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Störtebekker Jahres-Resümee und Ausblick auf 2022

Martin is a passionate entrepreneur and avid barbershop goer. He has delved deep into the world of shaving and beard care, aiming to bring the unique barbershop experience into every bathroom.


Martin is a passionate entrepreneur and avid barbershop goer. He has delved deep into the world of shaving and beard care, aiming to bring the unique barbershop experience into every bathroom.

The year is coming to an end, a new year is beginning.

2021 was the most challenging and at the same time the most successful year we have had at Störtebekker so far. Unfortunately, Covid makes the global procurement and logistics situation and our daily lives anything but easy. That's why we are all the prouder that we were able to achieve all our goals this year!

At this point, I would also like to thank our customers for their patience and support! Even though not everything is running perfectly with us yet, we have always received a lot of encouragement and valuable feedback from you, which shows us every day that we are on the right track and motivates us to keep pushing forward!

A huge thanks also goes to all Störtebekker employees who work every day with a lot of motivation and passion to create great products and top service! I look forward to tackling 2022 with you!

For me, every customer and partner we deal with regularly is part of the Störtebekker crew. Therefore, I would also like to thank all suppliers and agencies! We enjoy working with good people and building lasting partnerships!

What happened at Störtebekker in 2021?

Revenue jump: This year we were able to more than triple our revenue. We made significant gains, especially in our online shop, which makes us happy since we previously only sold on Amazon. The online shop has been our most important mainstay since this year.

The first permanent employees: For a long time, I worked as a solo founder with a small team of working students and interns. This year, I was finally able to hire the first two working students, who had already been working at Störtebekker for over a year, on a full-time basis. A real milestone! Our team currently consists of three full-time employees (including me as the founder) and two working students.

More than 15 new products: This year we launched a variety of new products. Most recently, we were pleased to launch our first care products with shaving oil, beard oil, and beard balm. The new shaving sets were also very well received. Stay tuned for what's coming next!

Move to the first permanent office: In the past, we worked completely remotely, practically everyone from home. Since mid-year, part of the team has been working from a permanent office in Frankfurt. Working together directly is simply more fun and facilitates communication!

Mental Health: We have added a section to our online shop where we are committed to the topic of mental health. More and more people are struggling with mental health issues, especially now during Corona. But too often this topic is taboo. The most important thing is to talk about it and take action!

Shaving Routine Playlist: We have put together the perfect shaving routine including a Spotify playlist. This makes you feel like you're in a barbershop during your shaving and beard care. Check it out!

Where is the Störtebekker journey heading in 2022?

In the new year, we want to "shave" everything, so to speak!

Joking aside, we have set high goals for ourselves again and aim to achieve them with even better quality. Here's a brief overview of what you can expect:

New products: The focus will clearly be on new products. At Störtebekker, every shaver or beard wearer will find what their heart desires! I am especially looking forward to the new care products, they will be great! We will also optimize existing products. Do you have a product wish? Then just write to me at

Content: We plan to provide even more knowledge and tips on shaving and beard care. We will make cool videos and guides available on our shop. We will also give more behind-the-scenes insights and make the Störtebekker brand more tangible.

Team: Our revenue will grow, so our team will grow as well. I am already looking forward to introducing the new members of the Störtebekker crew. Every company is only as strong as its employees!

Barbershops: Our goal is to be present with our products wherever our customers are. Therefore, we want to offer our products in barbershops as well. Who knows, maybe you will soon discover Störtebekker products at your trusted barbershop. Do you know a barber? Then feel free to introduce them to us 😊

In sailor's terms: I am very much looking forward to sailing into new waters with the Störtebekker crew in 2022, braving all storms, and mastering exciting challenges. Unlike our namesake, pirate Klaus Störtebeker, we will of course stay very well-behaved 😉 Ahoy!

Martin Picard, Founder of Störtebekker




Moin zusammen und frohes, neues Jahr,

als Ruheständler genieße ich die Nassrasur. Gern verwende ich nach der Rasur ein mildes Balm. Gibt es da etwas in Ihrem Sortiment ?

Beste Grüße aus Münster

Uwe Peter-Pollmann

Ihr seit die besten. Die Rasiermesserklingen funktionieren fantastisch. Auch muss ich sie zum Glück nicht so oft wechseln da sie super scharf sind.

Macht weiter so tolle Produkte und Qualität ein frohes neues Jahr wünsche ich Euch allen bleibt gesund

Frohes Neues Jahr an die Störtebekker Crew!
Ihr macht einen tollen Job und eure Kommunikation ist Top! Auf Kritik bzw. Feedbacks geht ihr ein und versucht es umzuwandeln. 👍
Da ich selbst aus Obertshausen komme gebe ich euch den Rat vor Ort die Barbiere auszustatten und dann euch in Offenbach weiter auszubreiten dort ist soviel Potential. Vielleicht bräuchtet Ihr da einmal einen Außendienstmitarbeiter mit Vertriebskenntnissen.
Denn die Marke Störtebekker muss gesehen werden.
Auch ein ausgefallenes Marken Maskottchen wäre vielleicht nicht schlecht… Marketing ist alles. 😉
Ich glaube an euch.
Liebe Grüße Paulo

Hallo Martin,
eine Frage:
Das Reiseetui von meinem Rasierhobel ist doch mit Leder bezogen – oder?

Viele Grüße

Bin mit all deinen Produkten super zufrieden. Hab den Hobel das Messer und die Seife. Jetzt hab ich gesehn, es gibt noch das Öl und Wachs. Werd ich mir als nächstes bestellen. Danke nochmals.

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