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Allergische Reaktionen nach dem Rasieren

Martin is a dedicated entrepreneur and passionate barbershop enthusiast. He has delved deeply into the world of shaving and beard care and wants to bring the unique barbershop experience to every bathroom.


Martin is a dedicated entrepreneur and passionate barbershop enthusiast. He has delved deeply into the world of shaving and beard care and wants to bring the unique barbershop experience to every bathroom.

Do you have severe skin redness after shaving? Are pimples repeatedly appearing? These could be the first signs of an allergic reaction. You might now be wondering which ingredients in the shaving foam could be responsible for these symptoms.

Because you can't be allergic to shaving itself, but rather to ingredients contained in the respective shaving products. You will find out what symptoms can occur and how to react in the following article.


  • It is not possible to be allergic to shaving itself

  • Skin reactions can occur due to improper shaving (against the grain, with a dull blade)

  • You may have an allergic reaction to certain ingredients and fragrances

  • To determine which ingredients you are allergic to, an allergy test should be conducted

  • Use products with natural ingredients more frequently

Can You Be Allergic to Shaving?

At this point, it should be clarified: It is not possible to be allergic to shaving itself. If you struggle with skin redness, frequently get pimples after shaving, or deal with itchy areas that appear after shaving the

  • intimate area,
  • upper body
  • or armpits, you may be allergic to an ingredient.

The ingredient might be in the shaving foam but can also be found in aftershave or in gels and creams.

Fragrances in shaving foam that trigger allergic reactions

The following ingredients can trigger allergic reactions:

  • Butylhydroxytoluene
  • Chemical additives like foaming agents
  • Fragrances like HICC, Atranol, and Chloratranol

Especially Butylhydroxytoluene - BHT - should be avoided. The EU Commission’s “Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety” has classified this ingredient as “very concerning.”

This substance is considered very sensitizing and irritating. Therefore, it is especially advisable to avoid this ingredient if you are generally an allergy sufferer. Even if you have not had allergies so far, it is wise to avoid the substance as it can trigger pseudoallergies.

Information on Pseudoallergy: In the case of a pseudoallergy or a so-called pseudoallergic reaction, symptoms occur that suggest an allergy.

However, there are no IgE antibodies that confirm the presence of an allergy. If the antibody test is negative, but reactions occur that would suggest an allergy, this is a pseudoallergy.

Fragrances lead to allergic reactions while shaving

Fragrances, including

  • HICC,
  • Atranol
  • and Chloratranol, can trigger allergic reactions.

Fragrances will no longer be used, as Hydroxyisohexyl-3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde (commercial name Lyral) as well as Atranol and Chloratranol are newly regulated by law.

  • As of August 23, 2019, it is prohibited to bring cosmetic products containing these compounds to the market.
  • A sales ban for all products will then apply from August 23, 2021.

But just because some fragrances have been banned, it is still advisable to always check the ingredients.

Allergy Symptoms After Shaving

If you are allergic to an ingredient, the following allergic symptoms may occur after shaving:

  • Pimples and pustules
  • Skin eczema
  • Small blisters may appear on the shaved skin areas
  • Severe skin redness
  • Itching
  • Swelling of the nasal mucosa
  • Mucous membrane irritations in the nose and mouth
  • Discomfort
  • Headaches

If such symptoms consistently occur after shaving, you should get an allergy test. If you want to be certain whether you are allergic to one or more ingredients, your trusted doctor will be able to help.

Once you know which ingredients you are allergic to, you can look for products that do not contain those ingredients.

If your beard itches, it can also be a symptom of an allergic reaction. Even personal care products might contain fragrances that can trigger an allergic reaction.

What Causes an Allergic Reaction After Shaving?

It could be ingredients in the shaving foam, but also in the after shave balm or in creams. It is important to find out which ingredients you might be allergic to.

Because a wrong shave can cause razor burn, it is also possible that you are not allergic to certain ingredients at all.

A wrong shave can also lead to skin redness and pimples. How to shave your beard properly, we have summarized in this post.

Allergic Reaction After Shaving: What to Do?

Firstly, you need to cool the affected skin areas. Cold compresses are suitable for this purpose. However, quark is also a popular home remedy to relieve the symptoms.

Are you a severe allergy sufferer? Do you always struggle with extreme skin reactions after shaving? Perhaps your doctor has already prescribed corticosteroid creams and ointments. These products only relieve or suppress the symptoms but do not cure the allergy.

Antihistamines can alleviate symptoms but do not combat the cause of the allergy.

The rash after shaving can also be caused by a wrong shave. You should always shave in the direction of hair growth. Pay attention to high-quality accessories and prepare your face for shaving. Additionally, it is important to care for your face after shaving.

Finding the right products and razors in the shaving jungle can be a challenge. That's why we make it as easy as possible for you. Take the quiz and find the products that are right for you.

What Allergy-Friendly Alternatives to Shaving Foam Are There?

There are some alternatives for allergy sufferers. If you use shaving foam and are allergic to an ingredient, you can use shaving foam specifically designed for allergy sufferers. This shaving foam is free from irritating or allergy-triggering ingredients.

Expert Tip: Allergy-friendly products almost exclusively contain natural ingredients and usually no fragrances.

Skin-Friendly Shaving Soap

Shaving soap is particularly recommended. Shaving soap contains no chemical or artificial additives for foam formation. It only contains natural ingredients. It creates an excellent lather, making your beard hair soft.

Are you still looking for a suitable shaving soap for your shave? In our shop, we offer various shaving soaps!

Compatible Shaving Cream

There is also shaving cream that is free from artificial ingredients. Shaving cream can also be an alternative to shaving foam.


Since different ingredients can cause allergic reactions, it is important to find out through an allergy test which ingredients your body reacts to. With a skin-friendly shaving soap, you can start shaving anytime without the fear of an allergic reaction.

Make sure to use shaving products, such as shaving soap, that contain natural ingredients. This way, you do not subject your skin to additional stress.


Do I need to see a doctor for an allergic reaction after shaving?

The symptoms and the severity of the complaints are crucial. If only skin redness or pimples occur, it is not necessary to see a doctor. If there is a severe allergic reaction that significantly affects your overall well-being, a visit to the doctor may be advisable.

If an allergy is known, appropriate medications can also be used to address the symptoms.

How long does it take for an allergic reaction after shaving to subside?

After a few hours, all symptoms should disappear. If the symptoms are mild, they might be gone within a few minutes. The intensity and duration of the symptoms also depend on the severity of the allergy.

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