

          It's not particularly sustainable and can become expensive over time.

          Therefore, we recommend shaving with a safety razor - here you only need to replace the blade regularly, not the entire handle.

          Visit the Störtebekker shop - we have a high-quality safety razor in our assortment.

          How often should you change the blade in a system razor or electric razor?

          With a system razor and an electric razor, you also need to regularly change the blade or foil. When to do so is just as variable as with a safety razor. Pay attention to the previously mentioned points. Typically, after 2 - 10 shaves.

          You should change a foil head about every 18 months, but this also depends on the frequency of shaving.


          Neglecting to change the razor blade is not a good idea.

          However, if you pay attention to regular maintenance of the razor, you can extend the usage of your blades. A bit of diligence is worth it!

          How do you handle it - do you really change regularly?

          All top articles on shaving accessories & hygiene:

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          Not every man feels completely comfortable with shaving foam. The culprits are often problematic substances found in many products, such as plastics or hormone-like substances.

          So, what can you use instead? Shaving oil is a good alternative that is becoming increasingly popular. In this article, we reveal the benefits of shaving oil, what to keep in mind when using it, and what the beard care product consists of.

           Shaving Oil

          What is shaving oil and what is it made of?

          If you want to shave without shaving foam, you will quickly come across shaving oil in your research. Shaving oil for men has nothing to do with beard oil. It is a pure pre-shave product that is used before shaving.

          Shaving oil, which consists of different oils such as

          • Jojoba oil,
          • Coconut oil,
          • Castor oil
          • or Almond oil,

          makes the hair softer and forms a film on the skin to protect it slightly during shaving.

          In our shop, you will find numerous beard products for purchase, including shaving oil and beard shampoo.

          What are the benefits of shaving oil compared to other products?

          Indeed, shaving oil has some advantages over other beard care products. We have listed the most important ones for you in the following section:

          1. Shaving oil is particularly gentle on the skin

          Shaving oil nourishes your skin already before shaving. It softens the beard hair, making it easier to shave smoothly, and forms a protective layer on your skin.

          Additionally, it is a pure natural product. For those dealing with skin sensitivities, irritations, or redness, shaving oil is a much gentler and milder option. Its moisturizing properties keep the freshly shaved skin well-protected and quickly restore its natural balance.

          2. Clear contours thanks to transparency

          If you need to pay special attention to contours in your beard style, a mountain of opaque foam can be problematic. Where exactly were the contours again?

          With shaving oil, you can see clear edges and contours while shaving and achieve particularly precise and sharp shaving.

          3. Using shaving oil saves time

          Shaving oil saves you a portion of time during your morning shave. You don’t have to lather it up and distribute it on your face extensively. Just a few drops on your beard are sufficient. Since you only need a small amount, it lasts a long time. This also saves on packaging and is good for the environment.

          4. Shaving oil is suitable for both wet and dry shaving

          You can use shaving oil for both wet and dry shaving. Use it while showering or simply in the morning by quickly rinsing your face with warm water.

          Shaving Oil

          Is there a difference between shaving oil and beard oil?

          While beard oil is applied as a post-shave care, shaving oil is used before shaving as pre-shave care. Therefore, it serves as a substitute for shaving foam or shaving gel. However, you can also use shaving oil for aftercare.

            Shaving with Shaving Oil: What to keep in mind when using it

            The application of shaving oil is very simple. If you have any doubts, just follow our guide:

            1. Clean your beard

            Wash your beard with beard shampoo, beard soap, or quickly with warm water if you are short on time. In this case, just dampen your face briefly.

            2. Less is more: Apply the shaving oil

            Drop 2 - 5 drops of the oil into your hand and then massage it into your beard. Use the oil sparingly! It is very concentrated. Let the oil sit for half a minute to two minutes.

            3. Shaving

            Now you can proceed with the shave as usual. You can use a wet razor or an electric razor. Feel free to check out all our shaving products. Want to try something completely new? Then click on the link in the image.

            4. Rinse off residues with water

            Rinse your face with clear water to remove residues like small hairs. Then apply your aftershave care as usual.

            Can I use shaving oil in combination with shaving foam or shaving gel?

            Why choose between shaving oil or shaving gel? You can also use shaving oil in combination with another product - shaving oil and other care products are not mutually exclusive.

            Expert Tip: Shaving oil primarily serves as skin care and protection before shaving. Apply a few drops and let them absorb before using shaving foam and other products as usual.

            Can you make shaving oil yourself?

            Yes, it’s possible and very easy! Use some nourishing oils like coconut oil, olive oil, almond oil, and jojoba oil to achieve the desired effect. Great recipes for homemade beard oil can be found on YouTube, among other places.


            Shaving oil is a good alternative to shaving foam and similar products. Especially with sensitive, delicate skin, you can have a great experience with it.
            Have you already used shaving oil?

            Shave correctly! Great articles that address challenges:

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              Nothing comes closer to your skin than your razor blade. Therefore, hygiene should be an important topic for you. We want to show you how to properly care for and thoroughly clean your razor.

              Why is it important to clean razor blades?

              Your razor is often, if not daily, in use. During this time,

              • hair,
              • skin cells,
              • and dirt particles accumulate on the blade.

              Shaving Beard

              This leads to a dull blade. A dull razor blade roughens your skin, poses a risk of injury, and also results in a less satisfactory shave.

              But that's not all: With the hair, skin particles, and dirt , which transfer to your skin while shaving and lead to inflammation and blemishes. Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly clean the razor blades.

              Cleaning Razor Blades: Here's How

              Cleaning razor blades follows the same ritual every time. It doesn’t matter whether you use a razor with replaceable blade, a manual razor, or a safety razor.

              Quick detour - Want to refresh your bathroom with shaving products? Check out the shop as soon as you finish reading.

              1. Rinse the Blade

              First, rinse the blade with hot water - ideally under a flowing stream of water. This removes coarse dirt and hair and helps clear the blade of any blockages. Hot water is more suitable than cold water for this.

              Ideally, you should detach the blade from the razor if possible and clean it separately.

              2. Remove Dirt Residue with a Brush

              Then, take a small brush with somewhat stiffer bristles and gently remove the dirt residue from the blade. Toothbrushes are also suitable for this purpose. If possible, use an additional sterilizing or disinfecting solution during this process.

              Special razor blade brushes are available in drugstores or pharmacies. They provide the best cleaning results, of course.

              Cleaning Razor Blades, Disinfecting Razor Blades

              3. Allow to Dry

              Then, let the blade air dry completely. Place the razor and blade openly on a bathroom shelf or table and ventilate the room if possible. This allows the blade to dry optimally.

              Note: If you put the blade away while still wet, there is a risk that mold may form due to the trapped moisture, or the blade may even begin to rust. We don’t need to mention what that would mean for your skin.

              Periodically, you should sharpen your razor.

              Clogged Razor: What You Can Do

              Those with particularly dense beard growth and thick hair are at a higher risk for clogged razors. The more blades your razor has and the closer they are together, the more frequently this happens.

              For denser hair, it is therefore recommended to shave with a single blade such as with a safety razor or razor with replaceable blade. Just browse our Störtebekker Shop. Our shaving products are well-designed and of high quality.


              Should You Disinfect Razor Blades and If So, How?

              You should rinse your razor blade after every shave thoroughly with warm water to immediately remove hairs and skin flakes.

              Blades are replaced after five to a maximum of ten shaves. If you use a high-quality safety razor or razor with replaceable blade, the blades last much longer. In that case, it is recommended to occasionally clean them with a disinfecting solution as well.

              Cost Comparison Razor

              2 Typical Mistakes in Cleaning Razor Blades

              1. The razor blade is tapped on the edge of the sink. Don’t do this, as hitting the razor head against hard material can damage it. This can have painful effects on your skin during the next shave.

              2. Drying the razor or blade with a towel. Never wipe the blade with a towel. This will only damage it and make it dull more quickly. Always let blades air dry.


              Cleaning razor blades should be a standard ritual in your bathroom. A well-maintained beard absolutely needs a clean and sharp razor blade; there's no way around it.

              How do you handle your blade cleaning?

              Here’s another reading tip:

              Mehr lesen

              A good safety razor is a lifelong investment. However, like with all razors, you need to regularly replace the safety razor blade.

              We want to explain how long a razor blade lasts and how often you should change the blade in your safety razor.

              How often should I change the razor blade?

              Ideally, you should change the safety razor blade after 5-10 shaves. How often you need to replace the razor blade depends on how often you shave.

              As soon as you notice that the blade is becoming dull, you should consider replacing it.

              How can you tell if the razor blade is dull?

              If you have rough spots on your skin after shaving or even noticeable skin irritations, this is a clear sign that the blade is becoming dull. It's best not to let it get this far; instead, replace the blade on a regular basis.

              All our shaving products can be found in the shop. Each safety razor comes with an extra set of razor blades.

              How to Change the Blade in Your Safety Razor

              Removing the blade from the safety razor is not rocket science. There are safety razors with two different closure mechanisms.

              We will show you what to keep in mind.

              For a razor with a butterfly closure:

              1. Twist the handle until it loosens.

              2. This opens the blade head.

              3. You can now remove the blade.

              4. Remember to only handle the blade by the short sides, as only there is it dull.

              5. Insert a new blade - it doesn't matter which way you do this.

              6. Twist the handle again to close the blade head.

              For a model with a screw closure:

              1. You can either open the blade head with a screw or unscrew the head from the handle.

              2. Once you have the blade head in your hand, you can separate both parts and remove the old blade.

              3. Simply insert the new blade and screw the head back on.


              Razor Safety Razor Beard

              Why is Regular Blade Replacement So Important?

              Both you and your skin and beard benefit from regular blade replacement. For several reasons:

              1. A new blade is sharper and cuts more accurately. You will achieve a much better result after shaving.

              2. Over time, razor blades collect a lot of residue. Even if you rinse the blade regularly with warm water, small hairs and skin flakes remain. Over time, this becomes unsanitary and can cause infections and blemishes on your skin.

              3. Dull blades do not cut as accurately. They roughen your skin and scrape it while shaving.

                In other words: The risk of cutting yourself while shaving is higher. You have a greater risk of skin redness, infections, and razor burn. How to avoid razor burn is explained in this post.

              What Should I Consider When Changing the Blade?

              Here's some additional know-how for you: It doesn't matter which direction you insert the new blade.

              A safety razor can be used on both sides. However, after changing the blade, you should not simply throw the old one in the household trash.

              How to dispose of razor blades is described in another guide. Use our blade collector for this purpose. You can find it and other great shaving products in the shop.


              Cost Comparison Razor


              We promise you: You don't need three minutes to change the blade on a safety razor. Safety razors are, because you only need to change the blade, a very

              • efficient,
              • sustainable
              • and also budget-friendly shaving tool.
              Check out our shop; we have a very high-quality Störtebekker safety razor. Once you have the razor, you will only have the cost of fresh Störtebekker razor blades to worry about. And you will produce almost no waste.

              Do you use a safety razor? What are the benefits for you?

              Mehr lesen

              Ein Rasierhobel ist, wenn Du uns fragst, das Non plus Ultra für eine saubere Rasur. Wer sich diesbezüglich schlau macht, steht allerdings schnell vor einer Frage: Soll ich den Rasierhobel mit geschlossenem Kamm oder den Rasierhobel mit offenem Kamm nehmen?


              Was ist ein Rasierhobel mit offenem Kamm? 

              Beim Rasierhobel mit offenem Kamm befinden sich zahnartige Lücken zwischen Kamm und Klingen.

              Um die Art des Kamms zu identifizieren, betrachte die Stelle im Rasierhobelkopf, an dem die Klingenschneide herauskommt. Oberhalb und unterhalb davon befinden sich die Teile des Kopfes, die die Klinge in ihrer Fassung halten. Die Ränder, die über und unter der Rasierklinge zu sehen sind, nennt man Kamm.

              In unserem Störtebekker Online-Shop findest du unter Rasur Produkte eine große Auswahl an Rasierhobeln - schau dich um. 

              Die Vorteile eines Rasierhobels mit offenem Kamm 

              Bei diesem Modell hast Du folgende Vorteile:

              • Größerer Schneideraum: Dadurch dass zwischen Kamm und Klinge kleine Lücken sind, passen pro Rasurstrich mehr Haare hinein. Das ist besonders bei vollem oder dickem Haar ein echter Vorteil.

              • Rasur verläuft sauberer: Durch diese Lücken kann auch der Rasierschaum besser abtransportiert werden. Du kannst also sauberer und übersichtlicher rasieren.

              • Glatteres Rasurgefühl: Besonders bei dichterem Barthaarwachstum fühlt sich die Rasur insgesamt oft glatter an.

                Die Nachteile eines offenen Rasierhobels 

                Die Lücken zwischen Kamm und Klinge bewirken beim offenen Rasierhobel leider auch, dass sich die Rasur selbst ruppiger und unsanfter anfühlt.

                Zudem gibt man der Klinge mehr Spiel auf der Haut. Bei empfindlicher Haut kann das suboptimal sein. Hautreizungen und Rötungen treten hier häufiger auf als beim geschlossenen Kollegen. 

                Was ist ein Rasierhobel mit geschlossenem Kamm? 

                Rasierhobel mit geschlossenem Kamm heißt, dass sich die Rasierklinge direkt über dem Rand befindet. 

                Beim geschlossenen Kamm sieht der Kamm mehr wie ein Bügel aus, der die Klinge einfasst. Die Klinge liegt leicht darin eingebettet.

                Kostenvergleich Rasierer

                  Die Vorteile eines Rasierhobels mit geschlossenem Kamm

                  Auch hier gibt ´s einige wirkliche Vorteile zu erwähnen.

                  • Sanftere Rasur: Dadurch dass der Kamm leicht über der Schneide liegt, gleitet der Rasierer etwas schonender und sanfter über die Haut.

                  • Besseres Feintuning: Besonders bei dünnerem oder weniger dichtem Barthaar liefert der geschlossene Kamm ein sauberers Ergebnis, da Du einzelne oder dünne Haare damit besser erwischst.

                  • Weniger Hautreizungen: Bei der Rasur mit dem geschlossenen Kamm kommt es, dank seiner Beschaffenheit, zu weniger Hautreizungen.

                  Die Nachteile eines geschlossenen Rasierhobels 

                  Wenn Du sehr dicke oder dichte Barthaare hast, kommst Du mit dem geschlossenen Rasierhobel vermutlich schnell an die Grenzen dessen, was eine saubere Rasur ausmachen sollte.

                  Das Rasurgefühl ist im allgemeinen hier weniger glatt

                  Welche Variante ist besser für mich geeignet? 

                  Welche Variante sich für Dich am Besten eignet, hängt primär von Deiner Haarstruktur und Länge ab.

                  • Dichteres, längeres und volleres Barthaar ist tendenziell mit dem offenen Rasierhobel besser bedient.

                  • Für sensiblere Haut und feineres Haar eignet sich der geschlossene Kamm besser.

                  Letztendlich ist die Entscheidung auch immer von Deiner persönlichen Vorliebe und dem Gefühl, das Du bei einer Rasur haben willst, abhängig.

                  Expertentipp: In der Praxis kommt fast immer der geschlossene Kamm zum Einsatz und den würden wir einem Einsteiger in die klassische Rasur auch empfehlen.

                  Trau Dich mit etwas Übung dann am besten mal an den offenen Kamm um Deinen Favoriten zu finden.


                  Lass Dir bloß nicht einreden, der geschlossene Kamm wäre nur etwas für Weicheier - von wegen sanftere Rasur und so.

                  Beide Rasierhobel haben ihre gleichwertige Berechtigung und eignen sich für unterschiedliche Barttypen. 

                  In unserem Störtebekker Online-Shop findest du eine große Auswahl an Rasierhobeln - schau dich um. 

                  Welcher Rasierhobel ist Dein Favorit?

                  Noch mehr informative Beiträge für dich - klick dich durch

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                  Being perfectly shaved not only makes a great impression but also feels significantly fresher. However, achieving a smooth shave and avoiding razor burn requires skill. But don’t worry, we’ll show you how to do it in this article.

                  Beard Shave

                  The Preparation for a Perfect Shave

                  As with many things in life, the perfect shave is all about good preparation. Before you start with a razor with a replaceable blade, make sure to check a few things. Also, ensure that you have all your shaving products at hand.

                  1. How Do My Beard Hairs Grow?

                  First, determine the growth direction of your beard hairs. It’s best to shave when the stubble is already a couple of days old. Then, run your smooth palm over your face. You should feel it a bit smoother in one direction—this is the growth direction of your hairs.

                  Knowing your growth direction is crucial to avoiding skin irritation while shaving. Shaving with the growth direction will make the shave much gentler on your skin.

                    2. Erst duschen dann rasieren

                    Viele stellen sich die Frage: vor oder nach dem Duschen rasieren? Wir raten Dir, das Rasierwerkzeug unbedingt erst nach dem Duschen anzusetzen. Das warme Wasser kurbelt nämlich Deine Durchblutung an und öffnet die Poren der Haut.

                    Das wiederum bewirkt, dass die Haarfolikel in den Poren biegsam und elastisch werden und sich so deutlich besser und glatter rasieren lassen.

                    Expertentipp: Reinige Dein Gesicht vor der Rasur zusätzlich mit einem Gesichtsreiniger. So entfernst Du Bakterien und Schmutz und minderst das Risiko für Entzündungen nach dem Rasieren.

                    3. Rasierschaum oder Seife auftragen 

                    Trage anschließend Rasierschaum oder Rasierseife auf. Wir möchten Dir an der Stelle unsere Störtebekker Rasierseife ans Herz legen - sie beinhaltet hochwertige Inhaltsstoffe und sorgt so dafür, dass Deine Haut nicht zusätzlich gereizt wird.

                    Außerdem schäumt sie wunderbar gleichmäßig und langanhaltend und eignet sich daher bestens, um alle Bartpartien gut einzuschäumen. Das ist wichtig, damit Du auch wirklich hautschonend rasieren kannst.
                    Der Schaum weicht Deine Haare zusätzlich auf und bereitet sie so optimal auf das Rasiermesser vor.

                    Expertentipp: Falls Du kein Fertigprodukt aus der Dose verwenden willst, ist ein Rasierschaum Ersatz genau das richtige für Dich! 

                    Richtig rasieren: So geht´s 

                    Jetzt geht ´s ans Eingemachte.

                    1. Starte erst einmal damit, Dein Gesicht in die Wuchsrichtung Deines Bartes zu rasieren. Straffe die Haut dabei mit den Fingern.

                    2. Rasiere in kurzen, präzisen Zügen.

                    3. Beginne am Besten seitlich an den Wagen bzw. Koteletten und arbeite Dich von außen nach innen vor.

                    4. Spüle nach spätestens drei Rasierzügen Deine Klinge unter warmem Wasser ab. So stellst Du sicher, dass keine Bartstoppeln die Klinge verstopfen, was Deine Haut ritzen und reizen könnte.

                    5. Zuletzt ist der Hals- und Kinnbereich dran: lege den Kopf leicht nach hinten und spanne die Haut zwischen den Fingern gut, damit Du Dich nicht in den Hals schneidest.

                    Wenn Du ein noch glatteres Ergebnis wünschst, kannst Du Die Prozedur anschließend entgegen der Wuchsrichtung wiederholen.

                    In welche Richtung Du rasierst, hängt am Ende von Dir ab: gegen die Wuchsrichtung ergibt ein glatteres Resultat, birgt aber auch die Gefahr von Hautreizungen und Rötungen - bei sensibler Haut weniger zu raten.

                    Aftershavebalm Rasur Mann bart

                    Die richtige Pflege nach dem Rasieren 

                    Nach Beendigung der eigentlichen Rasur ist die Prozedur aber noch nicht vorbei. Um Hautrötungen zu vermeiden, ist es wichtig, die rasierten Stellen entsprechend zu pflegen.

                      After Shave 

                      Nutze dazu ein After Shave. Die meisten von ihnen enthalten Alkohol und desinfizieren Deine Haut dadurch, was besonders bei kleinen Ritzen und Schnitten wichtig ist.

                      Achte darauf, dass Du ein gutes After Shave ohne chemische Zusätze nimmst. Gegen kleine Schnitte und Reizungen empfehlen wir Dir unseren Alaunstein.


                      Pflege Deinen Bart abschließend noch mit einem hochwertigen Bartöl. Wir haben eines im Störtebekker Shop, das wir selbst mit Begeisterung verwenden.

                      Es dient nicht nur dazu, Dein Barthaar möglichst gepflegt und glänzend wirken zu lassen, sondern pflegt und beruhigt auch die Haut unter dem Barthaar.

                      Du kannst Dir auch gern unsere anderen Bart Produkte anschauen. Sehr beliebt ist das Folgende.


                      Wie oft sollte ich mich rasieren? 

                      Wie oft sich Männer rasieren sollten, hängt von der Schnelligkeit Deines Haarwachstums ab. Das ist tatsächlich bei jedem etwas anders. Als Faustregel gilt aber: sind die Barthaare länger als 3 Millimeter, ist es an der Zeit!

                      Bart rasieren vor oder nach dem duschen?

                      Falls Du ausreichend Zeit hast, ist am besten, den Bart nach dem Duschen zu rasieren. Das warme Wasser sowie der Dampf öffnen die Poren und erweichen das Barthaar, was das Rasieren deutlich erleichtern kann und Hautirritationen vorbeugt. 

                      Wie weit Bart am Hals rasieren?

                      Die meisten Männer rasieren sich unter unter dem Kinn ein U beziehungsweise V. So lässt sich eine ordentliche Kontur am Hals schaffen. Um eine gepflegte Optik zu erreichen solltest Du sicherstellen, dass Du beim Rasieren weder zu weit oben noch zu weit unten am Kiefer ansetzt. 


                      An dieser Stelle noch ein Tipp von uns: sprühe an frisch rasierte Hautstellen niemals Parfüm oder trage parfümierte Pflegeprodukte auf! Die meisten enthalten synthetische Zusatzstoffe, die Deine Haut reizen, röten und im blödesten Fall auch noch schmerzhaft sein können.

                      Wie rasierst Du Dich am Liebsten? Verrate es uns!

                      Noch mehr informative Beiträge für dich - klick dich durch

                          Mehr lesen

                          Sharp razor blades usually don't stay sharp for too long.

                          To enjoy a really clean shave, you should change the razor blade every 1 to 5 shaves on average.

                          This depends on how thick and dense your beard hair is. But how can you dispose of the razor blade?

                          Since there are sometimes adventurous opinions and stories about this, we want to provide some clarity.


                          How do you dispose of razor blades properly?

                          How to best dispose of razor blades is quickly explained: Razor blades are considered hygiene products and can be easily disposed of in household waste.

                          You have several options for this.

                          First collect razor blades in a stylish blade collector

                          If you don't want to dispose of each blade individually, you can get a so-called blade collector, also known as a blade bank.

                          The blade collector is a bit like a piggy bank. Instead of money, however, you throw in the old razor blades for disposal.

                          You can collect several blades in it. When the container is a bit fuller, you can dispose of the blades together.

                          You get razor blades with every safety razor and straight razor with replaceable blade from us. Feel free to check out all the shaving products in the shop.

                          Wrap individual razor blades in paper

                          Of course, you can also dispose of the used blades directly in the residual waste.

                          To avoid injuries, it is best to wrap the blades in an old piece of newspaper or tissue and then throw the small bundle into the trash can.

                          This way, no one can cut themselves, and your trash bag cannot be accidentally sliced open.

                          Razor blades belong in the residual waste

                          Razor blades can be disposed of in residual waste in Germany and Austria. Never throw them in the yellow bag or a public metal recycling container. Also, never flush them down the toilet.

                          This poses a great risk of injury to maintenance personnel working in the sewer system.

                          This is how you can dispose of razor blades even more sustainably

                          If you want to be a bit more sustainable when disposing of loose razor blades, you can try three things:

                          1. Some drugstores accept old razor blades. Organic markets occasionally do this as well.

                          2. Some recycling centers have a special container for razor blades. Just check if yours is one of them.

                          3. Metal dealers might also be interested in the blades. However, don't show up with just one or two.

                          Cost Comparison Razors

                          Bonus Tip: Safety Razors & Straight Razors are the Much Better Option

                          If you use a safety razor or a straight razor, you can make an additional contribution to sustainability.

                          Expert tip: The blades can be used on both sides and ends in both cases, resulting in less waste.

                          Additionally, a well-maintained safety razor lasts much longer and is more cost-effective in the long run.

                          Plastic razors are also not as sturdy, and the replacement blades are much more expensive. Furthermore, you can sharpen your straight razor.

                          Whether a safety razor or straight razor is better for shaving is up to you. Take a look at the shaving products and let yourself be convinced by one or both.


                          Not only because we can save blades, but we are also fans of the safety razor. The shaving experience with it is simply so much more authentic and real - just check out our shop.

                          There you will find everything that belongs to a home barbershop.

                          Feel free to get an overview of our entire range in the shaving section. You are sure to find something.

                          How do you handle your razor blades?

                          Do you want to learn more about shaving accessories & their hygiene? Then check out these articles:

                          Mehr lesen

                          Admittedly, the name sounds harsh, but shaving with a safety razor is a truly fine thing. The use of a safety razor is actually more practical than you might think.

                          But does shaving your head work at home too?

                          We will show you how to shave your head properly and how to achieve a good result with the head shaving project.

                          Shaving Your Head Yourself: Here’s How!

                          If you want to shave your head yourself, there are a few things you should keep in mind. We’ll explain the most important tips.

                          1. Choosing the Right Tool - Safety Razor or
                          Straight Razor?

                          The procedure starts with the choice of the right tool. Apart from the fact that you should always work with a sharp and clean blade, we definitely recommend a wet razor - our safety razor - for shaving your head.

                          With an electric razor, you won’t achieve an aesthetic result.

                          Our favorite for wet shaving is the safety razor available in our shop. The blade extends only minimally from the tool, which makes the razor relatively safe when working on yourself.

                          However, if you let someone else shave your head, a straight razor is also a good choice. It glides more smoothly over the surface and provides a smooth, well-groomed result.

                          Expert Tip: Handling it yourself is rather difficult, and it requires considerable practice to master the technique on your head.

                          2. Apply Shaving Foam to Your Head

                          Never work without shaving foam, gel, or soap. We recommend a product that foams well and evenly, so you can cover your head properly.

                          Our shaving soap has already proven effective for head shaving. It contains no artificial additives and is therefore very skin-friendly.

                          Let the foam sit on your head for two to three minutes before you start shaving. This will make the hair and stubble soften optimally and swell.

                          3. Shave Without Pressure

                          Allow the blade to glide as gently as possible over the skin on your head and never apply pressure. Pressure can quickly lead to unpleasant cuts on the head.

                          4. Touch Up the Contours

                          After the first shaving pass, you will likely notice some areas where hair is still visible. Or perhaps you missed a few hairs at the edges? Go over all the uneven spots again and touch them up.

                          For this, be sure to apply a new layer of shaving soap with a shaving brush and create a fresh lather for the touch-up to avoid injuries and redness and to achieve the smoothest result.

                          5. Rinse and Pat Dry Your Head

                          At the end of shaving, rinse your head under the shower with cold water.

                          This is the most reliable way to remove small hairs and foam residues. After that, pat everything dry with a clean towel - or even better, a shaving towel. Do not rub!

                          Shaving Head Beard Man

                          6. Apply a Moisturizing Care Product

                          Just like with your face, you should also care for your scalp after shaving. A moisturizing lotion or an after shave balm with nourishing ingredients is suitable. The care prevents skin irritations and dry scalp.

                          Also, make sure to use high-quality bald head cream that cares for, soothes, and mattifies your scalp.

                          Note: For a head shave, you should definitely keep an eye on your moles! Examine your scalp for any potential liver spots, warts, or other irregularities before shaving. This is the only way to avoid unnecessary injuries. Especially moles should not be cut.

                          Expert Tip: If you have longer, denser hair, you should trim it before shaving to avoid accidents and make the process easier.

                          Shave Stubble-Free: 3 Tips for the Perfect Bald Head

                          A bald head only looks good when it’s truly smooth. To achieve a bald head without stubble, there are a few things to keep in mind:

                          1. During shaving, regularly rinse the blade. This keeps its surface smooth and ensures optimal cutting. If the blade gets clogged with shaving residues, it can lead to injuries.

                          2. For the same reason, it is essential to use only sharp blades. Dull blades will drag on the scalp and can cause redness or abrasions, which might lead to razor bumps.

                          3. For a perfectly smooth result, a hand mirror is recommended. Shaving the back of your head “blind” increases the risk of injury or uneven shaving. Seeing yourself in the mirror makes the shave easier.

                          If you are considering shaving your head with a straight razor, have someone help you at first. It is not as straightforward as shaving your face with our shaving products.

                          Should I Shave My Head?

                          Whether you shave your head or not is entirely up to you. Don’t let yourself be pressured into doing something you don’t want to and think carefully about whether you are the type for a bald head.

                          You don’t need a specific look to wear a bald head. Even though an oval or round head shape is advantageous, it is most important that you feel comfortable and exude that confidence.

                          Frequently Asked Questions about Head Shaving

                          How often should you shave your head?

                          If you want a consistently smooth and beautiful result, you need to stay on top of it. You should touch up your head two to three times a week.

                          How often you need to shave your head depends somewhat on your hair growth. While some people’s hair starts growing back after just two days, others experience much slower growth.

                          Is it good for your hair if you shave your head?

                          The idea that shaving your head is good for your hair is a persistent myth. In reality, that is not true. Your hair grows just the same with or without shaving.

                          How do I care for my scalp?

                          The scalp of a bald head should definitely be cared for. Whether you want it to look shiny with a nourishing oil or matte with baby powder, the skin that is so prominently displayed should look well-cared for.

                          Pay particular attention to good sun protection. Bald heads are prone to the quickest and sometimes worst sunburns!

                          How can I shave the back of my head?

                          Start at the top of your head and shave the hair against the grain from the forehead toward the back of your head. Then work your way upward from the neck in a second direction. Shave the sides diagonally from the front toward the back of the head.


                          Wearing a bald head requires a certain amount of self-confidence and courage. However, it suits almost everyone. Make sure to get proper shaving tools and good care products for your bald head - you’ll find suitable shaving and beard care sets in our shop.

                          What about you? Do you have or plan to have a bald head?

                          Reading Box Shaving:

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                            Admittedly, the name sounds intense, but shaving with a safety razor is actually a really fine thing. Using the safety razor is more practical than you might think.

                            To use a safety razor correctly, you only need a bit of finesse and some practice. You’ll find the most important tips in this article.

                            Safety Razor Aftershave Balm

                            What is a Safety Razor?

                            A safety razor is a razor for wet shaving. Its blades are replaceable. Unlike disposable or plastic razors, the entire razor is not discarded after a while, only the blades.

                            Therefore, the safety razor can be considered a sustainable razor. We have some truly high-quality models of a safety razor in our shaving products, which we have been using ourselves for many years.

                            The way a safety razor works is not significantly different from that of conventional disposable razors.
                            We’ll show you how it’s done.

                            Using a Safety Razor Properly: A Guide

                            Initially, using a safety razor might feel a bit unfamiliar. You need to be more careful than with a disposable razor to avoid injury.

                            We’ve prepared a small safety razor tutorial for you.


                            Good preparation is key. Three steps matter:

                            1. Wash your face - clean your face with a mild cleansing product to remove dirt and oil residues from your skin.

                              These residues would dampen your shaving result and clog the blades.

                            2. Lather shaving soap - take your time with this. We recommend a high-quality product that lathers evenly.

                              Our personal favorite is the shaving soap because it is free from synthetic ingredients and provides a good lathering result.

                            3. Apply shaving soap - make sure to apply the shaving soap or the resulting lather evenly on all areas to be shaved. And generously!

                              Only where there is sufficient lather can the razor glide optimally.

                            Have you checked out our shaving and beard care sets? Then it’s time!

                              Shaving with the Safety Razor

                              Only start shaving once the shaving foam is evenly applied to your face, otherwise, there is a risk of injury.

                              Ensure that the blade is really sharp, otherwise, it might irritate your skin.

                              The angle at which you hold the safety razor is important. You should always hold the razor at a 30-degree angle to your skin. Otherwise, the technique with the safety razor is the same as with other wet razors. Glide the razor gently and without pressure over your skin, as applying too much pressure might cause cuts.

                              Razor Shaving Beard Safety Razor

                              Here’s a step-by-step guide for better clarity:

                              1. Position the safety razor at a 30-degree angle to your skin.

                              2. Stretch your skin with your free hand.

                              3. Glide without pressure in the direction of hair growth over your skin.

                              4. Rinse the razor with clean water after each stroke to avoid blade clogging.

                              5. For a smoother result, use the safety razor against the grain.

                              Post-Shave Care

                              Post-shave care is almost as important as the shave itself.

                              Rinse off foam residues and small hairs with cold water (this also closes your pores) and pat yourself dry with a clean towel. Here is our shaving towel.

                              Then apply the After Shave Balm. This disinfects your skin. We personally prefer using the alum stone – it’s a natural product capable of soothing minor cuts and stopping bleeding. That’s why we also offer it in our range.

                              Expert Tip: Afterwards, use a care lotion to moisturize your skin.

                              Frequently Asked Questions About Using and Caring for a Safety Razor

                              Is a safety razor better for the skin?

                              Many razors have three, four, or more blades that pass over your skin. The safety razor uses just one blade, which is less taxing on your skin.

                              How often should you change the blades?

                              The frequency of blade changes with a safety razor depends somewhat on how often you shave. Typically, you should change the blade every five to ten shaves, or at least every two weeks, to ensure a hygienic shave.

                              Feel free to check out this article: How often to change razor blades?

                              How dangerous is a safety razor?

                              The risk of injury is slightly higher with a safety razor compared to conventional razors. It takes a bit of practice, but once mastered, the razor is very reliable.

                              Always remember: This is a safety razor. Serious injuries are not likely to occur.

                                Proper Storage?

                                The proper storage of the safety razor is in a dry place. We recommend letting it dry thoroughly after shaving and then storing it in a suitable case. It should not be left in the shower, or in a damp environment, for too long.

                                How to Care for the Safety Razor?

                                After shaving, you should open the razor’s blade holder and remove the blade to thoroughly clean the area between the head and the blade. Simply rinse the safety razor with water and let it dry afterwards.

                                Our shaving and beard care sets come in various options. The absolute best seller? Check it out yourself - click the button.


                                The safety razor is suitable for both beginners and beard professionals. It’s important to choose a high-quality model that feels comfortable in your hand. Make your initial attempts on smooth, easy-to-shave areas. You will quickly get used to handling it.

                                What experiences have you had with the safety razor? Let us know!

                                Continue reading here!

                                  Mehr lesen

                                  Everyday life sometimes has some really nasty little surprises for us. One of these is ingrown beard hairs.

                                  Ingrown hairs on the face are not only uncomfortable but also become a source of pimples, redness, and small inflammations. But what to do about ingrown beard hairs?

                                  We will show you now.

                                  Beard shaving man

                                  How do I recognize an ingrown beard hair?

                                  When a hair grows inwards, a small swelling/lump usually forms at the spot, often associated with skin blemishes like a pimple or redness.

                                  The area itches and is quite painful. You primarily recognize ingrown beard hairs when you stroke your skin and the area feels hypersensitive and uncomfortable.

                                  How do ingrown and inflamed beard hairs occur?

                                  Beard hairs grow inwards when the hair fails to emerge from the upper skin layer. It gets stuck and grows along under the skin.

                                  Causes of ingrown beard hairs can be:

                                  • Incorrect shaving
                                  • Texture of Your Hair
                                  • Skin flakes & clogged pores on the face

                                  1. Shaving Mistakes

                                  The most common reason for ingrown beard hairs is errors in traditional shaving.

                                  If you use a blade that is not sharp enough, you do not cut your beard hairs deeply and precisely enough.

                                  Your beard hair may not grow back straight as a result and may end up growing in the wrong direction.

                                  Expert Tip: Always use sharp blades! In our Störtebekker online shop, you can get all the shaving products for top-notch care & shaving.

                                  2. Dead Skin Flakes

                                  Many men still smile when it comes to facial cleansing or even exfoliation. However, this procedure is important because it removes and dissolves dead skin flakes from your skin's surface.

                                  Skin flakes can be a further reason for ingrown beard hairs because they sit on top of your skin and block the growth path of the hairs.

                                  The hair cannot grow straight anymore but instead finds its way around the flakes at an angle or grows inward.

                                  3. Curly Beard Hair

                                  Those with curly beard hair actually have a harder time than others.

                                  If your hair is coarse and curls as it grows, there is a greater risk that it will end up in the wrong direction and become ingrown.

                                  4. Clogged Pores

                                  Clogged pores are caused by the skin's oil production. Similar to dead skin flakes, they block or misdirect the growth of beard hairs. Pimples are also commonly formed.

                                  Regular facial cleansing can be very helpful.

                                  How to Remove Ingrown Beard Hairs

                                  Sometimes it happens. Then you need to remove the ingrown beard hair.

                                  Follow these steps:

                                  1. Soften your skin a bit to make the process easier. Either with a damp washcloth or even over a steam bath.

                                  2. Use a cleansing exfoliator and apply it in circular motions over your skin. This might remove the upper, older skin layers and reveal the hair underneath.

                                  3. If that doesn't help, there are special creams with salicylic acid that dissolve superficial skin flakes.

                                  4. If that still doesn't work, use a needle or tweezers (best to disinfect with alcohol beforehand!) to manually extract the hair.

                                  5. Don't pull the hair out completely, but just lift it. This prevents the hair growing underneath from ending up in the wrong direction.

                                  Expert Tip: Clean your skin after the procedure and use a disinfecting After Shave Balm. This will help prevent inflammation.

                                  If it’s too late and the ingrown hair is already inflamed, then avoid handling it yourself and leave the removal to a dermatologist. We strongly advise against experimenting with a disinfected needle or tweezers.

                                  If the ingrown beard hair is encapsulated, meaning it's deeper under the skin, you'll need a bit more patience and careful handling.

                                  Soften the skin particularly well here and gently pull it out.

                                  Cost comparison razors

                                  Is There a Cream for Ingrown Beard Hairs?

                                  Yes, there are special creams for ingrown beard hairs. These contain salicylic acid and help to soften the skin over the hair.

                                  In this case, it's better to use a specialized product designed for this purpose rather than just any product.

                                  In the case of advanced inflammation, a dermatologist often prescribes an antibiotic cream for local application.

                                  If an abscess has developed, a drawing salve can provide relief.

                                  Avoiding Ingrown Beard Hairs - What You Should Consider

                                  Even better than addressing the issues described above is preventing ingrown beard hairs and the associated discomforts.

                                  This works best if you do everything right when shaving:

                                  1. Soften your beard hairs: When they are soft and supple, shaving is easier, and you cut them cleanly right at the skin's surface.

                                  2. Shave in the direction of growth: This prevents hair and skin from being irritated, which promotes ingrowth.

                                  3. Use sharp blades: The sharper the blade, the smoother the result and the fewer skin irritations and clogged pores.

                                  4. Wash your face regularly: This prevents oil and dirt buildup, which can lead to pimples and skin irritation.

                                  5. Exfoliate occasionally: Exfoliators remove dead skin flakes. When they are gone, they cannot block the actual skin layer and force hairs to grow in the wrong direction.

                                  6. Use a good After Shave: After Shave products are ideal for disinfecting the skin and preventing pimples and impurities.

                                    Choose high-quality products without synthetic ingredients, as these can cause additional skin irritation. We have a really good After Shave Balm in our shop for this purpose.

                                  And if you’re looking for a care set, check out the beard products or use the button in the image!


                                  Ingrown beard hairs can be well avoided with the right shaving and care. Nevertheless, it happens to all of us from time to time.

                                  What's important: Don’t dig around with your fingers, but use a sterile tweezers. Otherwise, you’ll just promote inflammation further.

                                  Or just wait it out: The body will eventually expel ingrown hairs on its own.

                                  How do you handle it when it happens to you?

                                  For more informative articles - click through:

                                  Mehr lesen

                                  Shaving is much more than just removing hair and being done with it. It should end up looking good and well-groomed. For this, it’s important to trim the beard contours accordingly. After all, a distinctive face also needs edges and angles.

                                  In this post, we will discuss how to properly shave the beard contours and what tips can help achieve the best results.

                                  Shaving shaving brush razor

                                  What are beard contours?

                                  The so-called beard contour is an imaginary line that essentially defines the frame for your beard. There are contours on the

                                  • neck,
                                  • chin,
                                  • upper lip
                                  • or cheek.

                                  Expert tip: Depending on the beard style you choose, certain contours are decisive. By defining the contours of your beard and giving it shape and symmetry, you can significantly improve its appearance.

                                  Of course, you can either relax at the barbershop or take matters into your own hands.

                                  To work cleanly and precisely, you need the right tools. With the right shaving products, shaving usually becomes a breeze.

                                  For support, for example, our razor can be very helpful. In our shop, you can also buy the matching razor blades. And not only that - feel free to check out all our shaving & beard care sets.

                                  1. Razor: you shave the contours with a razor. A good razor with a sharp blade is therefore essential. For longer beards, a trimmer is also recommended as preliminary work.

                                  2. Beard comb or brush: To shape the contours, a beard comb and/or a beard brush are absolute essentials

                                  3. Care products: Since shaving never ends with the actual process, post-shaving care is also crucial. To avoid redness or dryness of the skin, care products should be used after every contour correction.

                                    Your beard style determines the shape of your contours

                                    Where exactly your contours run depends on your individual beard style. However, the basic shape is always similar. Especially the neck and cheeks play an important role.

                                    Determining beard contours - Where do you want to start?

                                    Before you begin, you should, as with beard trimming, be clear about where you want to go.

                                    Therefore, we recommend that you determine your contours before starting without a plan and making a mistake.

                                    Beard razor

                                    1. Cutting beard contours on the neck

                                    The beard line on the neck is where most mishaps occur. Never start the beard contours on the neck too high. Place two fingers on your Adam's apple for orientation. Any hair below the finger can be shaved.

                                    Let's get started:

                                    1. Lift your head up so you can see the lower part of the neck in the mirror.

                                    2. Then work your way from the outside in towards the contour.

                                    3. Continuously switch sides to get an impression of how it looks in the end and to avoid shaving too far.

                                    Expert tip: To check, place your index and middle fingers again on your Adam's apple. The beard line should always run above this. Hair growing below it is often considered unkempt and should be shaved off.

                                    2. Cutting beard contours on the cheeks

                                    The cheek beard line is one of the most important because if it's missing or shaved incorrectly, it can make your face look quite unkempt.

                                    Whether it's a full beard or a 3-day beard, you should take the contours on the cheeks seriously and cut them accurately and regularly.

                                    You have two options:

                                    1. Either shave a straight line

                                    2. Or make it curved. A slight curve generally makes your face look less harsh.


                                    • To shave the cheek edge, turn your head so you can see the side you want to shave well in the mirror.

                                    • Then shave from the outside in, slowly working your way to the contour.

                                    Expert tip: A beard stencil might be useful here. But decide for yourself - as stencils are one-size-fits-all and not optimal for every face.

                                      3. Cutting the vertical line

                                      The vertical line runs from the ear straight down to the neckline.

                                      1. Draw a straight line downwards from the temples

                                      2. And shave the contour not too sharply downward but with a slight curve.

                                      3-Day Beard Contours: A Guide for Home

                                      You don't shave your three-day beard yourself, but rather trim it.

                                      Therefore, it's even more important to work on the contours properly and regularly with a wet razor to ensure the beard looks well-groomed in the end. We have summarized the best tips for wet shaving in this article.

                                      1. Preparation

                                        1. If the hair around the beard is longer than 3mm, it's time to shave!

                                        2. Use a transparent shaving foam or a transparent shaving gel so you can see the desired contours better.

                                        3. Determine a line for the contour - it should be between the Adam's apple and the lower part of the chin.

                                    1. Everything below this will be shaved smooth - **stubble on the neck** is a no-go for a three-day beard.

                                    2. **Lather** the **entire beard** with shaving gel or [shaving soap](, not just the edges.
                                    3. 2. Cutting the Beard Edges

                                      1. Now shave the contours.

                                      2. Once you're done, give your three-day beard the final touch: the **Adam's apple** is always the bottom line, and the **side line is that of your sideburns**.

                                        Everything in between can be stylistically optimized, whether more curved or straighter. The final touches depend on your face type.

                                      3. Proper Care for Beard Contours

                                      • **Don’t forget the aftercare:** use [aftershave]( to avoid [shaving burn]( and redness on the shaved contours.

                                      • Give the skin afterwards **moisture and care** with a lotion. Apply it not only to the contours but to the entire area of the **three-day beard** to prevent the hair from looking stubbly, dry, and brittle.

                                      Trimming Full Beard Contours Correctly

                                      Technically, you handle trimming the **full beard contours** the same way as for a three-day beard.

                                      If you want to change the contours and **long beard hair** needs to be trimmed, first cut it **with scissors**.

                                      Long hairs tend to get caught in the razor blade and pull.

                                      **Lather the entire beard** before shaving here as well.

                                      For a full beard, it's important to apply the foam in the direction of beard growth to ensure that nothing stands askew and gets in the way.

                                      In addition to aftershave, use a [beard oil]( for aftercare. This helps to avoid brittle beard hair. We have a really good product in our shop that we use ourselves daily.

                                      How Often Should You Shave Beard Contours?

                                      How often you shave your contours depends somewhat on your individual hair growth. Some men experience faster hair regrowth than others.

                                      **Generally, however:** hair around the beard should not be longer than 3mm, or it looks unkempt.

                                      Therefore, it's advisable to **shave the contours every two to three days**.

                                      By purchasing all your shaving & beard care products from our shop, you'll be prepared for everything - from shaving to care. We swear by it ourselves.


                                      A beard and especially its **contours need care**. Instead of seeing it as a necessary evil, you should celebrate the time you spend on beard care.

                                      Getting fully involved can be incredibly relaxing. When do we ever take so much time just for ourselves during the day?

                                      How meticulous are you with shaving your beard contours?

                                      **You can read more interesting posts here:**

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                                      Beim Thema After Shave teilen sich die Meinungen. Während die einen nur auf glatt rasierten Stellen verwenden, schwören andere im Rahmen ihrer Bartpflege darauf.

                                      Aber was genau ist ein After Shave eigentlich, was bringt es Und braucht man es wirklich?

                                      Wir klären auf.

                                      Aftershave Rasur Bart

                                      Was ist ein After Shave eigentlich und was bewirkt es?

                                      Ein After Shave ist eine wässrig-alkoholische Lösung, die zusätzlich mit einem Duft angereichert ist.

                                      “After Shave” bedeutet so viel wie “nach der Rasur” und erklärt damit auch direkt die Verwendung des Produktes: es wird nach der Rasur aufgetragen, um Hautirritationen und Rasurbrand zu vermeiden.

                                      Je nach Hauttyp kann After Shave in Form eines Rasierwassers, Gels oder einer Lotion verwendet werden. Unser After Shave Balm hat eine angenehme Konsistenz, welche sich gut in die Haut einarbeiten lässt und schnell einzieht, ohne zu fetten.

                                      Um deinen restlichen Bart zu pflegen empfehlen wir Dir unser Bart Produkte

                                      Aber was bringt After Shave eigentlich? Sein Hauptzweck ist sicher seine hautberuhigende Wirkung. Durch seinen Alkoholgehalt wirkt es zudem desinfizierend und kann kleinere Blutungen stillen

                                        Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen Rasierwasser und After Shave?

                                        Unter einem Rasierwasser versteht man ein Produkt, das aus in Wasser und Alkohol gelösten Duftstoffen besteht.

                                        Das Wort After Shave ist hingegen viel allgemeiner gefasst und beschreibt alle Pflegeprodukte, die nach der Rasur in Frage kommen.

                                        Das kann ein Rasierwasser sein, jedoch auch ein Gel oder eine Lotion für empfindlichere Haut.

                                        Many lotions contain additional conditioning agents that provide moisture depending on your skin type or, for example, additional oil for more care.

                                        Why does After Shave Burn?

                                        The alcohol in After Shave burns on the skin. The skin is stressed and slightly irritated or even has small cuts after shaving.

                                        Similar to a cut on your finger, treatment with an alcoholic essence will burn but also provides disinfection and thus prevents inflammation.

                                        The initially unpleasant burning makes After Shave a challenge for some men.

                                        How to Use After Shave Correctly

                                        How do you use After Shave? We explain, step by step, what you need to pay attention to during application:

                                        1. First, wash your face with cold water after shaving to rinse away any small hairs and shaving foam. Use cold water if possible. It closes the pores and results in smoother skin. However, if you have more sensitive skin, be cautious: some skin types may react with redness to water that is too cold.
                                        1. Then gently pat your face dry with a clean towel. Please do not rub, as this will cause irritation. Also, use a clean, freshly washed towel to avoid pimples and skin impurities. Do you know our shaving towel?

                                        2. Then wash your hands thoroughly again to ensure they are clean before proceeding.

                                        3. Now it’s time for the next step: Take a small amount of After Shave in your hands and spread it with both palms on the shaved areas.

                                          Don’t use too much; apply it sparingly. Then gently pat the product into the skin with light movements.

                                        4. Let the skin rest for a while. It will burn for a while before it starts to tingle and a cooling effect sets in.

                                          Only if you notice that a product burns or hurts uncomfortably or makes your skin even redder should you rinse it off carefully with cold water.

                                          You might have a product that you are allergic to or react sensitively to. We recommend choosing high-quality products with good ingredients anyway.

                                        Which After Shave is Best?

                                        Which After Shave is best for you depends entirely on your skin type.

                                        • Some need a soothing lotion,

                                        • others prefer a more oily texture for more care,

                                        • while some have the best experience with pure shaving water.

                                        Not least, you also need to like the particular scent.

                                        Test what works for you or get a professional consultation from a barber.

                                        As mentioned before, we generally advise choosing high-quality products without parabens or other additives. Your skin will thank you.

                                          Can You Make After Shave Yourself?

                                          By the way, you can also make After Shave without alcohol yourself. It’s even easier than you think. A useful basic ingredient is apple cider vinegar.

                                          It has long been a proven skincare product and contains over 90 vital substances:

                                          • Vitamins,
                                          • Trace elements
                                          • and minerals.

                                          Apple cider vinegar also has germicidal and healing properties.

                                          Recipe for Homemade After Shave

                                          For apple cider vinegar-based After Shave you need:

                                          • 100 ml apple cider vinegar
                                          • 60 ml witch hazel
                                          • A few drops of tea tree oil or lavender oil
                                          • And a small glass bottle with a funnel opening.

                                          Pour everything into the bottle and shake it vigorously to mix the ingredients. And your After Shave is ready!

                                          After Shave Balm from our shop has many good ingredients and soothes your skin. So, you don't have to stress yourself out by mixing your own.

                                          And for beard care, we recommend the following beard products... Click the button :)


                                          Which is better: After Shave or Balm?

                                          After Shave is used to prevent redness after shaving. However, it usually burns quite a bit before the cooling effect sets in.

                                          For men with sensitive skin and higher pain sensitivity, a balm might be more suitable.

                                          Is After Shave good for pimples?

                                          Yes, since the alcohol content in After Shave is generally very high, it acts as a disinfectant. Additionally, it dries out both pimples and the skin, thus killing bacteria.

                                          The herbal extracts in some After Shaves can additionally soothe the skin.

                                          Do You Have to Use After Shave?

                                          Not necessarily: But in our opinion, a good After Shave is essential after shaving and should be part of your beard care routine.

                                          It’s primarily about skin care and not just the distinctive scent that an After Shave leaves behind.

                                          Is After Shave Healthy?

                                          This question cannot be answered universally. Whether an After Shave is healthy depends on the ingredients.

                                          Unfortunately, there are still many manufacturers who use potentially harmful substances. These can not only lead to allergic reactions but, in the worst case, even damage the liver.


                                          After Shave is a must-have after every shave. And not only then: You can also use After Shave for beard care.

                                          After trimming your stubble or every few days, use it purely for care.

                                          Since the skin under the beard tends to dryness in many men, it doesn’t hurt to give it a dose of care and moisture from time to time.

                                          As a special care, we also recommend our beard oil with argan and jojoba oil for daily use.

                                          How do you handle it? After Shave despite beard or not?

                                          More informative posts for you - click through

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                                          A very common question we men ask ourselves when it comes to shaving is: Should one shave against the grain? Or in which direction should one shave to achieve the best result?

                                          We clarify and show you what to consider when shaving against the grain so that you feel fresh again.

                                          Safety Razor Beard

                                          Shaving with or against the grain: What does it actually mean?

                                          Shaving with the grain means that the shaving tool is moved in the direction of your hair growth.

                                          Shaving against the grain, on the other hand, means that your razor works against the direction of hair growth. This technique is popular among barbers because it promises a perfect, beautiful result.

                                          Expert Tip: Barbers even shave in a third direction, namely across the grain, which means horizontally to the direction of growth.

                                          They use different tools, yet the razor is often employed.

                                          You can own one too - check out the shaving products.

                                          Shaving against the grain: Advantages

                                          Shaving against the grain has several advantages:

                                          1. Smoother result: the cutting effect is deeper, resulting in smoother skin.

                                          2. More attractive visual result: especially if you have dark facial hair or strong beard growth, the result against the grain looks better; you have fewer areas where the hair darkly shows through.

                                          3. Fewer stubbles: Since fewer stubbles remain when shaving against the grain, the risk of ingrown hairs is lower.

                                          Why shouldn't you shave against the grain?

                                          Disadvantages naturally exist as well:

                                          1. Higher risk of injury: shaving against the grain increases the likelihood of cutting yourself.

                                          2. Skin irritations: Another reason not to always shave against the grain is your skin. Shaving against the grain puts more strain on it. It becomes more easily irritated.

                                            Therefore, use this technique perhaps only every second or third time.

                                          3. Folliculitis: Regularly irritating your skin increases the risk of developing folliculitis.

                                          Shaving Beard Comparison Razor

                                          Guide: How to Shave Against the Grain

                                          When shaving against the grain, you should keep a few things in mind to achieve a truly impressive result. We explain how to do it optimally.

                                          1. Determine the Direction of Hair Growth

                                          To shave against the grain, you first need to identify your hair growth direction. The direction of hair growth on the face is not uniform for everyone and not at every spot.

                                          Hair grows in different directions.

                                          Determine the direction of your beard by running your fingers flat over your skin. It will feel rougher in one direction - this is against the grain.

                                          2. Proper Preparation

                                          Once you know the growth direction, start preparing. The harder your beard hairs, the longer you need to soak them. A hot shower or a hot towel is recommended.

                                          For particularly tough stubble, soak for up to three minutes - as shaving against the grain requires softer hair.

                                          Then apply a high-quality shaving soap with a shaving brush or a gel. This makes your hair softer and helps it swell. Afterward, you can start with a high-quality razor.

                                          Do you know our 4 types of shaving soap? Here you can buy shaving soap.

                                          3. The Shave

                                          A bit of technique is required for shaving against the grain. But you'll definitely manage it, we promise.

                                          It's best to do it like the professionals and shave in three different directions sequentially:

                                          1. In the direction of hair growth - this removes most of the stubble.

                                          2. Horizontally (from right to left or vice versa)

                                          3. Against the direction of hair growth

                                          If you choose to shave against the grain as the third shaving direction, you will achieve a perfectly smooth result. Also, try to shave without pressure and work calmly with light, steady strokes. This helps avoid skin irritations.

                                          Here you can buy our safety razors, there's something for every taste. Also, feel free to check out our other shaving products. You're sure to find something you like.

                                          Also, don't forget to provide sufficient care with aftershave and lotion!

                                          Does shaving against the grain lead to more beard growth? Is this really true?

                                          There is a persistent myth that shaving against the grain leads to more beard growth. However, we have to debunk this. No shaving method in the world stimulates hair growth.


                                          Shaving against the grain is worth it - you will be thrilled with the smooth, perfect result.

                                          But be sure to allocate enough time for it and use high-quality wet shaving products.

                                          How do you like to go against the grain? Let us know how you handle it!

                                          More informative posts for you - click through

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                                          You’ve probably asked yourself this question too: Safety Razor or Cartridge Razor? We all want the best result and the ideal razor.

                                          Most of us start with the cartridge razor, simply for cost reasons. Over time, many want to explore it further: does the safety razor possibly have advantages?

                                          Safety Razor vs Cartridge Razor: The Key Differences

                                          What you ultimately choose is a very personal matter. But as with everything in life, it's worth questioning the options. We show you here the key differences between safety razors and cartridge razors.


                                            Safety Razor: The safety razor lies close to the skin and cuts the beard hair directly at the skin surface. The result is very smooth and well-groomed. Get your own safety razor - you can find them among the shaving products.

                                            Cartridge Razor: The blades of the cartridge razor do not lie directly on the skin. No matter how thoroughly you shave, there are always small stubbles left and the result feels a bit rough. If you have dark hair, it can even show through after shaving.


                                            Safety Razor: The safety razor lies directly on the skin with the blade and there is no protective covering. So you have to be very meticulous and know what you're doing. There is a clear risk of injury here.

                                            Cartridge Razor: The blades of the cartridge razor are surrounded by a protective cover. Since the blades never lie directly on the skin, you practically cannot injure yourself while shaving. This is also why it's called a safety razor.

                                            Skin Irritations

                                            Safety Razor: Here you get a really smooth, well-groomed result after no more than two passes. You only irritate your skin for a short time due to fewer shaving repetitions. For a shave, which is never particularly skin-friendly, this can be considered gentle.

                                            Cartridge Razor: You need several passes before the skin is really shaved. The skin is therefore irritated for a much longer and more frequent time than with a safety razor. In addition, a cartridge razor often has multiple blades, sometimes even 5 to 6. This further irritates the skin.


                                            Safety Razor: Initially, the safety razor is not very cheap. Especially if you choose a high-quality model (which we can recommend in our shop - we use it ourselves every day!). However, you have the device forever. Because only the blades need to be replaced, not the whole thing. Thus, the safety razor is quite cost-effective in maintenance.

                                            Cartridge Razor: The cartridge razor is completely discarded after a few uses and replaced with a new one. While they are not expensive to purchase, if you calculate all acquisition costs over the year, you might end up spending more than with the safety razor.

                                            Wondering what the safety razors from Störtebekker cost? Take a look at the collection shaving products or click the button in the image.

                                            Cost Comparison Razor

                                            Beginner Friendliness

                                            Safety Razor: It requires some practice to achieve a good shaving result with the safety razor. You should start on a smooth surface and work carefully at first. Just unpacking and diving in is likely to be more difficult.

                                            Cartridge Razor: In a way, the cartridge razor is really foolproof. Unpack, start shaving, and you're done. There's really nothing much to watch out for.


                                            Safety Razor: With the safety razor, only the blades need to be replaced. This results in very little waste over time. Additionally, there are models with, for example, wooden handles, so no plastic is used for the device itself.

                                            Cartridge Razor: They are made of plastic and are disposed of as a whole after a while, which is not very sustainable. Each new razor purchase usually comes with extensive plastic packaging.

                                            Is a Safety Razor Better than a Cartridge Razor?

                                            Summarizing the comparisons, the safety razor is 4:2 compared to the cartridge razor.

                                            Personally, we are also fans of the safety razor for another reason: While the cartridge razor simply means 'shaving' to you, the safety razor has a completely different appeal in our opinion. We always feel like we're in a barbershop with it and can immerse ourselves in the unique atmosphere while shaving!

                                            What do you think? Cartridge Razor or Safety Razor?

                                            Reading List for Shaving:

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                                              Perhaps you have wondered what to use instead of shaving foam, especially if you’ve had adverse reactions to the last product you tried. We are fans of shaving soap for wet shaving.

                                              Shaving soap is a true alternative to shaving gel. Of course, you need to know a bit about how to use it. We’ll show you how it works.

                                              Shaving Soap Beard

                                              What is Shaving Soap?

                                              Shaving soap is actually soap from which you create shaving foam for your shave. It comes in two different consistencies: hard and soft.

                                              The hard variant feels like a bar of soap, while the soft one is available in bowls or tubes and is slightly creamy.

                                              The classic is certainly the hard variant. It immediately gives you that barbershop feel. It comes in nostalgic tins or packaging and has a scent that makes shaving a lifestyle.

                                              Shaving soap is made from saponified fats, oils, kaolin, and water. Additionally, the soap is enriched with natural essential oils for a better scent. It contains no synthetic ingredients or propellants, like those found in canned foam.

                                              It is often more compatible with the skin than shaving foam or gel.

                                              Looking for the right shaving & beard care set? We have it—click the button.

                                                Expert Tip: Even the ancient Egyptians used shaving soap around 3000 BC—or at least its precursor. The product was made from animal fats and perfume essences.

                                                In the 17th century, we find the first mentions of shaving soap as we know it today. It was primarily used by the English and French nobility at that time.

                                                Feel free to browse our shop, where we have 4 fantastic types of shaving soap for purchase.

                                                How to Use Shaving Soap?

                                                If you want to use shaving soap, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist. For a successful shave, just follow our instructions:

                                                1. Shaving soap - a small piece is enough - should be mixed with warm water in a shaving bowl. Depending on the soap's consistency, it might be sufficient to briefly dip the shaving brush in water.

                                                2. With a proper shaving brush, mix water and soap to a lathering consistency. It sounds laborious, but it's actually meditative. At least that’s what we think. And those who practice can do it in less than a minute.

                                                Where is the best place to lather shaving soap?

                                                For lathering shaving soap, you ideally use a shaving bowl. It is usually made of stainless steel (so if it falls, nothing happens…) and is ideally sized to hold comfortably in one hand. Check out our shop.

                                                Ideally, the bowl is not too large, so you can easily hold it in one hand while mixing with the other.

                                                And of course, to achieve a lathering result as quickly and effectively as possible.

                                                Shaving Soap Beard

                                                How to Properly Lather Shaving Soap: Here’s How

                                                Lathering shaving soap admittedly requires some practice.

                                                Brute force helps little; instead, think of a cook preparing zabaglione: soap and water are gently and in circular motions in both directions whisked.

                                                For optimal lathering, a high-quality shaving brush is recommended. Our favorite is available in the Störtebekker shop: a brush made of faux badger hair. It is vegan and thus free from animal cruelty. And it delivers a good result.

                                                Tip: Lathering Shaving Soap without a Brush - If you don’t have a shaving brush, you can wet your hands and moisten the soap with some warm water. Now you can rub the shaving soap between your hands, similar to washing your hands, until foam forms.

                                                What’s Better: Shaving Soap or Shaving Foam?

                                                Sure, shaving soap requires a bit more effort because you need to lather it first. Shaving foam is therefore especially popular among younger men and those who are in a hurry.

                                                But not everyone can tolerate shaving foam. It contains synthetic substances and propellants, which can lead to allergic reactions. The cans require a lot of energy and water in their production and contribute to waste. The propellants also add to environmental pollution.

                                                Decide for yourself what you prefer: shaving soap, shaving foam, or shaving cream.

                                                  Frequently Asked Questions About Shaving Soap

                                                  How often can you use shaving soap?

                                                  Shaving soap can be used with every shave. Remember to apply appropriate care afterward to prevent skin dryness.

                                                  How to Store Shaving Soap: Where and How?

                                                  A dry and cool storage is recommended. If the shaving soap is exposed to the sun, it can melt. It should also not be stored in a damp place, such as in the shower.

                                                  How long does shaving soap last?

                                                  This depends not only on the size of the soap but also on your beard, the amount used, and your shaving cycle. If you shave your beard every few days, the shaving soap will naturally be used up much quicker than if you use it only once a week.

                                                  How long to let shaving soap sit?

                                                  Ideally, you should let the shaving soap sit for two to three minutes so that the beard hairs become sufficiently soft for shaving.


                                                  Shaving soap is truly a cornerstone of barber culture. Its scent conveys pure barber wellness. We love it for our morning shavingroutine. It lets us momentarily escape from everyday life, and honestly: What is more soothing than losing track of time while lathering shaving foam?

                                                  We have already written many tips and information about shaving for you:

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                                                  For many, this is a really annoying topic: You feel great after shaving, well-groomed and fresh. If only your skin weren't there and you wouldn't constantly get pimples after shaving. All that effort seems almost in vain!

                                                  Don't worry, we can help. In this guide, we will show you how you can avoid razor bumps with a few tips.

                                                  Beard care skin man

                                                  How do razor bumps occur?

                                                  Razor bumps are small inflammations caused by bacteria. These get under the skin during shaving through tiny skin injuries, especially when the blade of your razor is dull or not clean. Regularlysharpening the razor also reduces the risk of razor bumps.

                                                  Razor bumps can also be caused by small ingrown hairs or overly aggressive post-shaving care, such as synthetic fabrics or fragrances. Therefore, we also use our high-quality beard oil, which contains only a few, exclusively natural ingredients.

                                                    Preventing Razor Bumps - Our 3-Step Guide

                                                    Knowing how razor bumps occur can help you avoid them. Here are a few tips:

                                                    1. Prepare Your Skin for Shaving

                                                    Don't just attack your skin with the razor; prepare it first. Clean it before shaving and make skin and hair more supple by soaking them with a wet cloth. This cleanses the skin and removes inflammation-promoting germs before shaving, just like in the barbershop. Get the right beard products now.

                                                    2. Shave Properly and Avoid Razor Bumps

                                                    Shaving without bumps and redness works best if you follow these steps of wet shaving:

                                                    • Lather skin and hair with shaving soap - or foam well and let it sit. This swells the hair and makes it softer. The razor rubs less against the skin.

                                                    • Shave in the direction of hair growth - this way the blade does not scrape directly on the skin but glides more gently.

                                                    • Always use a sharp blade - dull blades injure the skin and cause redness and bumps. We recommend our razor with 10 replacement blades.

                                                    • Work hygienically: the razor blade should be rinsed and cleaned with water after each shave. Replaceable blades should be changed regularly. How often razor blades should be changed depends on various factors. If you cut corners here, you will see the result in the mirror.

                                                    Sensitive skin should not be shaved daily but given time to recover.

                                                    3. After Shaving

                                                    Post-shave care also plays a crucial role in whether your result will be bumpy or not. Consider the following:

                                                    • Rinse the skin with cold water after shaving. It removes remaining small hairs and closes the pores.

                                                    • Use a clean towel for drying and avoid rubbing, instead pat gently. Do you know our shaving towel?

                                                    • Use an aftershave balm that does not contain synthetic additives but contains nourishing ingredients. Our beard oil with valuable pure oils.

                                                    Expert Tip: Check out our beard products - especially the following product. Just click the button and you’ve achieved your goal.

                                                    What to do against razor bumps? The 7 Best Home Remedies

                                                    What helps against razor bumps? If the damage is already done or your face is burning, oozing, and itching, you should know what helps against razor bumps. We have a few home remedies in store for how you can get rid of razor bumps:

                                                    • Important: Never try to pop pimples! This will only inflame them further.

                                                    • Rinse with clear, cold water. This soothes and cleans the skin. Alternatively, place a clean, cold towel on the burning spot for a few minutes.

                                                    • Care for the skin: Baby powder is a classic among home remedies. It should contain zinc oxide or you can use a zinc-containing wound ointment directly.

                                                    • Honey has proven effective: apply it to the affected skin areas and let it sit for a few minutes; honey is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

                                                    • St. John's Wort oil: it soothes the skin and additionally nourishes it. Simply dab it gently with a cotton ball.

                                                    • Cooling compresses: For razor bumps, a cooling compress is a real blessing. All you need to relieve the pain is a towel soaked in cold water and 5 minutes of your time.

                                                    • Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe Vera soothes irritated skin and has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s especially pleasant to put the gel in the refrigerator for a while before use.

                                                    What home remedy do you use against razor bumps? Do you have more tips for us?

                                                    Cost comparison razor

                                                    FAQ on Avoiding Razor Bumps

                                                    When do bumps after shaving go away?

                                                    This depends on various factors and is hard to say. Usually, the bumps disappear after a short time.

                                                    If the skin is further irritated by a tight scarf, sweat, or popping, there is a risk that the healing process will be prolonged.

                                                    You definitely shouldn't miss these articles

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                                                        Natürlich, hier ist die Übersetzung des Textes ins Englische, wobei der Code unverändert bleibt: ```html

                                                        Many people still haven’t fully embraced wet shaving. Time commitment, risk of injury—the image of wet shaving among men is mixed.

                                                        We show how preparation, technique, and care work and can even become a soothing ritual.


                                                        What is wet shaving?

                                                        In wet shaving, the hair is cut directly at the skin with the blade, whereas in dry shaving, it is cut just above the base.

                                                        As the term suggests, wet shaving uses water, along with shaving soap or shaving foam.

                                                        These soften and swell the beard hairs, allowing them to be cleanly cut with the razor. For optimal shaving results, this method remains the gold standard!

                                                        You can find a razor or shaving brush in the shaving products section of the shop.

                                                        What do I need for wet shaving?

                                                        For wet shaving, you need, in addition to a good and especially sharp razor, a shaving brush, shaving soap, a shaving bowl, and depending on whether the razor is a shavette with replaceable blades or a classic razor, a strop.

                                                        Razors need to be sharpened on it. We clearly prefer the shavette due to its more practical handling.

                                                        Hier ist die Übersetzung des Textes ins Englische, wobei der Code unverändert bleibt: ```html

                                                        With good, properly sharp stainless steel blades like the ones you get from us, you can achieve an optimal shave without constantly having to hone the blades.

                                                          Guide to Wet Shaving

                                                          Proper wet shaving requires several steps. Although, we prefer to refer to them more as care steps rather than actual work steps.

                                                          Why not see the shaving procedure as a ritual, a piece of daily me-time?

                                                          Proper Preparation

                                                          It all starts with the right preparation.

                                                          • The facial cleansing comes first. This removes dirt and sebum from your skin. Use a suitable face wash and an exfoliant once a week. When your skin is clean, the razor glides better afterward.

                                                          • Next, you need to soak your beard stubble with shaving foam, gel, or soap. Mix the shaving soap or apply the foam or gel directly to your skin. Leave it on for two to three minutes. The skin softens, and the beard hairs swell, making them easier to shave.

                                                          It’s important how you apply the shaving foam.

                                                          Be sure not to be too stingy and apply it with a good shaving brush in circular motions. We have had good experiences with our shaving soap. It lathers effectively and is completely free of chemicals.

                                                            Getting Started with Wet Shaving

                                                            The shaving itself requires one thing above all: your calm. Quick and hasty is not the way here.

                                                            • Hold the razor at about a 30 - 40% angle to the skin (risk of injury if you hold it too flat or too steep) and glide either with or against the grain. With the grain is gentler on the skin, while against the grain gives a smoother result.

                                                            • Always start from top to bottom. Begin at the ears, work your way across the cheeks to the nose, mouth area, and chin. The neck is done last.

                                                            • Let the razor simply glide - do not apply pressure during the strokes, otherwise, you risk injury. Keep the skin constantly taut.

                                                            Comparison of razors

                                                            Cost comparison of razors

                                                            How to Care for Your Skin After Wet Shaving

                                                            Once you are finished with shaving, it’s time to soothe and care for the skin. Shaving inherently affects your skin.

                                                            1. Rinse off the shaving foam with cold water. This also immediately closes the pores.

                                                            2. Pat the excess with a clean towel dry.

                                                            3. Then apply aftershave for disinfecting.

                                                            4. Small cuts can be additionally soothed with a alum stick. It stops small bleeding.

                                                            5. Finish with a good moisturizer - either a lotion or a moisturizer. It hydrates your skin and soothes irritated areas.

                                                            Expert tip: Pay attention to high-quality products for post-shave care. Microplastics and chemical ingredients are not good for freshly shaved skin.

                                                            We have fantastic beard products for care - click the button to check out our latest shaving set.

                                                            5 Tips for Wet Shaving

                                                            In addition to the right technique and care, there are a few tips to make wet shaving even better.

                                                            1. Change Blades Regularly

                                                            If you use a shavette, change the blades regularly.

                                                            Blunt blades no longer glide over the skin but rather scrape it, making it rough and leading to shaving burn.

                                                            2. Use Alum Stone for Bleeding

                                                            We consider the alum stone to be the perfect shaving companion.

                                                            It addresses micro-injuries to the skin, stops minor bleeding, and soothes irritated skin areas. The results are immediately visible. Therefore, we see it as a true all-rounder for shaving.

                                                            It’s really easy to use: moisten with cold water and gently press it onto the skin.

                                                            3. Use a High-Quality Wet Razor

                                                            Make sure to use a high-quality wet razor.

                                                            Avoid cheap blades or disposable razors. They pose a high risk for micro-injuries. Your skin suffers from inferior blades, especially if you have sensitive skin.

                                                            4. The Best Time for Wet Shaving

                                                            The best time for wet shaving is in the morning, half an hour after waking up and before breakfast. This is when your facial muscles are firmest, and the risk of skin injury is lowest.

                                                            5. Rinse the Blade Clean

                                                            After each shave, you should thoroughly rinse the blade. Hold it under running warm water and rinse thoroughly. A dirty blade clogs up and causes skin irritations and pimples.

                                                            Never clean the razor with tools like scissors or small brushes. This damages the blade.

                                                            What Should You Avoid During Wet Shaving?

                                                            Here are some mistakes you should definitely avoid during wet shaving:

                                                            You don't rinse your razor: It’s important to rinse the razor under running water after each stroke to remove beard hairs from the blade.

                                                            Otherwise, the risk of injury increases, and the result of your wet shave may be less clean.

                                                            Shaving the same area twice without reapplying foam: There’s no room for stress and hurry in wet shaving.

                                                            To avoid unnecessary irritation, never shave the same spot twice without applying fresh foam first.

                                                            You don’t change your razor blade: For hygienic reasons, you should change the blade of your safety razor at regular intervals. This is the only way to ensure a thorough wet shave.


                                                            We believe that a wet shave is much more than a necessary evil in the early morning. It is a ritual where you take time for yourself every morning. And honestly: when do we take time for ourselves during the day? For us, (wet) shaving has real significance.

                                                            How about you? A welcome time for yourself or just a rush?

                                                            What interests you from these articles? Just follow the link to the article

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                                                              The early morning can already bring the first important decision: shave dry or wet?

                                                              First off: a wet shave is significantly more thorough compared to a dry shave, and there's no way around it. However, to be fair, dry shaving also has its advantages.

                                                              In this article, we compare the main advantages and disadvantages of both shaving methods. Let's start with the basics.

                                                              Shaving man dry shave wet shave

                                                              What is a wet shave? 

                                                              The difference from a dry shave lies in the method you use to prepare your hair for shaving: with a wet shave, the hair is cut directly at the base with a blade or a knife .

                                                              This means that you need to soak your beard hair with the help of shaving foam or gel and water. Only in this way can a smooth shave be guaranteed. 

                                                              The main advantages of a wet shave at a glance 

                                                              • Smooth result: the blades of the wet razor adapt optimally, so you can rely on really smooth skin.

                                                              • Good care result: Since you use shaving gel or foam for a wet shave, your skin gets an extra dose of care.

                                                              • Less mess in the bathroom: with a wet shave, you rinse directly with water or perform the procedure right in the shower.

                                                              • Electricity and noise-free: The wet shave requires no electricity and makes no noise.

                                                              • Fresh feeling: You start the day with a fresh, good feeling. What could be better?

                                                              It doesn't matter whether you perform your wet shave with a razor with a replaceable blade or a safety razor. The important thing is the right preparation of your skin.

                                                              Our shaving products support you with this.

                                                                Possible disadvantages of a wet shave at a glance

                                                                Here are the disadvantages at a glance:

                                                                • Time-consuming: due to handling shaving foam and co, you need to plan more time for the shave overall - although you can also see this positively: Body care always has a wellness character and means pure me-time for you in the early morning! So it's worth it.

                                                                • Technique: when wet shaving, you need to be more precise, as the risk of injury is higher; you should master your craft - but don't worry, it's not as difficult as you think.

                                                                • Cleaning and changing blades: the blades should be changed after about every tenth shave and cleaned after every shave, otherwise you could get infections. But it should also be said: the dry shaver must also be cleaned.

                                                                What is a dry shave? 

                                                                For the dry shave, you only use your razor and need neither water nor any shaving gels. The stubble is cut with a device a millimeter above the skin layer, rather than directly at the skin.

                                                                Ideally, the hair should be as stiff and dry and protrude straight out of the skin. Optional pre-shave products can be used to dry and stiffen the skin, freeing it from the film of oil that can negatively affect the shaving result. 

                                                                  Advantages of a dry shave at a glance 

                                                                  • Time: since you can start directly with the dry shaver, you save time

                                                                  • Gentle on the skin: since the dry shaver cuts the stubble less deeply, it irritates your skin less

                                                                  • Less risk of injury: cuts are avoidable in this way

                                                                  Cost comparison razor

                                                                  Disadvantages of a dry shave at a glance

                                                                  • Electricity: you need to regularly charge the dry shaver, otherwise you can't use it

                                                                  • Noise: the noise level is higher than with a quiet wet shave

                                                                  • Quality of the shave: with a dry shave, you can never achieve such a thorough shave as with a wet shave

                                                                  • Problem areas: very sensitive areas are more difficult to access with the dry shaver; it is possible that you will have to go over them several times

                                                                  In summary, the following can be said: A dry shave is ideal for everyone who has little time in the morning and prefers a quick result. It is also gentler on your skin. However, if you value a perfect and smooth result and are willing to invest a little more time, you should use a wet shave.

                                                                  For example, we recommend the Störtebekker razor for a wet shave. For the dry shave, you will also find a good selection of products in our online store

                                                                  Mehr lesen

                                                                  Shaving rash is the dark side of shaving: Many people, especially many beard wearers, regularly struggle with it, not only after dry shaving. Itchy and painful redness and/or inflamed little pimples make the shaved area, which you actually want to shine, look unsightly - and can really spoil the shaving result for you!

                                                                  That's why in this post, we want to give you an overview of the most important things you need to know about "shaving rash" or, more importantly, "preventing shaving rash" - and give you some essential tips and tricks.

                                                                  What is shaving rash exactly?

                                                                  Medically speaking, shaving rash is a skin condition called pseudofolliculitis barbae, which is recurrent. Shaving the hair causes very small injuries, which can vary significantly in severity.

                                                                  In people less affected by shaving rash, these injuries heal quickly. In others, however, skin irritations such as:

                                                                  • irritation,
                                                                  • redness,
                                                                  • or even pimples and blisters - commonly known as shaving rash.

                                                                  Shaving rash is doubly annoying: On the one hand, like any inflammation of the skin, it brings itching and/or burning, which can sometimes be extremely unpleasant or painful. In addition, it leads to an impure appearance of the skin, which many people suffer from.

                                                                  Especially in men, where shaving rash occurs on the face or neck, this is often the case, as their immediate appearance is affected here. For some men, this even creates such a strong sense of suffering that their self-esteem and thus their quality of life are permanently affected.

                                                                    How long does shaving rash last?

                                                                    The emergence of shaving rash occurs during shaving and becomes noticeable immediately or after a certain period of time. Generally, it increases for some time after shaving.

                                                                    The average shaving rash then lasts for a few days - but sometimes even up to a week. If shaving rash becomes very severe in your case or lasts even longer, we recommend consulting a dermatologist or general practitioner.

                                                                    Where does shaving rash particularly occur?

                                                                    In principle, both men and women are affected by shaving rash. It can occur anywhere on the body where there is hair or any area that is shaved.

                                                                    Generally, more sensitive areas of skin tend to develop shaving rash, such as the armpits, the intimate area, and particularly relevant for men: the face or neck.

                                                                    Very likely, genetics play a role, as often is the case with how frequently and how strongly shaving rash develops. Depending on skin and hair type, some people are more prone to shaving rash than others.


                                                                      Any shaving rash will unfortunately probably not be completely avoidable - but how strong and how frequent it occurs can fortunately be significantly influenced by considering many essential tips.

                                                                      Preventing shaving rash: Here's what you need to pay attention to

                                                                      Do you want to shave properly and finally avoid any shaving rash? We want to give you a few tips that significantly reduce the likelihood. Your skin will thank you.

                                                                      #1 Use shaving soap, shaving foam or shaving gel

                                                                      Essential for preventing skin irritations and thus shaving rash is, of course, first applying a product that provides the necessary moisture and thus allows for gentle gliding during shaving. Here, there are various options with shaving soap, shaving foam, and shaving gel.

                                                                      We recommend using shaving soap. Unlike shaving foams or shaving gels, they are mostly made of purely natural ingredients, which is the most compatible for your skin and the environment.

                                                                      They also do not need to be contained in elaborate containers or spray cans like shaving gels and especially shaving foams - a simple packaging paper around the soap is sufficient. That's it!

                                                                      We generally do not recommend dry shaving for sensitive skin. For wet shaving, we have great shaving products in the Störtebekker shop.

                                                                      If you haven't been in contact with shaving soap before, we recommend that you take a look at our shaving soap in our shop. It makes an ideal combination directly with our shaving brushes.


                                                                      #2 Optimal shaving technique for prevention of shaving rash

                                                                      Just as important as a good shaving cream or shaving soap is a gentle shaving technique. This significantly reduces the risk of injury and thus also the likelihood of skin irritation.

                                                                      So, make sure that you shave with a sharp, clean razor. For the best results, shave with the direction of hair growth rather than against it. This reduces the chances of hair curling back into the skin and causing ingrown hairs, which can lead to razor bumps and further irritation.

                                                                      So if you haven't already, it's worth trying to avoid shaving rash the next time you shave.

                                                                      #3 After shaving: Use After Shave Balm

                                                                      After shaving, your skin is particularly stressed. As a rule, it is now particularly susceptible to irritation and thus also to the development of shaving rash. Therefore, we recommend that you complete your shaving routine with our After Shave Balm.

                                                                      It not only smells delicious, but it also soothes your skin. In addition, it is quickly absorbed and will not burden your skin. In this way, you will also care for your skin and moisturize it optimally.


                                                                      Finally, with these tips, you can be well prepared for the next time you shave and avoid shaving rash and skin irritation. Your skin will be grateful for it!

                                                                      Do you still have questions? Our support team will be happy to assist you - just send an email to or contact us via the contact form.

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                                                                      At Störtebekker, everything revolves around classic shaving. But what exactly is classic shaving, or more importantly, where does it come from? Humans have known about shaving for tens of thousands of years. It has been practiced in various ways throughout all times and places — and particularly with a wide variety of tools. In this post, we want to give you a brief introduction to the most important milestones in the history of shaving to show you the tradition that we at Störtebekker are continuing.


                                                                      Tribal and Primitive Cultures - The Beginnings of Shaving


                                                                      Through archaeological finds and contact with still-primitive-living tribes today, it is known that humans began removing their body and facial hair in their prehistory. Over 20,000 years ago, however, completely different gadgets were used for this purpose. For example, the men of many tribes simply used two shells to pluck their hair from their facial skin. Others directly burned off their beard hair. Finds of sharpened flint and predator teeth also suggest that early forms of razors

                                                                      Whether people from primal tribes shaved for purely functional reasons or already for aesthetic ones is not entirely clear. Some researchers speculate, for example, that many men in the Ice Age got rid of their facial hair to prevent it from freezing. From the accounts of the colonial lords of America, however, it is known that they encountered tribal members who removed all their body hair - a clear indication that there was already an aesthetic background to shaving.

                                                                      Shaving in Antiquity - The Beginning of Aesthetic Hair Removal

                                                                      But aesthetic shaving came with early civilization. As early as 10,000 BC, some Egyptians shaved initially with simple scrapers made of copper. Members of the noble class later even resorted to those made of gold. Depending on the ruling dynasty and class affiliation, other shaving regulations were in vogue - for priests, for example, it was often mandatory to completely shave off their beards. Also, already the Egyptians used caring natural products such as almond oil or cedar oil, with which a line of tradition of our present care products to them.


                                                                      Even the later ancient high cultures had their very own shaving tools. The Romans used, presumably, largely sharpened pumice. Other peoples such as the Greeks and the Macedonians used tools made of simple metal alloys from 3000 BC. Macedonian King Alexander the Great is said to have issued a strict beard ban to his soldiers so that they could not be pulled in combat. From the Bronze Age (ca. 2200 - 800 BC) then also spread the first fixed razors made of bronze, which in their form comparable to today´s remained roughly. is even

                                                                      From the Early Modern Age to Modern Shaving


                                                                      According to the current state of research, the Middle Ages - at least in our latitudes - did not bring about any further developments in shaving tools. However, with the beginning of modern times, a big innovation step came with the folding razor, which made razor blades safer and more transportable. Especially the English Sheffield became known throughout Europe from the 17th century onwards for its high-quality folding razors. In Europe and the Near-Middle Eastern region, the art of barbers spread, who were in high demand with their products that not everyone had at home.


                                                                      With the beginning of the 20th century, there was a clear shift towards simple and fast self-shaving. In 1901, the legendary American inventor King C. Gillette introduced the modern safety razor, where the blades are not sharpened, but replaced after a few shaving sessions. From the soldiers of World War I - who could seal their gas masks airtight through clean shaving - to the men of our time, the use of the razor, which offers a significant cut protection with its slightly protruding blade compared to the razor, is the most popular form of shaving. Over time, the original razor, equipped with a double-sided steel blade, has evolved into today's system razors. These now combine up to 5 blades in a razor head.


                                                                      Shaving Today - Modern Fast Pace or "Back to the Roots"?


                                                                      Today, mass-produced items dominate shaving, promising speed and simplicity. So it's the many different system razors that most men reach for in the bathroom in the morning. But as in so many areas, the realization is gaining ground here too that the modern path of least resistance is not always the best. Modern system razors are very expensive in the long run, extremely unecological, and most importantly: they simply do not achieve the optimal shaving result.


                                                                      With the classic safety razor, the straight razor, with shaving brush and shaving soap, and other accessories of classic shaving, you need more time and patience. But it's worth it.

                                                                      Here you can find our Störtebekker shaving soap for sale.

                                                                      With high-quality products of this kind, you achieve the cleanest shave possible and avoid unpleasant and unsightly irritation of your skin. You experience your shave as a conscious practice, something you immerse yourself in; as a meditative routine, instead of something you have to rush through as quickly as possible. In the long run, you also do something good for your wallet and the environment.

                                                                      Since when have you been a fan of classic shaving with safety razors and/or straight razors?

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                                                                      Sometimes, navigating the vast array of beard products z can be quite daunting, trying to figure out what you really need. And even when choosing the right product for shaving, many wonder which one to choose.

                                                                      Easier and quicker with shaving foam from a can? Going "oldschool" with shaving soap? Or perhaps shaving cream? In this article, we want to show you which of these products can shine with positive qualities - and what you should avoid!


                                                                      Shaving Foam from the Can - Hands Off!

                                                                      These days, most young men probably associate shaving foam and its characteristic spray sound with shaving.

                                                                      And sure, shaving foam does have one big advantage, it's quick and easy to use.

                                                                      But if you want to shave properly, you should take your time and choose high-quality products.

                                                                      The major drawback of shaving foam is that it generally does not consist of natural ingredients.

                                                                      Propellants necessary for the spray effect, artificial fragrances, and commonly used microplastics like Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) are far from ideal for sensitive facial skin during shaving.

                                                                      Test our shaving soaps - here you can buy the 4 varieties Buy Shaving Soap.

                                                                      Used to protect the skin from injury through a better gliding effect, PEG is actually associated with making the skin more permeable to pollutants.

                                                                      This in turn promotes skin irritations in the form of redness, shaving pimples, or inflammation - an absolute no-go!

                                                                      Using the right Shaving Products is also essential.

                                                                      And just as these additives can harm you, they also harm nature. Microplastics in particular have been a thorn in the side of environmental organizations for years, prompting them to call for much stricter regulations.

                                                                      And it's not just the foam itself that's unecological: Perhaps the most glaring environmental sin of shaving foam is the elaborately produced, completely plastic spray bottle. In this regard, shaving soap and shaving cream as more environmentally friendly alternatives to shaving foam score significantly better!

                                                                      Shaving Soap - Our Recommendation

                                                                      Our top choice - and we don't hide it - is good old shaving soap. High-quality shaving soaps are made exclusively or mostly from natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin.

                                                                      With shaving soap, you produce the perfect foam: No other product creates foam as dense, creamy, and fine. The soap thoroughly cleanses facial skin, opens pores, softens facial hair, and most importantly:

                                                                      The hair follicles are opened so that the facial hair can be shaved as close to the hair root as possible, resulting in an extremely thorough shave.

                                                                      From an ecological perspective, shaving soap performs much better than shaving foam, mainly because it can do without lavish packaging in all respects - many shaving soaps simply come with paper packaging!

                                                                      Of course, using shaving soap takes more time. It is lathered into foam with a shaving brush in a shaving bowl. This requires a bit of practice and one to two minutes of time. Many men do not become impatient with this process, but rather see it as a nice ritual with a barbershop feeling, something that is crucial in classic shaving overall!

                                                                      Of course, we recommend our Störtebekker shaving soaps. With four different scents, our soaps, which are handcrafted in a factory, offer something for every taste. Here you can buy our shaving soaps.

                                                                      Shaving Cream as Shaving Foam Alternative

                                                                      Lastly, shaving cream. It's a really nice alternative to shaving soap. While it doesn't quite match the unique foam quality of shaving soap, it also offers certain advantages.

                                                                      Because shaving cream can be applied simply by hand, like shaving foam, it is good for a slightly faster shave. However, it can also be applied with a brush - and more easily than the somewhat more demanding shaving soap.

                                                                      So shaving cream is ideal for being a bit more versatile in use - and for getting started with the classic barbershop shave using a shaving brush.

                                                                      Good shaving creams also avoid artificial and unhealthy ingredients as much as possible. And when it comes to packaging, shaving cream can also score much better than shaving foam.

                                                                      Expert Tip: At this point, we are pleased to tell you that we are currently working on our own shaving cream - and that the jar it comes in will be 100% compostable!

                                                                      The right tools for shaving must also be right. Here's to our razors.

                                                                      We're interested: What's your favorite?

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                                                                      Beard comb or beard brush? That's the question here. When it comes to beard care and the corresponding products, these two are usually at the top. Especially for beginners, this often raises the question of what the differences are between a beard comb and a brush - and which one you should get.

                                                                      In this post, we would like to explain the most important features of beard brushes and beard combs to help you make your decision - and also provide you with the best tips and tricks for their use.

                                                                      Beard brush shave beard comb

                                                                      What is a beard brush?

                                                                      Beard brushes usually consist of a wooden handle and typically feature bristles made from boar hair. However, nowadays synthetic fibers are often used instead of boar bristles.

                                                                      Be sure to check out our beard brushes. You can find them under beard products or via the link in the image.

                                                                      Depending on the type of bristles, beard brushes differ in their hardness, which, alongside their appearance, is the most important distinguishing feature of beard brushes. The appropriate hardness level of beard brushes should be based on personal preference or skin sensitivity - and how long the beard is.

                                                                      Expert tip: Softer bristles penetrate less deeply into the beard than harder ones.

                                                                      When do I use a beard brush?

                                                                      The beard brush is particularly suitable for shorter beards, such as full beards of a few weeks and short beards like the 3-day beard or the 6-day beard.

                                                                      The main function of the beard brush is to style the beard, that is, to bring the beard hairs into an orderly shape. By gently brushing downwards with the beard brush, you can remove tangles and knots and lay down stray hairs against the face.

                                                                      Additionally, beard oil can be distributed in the beard with the beard brush. Sebum from your skin is also transported into the beard hair, making it softer and more groomed. This way, you will hardly have any problems with ingrown beard hairs.

                                                                      Expert tip: Once your beard exceeds the length of a 6-day beard, it is essential to style your beard with a brush and beard oil to avoid an unkempt appearance.

                                                                      Moreover, the beard brush helps remove unwanted items such as

                                                                      • bacteria,
                                                                      • fungi,
                                                                      • dead skin cells
                                                                      • or food residues from your beard.

                                                                      This is important not only for your styling but also for your beard health - and it also helps prevent annoying itching.

                                                                      Beard health is also significantly promoted by using the beard brush, as it massages the facial skin beneath the beard with its bristles.

                                                                      This promotes blood circulation in the skin, allowing the beard hairs to be better supplied with necessary nutrients. This, in turn, strengthens your beard growth and increases your beard density.

                                                                      Beard brush beard comb shave beard care

                                                                      Cleaning the beard brush

                                                                      You need to clean your beard brush because it comes into contact with dirt, product residues, and sebum.

                                                                      • It's best to hold the beard brush under running water after each use to remove coarse dirt immediately.
                                                                      • At regular intervals, it is advisable to massage in some soap or shampoo to remove more stubborn "guests."
                                                                      • Make sure to dry the beard brush well after each wash to prevent mold formation and material damage - ensuring you can use your beard brush for as long as possible.

                                                                      The Störtebekker beard brush: Tough on the outside, soft on the inside

                                                                      Of course, we recommend our Störtebekker beard brushes made in Germany.

                                                                      • Their handle is made of noble walnut wood.
                                                                      • For the bristles, we have chosen a animal-friendly alternative to boar bristles. They are relatively stiff, allowing the beard brush to effectively handle longer beards. At the same time, the organic nylon material "BioniFil" ensures a smooth feel.

                                                                      If you would like to get to know our beard brush better, feel free to visit the Störtebekker shop! Also, check out our safety razors. Because care starts with shaving!

                                                                      What is a beard comb?

                                                                      Beard combs are quite similar in form and function to conventional combs. There are many different variations of beard combs.

                                                                      Especially in terms of material, they can vary significantly from plastic to metal and horn to wood - and thus also in quality and appearance. The spacing of the teeth also varies greatly among different models.

                                                                      Beard comb shave

                                                                      When do I use a beard comb?

                                                                      Just like the beard brush, the comb performs important functions for styling and beard health

                                                                      The beard comb

                                                                      • shapes the beard hairs,
                                                                      • assists in trimming the beard and distributing beard oil,
                                                                      • removes dirt from the beard,
                                                                      • promotes beard health,
                                                                      • stimulates beard growth,
                                                                      • and prevents itching.

                                                                      Expert tip: The beard comb is ideally used after showering when the beard is still slightly damp.

                                                                      The beard comb should be used for beards that have reached a certain length - at the latest, one of 4-5 months.

                                                                      Because, no matter how stiff the bristles of a brush are - when your beard hairs are too long, it eventually cannot reach down to your facial skin. The teeth of the beard comb, however, can do this optimally.

                                                                      They capture the entire beard in its full length and bring it into the desired shape. The various fine or coarse toothings of beard combs also allow you to choose a beard comb that exactly matches the current length of your beard.

                                                                      Unlike the beard brush, the beard comb has a distinct advantage:

                                                                      • Due to its flat, compact shape, it is much easier to transport than the somewhat bulkier beard brush.
                                                                      Mehr lesen

                                                                      As you may have noticed, we are currently working on bringing our own razor blade to the market. For us, this is an important step towards independence.

                                                                      At the same time, it is also a matter of the heart, because as the headline suggests, the razor blade plays a significant role in wet shaving. As the only disposable product in classic shaving, blade quality is our top priority.

                                                                      But even the best razor blades need to be replaced after several shaves. Here's how you can extend the lifespan of your blade and how often you should change your razor blade.

                                                                      Before that, I'll delve into the manufacturing, types of razor blades, and their respective quality features.

                                                                      The History of the Razor Blade

                                                                      As early as the late 19th century, razor blades were invented as a standalone shaving product and were able to establish themselves in the shaving and beard care sector during the 20th century.

                                                                      Especially for shavings with safety razors, shavettes (straight razors with replaceable blades), and system razors, the demand continues into the 21st century. They are an integral part of classic shaving and are crucial for the success or failure of every shave.

                                                                      Due to their extreme sharpness, razor blades are often treated with great respect, and rightly so. Not least on television, we are often confronted with the "bloody" consequences of careless or deliberate use of razor blades, for example in movies.

                                                                      Similar to handling a knife blade while cooking, it is also appropriate to handle razor blades with corresponding caution. However, it is exactly this high degree of sharpness that lays the foundation for a successful shave.

                                                                      The question arises: How are razor blades actually manufactured?

                                                                      Manufacturing of a Razor Blade

                                                                      Generally speaking, a razor blade is a thin sheet of stainless steel with two sharp edges. However, when one takes a closer look at the manufacturing process, one quickly realizes that a razor blade is the result of many production steps.

                                                                      Heinz Dieter Becker, CEO of the Thuringian razor blade company Feintechnik, said in an interview with the business magazine brand eins that

                                                                      "a complex interplay of the right steel and various hardening, grinding, and coating processes is necessary"²

                                                                      to produce high-quality razor blades.

                                                                      • After the contour of the blade is punched from strip steel,

                                                                      • follows the hardening process. The material is heated (at about 1200 degrees Celsius) to promote the springiness of the blade.

                                                                      • Then, the two blade sides are ground before being coated with a carbide and Teflon coating. These coatings provide durability to the blade and optimize shaving performance.

                                                                      Depending on the manufacturer, this process varies minimally from strip steel to finished blade, so the

                                                                      Razor blades differences in the areas

                                                                      • sharpness,
                                                                      • durability,
                                                                      • flexibility
                                                                      • and quality are evident.

                                                                      Feel free to get an overview of our entire range from the field of shaving products. You're sure to find something. And while you're at it, here are our shaving soaps with corresponding aftershaves for a perfect shaving experience.

                                                                      Razor Blade Types and Their Characteristics

                                                                      As you can already see, the history of the razor blade has shown that today there are different razor blade types for the discerning gentleman. Here is a small selection:

                                                                      • Feather
                                                                      • Derby
                                                                      • Astra
                                                                      • Wilkinson Sword

                                                                      These are just a few of the many manufacturers that have established themselves in the razor blade market over the decades. Not every razor blade is suitable for every skin and beard type. Although they differ in sharpness, their quality is high.

                                                                      Derby Extra stainless steel blades are excellent. Here the design is particularly sophisticated in terms of price and performance. One may wonder why the DE blade category is so popular.

                                                                      After all, every razor blade has its own unique selling points. We recommend that you try out several blade types for yourself to find out which razor blade best suits you. After all, the goal is to be the most comfortable and thorough shave possible.

                                                                      The Development of Razor Blades over Time

                                                                      In the 19th and early 20th centuries, knife makers and knife cutters manufactured the first double-edged razor blades from hand-made strips of steel. The technique, of course, was able to meet the ever-growing demand for shaving products and was able to establish itself as an independent product from the cutlery industry. The first razor blades were made, of course, it was manufactured of course hand of the technique to be established independent product from the, and by the first razor blades, the of the ever-growing demand, as early as, able by ever-growing, also of 20th of the 19th and. For the safety of this stage of the products, for the razor blade of the first of course, the product, and even the time to safety razor blade by the public, with the sales to the city of products of an independent products, as well as the first time that also for the safety, and that the can be able to provide the control of the same time.

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                                                                       The importance of shaving preparation (also emphasized by me) is often highlighted. In the context of traditional shaving, it is definitely the prerequisite for a successful shave. This allows you to fully exploit the potential of your razor or razor. Otherwise, irritated skin, razor burn, or even small cuts are the inevitable result. To make preparation successful, a high-quality shaving soap or cream, and especially the shaving brush, are essential – depending on your taste, possibly your most beautiful accessory.

                                                                      Shaving brushes are available in many shapes and materials. The handle is usually made of plastic, wood, or metal. A wooden-handled shaving brush should be varnished so that it does not swell due to regular cleaning with water. The brush hair is traditionally made from animal hair, most commonly badger hair. But boar bristles and horsehair are also used. The question of vegan shaving brush alternatives has now also been answered: synthetic fibers. But how do these compare to their "animal" competitors?

                                                                      Comparison: Animal Hair or Synthetic Fibers?

                                                                      Shaving brushes have been a proven tool in the shaving sector in Europe for over 250 years. "From the advent of self-shaving in the 19th to the mid-20th century, foaming shaving soap or cream with a shaving brush was an integral part of male wet shaving." 1

                                                                      Feel free to browse through the online shop for shaving products. Our all-in-one set includes all the products you need for your shave.

                                                                      Due to the increasing popularity of cartridge razors and canned shaving foam, traditional shaving has somewhat faded into obscurity. For several years now, shaving with a safety razor or straight razor has been regaining popularity. Anyone exploring the topic of "traditional shaving" will quickly realize that choosing the right shaving brush is an important step towards achieving the perfect shave. The type of bristles used in shaving brushes is the most important component that you should be clear about before making a purchase.

                                                                      Enjoy reading exciting topics:

                                                                      As mentioned earlier, shaving brushes are most commonly made from badger hair and synthetic fibers nowadays. But boar bristles and horsehair are also occasionally used (sometimes more commonly in other parts of the world). However, compared to badger hair and synthetic fibers, they have the decisive disadvantage of storing less water. Shaving brushes with boar bristles are the cheapest but also the toughest. They can more easily irritate sensitive skin. Shaving brushes made from horsehair are hardly widespread in Germany and are more in demand in Muslim-dominated countries. Horsehair is softer than boar bristles and cheaper than badger hair.

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                                                                      The choice of the shaving brush will ultimately depend on your individual preferences. But if you don't want to sacrifice animal welfare, you should prefer synthetic fibers. Despite their short history, they have become so good that there is virtually no difference to "real" animal hair. The shaving brush made from synthetic fibers stores water as well as that made from animal hair. You can then spread the foam or shaving cream over your face in the same way as with an animal hair brush. The price is also often lower, and vegans do not have to accept any disadvantages due to the synthetic shaving brush.


                                                                      As with every purchase decision, the choice between a shaving brush made from animal hair or synthetic fibers ultimately depends on individual preferences and priorities. The products of traditional wet shaving, which were almost forgotten, are experiencing a revival today. This is not least due to the internet. If you decide to opt for a synthetic shaving brush, you will save the lives of animals. But also, you won't have to make any compromises in terms of quality. Of course, the experience is different for every man. So, do you already have experience with shaving brushes? Write a comment about your experiences with the shaving brush that will help others in their decision-making process!

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                                                                      The safety razor was the leading razor for wet shaving in Europe and North America for much of the 20th century. In the 1970s, it was then supplanted by cartridge razors.

                                                                      Since then, it has largely fallen into obscurity in Europe and North America. However, in many Asian countries, it remains the number one daily companion.

                                                                      The safety razor – a relic from days gone by? The question can now be confidently answered with "No", because due to its numerous advantages, it is enjoying renewed popularity in Germany and our neighboring countries.

                                                                      Many products and practices that shaped our society for a long period of time and were subsequently replaced are now returning to people's consciousness.

                                                                      Aside from the nostalgia factor, this is primarily for practical reasons, as the quality of the products and practices remains consistently high even in the 21st century.

                                                                      In the field of shaving products, the safety razor, the straight razor, and the shaving brush, as well as the practice of classic shaving, are making a comeback.

                                                                      Especially the safety razor brings some advantages, like

                                                                      • Thoroughness,
                                                                      • Sustainability
                                                                      • and durability, compared to common cartridge razors, which will be discussed later.

                                                                      Before we clarify what a safety razor is and in which variants it is produced, take part in our quiz and let us recommend products to you.

                                                                      What is a safety razor actually?

                                                                      On Wikipedia we find the following definition: "A safety razor is a razor for wet shaving. In the case of shaving with a safety razor, a razor blade is used that protrudes only slightly from the razor, in order to avoid larger cuts." (Wikipedia)

                                                                      A single razor blade is placed in the head of the razor - here, the higher the quality of the blade used, the more thorough the shave.

                                                                      To change the blade, a twisting mechanism is operated at the lower end of the handle.

                                                                      Generally, there are three predominant closure variants for safety razors:

                                                                      • In safety razors with butterfly closure, the head of the razor folds open and the blade can be replaced. This variant of the razor is ideal for beginners.

                                                                      • In the second closure variant, the turning mechanism releases the head plate from the razor.

                                                                      • In the third variant, the bottom plate on the head of the safety razor also comes off by turning beside the head plate.

                                                                      Furthermore, safety razors differ in the type of comb. "The comb is the element of the safety razor that protects the skin from the blades." (Wikipedia) It is distinguished between safety razors with open and closed combs.

                                                                      In closed comb safety razors, the blade is better protected, because the edge of the razor is continuous. Because the blade is less exposed, a safety razor with a closed comb is safer to use and thus more suitable for beginners.

                                                                      In razors with open comb, the edge is not continuous, but usually serrated. This makes the blade less concealed than with a closed comb and promises an even higher degree of thoroughness in shaving.

                                                                      You can read here how open and closed comb safety razors differ.

                                                                      Safety Razor vs. Straight Razor - The Key Criteria in Overview

                                                                      Safety razors and straight razors differ from each other in several essential points.

                                                                      Below we present the advantages and disadvantages of both shaving instruments.

                                                                      Make your choice based on the key criteria.

                                                                      Safety Razor: The Pros and Cons

                                                                      Advantages of Safety Razors:

                                                                      • Thoroughness and precision: The safety razor reaches almost all areas on the face and neck, thanks to its flat razor head. The result: a smooth and precise shave.
                                                                      • Sustainability and durability: Compared to common cartridge razors, safety razors have a significantly longer lifespan. In addition, the replacement blades are much cheaper and easy to find online.
                                                                      • Versatility: With safety razors, you can customize the shaving angle and pressure. As a result, they are very adaptable and can be tailored to different skin and beard types.

                                                                      Disadvantages of Safety Razors:

                                                                      • Learning curve: At the beginning, it can be difficult to achieve a satisfactory result with a safety razor. However, with a little practice, you can achieve the desired result.
                                                                      • Initial investment: The cost of a good safety razor can be higher than that of disposable razors. However, the long-term savings from cheaper replacement blades quickly offset this initial investment.

                                                                      Straight Razor: The Pros and Cons

                                                                      Advantages of Straight Razors:

                                                                      • No ongoing costs: Straight razors do not require replacement blades, which eliminates ongoing costs.
                                                                      • Easy maintenance: With regular stropping and occasional honing, a straight razor can last a lifetime.
                                                                      • Precise contours: Due to their straight and sharp blade, straight razors are ideal for creating precise contours.

                                                                      Disadvantages of Straight Razors:

                                                                      • High learning curve: Mastering the technique of shaving with a straight razor requires time, patience, and practice.
                                                                      • Maintenance effort: Unlike safety razors, straight razors require regular stropping and occasional honing to maintain their sharpness.
                                                                      • Initial investment: A good straight razor and the necessary accessories can be expensive initially.

                                                                      Despite some similarities, both types of razors differ significantly from each other in terms of use, design, and handling. Whether you decide on a safety razor or a straight razor depends on your personal preferences, your skill level in wet shaving, and the time you are willing to invest in it.


                                                                      Ultimately, whether you choose a safety razor or a straight razor depends on your individual preferences and needs. Both types of razors have their advantages and disadvantages. If you prefer a versatile, durable, and precise shave, a safety razor might be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you are looking for a traditional shaving experience with no ongoing costs and are willing to invest time in mastering the technique, a straight razor could be the better option.

                                                                      Whatever you choose, both safety razors and straight razors offer a high-quality shaving experience that can turn your daily grooming routine into a ritual of relaxation and enjoyment.

                                                                      We would be pleased to advise you on the subject of wet shaving and will be happy to help you find the right razor for you.

                                                                      Take a look at our safety razors and our straight razors, and discover the fascination of traditional wet shaving.

                                                                      We also provide tips on classic wet shaving on our blog. You can find more interesting articles and guides there.

                                                                      If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you and wish you a pleasant and smooth shave.

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                                                                      Even with plenty of practice in the art of traditional shaving with the safety razor, small cuts are not 100% avoidable. So you don't have to reach for a plaster or wait for the bleeding to stop, I recommend using an alum stone or stick.

                                                                      The alum stone is often also called a blood clotting stick, which anticipates its function in this context: After use, minor cuts stop bleeding within a few seconds and you simultaneously care for the wound. But what exactly is an alum stone, what other benefits does it bring, and how do I use it most effectively after shaving?

                                                                      Alum Stone Shaving Blood Stop

                                                                      If you're unsure whether you're using the right razor, just answer the following questions and we'll give you a product recommendation that suits you:

                                                                      All-Purpose Alum Stone: From Blood Clotter to Pimple Fighter

                                                                      So what exactly is an alum stone? In short, an alum stone is made of alum, which in turn is an aluminum salt.

                                                                      A more complex answer is given by Wikipedia: "Alum [...] originally referred just to hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate [...]. Meanwhile, the term is sometimes used for the corresponding ammonium aluminum salt, while 'alums' refers to all sulfate double compounds of similar chemical constitution."This explanation may reveal more to chemists among us.

                                                                      Like other salts, alum dissolves in water and is used in several industries. So it's not only versatile in form but also in application area. In addition to its already mentioned ability to stop bleeding, alum is

                                                                      • used in tanning,
                                                                      • in gardening,
                                                                      • and in the food industry as a stabilizer.

                                                                      In cosmetics, alum stones are often used as a deodorant. They are also a proven remedy in the fight against pimples. Alum is also used to grow crystals – perhaps you still have an old chemistry kit at home and can take a closer look at the "ingredient list"?

                                                                      Safety razor before and after

                                                                      The Alum Stone and Traditional Shaving in Focus

                                                                      The fact that alum stones are increasingly used in the shaving sector has a good reason. Alum has a strong astringent effect. This means that alum is a substance that alters the proteins on the skin, thereby creating a superficial layer.2

                                                                      For minor cuts that occur during traditional shaving on the face or in the intimate area, using an alum stone or stick causes the wound to close quickly and the bleeding to stop. In addition to the explained astringent effect, alum is also antiseptic and antibacterial. In other words, it disinfects the wound. A true miracle cure.

                                                                      Alum Stone as a Blood Clotter

                                                                      If you use your alum stone as a blood clotter, moisten it with water before use and then let it glide over the cut without applying much pressure.

                                                                      But when is the best time during traditional shaving to use the alum stone? The alum stone is most effective when you wash your face after shaving with cold water. Apply your aftershave product and then use the alum stone.

                                                                      Expert Tip: The alum stone can also be used as an aftershave. To do this, after washing, let the moistened alum stone or stick glide over the shaved areas and leave it on briefly.

                                                                      Afterward, wash your face again with cold water. If you have sensitive skin, follow up with a moisturizer.


                                                                      Is an alum stone dangerous?

                                                                      No! The Störtebekker alum stone is free from additives, making it safe to use. However, keep it away from children and pets.

                                                                      Does an alum stone help with acne?

                                                                      Alum is said to have antibacterial properties. There are reports from acne sufferers suggesting a positive effect. If in doubt, discuss with your doctor whether alum is actually helpful.



                                                                      Since even pros in traditional shaving occasionally get minor cuts, the alum stone should be part of your high-quality shaving accessories. Besides its blood clotting effect, it offers additional benefits and is versatile, for example as a deodorant or pimple fighter. It brings great value and is definitely worth the purchase. Have you seen our Störtebekker shaving soaps? You can buy the shaving soaps here!

                                                                      Want more? Of course, because we want to share our knowledge with you




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                                                                      Classic shaving itself only requires three real tools: warm water, a steady hand, and a sharp blade.

                                                                      As easy as it looks at the barber's, it's only that easy if you have the right practice. This comes relatively quickly once you stick with it.

                                                                      Shaving Straight Razor Beard

                                                                      Whether straight razor or safety razor: Try classic shaving at home 

                                                                      The classic shave is popular with beard wearers for a reason. It is very thorough and excels in this respect over system razors.

                                                                      By engaging in classic shaving, you also get to know your beard and the skin beneath it better.

                                                                      If you take enough time, classic shaving also has a relaxing and calming aspect. All in all, a type of shave that you should give a chance - even if it initially scares you.

                                                                      So that you are sufficiently prepared for shaving with safety razor orstraight razor, you will find here the basics of classic shaving. How to shave your beard properly, you can read in this post.

                                                                      What you need for classic shaving

                                                                      To make your classic shaving successful, besides following the procedure, an appropriate selection of equipment is necessary:

                                                                        Preparing for Classic Shaving

                                                                        Preparation is extremely important to make the actual shaving as comfortable as possible.

                                                                        Through optimal preparation, you effectively open the pores on your face and make it easier for yourself to shave properly with a safety razor or straight razor.

                                                                        The following steps are part of an optimal preparation for classic shaving:

                                                                        1. Wash your beard.

                                                                        2. Open your pores by placing a hot shaving cloth on your face.

                                                                        3. Prepare the shaving soap or foam.

                                                                        4. Apply the pre-shave oil to your beard.

                                                                        5. Lather the shaving soap well with the shaving brush and apply it to the beard.

                                                                        6. Place the safety razor or straight razor at a right blade angle to the skin.

                                                                        7. Shave gently with the grain at first. If you feel comfortable with it, you can also go against the grain.

                                                                        8. Rinse your face well with cold water after shaving to close your pores.

                                                                        9. Finally, apply an after-shave care that is suitable for you.

                                                                        10. For the longevity of the blade, it is recommended that you clean and dry it after use.

                                                                        In our shop, you will find a selection of suitable products with which you can prepare yourself for classic shaving and learn more about the most important tips for wet shaving. All these are available here.

                                                                        Straight Razor Shaving Beard

                                                                        Finishing Classic Shaving

                                                                        To make the shaving process as comfortable as possible for you, the finishing touches also play an important role:

                                                                        1. After-shave: After shaving, you should always use a care product for your skin.

                                                                        2. Styptic pen: If you cut yourself during shaving, a styptic pen can help stop the bleeding quickly.

                                                                        3. After shave care: After shaving, a suitable skin care product is important to soothe and regenerate your skin.

                                                                        Don't you dare buy these in a drugstore? Buy shaving brushes, safety razors and the best shaving soaps - all the classic shaving accessories you need from us here!

                                                                        You're not familiar with classic shaving and have any questions? Then we recommend our FAQ about classic shaving.

                                                                        FAQ about Classic Shaving

                                                                        Here we answer the most frequently asked questions about classic shaving:

                                                                        Classic shaving can not only be fun but also saves resources and is very gentle on the skin. And if you like classic shaving, the quality of the razor blades plays an important role. But it can also be difficult for beginners to find the right razor blade, so we have tested the razor blades for you so that we can offer you the best quality. For this reason, we recommend that you try the razor blades, which are available in our shop. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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