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Verzichte auf Plastik Unsere Rasierer kommen ohne Plastik aus. Durch den Verzicht von Systemrasierern, die in ihren Klingen viel Plastik verbauen, trägst Du Deinen Teil zum Umweltschutz bei.
What do I need a beard brush for?
The beard brush helps you untangle and shape your beard. In addition, the bristles remove old skin flakes, allow the skin to breathe, and stimulate natural skin production, protecting the beard from drying out.
What material are the bristles made of?The bristles are made of Bionifil, a sustainable, antistatic, and heat-resistant material. The ingredients are 70% castor oil, 10% petroleum, 10% recycled material, and 10% biomass. We have consciously chosen not to use boar bristles, as pigs are often bred under harsh conditions in China, which we do not support. Bionifil bristles have the same properties as wild boar bristles.
How big is the brush?The beard brush is compact, takes up little space in the bathroom, and is perfect for travel. Length: 9 cm, Height: 3.5 cm
For what beard length is the brush suitable?It is suitable for both short and long beards. For long beards, we also recommend using our beard comb.
Where is the beard brush manufactured?The brush is manufactured in a German brush factory located in the heart of the Black Forest.
Als junges Startup und Fan der klassischen Rasur, möchten wir jedem Mann das Barbershopfeeling nach Hause bringen.
Solid Shampoo Sandalwood
Solid Shampoo Aloe Vera
Solid Shampoo Coconut
Solid Shampoo Fresh Mint
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Festive Shampoo Christmas Edition
Festes Shampoo Osteredition
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Solid Shampoo Sandalwood
Solid Shampoo Aloe Vera
Solid Shampoo Coconut
Solid Shampoo Fresh Mint
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Festive Shampoo Christmas Edition
Festes Shampoo Osteredition
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Solid Shampoo Sandalwood
Solid Shampoo Aloe Vera
Solid Shampoo Coconut
Solid Shampoo Fresh Mint
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Festive Shampoo Christmas Edition
Festes Shampoo Osteredition
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze
Solid Shampoo Sea Breeze