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Was ist Aftershave & was bringt es: Ein Bartexperte erklärt

Martin is a dedicated entrepreneur and passionate barbershop enthusiast. He has delved deeply into the world of shaving and beard care and wants to bring the unique barbershop experience to every bathroom.


Martin is a dedicated entrepreneur and passionate barbershop enthusiast. He has delved deeply into the world of shaving and beard care and wants to bring the unique barbershop experience to every bathroom.

Beim Thema After Shave teilen sich die Meinungen. Während die einen nur auf glatt rasierten Stellen verwenden, schwören andere im Rahmen ihrer Bartpflege darauf.

Aber was genau ist ein After Shave eigentlich, was bringt es Und braucht man es wirklich?

Wir klären auf.

Aftershave Rasur Bart

Was ist ein After Shave eigentlich und was bewirkt es?

Ein After Shave ist eine wässrig-alkoholische Lösung, die zusätzlich mit einem Duft angereichert ist.

“After Shave” bedeutet so viel wie “nach der Rasur” und erklärt damit auch direkt die Verwendung des Produktes: es wird nach der Rasur aufgetragen, um Hautirritationen und Rasurbrand zu vermeiden.

Je nach Hauttyp kann After Shave in Form eines Rasierwassers, Gels oder einer Lotion verwendet werden. Unser After Shave Balm hat eine angenehme Konsistenz, welche sich gut in die Haut einarbeiten lässt und schnell einzieht, ohne zu fetten.

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Aber was bringt After Shave eigentlich? Sein Hauptzweck ist sicher seine hautberuhigende Wirkung. Durch seinen Alkoholgehalt wirkt es zudem desinfizierend und kann kleinere Blutungen stillen

    Gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen Rasierwasser und After Shave?

    Unter einem Rasierwasser versteht man ein Produkt, das aus in Wasser und Alkohol gelösten Duftstoffen besteht.

    Das Wort After Shave ist hingegen viel allgemeiner gefasst und beschreibt alle Pflegeprodukte, die nach der Rasur in Frage kommen.

    Das kann ein Rasierwasser sein, jedoch auch ein Gel oder eine Lotion für empfindlichere Haut.

    Many lotions contain additional conditioning agents that provide moisture depending on your skin type or, for example, additional oil for more care.

    Why does After Shave Burn?

    The alcohol in After Shave burns on the skin. The skin is stressed and slightly irritated or even has small cuts after shaving.

    Similar to a cut on your finger, treatment with an alcoholic essence will burn but also provides disinfection and thus prevents inflammation.

    The initially unpleasant burning makes After Shave a challenge for some men.

    How to Use After Shave Correctly

    How do you use After Shave? We explain, step by step, what you need to pay attention to during application:

    1. First, wash your face with cold water after shaving to rinse away any small hairs and shaving foam. Use cold water if possible. It closes the pores and results in smoother skin. However, if you have more sensitive skin, be cautious: some skin types may react with redness to water that is too cold.
    1. Then gently pat your face dry with a clean towel. Please do not rub, as this will cause irritation. Also, use a clean, freshly washed towel to avoid pimples and skin impurities. Do you know our shaving towel?

    2. Then wash your hands thoroughly again to ensure they are clean before proceeding.

    3. Now it’s time for the next step: Take a small amount of After Shave in your hands and spread it with both palms on the shaved areas.

      Don’t use too much; apply it sparingly. Then gently pat the product into the skin with light movements.

    4. Let the skin rest for a while. It will burn for a while before it starts to tingle and a cooling effect sets in.

      Only if you notice that a product burns or hurts uncomfortably or makes your skin even redder should you rinse it off carefully with cold water.

      You might have a product that you are allergic to or react sensitively to. We recommend choosing high-quality products with good ingredients anyway.

    Which After Shave is Best?

    Which After Shave is best for you depends entirely on your skin type.

    • Some need a soothing lotion,

    • others prefer a more oily texture for more care,

    • while some have the best experience with pure shaving water.

    Not least, you also need to like the particular scent.

    Test what works for you or get a professional consultation from a barber.

    As mentioned before, we generally advise choosing high-quality products without parabens or other additives. Your skin will thank you.

      Can You Make After Shave Yourself?

      By the way, you can also make After Shave without alcohol yourself. It’s even easier than you think. A useful basic ingredient is apple cider vinegar.

      It has long been a proven skincare product and contains over 90 vital substances:

      • Vitamins,
      • Trace elements
      • and minerals.

      Apple cider vinegar also has germicidal and healing properties.

      Recipe for Homemade After Shave

      For apple cider vinegar-based After Shave you need:

      • 100 ml apple cider vinegar
      • 60 ml witch hazel
      • A few drops of tea tree oil or lavender oil
      • And a small glass bottle with a funnel opening.

      Pour everything into the bottle and shake it vigorously to mix the ingredients. And your After Shave is ready!

      After Shave Balm from our shop has many good ingredients and soothes your skin. So, you don't have to stress yourself out by mixing your own.

      And for beard care, we recommend the following beard products... Click the button :)


      Which is better: After Shave or Balm?

      After Shave is used to prevent redness after shaving. However, it usually burns quite a bit before the cooling effect sets in.

      For men with sensitive skin and higher pain sensitivity, a balm might be more suitable.

      Is After Shave good for pimples?

      Yes, since the alcohol content in After Shave is generally very high, it acts as a disinfectant. Additionally, it dries out both pimples and the skin, thus killing bacteria.

      The herbal extracts in some After Shaves can additionally soothe the skin.

      Do You Have to Use After Shave?

      Not necessarily: But in our opinion, a good After Shave is essential after shaving and should be part of your beard care routine.

      It’s primarily about skin care and not just the distinctive scent that an After Shave leaves behind.

      Is After Shave Healthy?

      This question cannot be answered universally. Whether an After Shave is healthy depends on the ingredients.

      Unfortunately, there are still many manufacturers who use potentially harmful substances. These can not only lead to allergic reactions but, in the worst case, even damage the liver.


      After Shave is a must-have after every shave. And not only then: You can also use After Shave for beard care.

      After trimming your stubble or every few days, use it purely for care.

      Since the skin under the beard tends to dryness in many men, it doesn’t hurt to give it a dose of care and moisture from time to time.

      As a special care, we also recommend our beard oil with argan and jojoba oil for daily use.

      How do you handle it? After Shave despite beard or not?

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