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The Störtebekker Blog

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Störtebekker hat zusammen mit Alex, dem Barbier des beliebten Torretto Barbershops, eine außergewöhnlich erfolgreiche Social-Media-Serie geschaffen, die auf Plattformen wie TikTok und YouTube große Aufmerksamkeit erhält.

Durch die Authentizität und Professionalität, die Alex in den Content einbringt, wird der Torretto Barbershop als trendige und zugleich kompetente Adresse für Bartpflege und Haarstyling inszeniert. 

Seine charmante Art und das handwerkliche Geschick verleihen den Videos eine besondere Note und machen den Torretto Barbershop für Zuschauer zu einer Marke, die nicht nur Produkte, sondern auch Lifestyle und Persönlichkeit vermittelt.

Kreativer Content im Torretto Barbershop auf TikTok und YouTube

Mit einer gelungenen Mischung aus Information und Entertainment zeigt Alex im Torretto Barbershop in kurzen Clips, wie vielseitig die Arbeit eines Barbiers sein kann. 

  • Die Inhalte sind prägnant und bieten praktische Tipps rund um Bartpflege und Haarschnitte. 
  • Die Videos geben Einblicke in den Barbershop-Alltag und sprechen verschiedene Styling-Techniken an, die den modernen Mann ansprechen. 
  • Der Erfolg auf TikTok und YouTube ist ein Beweis dafür, dass der Torretto Barbershop es geschafft hat, ein breites Publikum für die Welt der Bartpflege zu begeistern und zugleich die Marke Störtebekker optimal zu platzieren.

Ein authentisches Barbershop-Erlebnis für die Community

Der Torretto Barbershop schafft mit dieser Serie nicht nur eine hohe Reichweite, sondern auch eine enge Bindung zur Community. Störtebekker und Alex präsentieren den Barbershop als Ort, an dem Bartpflege und Männlichkeit zelebriert werden. 

Die Zuschauer erfahren, wie sie ihren Stil und ihre Persönlichkeit durch die richtige Bartpflege betonen können, und sind eingeladen, Teil der Barbershop-Kultur zu werden. 

Diese Authentizität und Nahbarkeit sind entscheidend für den Erfolg der Social-Media-Serie und für die Entstehung einer treuen, aktiven Community rund um den Torretto Barbershop und die Marke Störtebekker.

Störtebekker und der Torretto Barbershop als starke Markenbotschafter

Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Alex und den Torretto Barbershop konnte Störtebekker seine Produkte direkt im Kontext eines authentischen Barbershop-Erlebnisses platzieren. Die Videos schaffen eine Verbindung zwischen hochwertigen Produkten und echter Handwerkskunst und vermitteln die Vorteile der Störtebekker-Pflegeprodukte. 

Diese Kombination aus echtem Barbershop-Know-how und sorgfältig ausgewählter Produktplatzierung hat sich als unschätzbarer Vorteil im Wettbewerb erwiesen und zeigt, wie erfolgreich Social Media in der modernen Markenkommunikation eingesetzt werden kann.

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The year is coming to an end, a new year is beginning.

2021 was the most challenging and at the same time the most successful year we have had at Störtebekker so far. Unfortunately, Covid makes the global procurement and logistics situation and our daily lives anything but easy. That's why we are all the prouder that we were able to achieve all our goals this year!

At this point, I would also like to thank our customers for their patience and support! Even though not everything is running perfectly with us yet, we have always received a lot of encouragement and valuable feedback from you, which shows us every day that we are on the right track and motivates us to keep pushing forward!

A huge thanks also goes to all Störtebekker employees who work every day with a lot of motivation and passion to create great products and top service! I look forward to tackling 2022 with you!

For me, every customer and partner we deal with regularly is part of the Störtebekker crew. Therefore, I would also like to thank all suppliers and agencies! We enjoy working with good people and building lasting partnerships!

What happened at Störtebekker in 2021?

Revenue jump: This year we were able to more than triple our revenue. We made significant gains, especially in our online shop, which makes us happy since we previously only sold on Amazon. The online shop has been our most important mainstay since this year.

The first permanent employees: For a long time, I worked as a solo founder with a small team of working students and interns. This year, I was finally able to hire the first two working students, who had already been working at Störtebekker for over a year, on a full-time basis. A real milestone! Our team currently consists of three full-time employees (including me as the founder) and two working students.

More than 15 new products: This year we launched a variety of new products. Most recently, we were pleased to launch our first care products with shaving oil, beard oil, and beard balm. The new shaving sets were also very well received. Stay tuned for what's coming next!

Move to the first permanent office: In the past, we worked completely remotely, practically everyone from home. Since mid-year, part of the team has been working from a permanent office in Frankfurt. Working together directly is simply more fun and facilitates communication!

Mental Health: We have added a section to our online shop where we are committed to the topic of mental health. More and more people are struggling with mental health issues, especially now during Corona. But too often this topic is taboo. The most important thing is to talk about it and take action!

Shaving Routine Playlist: We have put together the perfect shaving routine including a Spotify playlist. This makes you feel like you're in a barbershop during your shaving and beard care. Check it out!

Where is the Störtebekker journey heading in 2022?

In the new year, we want to "shave" everything, so to speak!

Joking aside, we have set high goals for ourselves again and aim to achieve them with even better quality. Here's a brief overview of what you can expect:

New products: The focus will clearly be on new products. At Störtebekker, every shaver or beard wearer will find what their heart desires! I am especially looking forward to the new care products, they will be great! We will also optimize existing products. Do you have a product wish? Then just write to me at

Content: We plan to provide even more knowledge and tips on shaving and beard care. We will make cool videos and guides available on our shop. We will also give more behind-the-scenes insights and make the Störtebekker brand more tangible.

Team: Our revenue will grow, so our team will grow as well. I am already looking forward to introducing the new members of the Störtebekker crew. Every company is only as strong as its employees!

Barbershops: Our goal is to be present with our products wherever our customers are. Therefore, we want to offer our products in barbershops as well. Who knows, maybe you will soon discover Störtebekker products at your trusted barbershop. Do you know a barber? Then feel free to introduce them to us 😊

In sailor's terms: I am very much looking forward to sailing into new waters with the Störtebekker crew in 2022, braving all storms, and mastering exciting challenges. Unlike our namesake, pirate Klaus Störtebeker, we will of course stay very well-behaved 😉 Ahoy!

Martin Picard, Founder of Störtebekker



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Many of you have probably heard of #noshavenovember or seen the hashtag under a post on popular social media platforms. But do you know what it's all about and where the hashtag originated?

For several years now, countless bearded men have let their mustaches grow throughout November without shaving or trimming the contours. Following the motto of No-Shave November, facial hair is only trimmed again on December 1st. While for most, it's simply a personal aesthetic challenge, the idea originally stems from a much broader charitable thought.

Hair Growth Against Cancer

The annual No-Shave November event, originally called Movember (a combination of the English words for mustache and November), encourages young men and women not to shave throughout the penultimate month of the year.

Instead, the money that would have been spent on shaving during this time is encouraged to be donated to charitable causes. Founded in 2003 in Adelaide, Australia, this fundraising initiative is a web-based nonprofit organization dedicated to raising cancer awareness and funding cancer prevention, research, and education.

One downside of this fundamentally very positive action is that it can potentially cause work-related issues in some industries. Therefore, the organization explicitly mentions that it's up to each individual to decide how or to what extent they participate in the campaign. There are no set rules, ensuring that personal care and hygiene do not have to suffer under the umbrella of the good cause.

NoShaveNovember in Germany

In Germany, the campaign has been officially conducted since 2012 in cooperation with the foundation based in Australia. In the same year, for example, the partner was the Federal Association of Prostate Cancer Self-Help, which issued donation receipts and, in collaboration with Movember, directed the use of incoming funds.

Various athletes from ice hockey leagues, the Bundesliga (German soccer league), the Handball-Bundesliga, and rugby have contributed to the movement's popularity in recent years, suggesting further growth in the coming years!

Have you ever participated in #NoShaveNovember? Let us know!

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In recent years, I have increasingly been shopping at startups, such as mymuesli or Snocks. What has always interested me: the story and dynamics behind the startup!

Who are the founders burning with enormous passion for their startup? What motivated them to develop their products and how did they build their team?

That's why today I want to give you, as the founder of Störtebekker, a behind-the-scenes look and tell you what motivated me to start a startup, why Störtebekker specifically, and what our plans for the future are.

The Origins of Störtebekker

After my bachelor's degree in 2016, I still didn't quite know what I wanted to do. I did internships in various fields, but the right thing wasn't quite there yet.

However, growing up in a family business, the thought of building something of my own always lay deep within me, but I had no clue in what form this should happen. Until early 2017, when I came across a YouTube video talking about selling your own products through Amazon and building a brand.

Amazon handles storage and shipping, you just need to focus on product development. I was immediately hooked! Now the question was: What products should it be? I quickly settled on the barbershop theme.

I myself enjoy going to barbershops. The personal and direct atmosphere appeals to me. For me, a barbershop is a place that stands for quality, masculinity, and top service.

However, I lacked a brand that stood for these values and where I would enjoy shopping. The vision was born: a brand that embodies these values, where men can get all their shaving and beard products that they can rely on.


How did the name Störtebekker come about?

As a child, I was fascinated by pirates and especially the legend of Klaus Störtebeker. It is said that when he and his crew were to be executed in Hamburg, he negotiated with the mayor that anyone from his crew whom he passed after his beheading would be set free.

The legend says he passed by 11 men before the executioner threw the block in front of him. Besides the childish fascination of a pirate story, this story embodies freedom and loyalty for me. These values were and are important to me, and I wanted to convey them through the brand.

Contemporary illustrations also show the pirate with a beard. So the brand name was clear! (Since the name with one "k" was already reserved by a brewery, I simply added one more and Störtebekker was born.

The first product, the first sale, and a strong team

With the vision in mind, we began product development. In early December 2017, our safety razor in leather case finally hit the market. I will never forget the date, 12/06/17, when the first safety razor was sold via Amazon.

During my master's studies in 2018, I continued to build Störtebekker. Since early 2019, I have focused fully on Störtebekker. Since then, several products have been added, and the team has grown. Currently, up to 10 heads are working on developing Störtebekker.

A huge thanks to Felix, Fabi, Digvijay, Patrick, Manuel, Luca, Amar, Robert, Stefan, and everyone who helps take Störtebekker to the next level and develop it into a leading brand in the shaving and beard area! Without you, this would not be possible.

Störtebekker Team

A Major Milestone: Our Shop Goes Online

In early May, we reached the next milestone: Our online shop including blog went live. We are also constantly expanding our product range. This year, our beard comb and beard oil are coming out, among others. Stay tuned! :) Certain events show us that we are on the right track and motivate us to keep going. Whether it's messages from you or our ranking as the 12th fastest-growing startup in Germany in June.

My Vision for Störtebekker

Our goal is to bring the barbershop feeling into your bathroom! We rely on what you know from your barbershop: quality at a reasonable price and top service. So, we look forward to answering every customer email and making every customer happy.

If you have feedback for us or an idea for a new product, you can contact us anytime. You can also email me directly at I want to thank you for your support over the past few months and look forward to everything that is to come! Martin Picard, Founder of Störtebekker

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